What focal length of lens does the textbook mention is ideal for taking pictures of babies or small children with?
85 mm
When choosing which photographs to appear in a photo essay, it doesn't matter if some images are visually weaker in their compositions than others so long as the photographs in question add to the overall content of the series itself.
Most photographic quality inkjet printers are capable of printing at a high resolution of near what?
6000 dpi
It is imperative as a photographer, that you have at least one backup of every image you want to keep over the long term because digital files are so easily lost, damaged, or accidently overwritten and therefore gone forever.
Don't publically display photography that is not your absolute best work.
Scott Kelby said that with today's sharper lenses, using a tripod is not necessary anymore.
When photographing a color image as black and white, it is important that the quality of the light illuminating the scene be dramatic and full of contrast.
What is the best lighting situation for an outdoor group portrait?
cloudy and overcast
Which of the following options is the poorest one for trying to capture all the range of tones within a building's interior that also has exterior-facing windows?
Shoot when it's nighttime outside
Noise in a digital photograph is caused by what thing(s)?
all the above
Which camera exposure mode is the camera in when you set the aperture and the camera sets the shutter speed based on the light level of the scene?
aperature priority
The camera feature that allows the photographer to see or compose their image on the back LCD screen of the camera instead of in the viewfinder is called what?
live view
What type of light source is responsible for making a subject's eyes glow red in color?
Direct, camera mounted flash
Which of the following is not a valid part of the criticism process of a photograph?
The feeling a viewer gets from being exposed to your photo
A DSLR camera is preferred over a compact camera for macro or close up work mainly because the photographer views the subject through the same lens as the picture will be taken through as opposed to a separate rangefinder window.
According to Scott Kelby, stop trying to find a technically accurate shot; but find your emotional response to a subject instead.
Dry mounting with a press is the best, most professional way to mount a print.
Scott Kelby said to never put the horizon line in the middle of a landscape photo.
When choosing what size mat board to mount a print to, keep in mind that the more neutral visual space that is placed between the display wall and the print itself, the more your photograph itself will stand out and be the star of the show.
When positioning your image on a mat board, place it in the center from side to side but move it slightly higher than center from top to bottom. It is an optical illusion, but when pictures are placed absolutely in the center there will always appear to be less space at the bottom than on the sides and the top.
According to the textbook, in relation to landscape photography, the time of day that you photograph it is just as visually important as the location is.
What color is the typical reflector that is used to bounce light back into shadow areas in a portrait-type setting?
Which type of camera allows the photographer to see a scene through the viewfinder exactly as it will appear in the final photograph, thus reducing errors in framing?
a digital single reflex camera
A photograph that shows a frame within a frame is more likely than not to be considered dynamic, giving the viewer the idea of moving into the photograph spatially.
What is the most common width to height ratio for DSLR cameras?
A number that describes how much magnification of the subject that a lens will employ or how much of the scene a lens takes in is called?
focal length number
Inkjet printers that produce color photographs with a high enough resolution of output to be considered photo quality usually work with more than how many colors of ink?
four (cyan, magenta, yellow, black)
The quality, direction and color of the light illuminating the subject of a photograph almost always has no bearing on the overall success or failure of the photograph itself. In essence, "It's all about the subject."
Scott Kelby said to not stop photographing something after getting "the walk-up shot," but to "keep working the subject" by trying various angles, different crops, etc.
On a modern digital camera, the ISO setting can be changed as often as between each picture that's taken.
One effective way to improve your picture-making skills as a photographer is to give yourself little self-projects or assignments to fulfill that would stimulate your creativity.
One major decision the photographer must make is at which precise moment they want to take the picture, hence recording "the decisive moment."
Which of the following camera shutter speeds would be best to use if you were trying to freeze the motion of a basketball player going up for a slam dunk?
1/500 of a second
What focal length of lens does the textbook mention is ideal for taking pictures of the interiors of buildings with?
Using which of the following ISO values on your camera would give the greatest amount of noise in your photos?
What color of mat board is often the best one for showing off the brilliant black or white tones of a particular photograph?
A neutral gray mat board
Which of the following statements is not true of portable flash photography?
All of the above are true
Which photographic accessory did the textbook say was essential for landscape photography?
All the above
Direct lighting is much more prevalently used in today's contemporary portraiture than that of diffused lighting.
One composition rule that should never be broken is that the subject should always be in the center of the photograph.
Only your camera's manufacturer's software is able to successfully transfer your images onto your computer.
The color of a final prints' mat board does not have much bearing on the overall look of the final print's presentation.
According to the textbook, when shooting several frames of a scene that will later be used to stitch together a panorama, by how much should one overlap each picture into the next?
NOT: 20%
What is the name of the photographic technique where the photographer (using a somewhat show shutter speed) moves the camera to track a subject in motion thereby keeping the subject relatively sharp and making the background blurred?
NOT: digital motion blur
Which device, according to your textbook is not a viable option for use by a photographer to create a backup copy of their photos on?
Online cloud storage
Which in-camera file format records all the visual information a camera saw and records it directly to the memory card without any in-camera processing or lossy compression?
A cable release is a necessity for nighttime photography when using the "bulb" setting on your camera.
A finished photograph does not have to be cropped the same way as it was taken in camera. Cropping is also a viable option for the photographer to do later on in post-production editing software.
A photographer cannot light up a giant scene like a coliseum or cathedral with one small portable flash unit. They don't have that kind of power.
Adobe's Camera Raw program can now be used to adjust more than just RAW files; in the newer versions of the software a photographer can use the program to adjust JPEG and TIFF files too.
As a general rule for writing captions to accompany your photographs in a display, keep them short and to the point because photographs usually speak for themselves.
Before mounting a digital print, it is highly recommended that a photographer carefully visually scan a photographs' file before making a final print to check for dust and scratches that could be easily be removed via the spot healing brush in post-production.
Even though the camera has a menu option to shoot in grayscale, it's always best to shoot a scene in full color and then make the conversion to black and white later in post-production.
If you want to add a sense of scale to your photo, and show how big or small something is, you should consider adding a person to your image.
One of the composition videos stated that it is best to limit yourself to having only one subject per photograph.
One of the reasons that Photoshop is so versatile as a photo editing program is the ability to edit your photos using layers, where each adjustment is done separately and independently on its own layer.
One way to decide where to put the horizon line in a landscape photograph (down low or up high) is to ask yourself which part of the photo is more visually interesting the land or the sky? Then include more of that interesting part.
Photoshop's Elements program allows users to make and produce slide shows using a collection of individual still images.
Portable flash cannot be used at just any shutter speed with a DSLR camera. The photographer usually must use a shutter speed of slower than 1/60 of a second.
The best and safest form of backup is to have duplicate copies of your photo files in two distinct physical locations, thus protecting them from theft, fire and flood too.
The key to successful sports or action photography is as simple as taking the picture at precisely the right moment when the action was at its peak.
The old-fashioned family slideshows of the past are now being replaced with digital versions, in effect, still images shown as videos complete with sound.
There are no set absolutes when it comes to lighting people for photographs, just some basic guidelines.
Which device, according to your textbook is not a viable option for use by a photographer to create a backup copy of their photos on?
Which of the following is not a good way to contrast the subject with the background in a photo?
Use large depth of field (everything in focus)
When using portable flash outside in bright sunlight to add light to dark areas of the scene; photographers refer to this as what type of light?
Using flash as fill lights
Which type of camera works best only when lighting conditions are optimal, the subjects are relatively close to the photographer and when large prints are not desired?
a compact (beginner or point and shoot) camera
What camera accessory can be used to create photographs that look like they were taken with a plastic lens laden toy camera?
a lensbaby attachment
What auxiliary piece of camera equipment is needed besides a tripod in order for the photographer to use super long shutter speeds in bright daylight?
a neutral density filter
Which of the following filters is responsible for taking reflections out of highly-reflective surfaces like glass or water?
a polarizing filter
The camera only has one eye and therefore cannot show depth within a scene. What tool or tools are at the disposal of a photographer to give the viewer the illusion of depth within a photograph?
all the above
Which of the following tools can assist the photographer in getting a more accurate white balance for their picture if they remember to use it?
an expodisc
What view should your photo be in in order to discern the proper amount of sharpening to apply to it using the "unsharp mask" option within Photoshop?
at least 100%
If a photographer is looking to recrop a finished print, a good and effective way to visualize what a new crop would look like would be to do what?
cut out two L-shaped cards and place these over the print sliding them closer together to visualize the new crop
Which flash term below means that the camera and flash communicate electronically, with the camera telling the flash among other things what ISO is being used, and the flash telling the camera when its fully charged and ready to fire?
dedicated flash
What does the abbreviation DSLR stand for?
digital single lens reflex
When, according to the text, is the best time to photograph outside places or landscapes?
early in the morning or late in the day close to sunrise or sunset
Which of the following camera apertures would allow for the greatest amount of depth of field within a photograph?
Which of the following lens apertures would allow the least amount of light into the camera?
A DSLR camera's built-in pop-up flash unit is only capable of illuminating subjects at distances of less than 1 meter.
A photographer should always use the highest ISO number possible in a given lighting condition in order to get the clearest, best possible results with the least amount of noise.
An aperture setting of f8 only allows one-half the amount of light to enter the camera as an aperture setting of f11.
If the amount of in-camera sharpening in a photograph is set too high, it's not the big an issue and can easily be removed later in post processing.
It doesn't matter what actual color a ceiling or wall is that you are bouncing light off of for a flash photo; just so it's a light color and not a dark one.
Most compact digital cameras have an image sensor that is larger than a standard 35mm film frame.
The best position to place the horizon line at within a landscape photo most of the time would be in the exact center of the frame.
The lower the total number of pixels on a particular camera's sensor is, the larger the print that can be made from that particular camera's picture file.
From which direction should a photographer position the light to come from when photographing glass or transparent objects in the studio?
from behind
All digital camera sensors are made up of hundreds of rows and columns of individual photo sites called "picture elements" or what?
Which control in Photoshop is responsible for increasing the vibrancy of the colorful things in a color photo?
What's the best exposure mode for shooting pictures of pets or animals in their individual environments?
shutter priority mode
Which of the five types of studio lighting is the most expensive to purchase?
studio flash
What part of a camera controls the length of time the sensor/film is exposed to light?
the shutter speed setting
Always shoot and record a scene in full color with the camera regardless of whether you want the final image to be in color or black and white.
It is perfectly acceptable for the photographer to change the white balance of the photograph from what was truly accurately witnessed by the photographer in order to create a specific mood to the photograph.
Sometimes color itself can be the subject of a successful photograph, whether it's the vibrancy of the color of the subject, or more subtly the color of the light that is striking the subject.
The camera inherently records too much detail about a scene, flooding the viewer with too much useless information; therefore, less detail often translates into stronger, more compelling photographs.
It is not yet possible to generate a usable still image from a digital recording by a digital video camera, although in the future it may be.
Most of all sports or action shots require that the photographer use very fast shutter speeds to freeze the action; blurry images have no place in action photography.
The "Dodge tool" is the name of the tool a photographer would employ within Photoshop in order to darken a selected portion of a photograph that appears too light.
A good way to improve at your photography is to seek out local photography clubs and groups to belong to in order to get feedback from others about your work.
A good way to improve your own photography is to expose yourself to other good photographer's works via gallery shows, publications and the internet.
Light coming from which direction will enhance both depth and texture of your subject?
From either side
Which of the following "healing" tools in Photoshop does not require the user to set a sample point in order to use, but relies on the programs sensing the pixels around a repair and trying to blend in the new repair automatically?
NOT: the healing brush tool
Which rule of composition states that a subject that goes from corner to corner within a photo adds dynamic movement and excitement to the image?
NOT: the space/motion rule
What's the easiest way to share your photos with the most viewers in the shortest amount of time?
NOT: your own dedicated website
According to the text, what is the best format to save your photo in after editing it in Photoshop?
Which camera accessory item is not needed to photograph at night or in extremely low-light situations?
NOT: a fast lens
Which photographic composition rule applies to the following situation? A photographer composes their photo so that the subject is at the intersection of an imaginary grid of lines that resemble a tic-tac-toe board.
NOT: rule of leading lines
A good photographer will maintain a healthy balance between using a horizontal format and a vertical one, thus avoiding being "vertically challenged."
According to Scott Kelby, the absolute best pattern photograph also contains something that actually breaks the pattern.
Random brightly colored pixels that show up mainly in the shadow areas of digital photos is usually referred to as "grain."
Which of the five types of studio lighting have the following advantages: continuous output allows photographer to see effects, can be daylight balanced, usually diffused, and low in cost?
high intensity fluorescent
There are two different flash-to-camera connections. One is the PC cord socket, what is the other (a bracket located on the top center of the camera)?
hot shoe
According to the textbook, a home lighting studio is not an affordable option for most photographers mainly because the lighting equipment is so expensive to purchase.
As a photographer, you always want to conserve space on your camera's memory card by only limiting yourself to one shot of each subject.
The only way to creating a compelling composition to a photograph is to fill the frame with your subject, thus making your subject predominant, front and center, within the frame.
The web sharing app, Twitter, allows a user to post an album of an unlimited number of pictures to the web in a single post along with an unlimited about of text too.
When criticizing your own photographs, don't worry about the technical aspects of the photo; pay more attention to things like composition and the communication of ideas.
When mounting a number of photographs that will make up a series and be displayed together it doesn't necessarily matter that the photos are printed the same size and/or mounted in the same manner, as variety is the spice of life, so to speak.
A good way to get better at your photography is to put a set of prints up on a wall and leave them there for a long period of time and then re-evaluate your feelings about them and see if anything has changed.
In today's world image capture is not limited to a dedicated camera, and image editing is not limited to a computer, because both jobs can be done now with your phone and/or tablet.
It's a good idea, as a portrait photographer, to book your outdoor environmental portrait sessions around the correct time of day or even season of the year depending upon the anticipation of when and where the sun will be shining at those times.
One big advantage of printing your images at home with an inkjet printer is the ability to choose from a wide array of different papers that your photo can be printed on.
One excellent tip that will really help your photographic composition, according to Scott Kelby, is to find some great photographers you like and study their work intensely.
One major problem with digital photography is being organized with regards to storing your photo files for the long term and being able to find an older image easily later.
One of the advantages of using Adobe Camera Raw to edit images with is that the program just builds a sidecar instructions file of all your edits and applies those to your image, rather than changing the pixels in the original image itself.
Scott Kelby suggests shooting handheld until you find the angle that works for your subject, then bring in the tripod and use it.
The "vibrance" slider in Adobe Camera Raw is subtler at adjusting the colorfulness of the colors in a photograph than the saturation slider, and it also does so while protecting skin tones from becoming too colorful.
The best and most effective way according to the textbook, to prevent "red-eye" from happening in your flash photos is to bounce the light of the flash off a low ceiling or nearby wall.
The number one maker and seller of cameras today are the cellular phone companies and not the traditional camera makers like Nikon and Canon.
Unlike Twitter, photos posted to Facebook can be shared with a larger, more public audience; therefore, gaining the photographer more exposure in a shorter amount of time.
Using a wide-angle lens to photograph people is never a good idea unless it can't be helped because of being in a tight, enclosed space.
People pictured within outdoor place or landscape shots can often give the viewer a sense of scale as to how large or small some subjects really are.
The use of flash as lighting for photographing animals or wildlife is usually discouraged because it may startle or scare them.