OSHA test #3

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Hazard Identification

NFPA Diamond (ranges 0 to 4) *Red=flammability *Blue=health *Yellow=reactivity *White=special information

using fire extinguishers

PASS method *P-ull pin, A-im, S-queeze,S-weep

ergomonics common indicators:

b. methods of identification i. general observation ii. questionnaires and interviews iii. videotaping and photography iv. drawing and sketching v. measuring the work environment vi. challenges from age

examples of electrical hazards

bare wire...equipment that lacks UL label....equipment not properly grounded...working with electricity near water...static-electricity discharge

reducing electrical hazards bonding electrical equipment:

conductir cinnects two pieces of equipment reduces potential electrical diferences between equipment---reduces sparking potentail

medical management' repetitive strain injuries (RSI)

covers the number of CTDs caused by forceful awkward hand movements repeated frequently over time

detection systems flame detectors:

detection of fires at a distance (expensive)


entri of substances through mouth


entry of substances via needle or syringe

reducing electrical hazards 29 CFR 1910 (subpartS)

extracted from national electric code (NEC) 1. design of electrical systems 2. safety-related work practiced


flow of negatively charged particles, called electrons, through an electrically conductive material

Job Safety Analysis Step #2

i. break the job down into steps

System safety failure modes and effects analysis

i. calulate potential failure based on subsystems 1. excellent for determining optimum points for improvig and controlling product quality

job safety analysis Step#3

i. describe the hazards in each step of the task 1.use the information to eliminate and/or reduce hazards associated with the job 2. improve the system weaknesses that produced the hazard

elletrical shock

i. electrical current passing through theh body ii. quantity and path determines level of damage

System Safety predictive: "what if?"

i. identify possibility/probability of loss ii. required by OSHA (process safety regulation)

System safety fault tree analysis

i. identify unacceptable loss and reason back ii. OSHA's explation 1. a quantitative assesment of all the undersirable outcomes, which could result from a specific initiating event 2. it begins with a graphic representaion of all possible sequences of events that could result in an incident 3.the resulting diagramm looks like a tree with many branches- each branch listing the sequential events for different independent paths at the top 4. probabilities areea assigned to each event and then used to calculate the probabilityof occurrence of the undesired event

benefits of egonomics

i. improved health and safety for workers ii. higher morale iii. improved productivity iv. improved competitiveness v. decreased absebteeism/turnover vi. fewer injuries/illness

Harzard Identification:

i. job safety analysis(JSA) 1. throught observations 2. prevent future losses 3. make the job safer ii. system safty analysis 1. predict losses 2. alter potential outcomes

reudcing electrical hazards lightning:

i. lightning rods ii. avoid high places/tall objects iii. proper grounding iv. rubber clothing v. avoid cell /telephone use vi. avoid open windows/doors

Job safety analysis

i. makes all jobs safe and efficient through evaluation ii. evaluate each job step for: 1. hazards 2. efficiency (ergonomic conssideration 3. impact on quality iii. develop solutions for each for each deficiency 1. job hazard analysis(JHA) 2. total job anaysis (TJA) ( when ananlysis is comprehensive and includes more than hazards

system safety conclusion

i. many industries rely on comprehensive use of system safety, including: nuclear power plants, aero-space industry, chemical production facilites

ergomonics training and education:

i. potential riskis of injuries/illnesses ii. causes and symptoms iii. means of prevention iv. treatment

System safety back-up systems:

i. redundant 1. the same as the system it would replace in an emergency 2. example : spare tire, emergency lighting ii. "diverse" 1. supports the overall goals of a system but uses different technology 2. emaples: battery power ti run lights when main power goes out, cellphone when "land-line" fails

reducing electrial hazards types of grounding:

i. separate equipment grounding ii. ground fault circuit interrpter-- detects flow of current to the ground>opens the circuit>and interrupts flow of current

System Safety important concepts:

i. system life cycle ii. preliminary hazard reveiw 1. performed at design stage (matrix-similar to JSA) iii. failure modes and effects analysis 1. calculate potential failure based on subsystems iv. fault tree analysis 1. identify unacceptable loss and reason back

reducing electrical hazards static electricity hazards:

i. transfer charges to surfaces of lower potentail ii.bonding and grounding iii. raising humidity above 65% reduces charge iv. anti-static materials

Job Safety Analysis Step #1

i. watch work being done 1. what are some effective methods for watching work being down ? 2. why is it important to involve the employee?

hazard prevention engineering controls:

i. workstation design ii. design ofwork methods iii. tool design and handles

medical management cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs):

injuries that result from an accumulation of repetitive motion stress

fuses and circuit breakers

interrupt current flow when current is too high for wiring or equipment 1. sustained overload 2. short circuit equipment or wiring

toxic substances permissible exposure limit(PEL)

less conservative than ACGIH

sources of fire hazards classification of vapors: auto-ignition temperature

lowest point at which the vapors of a liquid or solid will self-ignite without a source of ignition

sources of fire hazards classification of vapors: flash point

lowest temperature for a fuel att which vapor concentrations are suffciently produced to flash in a source of ignition *flammables liquids <100F *combustible liquids >100F

sources of fire hazards classification of vapors: fire point

minimum temperature at which vapors will continue to burn, given a source of ignition

fire sprinkler types wet pipe system:

most common, fast response


products of combustion *fire gases *light (flame) *heat *smoke primary cause of loss of life: "inhalation of heated, toxic and Oxygen-deficient gases & smoke" *smoke is the visible sign of fire but it carries invisible poionous gases resulting in lung damage

types of electical hazards

short circuits. water. electrostatic hazards. arcs and sparks. combustible and explosive hazards. lightening hazards. improper wiring. insulation failure. equipment failure.

effects of toxic substances acute

sudden dose of a highly concentrated substance that results in immediate health problems ranging from irritation to death


the science of confirming the workplace and all of its elements to the workers *objective -minimize the physical stress associated with the workplace

The fire tetrahedron

three elements required tp start and sustain fire: 1. oxygen 2. fuel 3. heat 4. chain reaction eliminate 1 leg of the fire tetrahedron to extinguish

fire sprinkler types deluge systems:

used when damage form sprinklers can respond (example: large storage areas for flammable liquids)

fire sprinklers types pre-action:

used when damage from sprinkler water is a concern (alarm sounds when valve opens, before sprinklers activate)

fire sprinkler types dry pipe systems:

used where freezing is a concern

fire sprinklers combination system:

various combinations of pre-action, deluge, dry pipe, and wet pipe

industrial hygienist toxicology:

"the study of the nature and actions of poisons and their effects upon living organisms"

classes of toxic fire gases

* asphyxiants -- deprive the body of needed Oxygen *irritants *toxicants

Fire sprinklers-history

* invented in 1874 by American Henry Parmalee * until 1940s/50s, sprinklers were installed almost exclusively for protection of buildings (ex. warehouses and factories) *following several fires with significant loss life, fire & building offcials found automatic sprinklers had impressive life safety record

classes of fire/extinguishers: IMPORTANT

*Class A fires -"ordinary" combustibles (paper,cardboard) *Class B fires-flammable and combustible liquids and those plastics which melf in a fire *Class C fires-energized electrical equipment *Class D fires-combustible metals *Class K* fires- combustible cooking media-vegetable or animal oil and fats (not in text)


*airborne substances inhaled through nose, throat, bronchial tubes,and lungs *hazards factors: --concentration --duration --breathing volume

toxic fire gases contain:

*carbon dioxide...(PEL 5000 ppm) *Carbon Monoxide...(PEL 50 ppm) *Hydrogen Cyanide...(PEL 10 ppm) *Acrolein...(PEL 0.1 ppm) *in addition to many others....

hazard communication standard requirements

*conduct annul survey of chemical inventory *check hazard labels (english( *verify current MSDSs on hand *ensure written program is in place *conduct periodic HazCom training

effects of toxic substances chronic

*continual exposure over time that results in health problems that developed slowly * conditions --limited concentrations --progressive accumulation --little/no awareness of exposure

methods for extinguishing:

*elimination of fuel ( starvation) *elimination of heat (cooling) -takes away heat, cool colids below ignition temperature, and cools liquids below flash point *elimination of O2 (smothering) -prevents cintact between fuel and O2 *interruption of chain reaction

Suppression systems

*fire extingushers *sprinklers

OSHA fire standards 29 CFR 1910 (SubpartL)

*fire protection *portable fire suppression equipment *fixed fire suppression equipment *other fire protection systems

detection systems heat detectors:

*fixed temperature-detects temperature changes *rate of rise-detects how fast temperature rises

sources of fire hazards: classification of liquids:

*flammable -liguid chemicals which can form an air-vapor mixture that can be ignited at room temperature *combustible-liquid chemocals which must be heated to form an air-vapor mixture capable of being ignited(or solid chemicals which will burn

Hazard Communication standard 29 CFR 190.1200

*identify hazardous materials in workplace *inform employees of these substances *methods: --container labeling --material safety data sheets (MSDS) --training

automatic fire sprinklers are:

*individuallyy heat activated *operate autpmatically in the area of fire origin *most fires can be handled by 1 or 2 sprinklers

toxic substances router of entry

*inhalation *absorption *ingestion *injection

fire sprinklers residential:

*opposed by NAHB *for new construction, system usually costs between $2.00 to $2.50 per square foot (less than the cost of carpeting) *concern for water damage *Fire Depts. use tens to hundreds times more water than a sprinkler system discharges


*passage of substances through skin *hazard factors --part of body --molecular size --degree of ionization --solubility

detection systems smoke detectors:

*photoeletric- smoke disturbs a light beam *ionization-radioactive material makes air conductive and detects when smoke has changed that conductivity

toxic substances factors:

*properties *dose amount amount *exposure level *route of entry *individual resistance

toxic substances exposure levels (ACGIH) --threshold limit values

*researched and updated by ACGIH *based on airborne concentrations of substances --measured air samples averaged over an 8 hour workday *repeater exposures at these levels should not produce adverse effects *ideally, based on studies of human exposure.

fire dangers to humans

*smoke --gases present are toxic to humans ( carbon monoxide --suffocation from oxygen deprivation *burns

sources of fire hazards fuel types:

*solids *liquids *vapors *gases

sources of fire hazards types of solids:

*wood *plastic *textiles *paper

detection systems gas detectors:

--detects low concentration of gases (highly sensitive) *examples: oxygen, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, cyanide, ammonia, etc * CO detectors can detect the presence of a by-product of a fire

thermal circuit breakers

1. heat bends sensitive metal strip 2. thermal circuit breakers


1. metal strip that will melt 2. causes circuit to open at fuse 3. stop flow of current

magnetic circuit breakers

1. solenoid coil surrounds metal strip, connects to tripping device 2. magnetic force of solenoid retracts strip 3. opens circuit

reducing electrial hazards proper wiring:

3 parts: 1. hot wire 2. neutral wire 3. ground wire even if done improperly, equipment may work

electrical harzards to humans

a. current from i. voltage determines danger ii. natural skin resistance determines if current from can be overcome (example. skin moisture) iii. path offlow affects severity

ergomonics common indicators:

a. identifying problems i. apparent trends in accidents ii. incidence of CTDs iii. absenteeism and high turnover rates iv. employee complaints v. employee-generated changess manual material handling

reducing elecrical hazards

a.purpose i. safeguard people ii. reduce probability of fire iii. protect equipment example grounding electrical equipment-provides conducting path betwee equipmenT and earth

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