PGS 101

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A) Descriptive methods are not as valued as experimental methods; B) Experimental methods are not as valued as descriptive methods; C) Methods are only as useful as they apply to the question being asked; D) Psychology is a product of common sense and introspection.


According to ancient Greek civilizations, what is psychology? Lecture


How do neurons communicate? Lecture


Lecture/Methods A) Ice cream causes cramps which can be life threatening; B) Ice cream sales increase when drownings occur arguably to console misery; C) The two are not related at all; D) The two are related via heat.


What is research replication and why do it? Text


What is the difference between the mean, median and mode? Text


your three best exams only;


What are the differences between Broca's and Wernicke's aphasiacs? Lecture

A) they did not have random assignment; B) they did not have a representative sample; C) they did not have a valid questionnaire; D) they did not demonstrate reliability.

What is an agonist/antagonist and how do they work? Lecture

Agonist- keep the reaction going antagonist-stop the reaction going (ex antagonist can stop the pain)

What do we know about Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and neurotransmitters? Lecture

Alzheimer - schizophrenia-have ex dopamine or lack neurotransmitters (page 75)(he like to test drugs and what effect)

In order to measure either a physical or mental construct, what criteria must the measure meet? Lecture

Consistent measurement

Know all of the research methods discussed in class along with their strengths and weaknesses. Lecture

Descriptive-naturalistic observation--- observe in natural environment -case studies -archive-tons of info-- -survey -wide range but many people have the unreal answer -psychological test Ecperimental -lab— -field --You cant reproduce the same behavior

What does it mean to be debriefed? Text

Ex: give you the different reason for certain study... and tell you the trues after

What is the placebo effect? Text

Ex: just give people some juice and tell them it will make them drug... and they will most likely act drunk

Explain what a correlation is and its mathematical representation. Text & Lecture

Ex: something cause other things to happen...A cause B...ex: not study cause bad grade... Mathematical representation---positive +1 no correlation0 negative correlation -1 as the research close to 0, that means it have no correlation

Know all of your brain lobes, their location and their responsibilities. Text & Lecture

Frontal lobe-judgment ,logical occipital lobe-vision parietal- touch sensor temporal lobe- hearing

What is an independent and dependent variable? Text & Lecture

Independent-music they listen to dependent- how many world they memorize (amount that been measure)

What is a refractory period? Text

Period amount of time to recharge and refire

What does it mean to be randomly assigned? Text & Lecture

Randomly select object or.... It can generalize the whole population that represent ch2

Know our policies described on our syllabus well. Lecture

Read the syllabus---email-only can email through asu email acc if you have research question ask PGS masters... 4 test out the top3 the extra credit have to be hand written

What's the relationship between ice cream sales and pool drownings? Lecture

Relation between this too si summer. Cause more sale in ice cream, the more people go swim and more people drowning. A- ice cream b-PD C heat c cause A and B so more B=moreA

What were the Greek philosophers interested in discovering? Lecture

Relativity of truth-the prime element

Know all of the various schools of psychology and their arguments—Structuralists, Functionalists, Behaviorists, etc. Lecture

Structuralism- need name v...... first school in German-take what you have experience and break down-(ex what make you anger) Functionalism-......James - ex(why people drop out school...) stall-study the whole not parts of the brain he study dreams...hypnoses .. john Watson-more about behavior and something that can measure skinner-rewards and punishment <- everything you do connect to it

Why study animals? Text

You cant do things to human but you can do it to animals—they have the need to be rewarded ---there are guide line to study on animal

Why is drug withdrawal a painful experience for addicts (hint: What are the brains' natural opiates called)? Text & Lecture

Your brain stop produce dopamine... because the drug give too much... and when you stop taking them.. there are no dopamine left

The case study is a research method in which

a single individual is studied in great depth.

Alzheimer's disease is most closely linked to the loss of neurons that produce:


A drug that mimics the effects of a particular neurotransmitter or blocks its reuptake is called a(n):


To demonstrate that brain stimulation can make a rat violently aggressive, a neuroscientist should electrically stimulate the rat's:


29. An extensive survey revealed that children with relatively high self-esteem tend to picture God as kind and loving, whereas those with lower self-esteem tend to perceive God as angry. The researchers concluded that the children's self-esteem had apparently influenced their views of God. This conclusion best illustrates the danger of

assuming that correlation proves causation.

The benefits of brain plasticity are most clearly demonstrated in:

children who have had a cerebral hemisphere surgically removed.

An undersupply of serotonin is most closely linked to:


The ovaries in females and the testes in males are part of the:

endocrine system.

The most accurate way of assessing the impact of breast milk feedings on the intellectual development of children is by means of:


The American Psychological Association and British Psychological Society have developed ethical principles urging investigators to:

explain the research to the participants after the study has been completed.

In order to assess the influence of self-esteem on interpersonal attraction, researchers either insulted or complimented college students about their physical appearance just before they went on a blind date. In this research, the dependent variable consisted of:

interpersonal attraction.

Research on neurotransmitters indicates that:

neurotransmitters can inhibit neural impulse transmission

The placebo effect best illustrates the effect of ________ on feelings and behaviors.

positive expectations

With regard to the process of neural transmission, a refractory period refers to a time interval in which:

positively charged atoms are pumped back outside a neural membrane.

17. Which procedure helps to ensure that the participants in a survey are representative of a larger population?

random sampling

What comprises the limbic systempg77, endocrine systempg83, sympathetic nervous systempg71, peripheral nervous systempg71 & central nervous systempg72. Text

sympathetic nervous system—kick in when there are emergency ex-send all the blood into your hand your feet peripheral nervous system- not brain and spinal cord

If psychologists discovered that intelligent parents have smarter children than unintelligent parents, this would demonstrate that:

the intelligence of parents and children is positively correlated.

Being randomly assigned to the experimental condition in a research project involves being

to that condition by chance.

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