Pages 31-41 (Bacteria Intro)

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How are bacterial ribsomes different from eukaryotic ribosomes?

Smaller, 70s

Why is it important that bacterial ribosomes are different from eukaryotic ribosomes?

So we can take medication that will harm bacterial ribosomes without harming our ribosomes.

What role do the teichoic acids play in the cell wall?

Specify and Identify

What term refers to bacterial cells that have one or more twists?


What term refers to bacterial cells that are helical in shape like a corkscrew, with a rigid body?


What term refers to bacterial cells that are helical but have a flexible body?


What term refers to a grape-like cluster of round cells?


What did the discovery of endospores lead to?

Sterilization (autoclaves, pressure cookers)

What term refers to a chain of rod-shaped cells?


What term refers to a chain of round cells?


What term refers to the movement of an organism toward or away from a stimulus?


Which antibiotics prevent the protein synthesis of bacterial ribosomes?

Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Streptomycin

What term refers to a group of four round cells?


What is the bacterial chromosome attached to?

The cell membrane

Which group of bacteria lives in acidic, sulfur-rich environments?


Why is the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria prone to breakage?

Thin with small amounts of peptidoglycan

What drugs are effective against the mycoplasmas?

Those that stop protein synthesis by ribosomes (tetracycline, erythromycin, streptomycin)

What is the purpose of pili?

To form a tube between 2 cells for material exchange

What is found in the periplasmic space of gram-negative bacteria?

Toxins and Enzymes

What term refers to bacterial cells that are curved rods?


Who proposed that all cells arise from pre-existing cells?


How are strains of bacteria identified?

With letters, numbers, or names after the species name

Can antiserums be used to identify the presence of a specific microbe?


Can serological testing differentiate among species?


Can serological testing differentiate among strains?


Do bacteria cells have cell membranes/plasma membranes?


Solutions that contain the antibodies of a specific microbe are called ___


A highly organized and firmly attached glycocalyx is called a ____


Bacteria are divided into four divisions based on their ____

cell wall composition

Peptidoglycan consists of a repeating ____ attached to ____ to form a lattice

disachharide, amino acids

While in the endospore state, bacterial cells are said to be ____


Hairlike structures on bacteria that are shorter, straighter, and thinner than flagella are called ____


A filamentous whip-like structure for propulsion is called a _____


The cell wall protects the cell from bursting in ____ solutions, which are the normal habitats of bacteria.


The cell theory states that cells are the smallest ____

living units of life

Hairlike structures on bacteria that are longer than fimbriae and are usually number one to two per cell are called _____


Antibodies are ___ that circulate in the blood and are ___ to the microbe.

proteins, specific

The study of blood serum and immune responses that are evident in the serum is called _____


A loosely attached and less organized glycocalyx is called a ____

slime layer

A collection of cells derived from a single cell is called a ____


The science of describing, naming, and classifying organisms is called ____


NAG and NAM alternate with each other to form _____

the peptidoglycan backbone

What is different about the flagella in bacteria and the flagella in eukaryotes?

-In bacteria, the flagellum rotates -In eukaryotes, it whips

What is a disaccharide?

A double sugar-made of 2 monosaccharides

What are the phosphates in metachromatic granules used for?

ATP synthesis

What happens to the cell when the cell wall cross-bridges fail to form?

Absorbs water and lyzes

What is the purpose of the glycocalyx?

Adherence or Attachment

Which antimicrobial agents destroy the cell membrane of bacterial cells?

Alcohol detergents like bacitracin

What attached amino acid chains to each other?

Amino acid cross-bridges

What term refers to a bacterium with a one or more flagella at each end of the cell?


What is the teichoic acid made up of?

An alcohol and a phosphate group

What are the genes on the plasmids responsible for?

Antibiotic resistance, toxin production

Why do antibiotics not work on mycoplasmas?

Antibiotics work on cell walls which mycoplasmas lack

What term refers to the ability of a microorganism to stimulate the production of antibodies in a host?


Which type of bacterial cells can lysozyme attack?

Any Age

Which domain contains the bacteria that live in diverse, extreme environments?


Which division contains members with a cell wall but lacks peptidoglycan?


Name the four divisions of bacteria.

Archaebacteria, Mycoplasma, Gram +, Gram -

What term refers to flagella that are anchored at one end of the bacterial cell and wrap around the cell to produce a corkscrew movement that is characteristic of spirochetes?

Axial Filament

What term refers to rod-shaped bacterial cells?


Which domain contain the common bacteria including the pathogenic ones?


A population of cells with similar characteristics is a ____ species


What is the name of the book that contains a bacterial classification scheme as well as bacterial descriptions and culture methods?

Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology

Name some thins that endospores allow the bacterial cell to survive.

Boiling water temperatures for several hours, dehydration, radiation, disinfectants, etc.

What can teichoic acids bind to?

Cations (positive ions of stains like gram stain)

What is the name of the complex, semi-rigid structure that is responsible for the cell's shape?

Cell Wall

List four basic prokaryotic cell structures, that is, basic things that all prokaryotic cells have.

Cell or Plasma Membrane, Genetic Material (DNA), Cytoplasm w/ Ribosomes, Cell Wall

What links adjacent rows of sugar to one another?

Chains of amino acids

What term refers to a movement involving chemical stimuli?


What term refers to oval cells?


What term refers to round or sphere-shaped bacterial cells?


Metachromatic granules are a characteristic of which bacterium?

Corynebacterium Diptheria

What provides structural support to the bacterial cell wall?

Cross Bridges

What term refers to the thick, gel-like material inside the cell membrane?


What are the functions of the cell membrane?

DNA replication, cell wall synthesis, energy production

What identification tool uses a series of paired questions about the characteristics of an organism?

Dichotomus Key

What term refers to a pair of rod-shaped cells?


What term refers to a pair or found cells that remain attached after a division?


What term is used in bacterial classification in lieu of phylum?


When are endospores produced?

During unfavorable conditions

Members of the same bacterial species are indistinguishable from ____ and distinguishable from ____

Each other, Members of other species

What term refers to the survival structures produced within some bacterial cells that are highly durable dehydrated cells with thick walls?


What are the functions/characteristics of the capsule?

Enhances bacteria's ability to cause disease, resist phagocytes

Describe the process of germination.

Enzymes break down the extra coat layers around the outside of the spore, water enters, metabolism resumes.

A group of organisms that can interbreed is a ____ species.


Which type of cells are larger, more complex, have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles?


About how many fimbriae are found on bacterial cells and what is their purpose?

Few to hundreds

By which process does a bacterial cell return to the vegetative state?


What term means sugar coat and refers to the gelatinous coating secreted by some bacteria?


Which division contains members with a thin peptidoglycan cell wall?

Gram Negative

Which type of bacteria have a thin cell wall with a gap between it and the cell membrane?

Gram Negative

Which division contains members with a thick peptidoglycan cell wall?

Gram Positive

Which type of bacteria contain cell walls with teichoic acid?

Gram Positive

Which type of bacteria have a thick cell wall that is closely attached to the cell membrane?

Gram Positive

Which infections are generally more serious: gram-negative or gram-positive?

Gram negative

Which group of bacteria lives in salty environments?


Who first used the term cell to describe microscopic empty boxes that he observed in cork?


What term refers to the storage deposits in the cytoplasm of bacterial cells that serve as a basis for identification?


Is the cell membrane located inside or outside the cell wall?


What makes up this outer membrane and why is it beneficial?

LPS that acts as endotoxins, causing fever and shock.

What surrounds the thin layers of peptidoglycan in gram-negative bacteria?

LPS-lipopolysaccharide membrane

What is the name of the scheme that is used to group similar organisms into narrow specific groups and then arranges those groups into broader, more inclusive groups?


Which inclusions store fat and are detected with Sudan dyes?


What term refers to a bacterium with two or more flagella at one of the cell?


What is an antibacterial enzyme that is found in tears and works to break the bonds between the sugars of the cell wall?


Which inclusions are large, stain red with certain blue dyes, and store phosphates?

Metachromatic granules

Name some inclusions of bacterial cells.

Metachromatic granules, polysaccharides, lipids

Which group of bacteria lives in stagnant swamps and mammal intestines?


What are more abundant: Pleomorphic or Monomorphic bacteria?


What term refers to bacteria that can have only one shape?


what term refers to a bacterium with one flagellum at one end of the cell?


Name five characteristics that are used to identify and classify bacteria.

Morphology, Biochemistry/Physiology, Serology, Phage Typing, DNA

Name a specific mycoplasma and the disease it causes.

Mycoplasma pneumonia -PAP (primary atypical pneumonia-walking pneumonia)

Which group of bacteria are the smallest known bacteria that can grow and reproduce outside a living host cell?


Which group of bacteria have sterols in their plasma membranes?


Which type of bacteria do not have cell walls at all?


Which division contains members that lack a cell wall?


Name the two monosaccharides that made up the disaccharide found in peptidoglycan?


What is the purpose of taxonomy?

Naming, classifying, organizing organisms.

What is the charge of teichoic acids?


What is the charge on this outer membrane and why is it beneficial?

Negative, avoids phagocytes, antibiotics, and enzymes.

Are all cells in pure cultures identical to each other?


Are teichoic acids found in gram-negative bacteria?


Are the genes found on the plasmids necessary for the survival of the bacterial cell?


Are endospores a method of reproduction? Why or why not?

No. 1 cell becomes one spore which becomes 1 cell, there is not an increase in the number of cells

What is the bacterial chromosome referred to as and why?

Nucleoid or nuclear area; no membrane

Describe a bacterial chromosome.

One long circle of DNA attached to the cell membrane at one place.

Name some biochemical and physiological conditions of bacteria.

Oxygen requirements, temperature & pH requirements, enzymes, carbon source, fermentation characteristics (gas & acid productions)

What prevents the formation of cross-bridges in the cell walls of growing new bacteria?


What is a unique component of the bacterial cell wall?


What is the name of the space or gap between the thin cell wall and the cell membrane of gram-negative bacteria?

Periplasmic space or gap

What term refers to a bacterium with flagella distributed all over the entire cell?


What term refers to a movement involving light stimuli?


Name some other types of cells that contain cell walls.

Plants, Fungi, Algae

What term refers to the small circle of DNA found in the cytoplasm of some bacteria?


What term refers to bacteria that can have more than one shape?


Which inclusions consist of glycogen and starch and are detected with iodine?


What can be used to kill endospores?

Pressurized steam: 112 Degrees for 15 minutes.

Which type of cells are bacteria cells?


Which type of cells are smaller, less complex, lack a nucleus, and lack membrane organelles?


What is the significance or role of sterols?

Protect against lysis.

What is the function of the slime layer?

Protects against water loss

What is the role of the ribosomes?

Protein synthesis

What term refers to the dense granules in the cytoplasm that are made up of protein and RNA?


What term refers to a group of eight round cells?


Who proposed that all plants are made up of cells?


Who proposed that all animals are made up of cell?


Name some morphological characteristics of bacteria?

Shape, cell wall composition, flagella arrangement

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