Phase 1 Class one from Air Assault Course
LUH 72A has how many exits-first aid kits and fire extinguishers
security of pickup site
Line 6 of the nine line
day time loading hours are what
the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of a mission
define command and control
delay is if time is available a mission can be delayed to correct a circumstance that may abort a mission
10meters away and lights are 10 meters apart
for cargo A/C additions how are they positioned from the TDP and from each other
for each additional NONSLING LOAD A/C how many lights will be added
5meters away and lights are 5 meters apart
for noncargo A/C additions how are they positioned from the TDP and from each other
speed and mobility
ground tactical plan capitalizes on what two elements to achieve surprise
true or false: Close air support can be described as a HASTY or DELIBERATE attack by attack/recon aviation A/C
true or false: MASCAL EVAC supersedes as primary mission when the CH-47 is used during CASEVAC missions
true or false: NAP of the earth various speeds and as close to the earth surface as vegetation and obstacles permit
true or false: abort is if time is available, a mission can be delayed to correct a circumstance that may abort a mission
true or false: all A/C assigned to the mission pick up soldiers or equipment and set them down on the LZ
true or false: an armed escort is required when the CH-47 is used in a mass casualty role
true or false: assault forces must be prepared to fight in any direction and prepared for presence of opposition
true or false: casualties on medevac received medical care en route to MTF
true or false: fire extinguishers are for personnel only
true or false: lines 1-5 gets the aircraft in the air
true or false: low level is low altitudes conforming to the earths contours
true or false: primary and alternative PZs are identified at different times
true or false: sleeves are rolled down to protect from flying debris and flash fires
true or false: the casualties on the jungle forest penetrator will only have their kevlar on during use
true or false: the high performance utility hoist tensile strength is 600 lbs
false (when all lift A/C place their next chalk on the LZ and so on with subsequent lifts)
true or false: the next lift is completed when half of A/C place their next chalk on the LZ
true or false: the sit down method is used when the aircraft has a suitable landing zone
true or false: you should never mark with green or blue
No enemy troops in area Possible enemy troops in area enemy troops in area armed escort required
wartime line 6 list the N, P, E, and X
assault and attack concepts, sequence of events, reasoning for the mission's sequence
what 3 things should the air mission brief (AMB) focus on
cargo helicopters and Medium utility helicopters with wheels
what A/C can land on 8-15 degree slopes
what A/C can land on a slope of 0-7 degrees
C2 aircraft
what aircraft is allowed to fly in the ROZ
Air routes
what are all of these included in: 1) SP: Start Point 2) RP: Release Point 3) ACP: Air Control Point 4) Flight Path (4 Routes) restricted, axis, corridor, expedient (MEDEVAC
target talk-on, bearing(magnetic) and range (meters), grid
what are some ways to give target location (Not target marking)
ID card ID tags and earplugs
what are the 3 items needed around A/C at all times
Main rotor, tail rotor, and cargo hook
what are the 3 parts of the aircraft you must avoid
Formation and number or A/C, Loads, Obstacles, Atmospheric conditions, Type of A/C (TDP size), routes approach and departure, surface conditions
what are the HLZ technical consideration factors
four blade main rotor, four tail rotor blades, two turbines engine and a swept back vertical stabilizer
what are the characteristics of the AH-64
Four main blades, four tail blades, large taper horizontal stabilator, and swept back vertical stabilizer
what are the characteristics of the UH-60 A/L/M
PZ selection, PZ organization and control, coordination with supporting aviation unit, preparation of air loading table and disposition of loads on PZ
what are the critical elements of the loading plan
7 by 14 by 14 meter
what are the dimensions of the inverted Y
Remove, reduce, red (mark in red), and radio (advise pilot)
what are the four steps in dealing with an obstacle
Urgent, Urgent Surgical, Priority, Routine, Convenience
what are the patients by precedence in A,B,C,D,E
Selecting, Marking, controlling
what are the phases of PZ/LZ operations
Number, Size, proximity to soldiers, accessibility, vulnerability to attack and conditions
what are the selection criteria for PZ selection
location of the objective in relation to the tentative HLZ, Size and type of unit being supported, and estimate of the situation based on METT-TC
what are the tactical HLZ consideration factors
delay, divert, and abort
what are the three abort criteria
tactical integrity, tactical cross loading, self-sufficiency
what are the three preparations of air loading table (pg 52)
Nap of earth, contour, low level
what are the three terrain flight modes
visual, electronic, and verbal communication
what are the three ways to the controlling phase
Shit down method and Hoist method
what are the two methods of casualty extraction
task and purpose
what are the two things mission statement give?
OH-58, OH-6
what can fit in a TDP size 1
LUH-72, AH-1
what can fit in a TDP size 2
UH60 AH64
what can fit in a TDP size 3
MV-22, CH 46 CH 47 CH 53
what can fit in a TDP size 4
sling loads and unknown A/C
what can fit in a TDP size 5
sling loads using long lines
what can fit in a TDP size 6
sling loads using long lines at night
what can fit in a TDP size 7
what comprises PERSONNEL AND EQUIPMENT by a specific aircraft
command and control
what does C2 mean?
Fries/Spies, air assault and air movement/ casualty evac/ sling load and re supply
what does FACS stand for in relation to the UH-60
Humidity, altitude, and temperature
what does HAT stand for in relation to atmospheric conditions
number and types of wounds, injuries, and illnesses
what does line 6 during peace times include
delivery of whole blood/biologicals, aircraft rescue support, movement of medical supplies/personnel, evacuation of casualtites
what does the acronym DAME in aeromedevac missions mean?
restricted operating zone
what is ROZ
Close combat attacks
what is a coordinated hasty or deliberate attack by attack/recon aviation A/C against enemy forces
air assault
what is a vertical envelopment in which the commander seeks to surprise the enemy and achieve an unopposed landing
movement of friendly assault forces by rotary wing AC to engage enemy forces or to seize and hold key terrain
what is an air assault operation
air transportation of units, personnel, supplies, and equipment they involve using cargo rotary wing aircraft and operational support fixed wing assets for other than air assault.
what is an air movement operation
anything 18 inches high, wide or deep
what is considered an obstacle
casualty nationality and status
what is line eight of the Nine-line medevac request
Number of patients by type
what is line five of the Nine-line medevac request
special equipment needed
what is line four of the Nine-line medevac request
terrain desciption
what is line nine of the Nine-line medevac request in peace time
CBRN contamination
what is line nine of the Nine-line medevac request wartime
Location of pick up site. Use Grid location.
what is line one of the Nine-line medevac request
method of marking pickup site
what is line seven of the Nine-line medevac request
number of patients by precedence
what is line three of the Nine-line medevac request
radio frequency and call sign
what is line two of the Nine-line medevac request
conduction of military operations through decentralization and execution based on mission order
what is mission command
1/3 of your time is spent planning
what is the 1/3 of the 1/3 2/3 rule of thumb
line 6
what is the 1st major difference between the two nine lines of wartime and peace time
2/3 of your time is spent rehearsing
what is the 2/3 of the 1/3 2/3 rule of thumb
11 pax
what is the ACL (allowable cargo load) combat equipped troops with seats in the UH-60
16 pax
what is the ACL combat equipped troops without seats in the UH-60
what is the ACL for combat equipped troops in the CH-47
20,000lbs and 24 pax
what is the ACL internal and pax for the MV-22B Osprey
8 pax
what is the ACL of combat equipped troops in the LUH-72A
2 pax
what is the ACL of litters with med crew in the LUH-72A
what is the ACL of the AH-6J
6 litters or 6 ambulatory
what is the ACL of the HH-60M with prior notification
3 ambulatory casualties
what is the ACL of the jungle forest penetrator
24 litters
what is the CH-53D/E max litter capacity
17,000 lbs
what is the aft hook capacity of the CH-47
90 degrees from the side
what is the approach angle for a UH60
what is the authority party of C2
10,000 lbs
what is the cargo hook capacity of the CH-46E
3,306 lbs
what is the cargo hook capacity of the LUH-72A
9,000 lbs
what is the cargo hook capacity of the UH-60 L/M
8,000 lbs
what is the cargo hook capacity of the UH-60A
26,000 lbs
what is the center hook capacity of the CH-47
what is the constant in the degree of the slope formula
4 pilot, co-pilot, 2 crew chiefs
what is the crew for tactical operations of the UH-60
4 pilot, co-pilot, crew chief, flight engineer,
what is the crew for the CH-47
2 pilot and co-pilot
what is the crew of the AH-64
5 pilot co pilot, 3 crew chiefs/gunners
what is the crew of the CH-53D/E
3 pilot, co-pilot, and crew chief
what is the crew of the LUH-72A
110/120 Knots
what is the cruising speed of the AH-64
120-145 knots
what is the cruising speed of the CH-47
133 knots
what is the cruising speed of the LUH-72A Lakota
120-145 Knots
what is the cruising speed of the UH-60
10 meter
what is the distance of the base light to the directional light of a NATO "T"
what is the dual hook load (Fore and Aft combined)capacity of the CH-47
36,000 lbs
what is the external cargo hook capability of the CH-53E super stallion
what is the external dual hook ALC for the MV-2B
Identify PZs
what is the first step in developing a loading plan
2 hours
what is the flight time of the AH-64
2hours 30 minutes
what is the flight time of the CH-47
3hours 30mins
what is the flight time of the LUH-72A
what is the fore hook capacity on the CH-47
what is the internal ACL of the CH-53E
what is the least secure flying formation
10 meters
what is the left and right sides of the HLZ buffer in meters
5 minutes
what is the load time at night
what is the load time in day
land heading
what is the long axis of the HLZ site
what is the lowest level that can execute air assault operations
what is the lowest level that can plan and coordinate air assault operations
what is the lowest level with resources and assets to perform air assault ops
Troop and Cargo transport
what is the main mission of the CH-47
what is the max ambulatory capacity of the CH-47
3 litter and 1 ambulatory or 4 ambulatory
what is the max configuration of the UH-60Q with a hoist
22,000 lbs
what is the max gross weight for a UH-60A
23,500 lbs
what is the max gross weight for the UH-60 L/M
50,000 lbs
what is the max gross weight of the CH-47
7,903 lbs
what is the max gross weight of the LUH 72A
what is the max litter capacity of the CH-47
152 knots
what is the max speed of the AH-6J/MH-6J
170 knots
what is the max speed of the CH-47 Chinook
145 knots
what is the max speed of the LUH-72A Lakota
156 knots
what is the max speed of the UH-60 blackhawk
what is the most secure flying formation
16 ambulatory 12 litters
what is the normal configuration of the CH47 for ACL of ambulatory and litter
2 litters with 1 medic
what is the normal configuration of the LUH-72A in aeromedevac operations
10:1 ratio
what is the obstacle ratio buffer
what is the primary mission of the AH-64
air assault and air movement
what is the primary mission of the UH-60 A/L/M
ground evacuation (sit down method)
what is the primary use of the Basic rigid litter
what is the regulation part of C2
stop marking
what must you do once friendly location has been confirmed
FM 3-99
what reference material covers aircraft safety
125 meter
what size TDP for a UH-60L with extended sling legs
Air movement plan
what stage of the reverse planning process is crossing the SP (start Point) and ends when they cross the release point and is based on the ground tactical plan
Landing plan
what stage of the reverse planning provides sequence for arrival at a designated location that supports the ground tactical plan (GTP)
what two words are used to described personnel and equipment designated to be moved by a specific A/C
OH-13 Sioux
what was the army's first medevac helicopter
Angel of Mercy
what was the nickname of the OH-13
adverse weather and high fuel and ammunition consumption rates
what were the "main" limitations of Air assault operations (based on slides from the class. it was highlighted in red)
approach from 500 feet or more above ground level or when requested
when is the 5th light added for the inverted Y
when A/C are coming in at 500 feet or higher Above ground level (AGL) or when coordinated
when is the NATO T used
10 meters back of the right stem light
where is the 5th light added for the inverted Y
which A/C does not load litters in a Z pattern
all stages
which stages have their own fire support plan
Chalk guides, crisis action teams, air traffic control teams, ground crew teams, security teams and pathfinder teams
who are in the control party
who is responsible for the OVERALL SUCCESS of all PZ activities
Army Attack Aviation Call For Fire Reference
•ATP 3-04.1 •ATP 3-09.32 what references do these cover
the most essential personnel and equipment arrive on time at the objective and each A/C load and serial has one
a bump plan includes what
Humidity, altitude, and temperature
as these factors increase the A/C capabilities decrease
AH-64 gallons per hour
Close air support
Air action by fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft against hostile targets which are in CLOSE PROXIMITY to friendly forces and which REQUIRE DETAILED INTEGRATION of each air mission with the fire and movement of those forces.
CH-47 gallons per hour
CH-47D has how many exits, first aid kits and fire extinguishers
LZ/PZ operations reference
FM 3-21.38 covers what reference
when the aircraft stops rolling
In an emergency water landing when do you exit the aircraft
Identify your location
In attack aviation call for fire what is the most critical aspect for the pilot to know
OH-58 armed gallons per hour
OH-58 gallons per hour
Experience, size of unit
PZCO (Pickup Zone) is usually selected based on _____________ and the ______________ that is conducting the air assault
Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)
Provide surveillance capabilities to enhance the AATFC's (Air Assault Task Force Commander) situational awareness
True or false: the crew of the CH47 in aeromedevac is 4 pilot, co pilot, crew chief, in flight engineer
UH 60 has how many exits, first aid kits and fire extinguishers
UH-60 gallons per hour
FM 3-99
What is the reference material for combat assault operations?
FM 3-04
What reference material covers Aircraft Orientation?
F model
Which CH-47 model (D or F) has improved avionics, upgraded engine and digital cockpit (Fly-by-wire)
FM 3-04
Which material covers aircraft orientation
45 degrees from the front
how do you approach a LUH-72A when the engines are running
90 degrees from the side
how do you approach a LUH-72A with the engines off
10 meters
how far are the lights in the NATO T from each other
24 hours
how long can routine precedence be delayed up to
how many first aide kits are on the CH-47
how many red cross markings are on the CH47
how many red cross markings are on the HH-60M
how many red cross markings are on the LUH 72A
how many red cross markings are on the LUH-72A
how many red cross markings on the UH-60Q
450 gallons
how much fuel does a large fuel pod hold
230 gallons
how much fuel does a small fuel pod hold
if you have 0 litters how many ambulatory for CH-47
if you have 1 ambulatory how many litters for CH-47
if you have 16 litters how many ambulatory for CH-47
if you have 4 ambulatory how many litters for CH-47
if you have 4 litters how many ambulatory for CH-47
if you have 8 litters how many ambulatory for CH-47
25 meters
in meters what is a HLP (helicopter landing point) or TDP (touch down point) for a size 1
35 meter
in meters what is a HLP (helicopter landing point) or TDP (touch down point) for a size 2
50 meters
in meters what is a HLP (helicopter landing point) or TDP (touch down point) for a size 3
80 meters
in meters what is a HLP (helicopter landing point) or TDP (touch down point) for a size 4
100 meters
in meters what is a HLP (helicopter landing point) or TDP (touch down point) for a size 5
125 meters
in meters what is a HLP (helicopter landing point) or TDP (touch down point) for a size 6
150 meters
in meters what is a HLP (helicopter landing point) or TDP (touch down point) for a size 7
night time loading hours are what
4 litters and 1 ambulatory
normal configuration of the HH-60M in aeromedevac operations
weather, available aircraft, time, mission essential combat power, mission criticality, enemy
six factors that determine abort criteria
tactical grouping of two or more A/C under the control of a aviator commander and separated from other tactical groupings within the lift by time and space
the ACL of all litters is one and a tensile strength of 400 lbs
140-145 Knots
the Max speed of the AH-64
the UH-60Q max configuration without hoist is 6 litters and 1 ambulatory OR 7 ambulatory
the advantages of aeromedical evacuation is the speed, range, flexibility and versatility
250 feet
the high performance utility hoist has how much usable feet
the inverted Y uses how many lights
the kendrick's extrication device is used with casualty with a suspected spinal injury
true or false Close combat attacks can be described as a HASTY or DELIBERATE attack by attack/recon aviation A/C
true or false: A/C can land in a tailwind that exceeds 5 knots
true or false: A/C will not be allowed to land in a crosswind that exceeds 9 knots
false no A/C they can hover over
true or false: CH-47 can land on a slope greater than 15 degrees
true or false: Casualties on a casevac transport receive medical care en route to MTF