PHI 220

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After reading "Paradox and Dream" by Steinbeck, write a short (approximately three to five sentences) answer to the following questions. Does Steinbeck convey a positive or negative image of Americans and the American dream? To what degree is Steinbeck "profiling" or "stereotyping" in this work?Is he justified in doing so? Do you think that this is an optimistic or pessimistic portrayal of America's future?

After reading "Paradox and Dream" by Steinbeck, he conveys a negative image of Americans and the American dream. Steinbeck is stereotyping the American people. Yes, Steinbeck has justified what he is stereotyping. I think that Steinbeck gave a pessimistic portrayal of America's future.

When we are describing the critical characteristics of a person, in the moral sense, we are talking about an agent who...

All of the above.

In the famous Supreme Court ruling, Roe vs. Wade, after the first trimester, the woman has a(n) _________________________________ right to obtain an abortion.

Constitutional, but not unrestricted

Roe vs. Wade secures the right for women to have a ___________________ right to an abortion in a range of circumstances.

Constitutional, but not unrestricted

Genetic enhancement is the editing of DNA for the purpose of preventing disease.


It is always completely morally wrong to interfere with the autonomy of another moral agent in any way for any reason.


Natural law theory considers the consent of the patient as the most relevant factor in determining the moral permissibility of euthanasia.


There is no meaningful difference between a moral position with regard to an ethical issue and a legal/political position. The two will always be in perfect agreement.


There is no scientific evidence to suggest that sexuality or gender identity are in any way influenced by biology.


__________________ is the idea that women and men should have equal opportunities, that woman should not be discriminated against based on their gender, and that women and men should get equal pay for equal work.


From a purely anthropocentric view, wehave a duty beyond the immediate present - we have a duty to future humans and to our own progeny to care for the well-being of the environment.


For an action to be considered a moral action, it must be ________________.

Voluntary, deliberate, rational

Which of the following statements best sums up the major premise for natural law theory?

What is, in nature, sets the standard for how we should be and how we should act.

According to J. Habermas, when considering the moral permissibility of genetic engineering or genetic enhancements we must ask ourselves .

Would the person who is being treated, in the future, agree to and be thankful for the intervention?

Spontaneous abortion is also known as __________________________.

a miscarriage

When you are using another moral agent as a mere means, you are violating the ___ principle.


A ____ right is an inalienable right to non-interference, and a ___ right is a right afforded or granted by some social convention, institution, or authority.

negative/ positive

A _____ right is an inalienable right to non-interference, and a ____ right is a right afforded or granted by some social convention, institution, or authority.

negative/ positive

According to Mary Anne Warren, being biologically human is __________________ for establishing personhood.

neither necessary nor sufficient

Liberal eugenics includes the assertion that both ____________ and ____________. (Choose 2)

no government body requires that certain people(s) are sterilized, use contraceptives, or have abortions government bodies protect the rights of individuals to be sterilized, use contraceptives, or have abortions

In ___ moral theories, actions are the focus because the act, not the consequence, is what determines right and wrong.


Natural law theory, like deontology, is ___________________.

non-consequentialist and absolutist

A harm reduction approach is consequentialist and therefore _________________, but rather concerned with the safety and well-being of the greatest number of individuals.

not concerned with the morality of the method

Privilege is something one has, not something one does; it is, therefore, _______________.

not morally blameworthy

Ethics of care argues that, instead of basing our morality on strict adherence to , we should recognize the importance of our close personal bonds and acknowledge that those relationships come with moral obligations and duties.

objective impartiality

In affirmative action, _______________ is concerned with fair systems of distribution for social goods in tomorrow's society.

forward-looking justice

According to Daniel J. Beal, ____________________ is a group of unearned cultural, legal, and institutional rights extending to a group based on their social-group membership.


Cogent inductive arguments lend ____ support to a conclusion.


Some of the arguments for diversity in strong affirmative action are... (choose all that apply).

-Having women and minorities in positions of power, prestige, and authority provide positive role models for women and minorities - who remain underrepresented. -Diversity in academia and in universities provides an opportunity for cultural exchange and enrichment for all. -As women and minorities become a greater part of institutions, those institutions become better equipped to meet the needs of a wider social community.

The text book notes that religion is not a reliable foundation for building or establishing a moral theory because of what reasons? (Choose 2)

1. not everyone agrees on religion 2. even people within the same religion may vary on moral attitudes

_____________________ consider the well-being of natural habitats, balance of ecological webs, and geological stability as being as important as preserving an entire species

Ecological holists

___________ is lumping several distinct ideas or terms together erroneously or using two or more distinct terms as being roughly the same.

Equivocation fallacy

___ is a consequentialist moral theory where the moral correctness is determined by maximizing the overall happiness of the acting moral agent only, not for the greatest number.

Ethical Egoism

If we ignore warning signs of self-harm we may be ______________, even if we did not facilitate or enable that self-harm.

Held accountable

The Native American idea of what constitutes a moral community (entities deserving of moral consideration) include... (Select all that apply).

Human tribe-members, animals hunted for food, nearby water sources, earth, soil, and rock

is the universalization of moral principles to construct rigid moral laws, laws which have no exceptions.

Moral absolutism

Stem cell research is considered as always morally impermissible because it is a violation of nature and human dignity according to what moral theory?

Natural Law Theory

Your friend offers you some moral advice: "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. "Your friend has espoused what kind of moral theory?

Normative Ethics

According to the doctrine of double-effect, an act which would ordinarily be impermissible, may be morally acceptable if it meets these requirements: (Choose all that apply)

The act is inherently neutral. Evil is not employed to accomplish good ends. The intention is directed at the good, not at evil. The intended good will outweigh any foreseeable evil effects.

After reading "Don't Feed the Trolls, and Other Hideous Lies," write a short (approximately three to five sentences) answer to the following questions. What is the meaning of "gatekeeping" behavior? Can you think of any examples? What does the author mean by the assertion that "the core intent of trolling is... not just to provoke, but to run away from the responsibility of the joke itself"? What might be a solution to dealing with the problem of internet trolling?

The meaning of gatekeeper is criticizing the way others do something. For example, gatekeeper behavior would be criticizing the way your ex-husband parents your kids. By the assertion "the core intent of trolling is... not just to provoke, but to run away from the responsibility of the joke itself" means that people have the audacity to say something, but then want to leave the situation when they cannot handle it anymore or do not want to take responsibility for what they said. A possible solution to internet trolling would be for people to start going by the old saying "if you do not have anything nice to say then do not say anything."

A valid deductive argument, in which all the premises are true, will always necessarily provide a true conclusion.


According to Mill's harm principle, "the only purpose for which power may be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community... is to prevent harm to others."


Moral Status (or moral considerability) is the inherent value that a moral agent has qua moral agent.


Some forms of gene-therapy could potentially affect future generations in unpredictable ways.


In _____________________, a non-human subject has value only if that subject hassome instrumental value to or for humans.


As opposed to Jeremy Bentham, who believed all goods were quantifiably equal, John Stewart Mill argued that goods ____.

are qualitatively different

Gender dysphoria is defined as distress from the internal conflict between __________________.

ascribed gender and personal gender identity

Very few ethicists or moral philosophers argue that personhood ___________, though this is currently the standard by which U.S. law formally recognizes personhood.

begins at birth

The principle which suggests that if it is within our power to alleviate suffering or benefit others then we have an obligation to do so is called the principle of _________________.


"Always act so that you can will that your maxim can become a universal law" is Immanuel Kant's _______________________.

categorical imperative

According to Gilligan, when the focus on individuation and individual achievement extents into adulthood and maturity is equated with personal autonomy, ____________________________________.

concern with relationships appear as a weakness rather than as a human strength

Often, institutions adopt the morally safe position wherein causing death is ____________ allowing suffering.

considered worse than

If a term is too vague or a conclusion it too broad, you can use _____- instances which prove a generalization false.


Stating explicitly what something is or stating explicitly what something is not are useful qualities of _______ reasoning.


According to Simone de Beauvoir, the only way a woman can become authentic is to shed her role as ____________________________.


Addiction is often accompanied by compulsive behavior or uncontrollable urges on a bio-chemical level. These manifestations ________________.

directly interfere with one's autonomy

John Stuart Mill believed that ________________ is more important that attaining happiness.

eliminating suffering

The problem with rule-utilitarianism is that _______________________________________.

even when we have established a rule, we must still stop to consider whether or not putting that rule into action will bring about the greatest happiness

According to R. Dworkin, ethical and moral mean exactly the same thing.


Ethical egoism means acting in one's own self-interest, which is essentially the same as always acting purely selfishly.


Ethicists and moral philosophers largely attribute _____________ as the grounds for informing our rights to life and freedom.

human dignity

Utilitarian moral consideration require of us ________________________ - that we assume every individual has equal moral weight.


Duties which are meritorious, but are not required of us universally, are called ___.

imperfect duties

When we neglect or refuse to make our own decisions about who we want to be, we give up our free-will and choose instead to be determined. In other words, we are living ______________.

in bad faith

A form of euthanasia widely considered morally impermissible is ___________ euthanasia because it is a direct violation of the principle of autonomy.


With regard to birth and abortion, viability ___________________.

is the ability for a fetus to survive outside of the uterus

When something has intrinsic value, it means that _____.

it is good for its own sake, in and of itself

When we start asking questions about why some moral principles are the way they are, or about the rules which guide those principles, we are doing .


If we are constructing a moral argument, and we establish a premise based upon a truth evaluable state of affairs in the real world (as opposed to a subjective viewpoint) we are building a premise on .

moral objectivism

Because we are unable to know the future, and accurately predict how our moral actions will turn out, utilitarian's may experience ___ wherein they are unable to make moral decisions in a timely manner.

moral paralysis

Either the point at which people are willing to do bad in order to bring about the good, or the point at which people are no longer willing to allow the good because of the bad side effects is called ____.

moral threshold

In _________ euthanasia, care physicians are absolved of moral responsibility because they are abstaining from intervention - basically letting nature "take its course."

passive voluntary

Morality, in natural law theory, is informed by ___________________.


According to Aristotelian virtue ethics, becoming a person of virtuous character __________________.

requires a lifetime of continuous habituation

According to Don Marquis, the primary argument that abortion is always immoral is grounded in _______________________.

the potential future which rightful belongs to the unborn

Gender expression, or how one chooses to represent their gender (or lack thereof) to the external world, is likely the result of __________________.

some combination of all the above

The main point of James Rachel's hypothetical case of "Smith & Jones" is to argue that _____________________.

the difference between killing and letting someone die is non-existent - they are morally equivalent

The deliberate inclusion or omission of certain language to make an argument more convincing is called __________________.

the fallacy of slanting

The temperate medium between two vices is called __________.

the golden mean

The primary distinction between whole-brain death and higher brain standard of death is based on ___________________.

the higher brain functions which give rise to consciousness

A paternalistic approach to drug use is non-consequentialist and highly concerned with ______________ over and above all other considerations.

the morality of the method

The hypothetical thought experiment requiring that we forget about who we are and have been in the past in order to imagine a fair and just society of the future where everyone is equal and no one will be sacrificed for the convenience of anyone else is known as _______________________.

the original position

One moral distinction between gene-therapy and genetic enhancement has to do with ______________ which argues that genetic enhancement could create disparate inequalities among groups of humans.

the principle of justice

Theories concerning ethics of care tend to take descriptive ethics into consideration, meaning _______________________________.

the way in which moral agents actually act and how they behave is taken into account

When we are talking about powers which prop-up harmful ideals of masculinity or forces which seek to define masculinity into narrow categories that are damaging to the psychological and emotional health of men, we are probably talking about _____________________.

toxic masculinity

Someone who is _______________ is a person who identifies and/or expresses themselves as gender non-conforming.


Involuntary actions, or circumstances which are beyond our control, are neither morally praiseworthy nor morally blameworthy.


Non-consequentialist moral theories do take consequences into account - moral actions should be directed toward some rational end - but the consequences of an act are not what ultimately determine whether or not an action is morally right.


All non-consequentialist philosophies are concerned with the act, or the means, but Kant believes that moral actions pass or fail according to the test of ___.


According to your textbook, Akan values are in the sense that anything that promotes social well-being is a good thing.


According to the American Psychological Association and most scientific research, the spectrum of human sexual experience is _______________.

vast, and incredibly divers

According to Aristotle (and most ethicists and moral theorists), the requirements for an action to be considered a moral action are... (Select all that apply).

voluntary, deliberate, reasoned

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