OT217 (Ch 6) Musculoskeletal

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Write adjectives that describe these structures. 1. wrist 2. skull 3. femur 4. humerus 5. vertebra 6. lower back

1. carpal 2. cranial 3. femoral 4. humeral 5. vertebral 6. lumbar

musculoskeletal disorders.

Orthopedists frequently use models to explain problem areas to patients.

Sterno+clavicular is an adjective that pertains to the clavicle and the _______ .


The Thoracic Cage.

The ribs exist in pairs, 12 on each side of the chest, and are numbered from 1 to 12, beginning with the top rib. The upper seven pairs are joined directly with the sternum by a narrow strip of cartilage and are called "true ribs." The remaining five pairs are referred to as "false ribs" because they do not attach directly to the sternum. The last two pairs of false ribs, the "floating ribs," are attached only on the posterior aspect. thorac/o = chest; -oid = resembling; cost/o = rib; lumb/o = lumbar


a specialized type of dense connective tissue that is elastic but strong and that can withstand considerable pressure or tension. Cartilage forms the major portion of the embryonic skeleton, but generally it is replaced by bone as the embryo matures. Cartilage does remain after birth, however, in the external ear, the nasal septum, the windpipe, between the vertebrae, and as a covering of bone surfaces at the places where they meet.



What are the combining forms for the bones in the appendicular skeleton?

clavicul/o (clavicle), scapul/o (scapula)


pertaining to cartilage.

Rachi/o, spin/o

spine, backbone

Humero+ulnar refers to both the humerus and the ______


From the previous frame, you should now recognize the adjective that means pertaining to the ulna. It is ________


The vertebral column combining forms:

vertebr/o = vertebrae cervic/o = neck thorac/o = thorax (chest) lumb/o = lumbar sacr/o = sacrum coccyg/o = coccyx

Vertebro+costal pertains to a rib and a __________.





(inflammation of a vertebra), which can be thought of as arthritis of the spine.

Envision a person in the anatomic position. Write the names of the following bones in order (superior to inferior 1-6): femur, clavicle, fibula, humerus, tarsus, ulna

1. clavicle 2. humerus 3. ulna 4. femur 5. fibula 6. tarsus




carpals, wrist bones



Humer+al means pertaining to the _____


Paresis is

motor weakness or partial paralysis.



Two bones make up the lower leg. The tibia is larger than the fibula. Tibi+algia is pain of the _________


tibi/o =


suppress =

to inhibit

uric =

uric acid

Vertebral fractures can sometimes be repaired by

vertebro+plasty. In this procedure, a cementlike substance is injected into the body of a fractured vertebra to stabilize and strengthen it and immediately remove pain.

Match the terms _____ 1. compound fracture _____ 2. dislocation ____ 3. simple fracture _____ 4. strain A. bone broken, but does not protrude through skin B. bone broken, and protrudes through opening in skin C. muscle injury caused by excessive use of body part D. displacement of a bone from a joint

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C

Match the word parts in the left column with their meanings in the right column. _____ 1. ankyl/o _____ 2. arthr/o _____ 3. -asthenia _____ 4. chondr/o _____ 5. de- _____ 6. meta- A. cartilage B. change or next in a series C. down, from, or reversing D. joint E. stiff F. weakness

1. E 2. D 3. F 4. A 5. C 6. B

How many bones are in the human body?


A myo+cele is

a condition in which muscle protrudes through its fascial covering. This is also called a fascial hernia.

The thorax is the upper part of the trunk or cage of bone and cartilage containing the principal organs of respiration and circulation and covering part of the abdominal organs. It is formed ventrally by the sternum and costal cartilages and dorsally by the thoracic vertebrae and dorsal parts of the ribs (Figure 6- 7). Locate the elongated flattened sternum. Use the suffix -al (pertaining to) to write a word that means pertaining to the breastbone: ______


Sterno+costal pertains to the ______ and the ribs.



sternum, breastbone





Ligaments are

strong bands of fibrous connective tissue that connect bones or cartilage and serve to support and strengthen joints.

Metabolism is the

sum of all the chemical processes that result in growth. Metabolic disorders result in a loss of homeostasis in the body (e.g., anything that upsets the delicate balance between bone destruction and bone formation)

-centesis =

surgical puncture

Myo+plasty is

surgical repair of muscle.

Teno+myo+plasty is

surgical repair of tendon and muscle.

Joints that have cavities between articulating bones are called:

synovial joints (joints covered with cartilage surrounded by a synovial membrane, synovium). The synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid (resembles egg white), which lubricates the joint and makes it freely movable. The elbow, knee, ankle, shoulder, and hip joints are examples of synovial joints.

Flatfoot, also known as ______, is a relatively common inherited condition characterized by the flattening out of the arch of the foot.


Tendons may become damaged when a person sustains a deep wound and may require surgical repair or


ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o


tendin/o =


ten/o and tend/o


fascia is used the describe:

the fibrous membrane that covers, supports, and separates muscles.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is

the second most common connective tissue disease. It is a chronic, systemic (pertaining to the whole body) disease that often results in joint deformities, particularly of the hands and feet. (Rheumatism is a general term for acute and chronic conditions characterized by inflammation, soreness, and stiffness of muscles and by pain in joints and associated structures.)

Combine these word parts to write terms for the descriptions. 1. spinal arthritis (spondyl/o + arthr/o + -itis) _____ 2. inflammation of more than one joint (poly- + arthr/o + -itis) _____ 3. stiff joint (ankyl/o + -osis) _____ 4. inflammation of a bursa (burs/o + -itis) _____ 5. direct visualization of the interior of a joint (arthr/o + -scopy)

1. spondyloarthritis 2. polyarthritis 3. ankylosis 4. bursitis 5. arthroscopy

Combine the word parts to write terms for these descriptions. 5. malignant tumor containing fibrous tissue (fibr/o + -sarcoma) 6. disease characterized by unrestrained WBC growth (leuk/o + -emia) 7. abnormal loss of bone density and bone deterioration (oste/o + -porosis) 8. abnormal mineralization and softening of bone (oste/o + -malacia)

5. fibrosarcoma 6. leukemia 7. osteoporosis 8. osteomalacia

More than ___ skeletal muscles control movement of the skeletal bone


Write adjectives that describe these structures. 7. pelvis 8. spine 9. rib 10. chest 11. radius 12. ulna

7. pelvic 8. spinal 9. costal 10. thoracic 11. radial 12. ulnar

abdomin/o =


The bones of the thorax are

clavicle, sternum, ribs

femor/o =


Scoliosis is

lateral curvature of the spine. It may be congenital but can be caused by other conditions, such as hip disease.

Each of the lower extremities is composed of the bones of the thigh, leg, patella (kneecap), and foot (Figure 6-11). The femur is the longest and heaviest bone in the body. Femur is the name of the bone of the upper ____


cellul/o =

little cell


little cell or compartment

The combining form lumb/o means the lower back. You may have heard the word lumbago, which is a general term for a dull, aching pain in the lower back. The lumb+ar vertebrae are located in the_____ back and are numbered L1 through L5.


The thoraco+lumbar region refers to the inferior thoracic vertebrae and the superior________ vertebrae as a group.




-plegia =


The vertebral or spinal column, commonly called the backbone, is attached at the base of the skull. It encloses the spinal cord, supports the head, and serves as a place of attachment for the ribs and muscles of the back. Spin/o, rach/i, and rachi/o mean spine. Rachio+dynia and rachi+algia both mean painful ______________________. Inflammation of a vertebra is spondylitis.


Spondyl/o, vetebr/o

spine, backbone

A specific term for softening of the vertebrae is


Sternal punctures are sometimes made with a needle to obtain a sample of bone marrow, the soft material that fills the central cavities of bones. Bone marrow samplings can be examined for abnormal cells. Puncture of the sternum with a needle is called a ________ puncture


Bone marrow

the soft tissue that fills the cavities of the bone. Red marrow functions in the formation of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets.

The combining form thorac/o means the thorax (or chest). As with other vertebrae, the thorac+ic vertebrae are so named because of their location. They are numbered T1 through T12. The thoracic vertebrae are part of the posterior (back) wall of the ___________ cavity.


Match the surgical terms in the left column with their meanings in the right column. _____ 1. closed reduction _____ 2. internal fixation _____ 3. open reduction _____ 4. ostectomy A. excision of a bone B. surgically exposing and aligning a broken bone C. pulling a broken bone into alignment without surgery D. surgery using pins or other materials to immobilize a broken bone

1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A

Match the names of bones in the left column with their common names in the right column ______1. carpals ______2. clavicle ______3. cranium ______4. femur ______5. ilium _____6. ischium A. ankle bones B. bones of the fingers or toes C. breastbone D. collarbone E. pelvic bone F. kneecap G. shoulder blade H. skull I. thigh boneJ. wrist bones

1. J D H I E E

Write the meaning of the term. Prem Kamala, 70 years of age, fell while painting. Radiologic findings show a simple, complete fracture of the left fibula. He is able to move his left ankle and toes, suffers widespread arthralgia, and underwent right knee arthroscopy in 2013. 1. simple, complete fracture 2. fibula 3. arthralgia 4. arthroscopy

1. a fracture in which the bone is broken into two pieces, but does not protrude through the skin 2. the smaller bone of the lower leg 3. joint pain 4. examination of the interior of a joint with an endoscope

Write the correct term in the blanks to complete each sentence. 1. A congenital abnormality characterized by defective closure of the spine is spina ___. 2. Lateral curvature of the spine is ___. 3. A group of inherited diseases characterized by weakness, wasting of muscle, and progressive disability is muscular ___. 4. An inflammatory condition of the joints characterized by pain and limitation of movement is ___.

1. bifida 2. scoliosis 3. dystrophy 4. arthritis

Combine the word parts to write terms for these descriptions. 1. acute inflammation of deep subcutaneous tissues (cellul/o + -itis) 2. infection of bone and bone marrow (oste/o + myel/o + -itis) 3. inflammation of bone and cartilage (oste/o + chondr/o + -itis) 4. malignant tumor composed of cartilage (chondr/o + -sarcoma)

1. cellulitis 2. osteomyelitis 3. osteochondritis 4. chondrosarcoma

Write the combining form(s) and meanings for these new terms. A short definition is provided for each term. 1. Subchondral 2. Vertebrochondral 3. Costochondral (also chondrocostal)

1. chondr/o, cartilage -Beneath cartilage 2. vertebr/o, vertebra; chondr/o, cartilage -Pertaining to a vertebra and its adjacent cartilage 3. cost/o, rib; chondr/o, cartilage -Pertaining to a rib and its cartilage

Write terms for these meanings. 1. excision of a disk__ 2. inhibiting bone marrow activity___________ 3. medications that reduce inflammation____ 4. surgical puncture of a synovial joint____ 5. Surgical repair of muscle

1. diskectomy 2. myelosuppression 3. anti inflammatories 4. arthrocentesis 5. myoplasty

Write words in the blanks to complete the sentences. 1. Fascial means pertaining to _____. 2. Myo+lysis means _____ of muscle. 3. Myo+pathy means any _____ of muscle. 4. Musculo+fascial refers to or consists of _____ and fascia. 5. My+algia is muscle _____.

1. fascia 2. destruction 3. disease 4. muscle 5. pain

Combine the word parts to write terms for these descriptions. 1. replacement of normal tissue by fibrous tissue (my/o + fibr/o + -osis) _____ 2. muscular weakness (my/o + -asthenia) _____ 3. paralysis in the lower limbs and trunk (para- + -plegia) ____ 4. paralysis of arms and legs (quadri- + -plegia) _____ 5. fascial hernia (my/o + -cele)

1. myofibrosis 2. myasthenia 3. paraplegia 4. quadriplegia 5. myocele

1. Leukemias are classified according to the _______. 2. What is used to diagnose leukemia?

1. predominant cell type and the severity of the disease (acute or chronic). 2. Bone marrow studies are used to diagnose leukemia, identify tumors or other disorders of the bone marrow, and determine the extent of myelosuppression, or inhibition of the bone marrow.

Write words associated with functions of the musculoskeletal system; the first letter is provided. 1. protection 2. S __ 3. m __ 4. F __ of blood cells __ 5. bone marrow storage of f __ 6. storage and release of m __

1. protection 2. support 3. movement 4. formation 5. fat 6. minerals

Write the correct term in the blanks to complete each sentence. 5. Degenerative joint disease is also called ___. 6. A chronic, systemic type of arthritis is called ___ arthritis. 7. Painful joint is called either arthralgia or ___. 8. An autoimmune disease that involves connective tissue is lupus ___. 9. A painful inherited form of acute arthritis that involves urate deposits in the joints is ___. 10. A term for excessive uric acid in the blood is ___.

5. osteoarthritis 6. rheumatoid 7. arthrodynia 8. erythematosus 9. gout 10. hyperuricemia

Match the names of bones in the left column with their common names in the right column ______7. patella ______8. phalanges ______9. pubis ______ 10. scapula ______ 11. sternum ______ 12. tarsals A. ankle bones B. bones of the fingers or toes C. breastbone D. collarbone E. pelvic bone F. kneecap G. shoulder blade H. skull I. thigh boneJ. wrist bones

7. F 8. B 9. E 10. G 11. C 12. A

Whats the difference between closed and open reduction?

A fracture is usually restored to its normal position by manipulation without surgery. This is called closed reduction. If a fracture must be exposed by surgery before the broken ends can be aligned, it is an open reduction.

What is 1. Osteotomy 2. Cystectomy 3. Craniotomy 4. Craniectomy 5. Cranioplasty?

Excision of a bone (or a portion of it) is oste+ectomy; this is usually written ostectomy. Excision of a rib is cost+ectomy. Cranio+tomy is incision into the skull; crani+ectomy is excision of a segment of the skull (Figure 6-27). Plastic surgery to repair the skull is cranio+plasty.

What are a major division of the skeleton, and what do these bones form?

The skull, spinal column, breastbone, and ribs are a major division of the skeleton; together these bones form the vertical axis of the body

Multiple myeloma is

a disease characterized by the presence of many tumor masses in the bone and bone marrow. It is usually progressive and generally fatal.

Gout is

a painful metabolic disease that is a form of acute arthritis. It is characterized by inflammation of the joints, especially of those in the foot or knee. It is hereditary and results from hyper+uric+emia and from deposits of urates in and around joints.

Dowager's hump is an

abnormal curvature of the spine from front to back often seen in osteoporosis (caused by multiple fractures of the thoracic vertebrae).

-malacia =

abnormal softening

Ankyl+osis is

an abnormal condition in which a joint is immobile and stiff. Sometimes the whole spine becomes stiffened, a condition called "poker spine" or ankylosed spine.

Cellulitis is what? What is it called if the muscle is involved

an acute, spreading inflammation of the deep subcutaneous tissues. If the muscle is also involved, it is called myocellulitis.

Lupus erythematosus (LE) is

an autoimmune disease that involves connective tissue. The disease is named for the characteristic butterfly rash that appears across the bridge of the nose in some patients

Osteomyelitis is

an infection of the bone and bone marrow and is caused by infectious microorganisms.

tars/o =


Arthropathy refers to

any disease of a joint.

Arthr+itis is

any inflammatory condition of the joints characterized by pain, heat, swelling, redness, and limitation of movement.

brachi/o =


Any surgical reconstruction or replacement of a joint is called


Incision of a joint is


Cartilage or other tissue covers the

articular surfaces of bones.

The place of union between two or more bones is called an ____, or joint



articulation, joint

dys- =


Tendons are

bands of strong fibrous tissue that attach the muscles to the bones. The combining forms ten/o and tend/o mean tendon.

Sub+costal means __________ a rib or the ribs


Sub+sternal indicates a location or position ________ the sternum.


para- =


Inter+vertebral means between two adjoining vertebrae. Cushions of cartilage______ adjoining vertebrae are called intervertebral disks. These layers of cartilage absorb shock.


-emia =


Osteo+myelitis means inflammation of ______________________ and the bone marrow.


The rigid nature of bone gives it the ability to provide shape and support for the body. However, bone also contains living cells and is richly supplied with blood vessels and nerves. The combining form oste/o means bone. Oste+oid means resembling ________.


oste/o =

bone -porosis = thinning of bone

myel/o =

bone marrow



De+calcification is loss of _________ from bone or teeth. (The prefix de- means down, from, or reversing.) Osteomalacia is a consequence of decalcification without replacement of the lost calcium.


The combining form calc/i means calcium. Calcification is the process by which organic tissue becomes hardened by deposits of ______________________. Calcification normally occurs in bones and teeth; however, it is abnormal in soft tissue (e.g., deposition of calcium in the walls of arteries leads to arteriosclerosis).


Sarcomas are

cancers that arise from connective tissue, such as muscle or bone, and in general, terms using the word part -sarcoma name or describe malignant tumors (but there are rare misnomers).

There are three main types of muscle tissue:

cardiac (heart) muscle; smooth (visceral or involuntary) muscle found in the internal organs; and skeletal muscle, which is under conscious or voluntary control.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a complex of symptoms resulting from pressure on the median nerve in the carpal tunnel of the wrist. It causes pain, burning, or tingling in the fingers or hand. This complex of symptoms is called ________ tunnel syndrome.


The wrist, also known as the carpus, consists of eight small bones called the carpals (Figure 6-10). Write a word that means excision of one or more bones of the wrist: ____




chondr/o =


chondr/o =

cartilage -sarcoma = malignant tumor


change or next in a series

pector/o =

chest bi- = two

Leukemias are

chronic or acute diseases of the blood-forming tissues characterized by unrestrained growth of leukocytes and their precursors.

The clavicles attach to the sternum and either the right or left scapula. Clavicul+ar is an adjective that pertains to the ______. Scapul+ar refers to the scapula. The upper arm bones attach to the scapulae.


The coccyx is also the result of the fusion of vertebrae. The combining form coccyg/o means coccyx, or tail bone. This is located at the base of the spinal column and represents four fused coccyg+eal bones (- eal means pertaining to). The coccyx is the result of fusion of four ________ bones.



combining form for bone marrow

Spina bifida is a

congenital abnormality characterized by defective closure of the bones of the spine. It can be so extensive that it allows herniation of the spinal cord, or it might be evident only on radiologic examination.


costal, rib

What are the combining forms for the bones that form the vertical axis of the body (axial skeleton)

crani/o (skull), cost/o (rib), stern/o (breastbone), rachi/o & spin/o (backbone) , spondyl/o & vertebr/o (spinal bones), cervic/o (spinal bones), thorac/o (spinal bones), lumb/o (spinal bones), sacr/o (spinal bones), coccyg/o (spinal bones)


cranium, skull

Arthro+scopy is

direct visualization of the interior of a joint using a special fiberoptic endoscope called an arthro+scope. It requires only a few small incisions. Bits of diseased or damaged cartilage can be removed during this procedure.

A dislocation is the

displacement of a bone from a joint


down, from, or reversing

A strain is

excessive use of a part of the body to the extent that it is injured or trauma to a muscle caused by violent contraction or excessive forcible stretch.

Four common types of joint motion are... now describe them.

extension, flexion, rotation, and circumduction. extension straightens a limb and the opposite movement, flexion, bends a limb. Rotation is the movement of a bone around its own axis, and a circular movement of a limb at the far end is circumduction.

What are the combining forms for the bones in the lower extremities?

femor/o (thigh bone), patell/o (kneecap), fibul/o (lower leg), tibi/o (lower leg), tars/o (ankle bone), calcane/o (heel bone), metatars/o (bones of the feet), phalang/o (bones of the toes)

From the previous frame, you should recognize the adjective that means pertaining to the femur. The word is _______. (This term also means the thigh.)


Ischio+femoral pertains to the ischium and the _________


he distal (far) ends of the metacarpals join with the fingers. Carpo+phalang+eal refers to the wrist and bones of the ______________________. There are two phalanges (singular, phalanx) in the thumb and three phalanges in each of the other four fingers. Phalangitis is inflammation of the bones of the fingers or toes.


Osteo+arthritis, also called degenerative joint disease (DJD), is a

form of arthritis in which one or many joints undergo degenerative changes, particularly loss of articular cartilage. It is a chronic disease involving the bones and joints, especially joints that bear weight, which can also cause loss of spinal flexibility. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and is often classified as a connective tissue disease.

quadri-, & tetra- =


Muscular dystrophy is a

group of inherited diseases characterized by weakness, atrophy (wasting) of muscle without involvement of the nervous system, and progressive disability and loss of strength.

Cranio+cele is a

hernial protrusion of the brain through a defect in the skull. The feet and hands are also subject to congenital defects, such as the presence of extra fingers or toes, or webbing between adjacent digits.

If the disks between the vertebrae become diseased, they sometimes rupture, resulting in a _____ _____, which can press on the spinal cord or on a spinal nerve, causing pain

herniated disk

What are the combining forms for the bones in the upper extremities?

humer/o (upper arm bone), radi/o (forearm), uln/o (forearm), carp/o (wrist bones) metacarp/o (bones of the hand), phalang/o (bones of fingers)

Technically, the arm is the portion of the upper limb of the body between the shoulder and the elbow. The bone of the upper arm is the humerus. Bones of the forearm are the ulna and the radius. The upper extremity is composed of the arm, forearm, and hand. Practice using the word parts you have learned for the bones of the arm and hand. Humero+scapular refers to the ______________________ and the scapula.


Ilio+pubic refers to the ______________________ and the pubis.


ili/o =


Compare simple and compound fractures:

in a simple fracture, the bone is broken but does not puncture the skin surface. In a compound fracture, the broken bone is visible through an opening in the skin.

-itis =


Osteitis is

inflammation of a bone and may be caused by infection, degeneration, or trauma.

Tendin+itis means

inflammation of a tendon and is sometimes called tendonitis.

Osteochondritis is

inflammation of bone and cartilage and tends to attack the bone-forming (ossification) centers of the skeleton.

Rheumatoid spondylitis causes

inflammation of cartilage between the vertebrae and can eventually cause neighboring vertebrae to fuse.

Polyarthritis is

inflammation of more than one joint.

A sprain is

injury to a joint that causes pain and disability, with the severity depending on the degree of injury to ligaments or tendons.

-scope =

instrument used for viewing viscer/o = viscera (internal organs enclosed within a body cavity) in- = not cardi/o = heart

Fracture (fx)

is the breaking of a bone, usually from sudden injury.

Use ischiopubic as a model to write a new term that means pertaining to the ischium and the coccyx: _____


Use iliopubic as a model to write a word that means pertaining to the ischium and the pubis: ______


Ili+ac refers to the ilium, and ischi+al means pertaining to the _______


articul/o =


Patello+femoral refers to the patella, or __________, and the femur.


Exaggerated curvature of the spine from front to back gives rise to a condition called _______, commonly known as humpback or hunchback. It can result from congenital disorders or from certain diseases, but it is also seen in osteoporosis affecting the spine, particularly in postmenopausal women with calcium deficiency. It is thought that ingestion of sufficient calcium (and estrogen therapy after menopause) can help prevent this problem.


Muscle relaxants are prescribed to relieve muscle spasms, such as the spasms that accompany a herniated disk. If bed rest and other treatments do not alleviate the problem, a _____ may be indicated. This is surgical removal of the bony posterior arch of a vertebra to permit surgical access to the disk so that the herniated material can be removed


A fibro+sarcoma is a

malignant tumor containing much fibrous tissue.

-sarcoma =

malignant tumor of connective tissue

Bone marrow is the soft organic material that fills the central cavity of a bone. The combining form for bone marrow is myel/o, which also refers to the spinal cord. It is sometimes difficult to know which meaning is intended. When you see myel/o, you will need to decide if it means spinal cord or bone_________.


A chondro+sarcoma is composed of

masses of cartilage.

Range of motion (ROM) is the

maximum amount of movement that a healthy joint is capable of, and it is measured in degrees of a circle

Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)

may change the course of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, slowing progression of the disease. They tend to be slower acting than NSAIDs and may be prescribed with antiinflammatories.

Osteo+porosis is a

metabolic disease in which reduced bone mass leads to subsequent fractures, most often affecting postmenopausal women, sedentary individuals, and patients receiving long-term steroid therapy. Osteoporosis may cause pain, especially in the lower back, and loss of height; spinal deformities are common

my/o =


Myel+itis means ____ of either the spinal cord or the bone marrow. Myelo+fibr+osis is replacement of bone marrow by fibrous tissue.


The combining form cervic/o means either neck or the cervix of the uterus. In the naming of cervic+al vertebrae, cervical refers to the _________. Figure 6-6 shows the seven cervical vertebrae, C1 through C7.


The metacarpals are located between the carpals and the phalanges. The prefix meta- means change or next in a series. Meta+carpals lie ______________________ to the carpals


The tarsus,* or ankle, has seven bones. Tarsal means pertaining to the tarsus. The calcaneus is the formal name for the heel bone. The meta+tarsals lie ______________________ to the tarsals and also join with the bones of the toes.


non- =


-trophy =


Calcium therapy, vitamin D, and anti-osteoporotics are used to treat


Estrogen therapy, begun soon after the start of menopause, may help in the prevention and treatment of


Both arthralgia and arthrodynia mean

painful joint. Burs+itis is inflammation of a bursa, but does not necessarily include joint inflammation.

Quadri+plegia or tetra+plegia is

paralysis of the arms and legs. (In this term, quadri- refers to all four extremities, both arms and both legs.)

Para+plegia is

paralysis of the lower portion of the body and of both legs. (Disease of the spinal cord, such as a tumor, can also cause paralysis.)

quadriparesis or tetraparesis

partial paralysis in all four extremities.

Para+paresis means

partial paralysis of the lower limbs,

What are the combining forms for the bones in the pelvis?

pelv/i, ili/o, ischi/o, pub/o

The lower vertebrae make up part of the pelvis, the basin-like structure formed by the sacrum, the coccyx, and the pelvic girdle (pelvic bones). The combining form pelv/i means pelvis. Pelv+ic means pertaining to the _______


-ar =

pertaining to



-ptosis =


Pub+ic means pertaining to the ___________




Two hip bones help form the pelvis. Each hip bone consists of three separate bones (ilium, ischium, pubis) in the newborn, but eventually the three bones fuse to form one bone. By covering the right or left half of either Figure 6-9A or B, you are observing a hip bone. Locate the ilium, the ischium, and the _________, which fuse to make up the hip bone.


Use humeral as a model to write an adjective that means pertaining to the radius: _______


Calcium in bone is what color on X-rays?

radiopaque; thus, bones can block x-rays so that they do not reach the image receptor. Bones are represented by light areas on radiographic images.

radi/o =


Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors are also frequently used to

reduce the inflammation of arthritis and are less likely than aspirin or ibuprofen to cause stomach distress and ulcers. Antiarthritics are various forms of therapy that relieve the symptoms of arthritis.

Orthopedic surgeons restore fractures to their normal positions by _____, pulling the broken fragments into alignment.


Ligamentous means

related to or resembling a ligament

Osteo+malacia is a

reversible skeletal disorder characterized by a defect in the mineralization of bone. The most common cause of osteomalacia is a deficiency of vitamin D, which is necessary for proper absorption of calcium.

Costo+vertebral also means pertaining to a ____ and a vertebra. (Not all words can be reversed, as in vertebrocostal and costovertebral, but you will learn to recognize terms in which this can be done.)


Inter+costal means between the _______. Intercostal muscles lie between the ribs and draw ribs together to increase the chest volume when breathing.


The thoracic cage is the bony framework that surrounds the organs and soft tissues of the chest. It consists of the sternum, the ribs, and the vertebrae. Cost+al refers to the costae, or _______. There are 12 pairs of ribs, each one joined to a vertebra posteriorly (at the back). The first seven pairs, called "true ribs," attach directly to the sternum. The other five pairs, referred to as "false ribs," do not attach directly to the sternum


The combining form sacr/o refers to the sacrum, the triangular bone below the lumbar vertebrae. Five sacr+al vertebrae are present at birth, but in the adult, they are fused to form one bone. The sacrum is the result of fusion of five ______ bones.


Bursae are

sacs of fluid located in areas of friction, especially in the joints.

Osteitis deformans (Paget disease) is a

skeletal disease of elderly persons characterized by chronic bone inflammation. This results in the thickening and softening of bones and in the bowing of the long bones.

skelet/o =


The common name for cranium is _________. Cranium usually refers to the skull, but a second meaning of cranium is the specific portion of the skull that encloses and protects the brain. The skull is composed of cranial bones and facial bones. The adult skull is made up of hard bones that serve as protection; however, newborns have soft spots called fontanels, spaces covered by tough membranes between the soft bones of the skull. These accommodate passage through the birth canal and allow for growth of the brain.


crani/o =

skull -cele = herniation

micro- =


Remembering that encephal/o means brain, myelo+encephal+itis means inflammation of the brain and ____ cord.


Remembering that encephal/o means brain, myelo+encephal+itis means inflammation of the brain and ____cord.


The vertebral column is composed of 33 vertebrae. The vertebrae are named and numbered from the top downward (Figure 6-6). These bones enclose and protect the spinal cord, support the head, and serve as a place of attachment for the ribs and the muscles of the back. The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system. It is a cylindrical structure located in the spinal canal, extending from the lower part of the brain to the upper part of the lumbar region. Spinal fluid or cerebro+spin+al (cerebr/o, brain + spin /o, spine) fluid is the clear, colorless liquid that circulates throughout the brain and_______ canal, the cavity within the vertebral column.


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