PED101 "Get Fit Stay Well" Ch. 3 HW & QUIZ

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People who stop exercising lose fitness gains at the same rate as they gained them.


The cardiorespiratory system is made up of the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system.


To prevent dehydration, it is recommended that you start drinking fluid approximately 30 minutes after beginning an activity.


Veins carry blood away from the heart.


When checking your pulse during exercise, you should measure your heart rate for 30 seconds.


The two major types of blood vessels are

arteries and veins.

A subjective assessment of exercise intensity is

perceived exertion.

Anaerobic Energy System

-200-meter dash -100-meter freestyle

Asher wishes to apply the FITT principles to create a cardiorespiratory fitness program. He first must determine the frequency of his workouts. Asher learns that the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends spending __________ days per week on cardiorespiratory conditioning. He understands that the intensity level he chooses will also affect the number of days per week he will work out. Asher is currently not very fit and does not like to work out at high-intensity levels, so he chooses to work out at moderate-intensity levels. According to the ACSM, lower-intensity levels require workout frequency to be more than 3 days per week with __________ days per week recommended. Asher determines that he will measure his workout intensity by counting the number of heart __________ for 10 seconds and then multiply by six to convert to the number of beats per minute to determine his __________.Using the ACSM's training guidelines, Asher reads that moderate intensity indicates that his heart rate range should be at __________ of his heart rate maximum. He also understands that if he uses the talk test to measure his moderate intensity level, he should be able to speak in brief __________ and words. Asher decides that for optimal cardiorespiratory conditioning at moderate intensity his exercise time should be __________ minutes in duration. After determining the exercise frequency, intensity, and time, Asher is now left to determine exercise __________.Through reading, he learns that for optimal motivation, training improvements, and __________, he should choose activities that he __________.

-3 to 5 -5 -beats -heart rate -64 to 75% -maximum -sentences -30 to 60 -type -injury prevention -enjoys

Light intensity > Anaerobic intensity

-Andrew assesses his intensity to be 10 on the Borg RPE. -Desiree can talk in brief sentences and words. -Brandon assesses his intensity to be 7 on the OMNI scale. -Savannah assesses her HRmax to be at 95%. -Xavier assesses his HRR to be at 90%.

Increases Following Cardiorespiratory Training

-heart maximal stroke volume -muscle blood flow -fat as energy source in exercise -VO2 max -HDL cholesterol -total blood volume

Aerobic Energy System

-moving a large lawn -40 minute jog -20 minute step class

Decreases Following Cardiorespiratory Training

-resting heart rate -blood pressure -glucose as energy source in exercise -blood triglycerides -fatigue in respiratory muscles

Immediate Energy System

-running up one flight of stairs -50-meter dash -shooting free throws

Which of the following HIIT protocols should Matt start with, considering he's at a beginning exercise level and hasn't tried HIIT before?

30 seconds of jumping jacks, 90 seconds of walking in place, 30 seconds of jumping rope, 90 seconds of walking in place

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a target heart rate range of ________ of HRmax.


__________ is the amount of pressure that blood exerts on the vessel walls.

Blood pressure

__________ refers to ability of heart, blood vessels, and lungs to supply oxygen and nutrients to large muscle groups in order to maintain physical activity.

Cardiorespiratory fitness

What mistake, if any, did Matt make in leading the group through this HIIT cardiorespiratory workout session?

Matt forgot to lead the group in a warm-up phase before starting the workout to prepare everyone for the vigorous exercise intensity to come.

Cardiac output increases with training.


Heart rate reserve is the difference between your resting heart rate and maximum heart rate.


It is easier to maintain cardiorespiratory fitness with shorter but more intense workouts.


Studies have shown that exercise can reduce the symptoms of depression.


Tendonitis is a form of overuse injury.


The best time to shop for new exercise shoes is after a workout or at the end of the day, when your feet are at their biggest.


The cellular form of energy is known as

adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

The pressure that blood exerts on the walls of your blood vessels is known as

blood pressure.

The __________ is responsible for delivering oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other substances to body tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes.

cardiovascular system

When the ventricles are relaxing, the heart is in __________.


Which of the following would be considered indoor cardio workout equipment?

elliptical machine

The number of times the heart beats per minute is known as __________.

heart rate

Aerobic exercise training has been shown to

increase plasma.

A group of obesity-related risk factors associated with heart disease and type 2 diabetes is known as

metabolic syndrome.

Remains the Same Following Cardiorespiratory Training


The upper respiratory tract is made up of the

pharynx, larynx, and trachea.

Inflammation of the fascia on the underside of the foot is known as

plantar fasciitis.

The fluid portion of blood is which of the following?


Blood circulation from the right side of the heart to the lungs and back to the heart is known as __________.

pulmonary circulation

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called


The organ system that exchanges gases (carbon dioxide and oxygen) between the lungs and the air is the __________.

respiratory system

SMART goals are

specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-oriented.

Damage to muscle or tendon fibers due to injury or overtraining is known as


Which of the following increases as the result of cardiorespiratory training?

stroke volume

Blood circulation from the left side of the heart to body tissues and back to the heart is known as __________.

systematic circulation

The left ventricle pumps blood to the

systemic circulation.

During __________, the ventricles of the heart are contracting.


Air entering the body through the nose travels first through the ________ and then through the ________ before entering the lungs.

upper respiratory tract; lower respiratory tract

The upper respiratory passages

warm, humidify, and filter the air.

When developing a training program for cardiorespiratory fitness, your intensity of exercise should be determined by

your target heart rate.

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