Organizational Behavior Final Exam

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a group member who says ____ is performing a maintenance role

"Jonathan, you have been quiet lately. What do you think?"

Tuckman's Stages of Group Development

1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning

Listening Styles

Active: "I'm fully invested." Involved: "I'm partially invested." Passive: "It's not my responsibility to listen." Detached: "I'm uninterested."

Implicit cognition

Automatic, nonconscious mental processes that influence perceptions, judgments, decisions, and reasoning.

Non-verbal communication

Communicating without the use of words.

Lewin's Change Model

1. Unfreezing 2. Changing 3. Refreezing


Judging someone on the basis of one's perception of the group to which that person belongs

Semantic memories

Memories of general knowledge, including facts, rules, concepts, and propositions.


Mental models of the world that we use to guide and interpret our experiences

Group Roles

Orienter, energizer, elaborator, coordinator, recorder, etc.


The receiver's response to a message


a perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas


a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering.


any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message

In Kotter's step of creating the guiding coalition, managers

create a cross-functional, cross-level group of people with enough power to lead the change

Kotter's Eight Steps for Leading Organizational Change

create urgency, form a powerful coalition, create a vision for change, communicate the vision, remove obstacles, create short-term wins, build on the change, and anchor the changes in corporate culture

Which of the following is not an example of a crucial conversation?

inviting a friend to dinner

Leaders increase psychological empowerment by engaging in behaviors that enhance perceptions of

meaningfulness, self-determination, competence, and progress

Elements of effective social media policy

outline consequences for violations, align the policy with the organization's culture, define what is considered illegal, and clarify what is confidential

Impression management

people's efforts to control the impressions that others receive of them

in which stage of the group development process are group members asking, "how can I best perform my role?"


________ change is the most complex, costly, and uncertain of changes.

radically innovative

One's reputation is an example of ________ power.


The primary purpose of _________ behaviors is to enhance employees' skills and to create positive work relationships among coworkers and between the leader and his or her employees.


The three primary reactions people have to attempts to manage or influence them are

resistance, compliance, or commitment

Fred, a department manager, is attending the monthly budget planning meeting, where all the department managers report on their current status. Both before and after his own presentation, he sits forward in his chair and makes eye contact with all the other managers as they present. He asks questions and nods his head after their responses. He is exhibiting the ________ style of listening.


_________ is a stress reduction technique that is expensive because it requires a trained psychologist or counselor.

cognitive restructuring

the ____ is the person who records and talks about group dynamics and processes


which of the following are the three Cs of team players

committed, collaborative, and competent

trust of disclosure is ____ trust


___________ are shared perceptions among members of a team about the intensity of disagreement over either tasks or relationships.

conflict states

Dysfunctional conflict

conflict that hinders group performance

Functional Conflict

conflict that supports the goals of the group and improves its performance

Kelley hypothesized that people make causal attributions by observing

consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency

In influence sharing, the manager adopts the _________ style.


Norah and Katy work together. They are also friends outside of work. Norah and Katy are constantly texting each other. Their supervisor comments that, while this might be fine outside of work, it's inappropriate to constantly text each other in the office. This is an example of

context of interaction

_______ are the statistical measurements of populations and their qualities (such as age, race, gender, or income) over time.


what characteristic is shared by the perceiver and the target

direction of gaze


disease of the mind


displays a cynical view of human nature and condones opportunistic and unethical ways of manipulating people, putting results over principles

an ____ is the person who promotes greater understanding through examples or exploration of implications for a group



evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture.

If a person views a situation as having high consensus, high distinctiveness, and low consistency, he or she is likely to make an attribution of

external causes

Types of communication

face to face (richest), videoconference, teleconference, telephone, texting, and social media

When a leader is encouraging employees to question the status quo and seek innovative and creative solutions to organizational problems, he or she is engaging in

intellectual stimulation

Types of groups

formal and informal

TED protocol for effective presentations

frame your story, plan your delivery, plan your multimedia, develop your stage presence, and put it together

The generation that currently makes up the smallest number of individuals in America is

gen 2020

a _____ is a set of expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole

group role

which of the following is an organizational function of a group

implementing complex decisions

_______ might be any attempt to control or manipulate the images related to a person, organization, or idea.

impression management

The internal dimensions of diversity

include race and gender

Which of the following is not a situation that commonly produces conflict?

individual decision making

________ is putting someone in a good mood prior to making a request.


which three roles are especially important to groups

initiator, orienter, and energizer

Definition of team

small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable

Salient stimuli

something that stands out from its context

Joyce finds that the members of the project team to which she has been promoted are all middle-aged men. Joyce wonders if she, a young new graduate from a local university, will be taken seriously. Joyce is likely to be reacting to a


A ________ outlines an organization's long-term direction and the actions necessary to achieve the planned results.

strategic plan

Organizational change

the adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization

A major drawback of _________ is that "winning the debate" may overshadow the issue at hand, leading to a less than desired conclusion.

the dialectical method

Mutual Adaptation

the process by which firms impact the nature of their overarching industrial environment and adapt their organization in response to evolving contextual factors

Linguistic styles

use of stories, pacing an pausing, word choice, and use of jokes

Leadership traits

vision, communication, trust/integrity, inspiration

Underlying assumptions from the overall models of change

1. Learn and unlearn. The change process involves learning something new, as well as discontinuing or unlearning current attitudes, behaviors, or organizational practices. 2. Motivate or fail. Change will not occur unless there is motivation to change. 3. People make it or break it. People are the key to all organizational changes. 4. Even winners resist. Resistance to change is found even when the goals of change are highly desirable. Reinforce to sustain. Effective change requires reinforcing new behaviors, attitudes, and organizational practices.

The dialectical method

A method that juxtaposes different points of view and seeks to reconcile them


A process through which you send messages to and receive messages from others.

Demographic characteristics

Age, income, education, etc. will affect consumers' media consumption patterns and are important considerations when developing the promotion mix

Authoritarian Leadership

a style of leadership in which the leader tells the employees what needs to be done and how to perform it without getting their advice or ideas.

What form of diversity management is an organization adopting when it assumes that all diverse people will learn to fit in or become like the dominant group?


The ___________ styles are inappropriate when the issue is important to you.

avoiding and obliging

_______ are specific behaviors used to deal with a stressful situation.

coping strategies

____ teams are composed of specialists from different areas


When a leader is resolving disputes, he or she is engaging in ________ behaviors.


Virtual interviews

interviews conducted via videoconferencing or over the web

Five Bases of Power

legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, referent

Which of the following interpersonal traits has research shown to have a negative relationship with leadership effectiveness?


________ conflict is defined as interpersonal opposition based on individual dislike or disagreement.


Jay works for ABC Corporation. He feels quite comfortable expressing his opinions about a wide variety of issues facing the company without fear of reprisal. This reflects ABC's

psychological safety

Carl has asked Martha, who has the office next to him, to watch him practice the presentation he will be giving to his bosses next week. What step of the TED protocol for effective presentations is he in?

put it together



Social loafing

the tendency for people to put less effort into a simple task when working with others on that task

Definition of a group

three or more people who work together interdependently on an agreed-upon activity or goal

Transformational Leadership

transforms employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests

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