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Anxiety, depression, and exhaustion

A nurse makes the suggestion that the 2-week shift rotations should be set up so that the next rotation in shifts is later rather than earlier. Which of the following is the nurse attempting to prevent through this suggestion? a. Anxiety, depression, and exhaustion b. Family turmoil c. Physical illnesses d. Sleeping disorders

Outcome identification

When meeting with a client and family, the home health nurse says, "We have discussed your health problems and limitations. Now tell me what level of health and function you hope to achieve." In which of the following phases of the nursing process is the nurse engaging? a. Assessment b. Diagnosis c. Outcome identification d. Planning

A person who has a high-cost chronic disease

Which of the following Medicaid clients would most likely receive case management? a. An elderly person b. A person receiving rehabilitation following an injury c. A person who has a high-cost chronic disease d. A person with acute illness


A case manager advocates for a client by helping an insurer understand the client's needs and desires and by helping the client understand programs and benefits offered by the insurer. What role is the nurse? a. arbitrator b. systems allocator c. mediator d. negotiator

Educating a group regarding community services that are available if ever needed

A case manager implements a primary prevention activity. Which of the following actions would the nurse most likely complete? a. Advocating for the client whose values conflict with those of the medical service provider b. Collaborating between nursing and occupational health personnel c. Educating a group regarding community services that are available if ever needed d. Resolving conflict between a primary-care clinic and a tertiary health care facility

"You are receiving appropriate care for your diabetes without serious side effects, so a life care plan isn't really appropriate."

A client spends a great deal of his time on the Internet or reading articles related to diabetes and its long-term effects. One day the client asks why the nurse has not suggested a life care plan. Which of the following would be the best response by the nurse? a. "Life care plans are only for young persons who are newly diagnosed." b. "Life care plans are primarily used to determine long-term financial needs for legal reasons." c. "You are receiving appropriate care for your diabetes without serious side effects, so a life care plan isn't really appropriate." d. "I was waiting for you to express interest in having a life care plan."

Continue to assess for shock and stress

A disaster has occurred in the community. Which of the following actions should be taken by the school nurse? a. Continue activities as much as possible as if nothing had happened b. Continue to assess for shock and stress c. Help teachers discuss the disaster with their class d. Maintain school routines and activities

Healthy People 2020 goals and objectives

A faith community nurse is partnering with a local public health department to develop programs for primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention activities. Which of the following should be used as the primary guide for development? a. Contemporary articles in nursing journals b. Evidence-based practice guidelines for treatment of disease c. Healthy People 2020 goals and objectives d. Preferences of partners who are funding the programs

Providing comfort measures before death

A family member asks a home health nurse to explain the concept of hospice care. Which of the following would the nurse need to include as the fundamental underlying philosophy of hospice? a. Enabling the client to die at home b. Ensuring that the client's living will is upheld c. Placing experts in the position of power of attorney d. Providing comfort measures before death

"The family had some issues they wanted to discuss in confidence, which I will keep in confidence."

A family shared their concerns, including sexual issues, in strictest confidence with a faith community nurse. When the nurse returned to the church office, the pastor asked why the family wanted to see her. Which of the following statements would be the best response by the nurse? a. "Because you are my supervisor, I will summarize what was said for you." b. "I will include that information in my report to our church's wellness committee." c. "They just wanted me to assess their health needs and make some suggestions." d. "The family had some issues they wanted to discuss in confidence, which I will keep in confidence."

Report the findings to child protective services.

A father confides to the parish nurse that his wife has been hurting their 3-year-old daughter. The nurse examines the daughter and finds evidence of physical abuse. In the parish nurse role, which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. Contact the pastor for guidance in handling this situation. b. Recommend that the family be removed from the faith community. c. Refer the family to pastoral services for counseling. d. Report the findings to child protective services.

Base the program on the audience's development and maturity.

A group of nursing students are scheduled to present a program on healthy hearts to various community groups, with a daycare center being the first location. What of the following advice should be given to them by their instructor? a. Base the program on the audience's development and maturity. b. Bring (borrow if necessary) a model of the heart to help explain its functioning. c. Focus on entertaining the learners. d. Have lots of handouts to reinforce the lesson.

"Because I work for and within the church, I am immune from civil laws."

A group of parish nurses affiliated with a number of faith-based communities located in different regions across the state are attending a quarterly meeting. Which of the following statements made by one of them indicates a lack of understanding of parish nursing? a. "I always make sure to have new clients sign a release of information form to obtain their health record from their previous parish nurse" b. "Because I work for and within the church, I am immune from civil laws." c. "The pastor and I work together for the spiritual health of the community." d. "Yes, I am happy to pray with my clients and help them worship."


A home health nurse asks a client with arthritis to attend a demonstration in which an assistive device is used to put on shoes. Which phase of the nursing process is the nurse's current focus? a. Outcome identification b. Planning c. Implementation d. evaluation

Teach the client to participate in self-care activities.

A home health nurse is caring for a client who has right-sided paresis secondary to a stroke. Which of the following would be the best approach for the nurse to take? a. Arrange for private duty nurses to assist the client with daily needs. b. Assist the client with activities of daily living. c. Teach the client to participate in self-care activities. d. Teach the family how to care for the client.

To be effective, the home health nurse must earn the family's trust and work in partnership with them.

A hospital nurse wants to know why home health nurses often take more time with assessment than nurses do in the hospital. Which of the following is the best explanation for this? a. Home care assessment includes not only the client but the supplies and equipment the family may have available for use. b. The home environment is less organized and equipped for the nurse's use. c. Family members must also be assessed for possible problems that could interfere with the primary client's recovery. d. To be effective, the home health nurse must earn the family's trust and work in partnership with them.

Transitional care

A new client has just been released from the hospital after intensive treatment for multiple injuries following a motorcycle accident. Which of the following types of care will he most likely receive? a. Home-based primary care b. Population-focused home care c. Proprietary home care d. Transitional care

Performance appraisal

A nurse completes a self-assessment of performance as part of the home health nurse's annual evaluation. Which of the following terms best describes this activity? a. Collaboration b. Quality of care c. Performance appraisal d. Resource utilization

Home health nursing

A nurse has just received word that Medicaid will reimburse for care provided to a homeless man with schizophrenia who is afraid to come to the clinic to receive health care. Which of the following best describes this type of nursing? a. Community-oriented nursing b. Home health nursing c. Hospice nursing d. Private duty nursing

Assuring the client that his wishes will be supported

A nurse is completing a case management advocacy activity which corresponds to the implementation phase of the nursing process. Which of the following activities would the nurse most likely use? a. Asking the client what is most important b. Seeking appropriate referrals for the client c. Assuring the client that his wishes will be supported d. Determining the order in which actions will occur

"Where do you work and what do you do there?"

A nurse is completing a health history on a client during a routine physical exam. Which of the following questions, which is often omitted, should be asked by the nurse? a. "How is your family doing?" b. "What problems have you been having?" c. "What health concerns do you have today?" d. "Where do you work and what do you do there?"

Baccalaureate education including community health nursing experience

A nurse is considering accepting the parish nursing position within his congregation. Which of the following educational preparation is crucial for the nurse to have received? a. Baccalaureate education including community health nursing experience b. Graduate education in community health nursing c. Passing the national certifying exam for parish health nursing d. Worship experiences for the process of ministry

"Where were you previously employed and what did you do there?"

A nurse is interviewing a person who has stated on her entry health form that she is retired. Which of the following is the most crucial question for the nurse to ask? a. "Have you had any problems since leaving your employment?" b. "How do you spend your time now?" c. "What has retirement been like for you?" d. "Where were you previously employed and what did you do there?"

Case management plans should be individualized for each client.

A nurse is using a case management plan to maximize patient care outcomes. Which of the following describes an important consideration that should be made by the nurse? a. Case management plans should be used only by nurses to manage care. b. Case management plans should be individualized for each client. c. Case managements plans provide additional expense to the client and family. d. Case management plans focus on the natural progression of the disease.

Diagnosis phase

A nurse is using the problem identification phase of the case management process. To which of the following phases of the nursing process does this correspond? a. Assessment phase b. Diagnosis phase c. Planning phase d. Implementation phase

This data will help identify patterns in the risk factors associated with a particular subgroup.

A nurse keeps ongoing documentation of all the clients seen at the community health clinic. The nurse enters the demographic data and the primary diagnoses into the computer to have a comprehensive perspective of the clinic's clients. Which of the following best explains why the nurse is collecting this data? a. This data will be useful in a research study the nurse is conducting. b. This data will provide evidence of clinic resources being wasted on minor health problems. c. This data will help identify patterns in the risk factors associated with a particular subgroup. d. This data can be used to show trends that can be included in the next grant proposal for further funding.

The nurse still provides direct care for the client; however, interdisciplinary collaboration is necessary to prevent fragmentation of care.

A nurse orienting to the home health role states, "I don't understand why we have to collaborate with so many other disciplines; this conflicts with the concept of nurses providing all direct care to the client in the home?" Which of the following would be the best response? a. The nurse still provides direct care for the client; however, interdisciplinary collaboration is necessary to prevent fragmentation of care. b. Direct nursing care is a concept applied to care in tertiary facilities, such as hospitals, where materials are centrally located in one facility. In home health, this is not possible. c. Even though home health nursing does not provide as much direct care as other nursing specialties in the community, each discipline contributes to client needs from its special knowledge base. d. Yes, it does create conflict, but Medicare mandates interdisciplinary collaboration.

Critical pathway

A nurse reviews with the client what the client can expect during the next 3 days, as well as how the client should expect to feel each of those days. The client laughs and says, "You've got my care all mapped out." Which of the following tools is the nurse using to determine what will happen when? a. Care planning b. Critical pathway c. Demand management d. Use management

Each sick nurse

A nurse who works for a hospital in employee health notes that several nurses from one unit have missed work after contracting a communicable disease from a patient. Which of the following best describes the host factor? a. Each sick nurse b. The communicable disease c. The hospital d. The patient

Educate students about injury prevention measures.

A nurse would like to implement a primary prevention effort to decrease the leading cause of death among children and teenagers. Which of the following actions would the nurse most likely take? a. Educate students about injury prevention measures. b. Provide free condoms to sexually active students. c. Screen for signs and symptoms of cancer. d. Invite a guest speaker to talk about living with HIV.

Congregation-based model

A nurse would like to maximize her autonomy in her parish nursing practice. Which of the following models would most likely be preferred by the nurse? a. Congregation-based model b. Institution-based model c. Teamwork model d. Partnership model

To expand the goal so that different solutions can be generated and considered

A nurse, client, family, and other care providers meet to discuss what will be the best approach to use to continue care. Which of the following best describes why the nurse suggests changing the goal from obtaining appropriate long-term care placement to ensuring that the client's recovery is beneficial and safe? a. To consider all possible consequences of long-term care placement b. To encourage the group to review the client outcomes in the different settings c. To expand the goal so that different solutions can be generated and considered d. To help the group focus on the critical aspects the client's family considered most important

Establishing a wellness committee to assist in the evaluation process

A parish nurse is evaluating health programs that provide holistic care across the life span. Which of the following methods would be the most appropriate approach? a. Bringing families together to plan programs to meet the needs of individuals b. Establishing a wellness committee to assist in the evaluation process c. Matching financial resources with program objectives and goals d. Revisiting assessment data to be certain that planning reflects actual problems observed

Partnering with youth camp cooks to ensure that food is nutritious

A parish nurse is implementing a primary prevention measure related to obesity among the school-age members of the church. Which of the following activities is most likely being used by the nurse? a. Establishing a walking program that is sufficiently challenging yet not too strenuous for those who are obese b. Partnering with youth camp cooks to ensure that food is nutritious c. Supervising height and weight measurements taken by clinic assistants d. Working with parents of obese children to implement family lifestyle changes

Partnering with outlying health care centers for coordinating optimal care

A parish nurse is using the institution-based model to plan care for a client with a chronic illness. Which of the following activities would the nurse most likely implement? a. Bringing in family members to work with the client and nurse in decision making b. Partnering with outlying health care centers for coordinating optimal care c. Pulling from the collective strengths of faith-based community members for social support for the client d. Relying on congregational prayer as a component of healing

Coordinator of volunteers

A parish nurse organizes the annual health fair for the congregation, inviting community agencies to attend the event and display the health resources that are available in the community. What function of the parish nurse is being demonstrated? a. Health advocate b. Referral agent c. Health educator d. Coordinator of volunteers

Call in another nurse to care for this client.

A pregnant teen asks the school nurse to provide information on abortion and a list of health care providers who offer such services. If the school nurse has very strong personal beliefs against abortion, which of the following actions should be taken by the nurse? a. Call in another nurse to care for this client. b. Explain, from the nurse's perspective, all the reasons that abortion should be made illegal. c. Offer the student a combination of oral contraceptives to induce spontaneous abortion. d. Provide information on alternatives to abortion and give the client information on adoption agencies.


A school health nurse is requested by the board of education to assist in choosing new playground equipment for an elementary school that meets safety standards. Which of the following best describes the nurse's role in this scenario? a. Case manager b. Consultant c. Counselor d. Health educator

Tertiary prevention

A school nurse has developed a special class for pregnant teens to teach them everything from anticipated body changes to methods for managing common pregnancy-associated problems. The classes also allow the nurse to be in close frequent contact with the students to monitor their health status. Which of the following levels of prevention is being used by the nurse? a. Primary prevention b. Secondary prevention c. Tertiary prevention d. Both primary and secondary prevention

A current drug reference should be available in case information is needed

A school nurse is administering medications at the school. Which of the following guidelines should be followed? a. A current drug reference should be available in case information is needed b. The nurse should administer medications brought in from home by the child in a plastic bag c. Medications cannot be administered without a physician order d. Narcotics and controlled substances should be kept in a locked cabinet


A school nurse is demonstrating the use of a peak flow meter to help children with chronic asthma recognize when they need to use a rescue inhaler. Which of the following levels of prevention is being used by the nurse? a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Both primary and secondary

Notify the legal authorities.

A school nurse listens as one student talks about another student being upset because his father frequently spanks him with a leather belt that leaves big marks on the student's back. But the student begs the nurse not to tell anyone because he promised the friend that the information would never be shared. Which of the following actions should be taken by the nurse? a. Ask the student if abuse has occurred. b. Call in the named student and ask him to remove his shirt. c. Discuss the conversation with the student's parents. d. Notify the legal authorities.


A school nurse suggests to teachers that they have a session on coping strategies and stress management techniques. The nurse also sets up a peer counseling program. Which of the following is the school nurse most likely trying to prevent? a. Suicide b. Bullying c. Obesity d. Violence

Offered a prayer with the daughter and mother

A young woman had been away from home several years before she returned home sick and disheartened. Her mother called a nurse to help. Which of the following behaviors would suggest that the caregiver who arrived was a parish nurse? a. Advanced nursing practice education and skills b. Compassionate, skilled, dedicated touch c. Offered a prayer with the daughter and mother d. Willingness to do whatever was needed by mother or daughter

The chemical

An employee in a laboratory drops a flask, resulting in a chemical splash into the employee's eyes, which in turn results in burns to the eyes. Which of the following would be considered the agent? a. The chemical b. The employee c. The flask d. The laboratory

Secondary prevention

An occupational health nurse is removing a foreign body from a patient's eye. Which of the following levels of prevention is being implemented? a. Injury prevention b. Primary prevention c. Secondary prevention d. Tertiary prevention

To limit disability

An occupational health nurse is working with the manager to change the assignment of an employee from working with heavy metal to using machinery to assist with loading and unloading boxes at the truck dock. Which of the following best explains the rationale for this change? a. To prevent injury b. To limit disability c. To provide primary prevention d. To provide tertiary prevention

Secondary prevention

An occupational health nurse periodically conducts spirometry testing of employees who work around hazardous gases. Which of the following levels of prevention is being implemented? a. Primary prevention b. Secondary prevention c. Tertiary prevention d. Tertiary care prevention

There is no "safe" occupation or profession.

An occupational health nurse sees the various injuries and diseases that persons can acquire from employment. Which of the following recommendations would the nurse most likely provide about safety in the workplace? a. Find employment in physical labor; at least your body will be in good condition. b. Professional positions are the safest choice for employment. c. White collar positions provide the least risk for injury. d. There is no "safe" occupation or profession.

"Most lice are found in clean hair. Children often share combs. Let me tell you how to fix the problem."

An upset mother calls the school nurse and says, "How dare you say my child has lice? My child is clean and I keep a clean house! You've obviously made an error." Which of the following would be the best response by the nurse? a. "I'm sorry you're upset, but your child cannot return to school until this problem is addressed." b. "Most lice are found in clean hair. Children often share combs. Let me tell you how to fix the problem." c. "You may have been traveling. Lice are often found in motels." d. "I'm sure you're correct; one of my volunteers probably made an error. I'll recheck."

To observe effectiveness of safety education and equipment

As the single occupational health employee at a company, a nurse is busy with safety programs and first aid when employees are hurt. However, the nurse still finds time to walk through the entire facility once a day. Which of the following best explains the rationale for this action by the nurse? a. To document employee efficiency and effectiveness at their jobs b. To look for evidence of personal protective equipment being torn or destroyed c. To observe whether employees are taking their rest periods as scheduled and drinking adequate fluids during the day d. To observe effectiveness of safety education and equipment

Community outreach

At the annual community health fair, the school health nurse displays a science booth that examines the hazards of ineffective hand washing. Which of the following best describes the nurse's role in this scenario? a. Consultant b. Community outreach c. Counselor d. Researcher

Giving emergency care in the school or during school events

Which of the following activities are expectations for a school health nurse? a. Ensuring that children with health problems are accepted by their peers b. Driving children home if parents can't pick them up c. Giving emergency care in the school or during school events d. Giving medications as needed if children are ill

Population-focused home care

In the agency, one of the nurses spent all available time visiting a group of persons with mental health problems who were trying to remain functional in the community. Which of the following types of assignments did the nurse most likely have? a. Home-based primary care b. Population-focused home care c. Proprietary home care d. Transitional care

Emergency departments and psychiatric units

In which of the following settings have nurses most often reported being the victims of violence, especially by patients and their families? a. Acute care inpatient settings b. Community clinics and physicians' offices c. Emergency departments and psychiatric units d. In homes during home health visits

Implemented with individual clients

Which of the following best describes case management? A. A tool of health maintenance organizations B. Targeted toward a specific segment of the population C. Implemented with individual clients D. Used to monitor the health status, resources, and outcomes for an aggregate

A report by the administrator regarding how the home health agency's performance compares with that of other local and national home health agencies

The board of directors is examining various submitted reports concerning its home health agency. Which of the following reports represents an example of benchmarking? a. A report by the administrator regarding how the home health agency's performance compares with that of other local and national home health agencies b. A report by the chief financial officer regarding a cost-benefit analysis related to technological advances c. A report by the chief nursing officer regarding client outcomes d. A report by the medical director regarding implementation of evidence-based practice into standards of care


The case manager explains to two disagreeing parties that coming to an agreement will save personnel costs for both of them. Which of the following terms best describes this action? a. Assertiveness b. Collaboration c. Cooperation d. Compromising

"Federal legislation requires that the school make provisions for those with various challenges, so your child will be able to remain in school as long as he is able."

The mother of a high school student newly diagnosed with a condition that will require special health care services is concerned that the student will be required to be home-schooled away from the friends he has developed. Which of the following would be the most appropriate response by the school nurse? a. "Federal legislation requires that the school make provisions for those with various challenges, so your child will be able to remain in school as long as he is able." b. "I realize that this will be a difficult adjustment, but home-schooling has improved over recent decades and the Internet will allow your child to connect with friends." c. "Whether your child can remain in school will depend on state funding for those with disabilities. You might want to contact your congressman on this issue." d. "Your child may remain in school as long as he can manage the course requirements and doesn't flunk out"

Long-distance telephone service or a computer with Internet access

The nurse suggests use of telehealth to assess how a client is progressing. Which of the following resources must be available for continuing care to be implemented? a. A physician who is willing to use wireless prescriptions and plans of care b. Family permission for the nurse to make home visits c. Long-distance telephone service or a computer with Internet access d. Willingness of the caregiver to drive the client to the nearest clinic

Primary prevention

The occupational health nurse continually reminds employees to wear their safety goggles and ear plugs. Which of the following levels of prevention is being implemented? a. Both secondary and tertiary prevention b. Primary prevention c. Secondary prevention d. Tertiary prevention

Psychosocial norms of the setting

The occupational health nurse makes certain all employees have and know how to use personal protective equipment (PPE). Which of the following factors will most likely determine how effective the PPE is in keeping employees safe? a. Comfort level of the PPE b. Effectiveness of the nurse's teaching c. Knowledge level of the employee d. Psychosocial norms of the setting

To continue employment and income with limited duty as a rehabilitation effort after an injury

The occupational health nurse suggests that an employee work only half-days for three weeks and then return to full-time employment. Which of the following best describes the rationale for this suggestion? a. To provide an example to other employees to ensure future cooperation with safety measures b. To enforce an economic penalty for not obeying nurse's instructions regarding safety measures c. To ensure that all employees keep their positions during an economic downturn d. To continue employment and income with limited duty as a rehabilitation effort after an injury

"Rumors are often inaccurate; let me follow up and see what happened and what needs to be done."

The principal of a school was upset over a rumor that one of the children had engaged in a violent activity that injured a younger sibling. The principal asked the nurse who the children were so that the involved teachers could both support the injured child and guard other children from the violent child. Which of the following would be the best response by the nurse? a. "I'll get the names to you and the involved teachers immediately." b. "Let me get the parents' consent, and then I'll get you the names." c. "Rumors are often inaccurate; let me follow up and see what happened and what needs to be done." d. "Why don't we coordinate a school-wide program on preventing accidents instead?"


The school health nurse has enlisted the assistance of high school role models in the areas of sports and scholarship to provide an antidrug presentation to their peers. Which of the following levels of prevention is being implemented? a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Both primary and secondary


The school nurse has arranged for volunteers to help check each child's hearing and vision. Any child that the volunteers feel did not "pass" will be sent to the nurse for follow-up. The nurse will then send a note to the parents that a physician should be seen. Which of the following levels of prevention is being implemented? a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. Both primary and secondary

Health ministries

To help congregation members better meet their nutritional needs, the parish nurse organized members to participate in activities that focused on fellowship while providing healthy meals to homebound members and serving "healthy heart" church suppers. Which of the following activities is being completed? a. Holistic care b. Health ministries c. Partnerships d. Pastoral care practices

Development and increased use of telehealth technology

Which of the following best describes one of the outcomes of the incentives and pressures for cost control and improved health outcomes? a. Expansion in alternative health care agencies b. Improvements in client teaching materials c. Public pressure to improve health professionals' education d. Development and increased use of telehealth technology

Family-centered care for preK-12 grade students

Which of the following best describes services that are offered at a school-based health center? a. Employee care at a discounted cost at the school b. Family-centered care for preK-12 grade students c. Sex education, birth control, family planning, and care throughout pregnancy d. Referral and networking with other health care services in the community

To promote the client's rights and self-determination

Which of the following best describes the goal or priority of the nurse advocate? a. To gain organizational and governmental support for the promotion of nursing objectives b. To improve community service needs identified by research findings c. To integrate evidence-based practice guidelines in the provision of community nursing service d. To promote the client's rights and self-determination

To ensure safe and healthful working conditions

Which of the following best describes the mission of OSHA? a. To create an inspection system to avoid preventable loss of life b. To ensure safe and healthful working conditions c. To establish rules for employee safety d. To share factory illness and injury rates with the public

Affiliation with a church or congregation

Which of the following best describes the primary difference between parish nursing and all other nursing positions? a. Affiliation with a church or congregation b. Incorporation of spiritual aspects into nursing care c. Provision of holistic nursing care d. Residence within the community of service

Overuse, underuse, or gaps in care may result.

Which of the following best describes the primary problem that can result from health care today being given by many different care providers? a. Clients are not sure which provider to see first. b. Health care providers have to make referrals to other providers. c. Clients sometimes are not sure who their primary provider is. d. Overuse, underuse, or gaps in care may result.

Because injuries are the leading cause of death in children and most injuries are preventable

Which of the following best describes the primary reason that school health nurses spend so much time on educational programs that teach children the importance of water and fire safety, using a seatbelt in the car, and wearing a helmet when biking or skateboarding? a. Because children won't know if someone doesn't tell them b. Because injuries are the leading cause of death in children and most injuries are preventable c. Because it is a dangerous world and someone has to warn children about the dangers d. Because teaching is easy and more fun than passing out bandages and documenting care

On first admission to home health care

Which of the following best describes when the home health nurse must document required Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS-C2) data? a. Before any episode of hospitalization b. After each home health visit c. For all incidences of error or mistake in care d. On first admission to home health care

Belief and traditions help with coping.

Which of the following best describes why it is helpful to be a member of a faith community? a. Belief and traditions help with coping. b. Members can ask others in the group for help. c. It is a social outlet. d. Members are able to get others to contribute to the causes they support.

Society does not expect death to occur in children.

Which of the following best describes why it is more challenging for most nurses to meet the needs of a dying child and his or her family than to meet the needs of a dying adult? a. Children don't understand what it means to die. b. A child's death is harder for anyone to accept. c. Society does not expect death to occur in children. d. Families are not prepared to deal with death.

Because multiple providers, payers, and settings have to be coordinated

Which of the following best describes why planning care for an individual is so challenging in today's health care system? a. Because today's clients have high expectations of the health care system b. Because multiple providers, payers, and settings have to be coordinated c. Because of the new high technology constantly being created and used for client treatment d. Because so many different health care providers are in the acute care setting today.

Case management time is demanding; thus it is restricted to complex cases.

Which of the following best explains why every client doesn't receive care from a case manager? a. Case management time is demanding; thus it is restricted to complex cases. b. Many health agencies do not employ case managers. c. Most clients would not benefit from case management. d. Most nurses do not know how to function as case managers.

Nurses have been enlisted in this role to help reduce risk factors for future health problems in school children.

Which of the following best explains why school nurses are involved in helping teachers with the task of teaching children how to practice problem solving, communication, and other life skills? a. Teacher shortages have required nurses to be increasingly involved in teaching life skills. b. Because so many nurses want to be employed in schools, this responsibility was assumed to increase employment opportunities. c. States are requiring nurses to screen and to teach life skills. d. Nurses have been enlisted in this role to help reduce risk factors for future health problems in school children.

Clients find it difficult to learn in the midst of the stress of the acute care setting and often don't remember what the hospital nurse taught.

Which of the following best explains why the home health nurse would essentially repeat the same information given to the client by the nurse in the hospital? a. Clients find it difficult to learn in the midst of the stress of the acute care setting and often don't remember what the hospital nurse taught. b. Hearing something from a different person, using different words and examples, can help ensure that learning is retained. c. Home health nurses often don't know what hospital-based nurses have already taught. d. Learning depends on receiving information more than once.

The client whose family members need to learn how to care for his surgical wound

Which of the following clients over 65 years of age meets the criteria for Medicare reimbursement for home health nursing? a. The client who needs assistance with bathing and meal preparation b. The client who needs assistance with house cleaning and meal preparation c. The client who needs sitter services because she wanders from home and becomes lost d. The client whose family members need to learn how to care for his surgical wound

"Every time I see a client, it costs $80."

Which of the following comments was most likely stated by a home health nurse? a. "Every time I see a client, it costs $80." b. "Health care costs are killing our economy." c. "I can't believe how much clients are charged for things." d. "Medicaid costs are such a large portion of our state's budget."

The Omaha System

Which of the following do community-based nurses typically use to organize, sort, and document pertinent client data? a. NANDA b. NIC & NOC c. Nursing Diagnosis Taxonomy d. The Omaha System

Introduction of Medicare

Which of the following events led to the emphasis on home care nurses caring for acutely ill clients and the increased demands for extensive documentation? a. Advances in medical technology and pharmacology b. Increased number of lawsuits for substandard care c. Introduction of Medicare d. Social Security Act of the 1930s

New workers employed less than 1 year

Which of the following groups should the occupational health nurse devote the most time to regarding education and follow-up evaluation? a. New workers employed less than 1 year b. Older workers with chronic illnesses c. Older workers with diminished hearing d. Women in their childbearing years

Housekeeping staff

Which of the following hospital employees are most at risk for being exposed to and possibly developing active drug-resistant TB? a. Housekeeping staff b. Medical staff c. Nursing staff d. Ward clerks

Having employees use safety measures and personal protective equipment

Which of the following interventions regarding worker safety would be the least effective? a. Using job rotation and workplace monitoring b. Designing equipment so that employee exposure to hazards is minimized c. Having employees use safety measures and personal protective equipment d. Designing the environment to encourage employees to follow workplace procedures

Continuity of care is enhanced.

Which of the following is a potential advantage of hospital-based home health agencies over other types of home care agencies? a. Administration and management benefits are gained from the expertise of two boards of experts. b. Continuity of care is enhanced. c. Health promotion and illness prevention concerns take precedence over acute care and rehabilitation. d. They are eligible for tax exemptions through affiliated agencies.

Must be homebound

Which of the following is a primary requirement for a client to be eligible for home health nursing and Medicare reimbursement of services? a. Must be homebound b. Must be living in a medically underserved area c. Must be indigent d. Must be insured or eligible for Medicare or Medicaid

Computer and technology use

Which of the following is most important for school nurses to master in order to prepare for health care delivery in the future? a. Complementary and alternative therapies b. Computer and technology use c. Psychoanalytical techniques d. Self-defense techniques


Which of the following is the leading cause of children being absent from school because of a chronic illness? a. Allergies b. Asthma c. Diabetes d. Upper respiratory infections

Sprains and strains

Which of the following is the most common disabling condition when measured by days away from work? a. Bruises b. Cuts and lacerations c. Mental illnesses d. Sprains and strains

Providing palliative care to maintain comfort until death

Which of the following is the primary focus of hospice care? a. Curing or controlling the client's chronic disease b. Decreasing the waste of acute care (hospital) resources c. Providing palliative care to maintain comfort until death d. Teaching the client and family how to care for themselves

It provides a cost savings to the company.

Which of the following is the primary reason that large companies are becoming more involved in their employees' personal health and well-being? a. It is an ethical and moral responsibility. b. It improves public relations within the community. c. It allows managers to better understand their employees. d. It provides a cost savings to the company.

Using good handwashing procedures

Which of the following practices in the home is most crucial? a. Using good handwashing procedures b. Obtaining a puncture-resistant container for family to use for needles c. Putting all contaminated material directly into a trash bag d. Washing all surfaces with disinfectant

Spiritual dimension of care

Which of the following principles is central to the role of the parish nurse? a. Advanced nursing practice education and skills b. Faith consistent with the community and its leadership c. Spiritual dimension of care d. Willingness to serve anyone in need

A 34-year-old who will be moving from a large city

Which of the following public health nurse applicants is the least qualified for a position of case manager in a rural county? a. A 24-year-old who has a master's degree in public health b. A 34-year-old who will be moving from a large city c. A 44-year-old who was born and raised in the community d. A 54-year-old who, until recently, was a member of the community's school board

A baccalaureate degree in nursing and RN licensure

Which of the following should be the minimum requirement for a nurse to be prepared for home health nursing? a. An RN license and a baccalaureate degree in a health-related field b. A baccalaureate degree in nursing and RN licensure c. An associate's degree in nursing and RN licensure d. Eligibility for certification as a home health nurse

It is part of an ongoing dynamic process.

Which of the following statements best describes how clients and parish nurses typically perceive spiritual health? a. It exists at the point that cure is attained. b. It has a tangential relation to well-being. c. It is part of an ongoing dynamic process. d. It is usually unchanging across the life span.

Companies have improved safety of working conditions because worker's compensation insurance premiums are now based on previous claims.

Which of the following statements best describes how workers' compensation legislation has changed employer behavior? a. Employers have improved safety of working conditions because safety data is now public information. b. Companies have improved safety of working conditions because worker's compensation insurance premiums are now based on previous claims. c. Employers were legally required to implement safety changes. d. Companies have become more involved in the legislative process

Home health care is provided in the client's environment.

Which of the following statements best describes the most essential difference between home health care and acute client care? a. Acute client care is individualized for the client and family. b. Home health care is provided in the client's environment. c. Reimbursement for home health care varies from that of care provided in institutions. d. The focus of acute client care is on community health.

Most school districts are unable to afford a nurse in every school.

Which of the following statements best explains why many school nurses are not able to ensure that all children receive needed health care in the schools? a. There is a shortage of baccalaureate-prepared nurses with national school health nurse certification. b. Most nurses prefer to be employed in hospitals giving direct care. c. Most school districts are unable to afford a nurse in every school. d. School districts and taxpayers see no need for nurses in schools.

"To incorporate pastoral care, I should involve the pastor in ministering to the members of the congregation."

Which of the following statements by a parish nurse exhibits a lack of understanding of the concept of pastoral care? a. "By working with my clients to help them identify their spiritual strengths, I am drawing on pastoral care aspects of practice." b. "To incorporate pastoral care, I should involve the pastor in ministering to the members of the congregation." c. "I use pastoral care when I emphasize the spiritual dimension of nursing when providing care." d. "When I lend support to my clients during times of joy, as well as during their times of sorrow, this illustrates an important aspect of pastoral care."

Scope and standards of faith community practice have been developed and revised.

Which of the following statements suggests that faith community nursing is a nationally recognized specialty of nursing? a. Academic programs now offer a clinical specialty in parish nursing. b. Faith community nurses are increasingly receiving salaries for their efforts. c. Faith community nursing is being adapted in other countries and to non-Christian faiths. d. Scope and standards of faith community practice have been developed and revised.

Official agencies

Which of the following types of home health agencies emphasizes health promotion and illness prevention? a. Combination agencies b. Hospital-based agencies c. Official agencies d. Proprietary agencies

Create and share an emergency plan with all teachers and staff.

Which of the following would be the best way for the school nurse to fulfill his or her responsibilities in an emergency situation? a. Tell all staff to call 911 if the nurse is not in the building. b. Arrange to always be available, even if only by phone. c. Create and share an emergency plan with all teachers and staff. d. Wear a pager so that the nurse can come as soon as humanly possible.

Exhaustive inventory of chemicals and industrial hazards is completed.

Which of the following would most likely be one of the first steps taken in employer disaster planning? a. All employees are invited to attend sessions on disaster planning. b. Employers stress the importance of disaster drills and encourage active participation. c. Exhaustive inventory of chemicals and industrial hazards is completed. d. Written disaster plans are distributed to each employee and each worksite.

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