Piano 1 - Unit one review worksheet
smoothly connected
Note receiving 2 counts
Half note
used to extend the range of the grand staff
Ledger line
4 beats in a measure. Quarter note gets 1 beat
What does this sign stand for?
common time
What does this stand for?
quarter rest
What sign is this?
whole rest
What sign is this?
2 beats in a measure, quarter note gets 1 beat
What symbol does this stand for?
3 beats in a measure, quarter note gets one beat
What symbol does this stand for?
Locates the F below the middle of the keyboard
bass clef sign
Note receiving 3 counts
dotted half note
Play next key to the left
flat sign
distance from any key to the very next key
half step
Moderately loud
mezzo forte (mf)
cancels a sharp or flat
natural sign
Note receiving 1 count
quarter note
play next key to the right
sharp sign
Locates the G above the middle of the keyboard
treble clef sign
Note receiving 4 counts
whole note
Equals two half notes
whole step