PowerPoint chapter 1

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A collection of slides


A designer quality look that includes coordination colors, matching fonts, and a fax such as shadows.


A visual plan for your presentation that helps to map out the direction of your presentation. It can be a very rough draft that you sketch out while brainstorming, or it could be an elaborate plan that includes the text and objects John as they would appear on the slide. The first block in the story board is used for the title slide. The subsequent blocks are used for introduction of the topics development of the topics and then summarize Asian of the information.

Presenter view

Accessed from the monitors group on the slideshow tab, is an especially valuable view that lets you deliver a presentation using two monitors Simon Teini asleep. Typically, one monitor is a projector that delivers the fullscreen presentation to the audience; the other monitor is a laptop or computer that displays the presentation and presenter view. Presenter view includes a slide, I thumbnail image of the next slide , And any speaker notes you have created. The view options are displayed on the second monitor so the presenter can't control them. This you include a timer that displays a time lapse since the presentation again so you can keep track of presentation length.


Also sometimes called slide miniatures represent the location of the slides


Can help you make varied word choices. Access does thesaurus from the proofreading group on the review tab.

Slide sorter view

Displays thumbnails of your presentation slides, which enables you to view multiple slides simultaneously. This view is helpful when you want to change the order of slides, or to delete one or more slides. You can set transition a fax for multiple slides in slide sorter view. If you are in slide sorter view and double click a side thumbnail, PowerPoint displays the selected slide in normal view.

How to hide the pane with the thumbnails?

Drag the border that separates the panes One from another to the left until you see the word thumbnails appear on the left side

Parallel construction in storyboard

If you start your first bullet with a noun starred each successive bullet with the now if you start your first bullet with a verb continue using your bullets with birds. This gives each for an equal level of importance and promotes balance in your message. Example: find a good place to study. Organize your study time. Study for test with a partner. Terminology is important so learn how to use it correctly. (Incorrect) learn and use terminology properly. (Correct)


Motion that you can apply to text and objects. Animating text and objects can help focus the attention I want an important point, control the flow of information on a slide, and help you keep the audiences attention

How to add annotations?

Number one: point to the lower left side of the slide to display the slideshow controls. Number two: click the pencil to display the options for annotating a slide, or right click a slide in the slideshow of you. Number three: point to point her options. Number four: click pen or highlighter. Number five: press and hold the left mouse button and write or draw on the screen.

How to create a note for the speaker in the notes pain?

Number one: quick note on the status bar if the notes pain is not visible. Number 2: drive the splitter bar between the slight pain and the notes pain up to expand the notes pain. Number three: click the notes pain to begin typing.

Typing a speaker notes

Rather than changing your view to notes page view to take speaker notes, you can change normal view from eight to Plainview two or three paint view as shown in figure 1.12. To display the notes pain quick note on the status bar. The notes pain will display below the slide pain, the main working area


The arrange Slidez displayed on screen for an audience

Slide pane

The large pain on the right side of the screen is the main workspace and displays the current selected slide


The most basic element of PowerPoint

Slides pane

The pain on the left side of the screen shows the slide deck with thumbnails

Follow the 7 x 7 guideline

This guidelines suggest that you use no more than seven words per line and seven lines per slide. Although you may need to exceed the skyline on occasion when presenting to an audience, follow it as often as possible.

How to widen slides pane

To widen and show more detail drawing to splitter bar to the right

Passive voice

Used in storyboard, the subject is acted upon. Needs more words to communicate your ideas and can make your presentation seem flat. Example: good computer skills are needed by student.

Normal view

When you open a new presentation or a previously create a presentation you see the default PowerPoint workspace

Active voice

used in storyboard the subject of the phrase performs the action expressed in the verb. Example: students need a good computer skills.


Are objects that hold specific content, such as titles, subtitles, or images. Determine the position of the object on the slide. Some layouts also include a small pallet of icons that you can use to insert a variety of objects.

How to change your slide orientation?

Number one: click the design tab. Number two: click slide size in the customize group. Number three: click customize slide size. Number four: click portrait or landscape in the slides size for section you can also change the size of the slide as well as the orientation in this dialog box. If you want to create a custom mise size of paper to print, enter the height and width

To rearrange slides and slide sorter view

Number one: move the pointer over the slide thumbnail of the slide you want to move. Number two: dragonfly to the new location.


PowerPoint provides a set of predefined slide___that determine the position of placeholders in various locations.

Reading view

To view the slideshow for screen one slide out of time. Animations and transitions are active and reading view. A title bar including the minimize, maximize/restore down (which changes its name and appearance depending on whether the window is maximize or out of smaller size), and close buttons, is visible, as well as a modified status bar. In addition to a few buttons, the status bar includes navigation buttons for moving to the next or previous slide, as well as a menu for accomplishing common task such as printing. Press ESC to return to quickly to the previous view

How to insert media objects?

Use the insert tab to insert media objects in any layout the following layout include a pallet of icons you can use to quickly insert object: title and content, to content, comparison, content with caption, picture with caption. Clicking the pictures icon in a content placeholder(Or pictures on the insert tab) open a dialogue box you can use to browse for picture files on any computer or device to which you are connected. Clicking online pictures open the insert pictures dialog box that enables you to search Bing images on your one drive account.

How to add a slide?

Number one: click the new slide error on the home tab. Number two: click the layout that you want for your new slide in the gallery of layout.


Organizes information in columns and rows. Can't be simple and include just a few images or words, or they can be more complex and include structured numerical data.

How to restore view of thumbnails?

Click the arrow above thumbnails or you can click the view tab and click normal and presentation windows group

PowerPoint presentation

And electronic slideshow that can be edited or delivered in a variety of ways. you can project the slideshow on a screen as part of a presentation, run it automatically at a kiosk or from a DVD, display it on the World Wide Web, email it, or create printed handouts.


A variation of the theme design you have chosen. Each variant uses different color palettes and font families.


A visible affect that takes place when one slide is replaced by another slide while the presentation is displayed in slideshow view or reading view.

Status bar

Contains the slide number spellcheck icon notes button comment button and views but it also includes a zoom slider the zoom level button and the fib sly to car window but it is located at the bottom of your screen and can be customized

Different types of PowerPoint views

Normal, outline view, slide sorter view, notes page, reading view


Notes or drawings. You may find it helpful to add these to your slides during a presentation. You can draw directly on your side using the pen tool. You can underline or circle words to call attention to them, draw an arrow to an object, or draw a simple illustration. To erase what you have drawn press eat. With each slide you must again activate the drawing pointer, in order to avoid accidentally drawing on your size. The annotations you create or not permanent and less you say the annotations when exiting the slideshow and then save the changes upon exiting the file. You may want to save the annotation file with a different file name from the original presentation so that you have both versions of the presentation. Rather than Anna take a slide you may simply want to point to a specific selection of the screen. A laser pointer feature enables you to do this

How to create a new presentation?

Number one: click file, then click new. Number two: click the design team you want to use. Number three: click create and a new file will open with a design team you selected.

How to change a theme or apply a theme variant?

Number one: click the design tab to display thumbnail previews in the themes and variant groups. Number two: click more to see all of the available themes. Number three: point to different themes to see a live preview of the theme apply to your presentation. Number four: click a theme to apply to your presentation. Number five: click a variant in the variant group to apply to your presentation.

How to print a copy of the slideshow using the default PowerPoint settings?

Number one: click the file tab and click print. Number two: click the currently displayed printer to choose the print device you want to use. Number three: click print all slides and then select one of the options for the print area or for a custom range. Number four: click for page slide to select the layout of the print out. Number five: click to select collated or in collated. Number six: click color to select color, grayscale, or pure black and white. Number seven: click print

How to insert text in a header or footer?

Number one: click the insert tab. Number two: click header and footer in the text group. Number three: click the slide tab or the notes and handouts tab. Number four: click desired options and enter desired text. Number five: click apply to all to add the information to all slides or Pages or if you were adding the header or footer to a single slide, click apply

How to check the slideshow elements?

Number one: click the slideshow tab. Number two: click from beginning to start slideshow group. Number three: advance through each slide checking layouts, transitions, and animations. Number four: and the slideshow and return to normal view. Number five: change any layouts, placeholder location, transitions, and animations as needed.

How to re-order slides?

Number one: click the view tab. Number two: click slide sorter in the presentation views group. Number three: select the sly do you want to move and drag the slide to the new location. Number four: double-click any slide to return to normal view.

How to create a table on a new slide?

Number one: create a loose wire using any Leo. Number two: click the insert tab, and then click the table and the table group. Number three: drive over the gray to highlight the number of rows and columns that you need, and then click. Number four: type your information into the table cells.

How to enlarge a section of a slide on the screen?

Number one: navigate to the slide. Number two: point to the lower left side of the screen to display the navigation controls. Number three: click the magnifying glass icon in the navigation controls on the lower left corner. This will display a highlighted rectangular area on your side. Number four: move the rectangular box over the area of the slide you want to emphasize. Number five: click ESC to return to the normal view.

How to spell check?

Number one: read the slide content as you type it looking for wavy red Underlines that indicate a potential typographical error or a repeated word. Read each slide after typing it's information. Number two: use the spelling feature located on the review tab to check the entire presentation. Number three: ask a friend or colleague to review the presentation. Number four: display the presentation in reading view and read each word out loud. Number five: correct all spelling or word usage errors found.

How to use the laser pointer?

Number one: right click a slide in the slideshow view. Number two: pointto point her options. Number three: click laser pointer. Number four: move the pointer to the desired position. Number five: press ESC to end the laser pointer.

How to move to a specific slide on the screen using the see all slides command?

Number one: right click a slide while in slideshow view. Number two: click see all slides. Number three: click the slide you want to display.

How to change the ink color for the pen or highlighter?

Number one: right click on a slide to display the shortcut menu. Number two: point to pointer options. Number three: click ink color. Number four: click the color of your choice.

How to customize status bar?

Number one: right click the status bar. Number two: select the options to display from the customize status bar list. Number three: click off the customer status bar list to return to editing

How to apply an animation to text or other object already being used On the PowerPoint?

Number one: select the object that has the animation affect you want to copy to another object. Number two: click animation a painter in the advanced animation group on the animations tab. Number three: click the text or object you want to apply the animation.

How to apply an animation to text or other objects?

Number one: select the object you want to animate. Number two: click the animations tab. Number three: click more and the animation group to display the animation gallery. Number four: select the animation tight. Number five: click effect options to display any available options related to the selected animation type.

How to delete a transition?

Number one: select the slide with the transition you want to delete. Number two: click the transitions tab. Number three: click none in the transition to this slide group. Number four: click apply to all in the timing group if you want to remove all transitions.

How to apply a transition to a slide?

Number one: select the sly to which you want to add a transition. Number two: click the transitions tab. Number three: click the more button in the transition to this slide group. Number four: select a transition from one of the following groups: subtle, exciting, and dynamic content. Number five: click preview to see the transition apply to the slide.

Slideshow of view

Used when presenting your slideshow. Delivers the completed presentation for screen to an audience, one slide at a time, as an electronic presentation. Access the options for a slideshow of you from the start slideshow group on the slideshow time. For a quick access to slide show view , You can click the slideshow button on the status bar. The slideshow can't be present it manually or automatically. If automatically the slideshow stays on a certain side for a predetermined amount of time after which the next slide a period. A slideshow can't contain a combination of both methods. Two in the slideshow, press ESC. This you also includes pointer tools, slide navigator that enables you to move between slides as needed without leading slideshow view, and slide zoom that you can use to focus your audience on your ideas.

Notes page view

When you need to answer an adult large amounts of text that you can refer to when presenting. Slide should contain just keep points and you should elaborate on the key points verbally are you deliver the presentation. Consequently speaker notes can be most useful tool when giving a presentation. Notes do not display when the presentation is shown except one presenter view is used but are intended to help the speaker remember the key points and additionally information about each slide

How to save as a PowerPoint show?

When you save a PowerPoint presentation, by default it is saved as a .pptx file extension. Then, when you open the file, it opens to normal view, or edit mode, so that you can make changes to the presentation. If you save as and save the presentation as a PowerPoint show with a. PPSX extension, the presentation opens and slideshow of you. You will not see the PowerPoint in her face; the presentation is in play mode. This is valuable when you are ready to present and do not want your audience to see the PowerPoint interface. You double-click the PowerPoint shelf out with a. PPSX extension in file explorer to open the presentation and slideshow view. PowerPoint presentations are often saved as. PPSX files for distributing to others, too. Also a. PPSX file cannot be changed while viewing, you can open the file and PowerPoint and edit it.

Outline view

When you would like to enter text into your presentation using an outline. In other words, rather than having to enter the text into each placeholder want each slide separately you can type the text directly into an outline.

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