Phil 2302 Pg 79-101

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The hedonic calculus formula: Step 1

For each possible action in a particular situation, determine the total amount of happiness or unhappiness produced by t for one individual.

What is the utilitarianism slogan?

"The greatest happiness for the greatest number."

What are we told that psychological egoism is?

A description of the true nature of our motivation.

What is Self interest?

A pillar on which the economic system of capitalism is built.

What do selfish acts do?

Advance one's own interests regardless of how others are affected.

What is Criterion 1 of adequacy?

Consistency with considered judgement. A major criticism of ethical egoism is that it is not consistent with many of our considered moral judgement ----judgement s that seem high plausible and commonsense.

What two forms does ethical egoism come in?

Doctrine to individual acts and one to relevant rules.

One line of reasoning is that psychological egoism is true because?

Experience shows that all our actions are in fact motivated by self-interest.

If we construe self-interest as satisfaction, pleasure, or happiness, the theory seems what?


The hedonic calculus formula: Step 2

Gauge the level of happiness with seven basic characteristics such as intensity, duration, and fecundity.

What is classic utilitarianism?

It affirms the principle that the right action is the one that dirctly produces the best balance of happiness over unhappiness for all concerned.

The failure of ethical egoism to treat equals equally seem a serious defect in the theory.

It conflicts with a major component of our moral existence.

What is Criterion 2 of adequacy?

It discriminates against people in the same fashion. It arbitrarily treats the interests of some people as more important than the interests of all others even though there is no morally relevant difference between the two.

Who said "The happiness which forms the utilitarianism standard of what is right in conduct, is not the agent's own happiness, but that all concerned. As between his own happiness and that of others, utilitarianism requires him to be as strictly impartial as a disinterested and benevolent spectator. "


Who said, "The creed which accepts as the foundation of morals utility, or the greatest happiness principle, gold the actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By ""happiness"" is redeem [;easier, and tje absence pf [aom; by ""unhappiness"" pain, and the privation of pleasure."


What does Ethical Egoism say?

One's moral duty is to promote the most favorable balance good over evil for oneself.

What do Self-Interest Acts promote?

One's own interest but not necessarily to the detriment of others.


Page 86

Bentham called the utilitarian principle the what?

Principle of utlity

What is Bentham's answer of hedonic calculus?

Quantifies happiness and handles the necessary calculations.

An underlying tenet of utilitarianism is that you should do what?

Promote the good of everyone concerned and that everyone counts equally.

The hedonic calculus formula: Step 3

Repeat this process for all individuals involved and sum their happiness or unhappiness to arrive an an over net happiness for that particular action.

Other egoistic notions of the greatest good include what?

Self-actualization, security and material success, satisfaction of desires, acquisition of power, and the experience of happiness.

What is a nonconsequentist?

Someone who is likely to believe someone did wrong because of the nature of his/her action: it was murder for example.

The hedonic calculus formula: Outcome

The action with the best score is the morally right one.

Epicurus defined ethical egoism how?

The greatest good is pleasure, and the greatest evil, pain.

What is satisfaction?

The object of the whole exercise.

What is Ethical Egoism?

The theory that the right action is the one that advances one's own interests.

Define Psychological Egoism

The view that the motive for all our actions is self interest.

Egoists are better off when?

They cooperate with others, develop reciprocal relationships, and avoid actions that antagonize people in their community or society.

Define Rule egoism

To determine right action, you must see if an act falls under a rule that id consistently followed would maximize your self interest.

What is the point in ethical egoism?

To promote one's own good.

What is Criterion 3 of adequacy?

Usefulness in moral problem solving. Some philosophers argue that the ethical egoism fails this standard because the theory seems to lead to contradictory advice or conflicting actions.

Putting psychological egoism to good use, the ethical egoists reasons as follows:

We can never be morally obligated to perform an action that we cannot possibly do.

Utilitarianism provided

a rationale for promoting women's rights, improving the treatment of prisoners, advocating animal rights, and aiding the poor ---all radical ideas in Bentham and mills day.

Define principle of utility

all of our actions can be judged by utilitarianism.

What is happiness?

an intrinsic good- the only intrinsic good. What matters most is how much net happiness comes directly from performing an action.

How do you judge the intensity, duration, or fecundity of happiness?

calculate its quantity.

In classic act-utilitarianism, knowing how to tote up the amount of utility, or happiness, generated by various actions is what?


What did mill call the utilitarian principle?

greatest happiness principle.

Bentham thinks that happiness varies only

in quantity---- different actions produce different amounts of happiness.

We desire something other than satisfaction as a result...

of getting what we desired.

Both Bentham and mill define happiness as what?


What is utilitarianism?

someone who believes someone because it brings good about consequences that were more good than bad.

What do Ethical Egoist have to consider?

the long-term effects of their actions and their interactions with others.

Define Act-egoism

to determine right action, you must apply the egoistic principle to individual acts.

What is the duty of a good ethical egoist?

to maximize pleasure for ones self.

The English philosopher Jeremy Bentham

was the first to fill out the theory in detail of utilitarianism, and the English philosopher and economist john Stuart mill developed it further. In their hands utilitarianism became a powerful instrument of social reform.

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