ProKnow MidTerm

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$12.65/day when on authorized status away from USNA— not taxable

Bad money habits

-live paycheck to paycheck -maxing out credit cards -not revising credit score reports

Good money habits

-pay yourself first -budgeting -pay with cash

Know the Athletic reserve period workout standards including where and when you can workout

1 545-1800, Reg PT gear off yard, PT on yard at O-course, E-course, golf course, sports complex

Know the table of priorities

1. Sure, Dant, Dep Dant, Ac Dean, Provost, OOW 2. Batt O, CO, SEL 3. Watch 4. Appointment outside USNA w/ outside specialist 5. Pre Commissioning Physicals 6. Mando meal/Formation 7. Scheduled exams outside class 8. Class 9. Mando Events (Forestal) 10. Batt lvl striper boards, aptitude boards, conduct for minor offenses 11. Scheduled team Practice 12. Drill, parade, march-on 13. Remedial PE 14. Tours/ Restriction 15. Intramural 16. Meeting with Ac advisor/ EI 17. Varsity, club A and JV practices other than scheduled practice 18. Club B and intramural activities other than scheduled practice 19. Sick Call 20. ECA 21. Liberty

Understand the town liberty schedule and the uniform requirements for each class

1/C) Fri: LMO/NLT 1300-2359, Sat: 0800-2359, Sun: 0800-1800. Civies 2/C) Fri: 1530-2359, Sat: 0800-2359, Sun: 0800-1800. Civies 3/C) Fri: N/A, Sat: 1200-2359, Sun: 0800-1800. Dress Uniform (Unless outside 35 miles) 4/C) Fri: N/A, Sat: 1200-2359, Sun: N/A. Dress Uniform

Know when the different MIDN classes are allowed to utilize dry dock for take out and sit down meals

1/C: 1800-2100(M-F), 2/C: 1800-2100 (M-F), 3/C 1800-2000(M-F) Sit(M,W,F,Sat + Sun), 4/C 1800-2000(M-F) Sit(Sat,Sun)

Composition of a carrier air wing (CVW)

4 VFA Squadrons (F/A-18C/D Hornet and F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet) 1 VAQ (EA-18G Growler) 1 VAW (E-2C/D Hawkeye) 1 VRC Detachment (C-2 Greyhounds) 1 HSC (MH-60S Knighthawk) 1 HSM (MH-60R Seahawk)

Levels of credit scores

<630- bad credit 630-689- fair credit 690-719- Good Credit 720-850- Excellent

Name of Current Maritime Strategy

A cooperative strategy for 21st century seapower (CS-21R): Forward, engaged, ready.

Foul line / Fouled Deck

A flight deck is either clear or foul if there is something or someone that jeopardizes a landing. Foul lines are drawn on the flight deck to mark safe areas.

role and responsibility of Naval Aircrewman

AWF: Aircrewman Mechanical AWO: Aircrewman Operator AWR: Aircrewman Tactical Helicopter AWS: Aircrewman Helicopter AWV: Aircrewman Avionics

Brown Jersey

Air wing plane captains Air wing line leading petty officers

White Jersey

Air wing quality control personnel squadron plane inspectors landing signal officer air transfer officers liquid oxygen crews safety observers medical personnel

Yellow Jersey

Aircraft Handling officers Catapult and Arresting Gear officers Plane Directors

Five essential functions in combined arms approach of U.S. Seapower

All domain access Deterrence Sea control Power projection Maritime security

Half mast procedure

All the way up and then down to half mast Raise and then lower

Purple Jersey

Aviation Fuels "Grapes"

Understand process for taps and late lights

CDO conducts taps, must be in your room after, 2300 during school week, Fri + Sat- 2359, 4/C late lights from SL

Responsibilities of CNO and CMC to SECNAV

CNO: Responsible to SECNAV for command, utilization of resources, and operating efficiency of the operating forces of the Navy and of Navy shore activities. CMC: Responsible to the SECNAV for the command, utilization of resources, and operating forces of the USMC.

Compound interest vs. simple interest

COMPOUND: charged on the amount lent plus interest it has obtained SIMPLE: does not compound— only charged on amount lent

Charitable allotments

Can donate to combined federal campaign (CFC) Navy/Marine Corpse Relief Society (NMCRS)

credit card

Card issued by a financial institution giving the holder an option to borrow funds

Two Largest operational Units + their composition

Carrier Strike Group: 1 aircraft carrier (CVN) 1 Guided Missile Cruiser (CG) 2 Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG) 1 Attack Submarine (SSN) 1 combined ammunition, oiler, and supply ship 1 carrier air wing (70 aircraft) F/A-18C/E/F Hornets and Super Hornets EA-18G Growlers E-2C/D Hawkeyes C-2 Greyhounds MH-60R "Romeo" Seahawks MH-60S "Sierra" Knighthawks Expeditionary Strike Group: 1 Amphibious Assault Ship (LHA or LHD) 1 Amphibious Transport Dock (LPD) Ship 1 Dock Landing Ship (LSD) 1 Marine expeditionary Unit (MEU) AV-8B Harrier IIs F-35 Lightning IIs MV-22 Ospreys (V/STOL) AH/-1W Super Cobra Helicopters UH-1 Huey Helicopters MH-60S "Sierra" helicopters KC-130J Super Hercules Surface combatants and submarines

Green Jersey

Catapult and arresting gear crews Air wing maintenance personnel Cargo-handling personnel Ground Support Equipment troubleshooters Hook Runners Photographer's Mates Helicopter landing signal enlisted personnel

Chester W. Nimitz

Class of 1905: Fleet Admiral/ CNO

Alan B. Shepard Jr.

Class of 1945: NASA Astronaut/ 1st American in Space

James Earl "Jimmy" Carter

Class of 1947: 39th President of the US

James Stockdale

Class of 1947: Prisoner of War/ received Medal of Honor

Ross Perot

Class of 1953: Entrepreneur/Presidential Candidate

John McCain

Class of 1958: Prisoner of War/US Senator

Roger Staubach

Class of 1965: Heisman Trophy Winner/Pro FB Player

Major General Charles Bolden

Class of 1968: NASA Astronaut

Wendy Lawrence

Class of 1981: Astronaut

Michelle Howard

Class of 1982: First Female 4-star in US Navy

David Robinson

Class of 1987: Pro Basketball Player

Erik Kristensen

Class of 1995: SEAL- Helo went down in rescue mission

Dispute fraud in a Credit Report

Contact Equifax, Experian, or Transunion


Debt investment in which someone loans money to an entity that borrows the funds for a defined period of time at a fixed interest rate

savings account

Deposit account held at a financial institution that provides principal security and modest interest rate— short term goals

LCS Littoral Combat Ship Classes

Dual designed for max speed and shallow draft Freedom (odd numbers)- Mono-hull Independence (even numbers)- Tri-hull Mission packages are supported by special detachments that will deploy manned and unmanned vehicles Weapons 57mm gun RAM 2 x 20 Phalanx CIWS (fwd and aft) Crew: 50-85 mission dependent

EA-18G Growler

Electronic Attack: twin V vertical stabilizers, jamming pods on wingtips (EA-18G),Rectangular air intakes 1 pilot and 1 NFO (Electronic Warfare Officer)

Colors shifted on Navy Ship

Ensign flown from flagstaff Union Jack Flown from jackstaff

Held pay

Ensure sufficient funds are available to meet future mandatory issue -no min for 4/C -$450 for 3/C -$1000 for 2/C

Outside funds

Entitled to apply and receive scholarships all for years at USNA

1st aviator to successfully take of and land on a ship

Eugene Ely

Understand special request and approval authority

Every MIDN has right to submit one, goes through CoC Company: 3 days prior Battalion: 5 days prior Commandant/ DepDant: 7 days Prior

Future Naval Aviation Advances

F-35 Lightning II: New strike fighter first being deployed by the marine corps Unmanned Systems: Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS)- Program to deploy UAV's MQ-4C Triton- Maritime surveillance, deployed under BMAS MQ-8 Fire Scout- Reconnaissance, situational awareness, and precision targeting support for ground, air, and sea forces. X-47B In May of 2013, an X-47B was successfully launched from an aircraft carrier, with a successful arrested landing conducted in July of that year. 2020 planned deployment.


Federal Income Tax Withholding (FITW)

Role and Responsibility of NFO

Fight the aircraft

E-6B Mercury

Fleet air Reconnaissance-- Antenna pod on spine--- 3 pilots/2NFO/6-9 Enlisted aircrew

Role and Responsibility of Pilot

Fly the aircraft

certificates of deposit (CDs)

Funds borrowed by the bank from their customers

Location of first Naval Air Station

Greenbury Point

Understand differences between hazing and discrimination

HAZING- any conduct whereby military member or members, regardless of service or rank, without proper authority causes another military member or members, regardless of service or rank, to suffer or be exposed to activity that is cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning, or harmful. Soliciting or coercing such activity is also considered hazing. DISCRIMINATION- any act or failure to act that is based in whole or part on a person's race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin, and effects privileges, benefits, or working conditions

CG-47 Ticonderoga Class

Hurricane bow, split superstructure with two SPY array facing forward and two aft. Two masts shorter forward taller aft Two exhaust stacks Multi mission AW/USW/Strike/SUW Aegis Cruisers outfitted with BMD Weapons: Aircraft: 2 MH-60 Crew: 30 officers/300 enlisted

ACE Loan

Interest free advance of $8500 to provide funding for initial mandatory gear/uniform/equipment during Plebe Summer

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

Investment tool to save for retirement

mutual fund

Investment vehicle made up of a pool of funds contributed by many investors for the purpose of investing in securities

Jet Blast

It is very easy to get sucked in/pushed off by a jet engine. Do not move within 100 feet. Noise is bad too. Hearing protection must be worn when exposed to 104dB of prolonged exposure, or 165 dB of peak exposure.

Noise hazards

It is very easy to get sucked in/pushed off by a jet engine. Do not move within 100 feet. Noise is bad too. Hearing protection must be worn when exposed to 104dB of prolonged exposure, or 165 dB of peak exposure.

Propeller/rotor hazards

It is very easy to get sucked in/pushed off by a jet engine. Do not move within 100 feet. Noise is bad too. Hearing protection must be worn when exposed to 104dB of prolonged exposure, or 165 dB of peak exposure.

CVN-68 Nimitz Class

Largest ship in US Navy (more than 1000ft) Small superstructure 2/3s distance bow to stern Centerpiece of America's naval forces. Power projection, forward presence, humanitarian assistance, deterrence, sea control, and maritime security. Weapons: Multiple NATO Sea Sparrow, Phalanx CIWS, RAM Crew: 3350/ Air wing 2480

MH-60R 'Romeo' Seahawk

Maritime Strike--- Rear wheel toward middle--- 2 pilots/1-2 Enlisted Aircrew

MH-53E Sea Dragon

Mine Countermeasures--- Large size--- 2Pilots/1-2 enlisted aircrew

Leave and Earnings Statement

Monthly pay stub- shows entitlements, deductions, leave info, and tax withholding info

Service member's group life insurance (SGLI)

Monthly rate of 6.5 cents per $1000 of coverage— max coverage of $400,000

Operational CoC

NCA Unified Combatant Commander Subordinate Component Commander Numbered Fleet Commander Task Force Commander Task Group Commander Task Unit Commander Task Element Commander

DDG-51 Arleigh Burke Class

Open bow, split superstructure, 4 SPY array faces Can operate independently or as part of a carrier strike group. Multimission AAW/ASW/ASUW Weapons: Aircraft: 2 MH-60 Crew: 28 officers/254 enlisted

Career loans

Optional loan offered by Navy Fed and USAA to jumpstart Naval/USMC career

Red Jersey

Ordnancemen Crash and Salvage Crews EOD 'Ordies'

Members of National Command Authority (NCA)


Admin. CoC

POTUS- The Honorable Donald J. Trump Sec of Def- The Honorable James Mattis Sec of Navy- The Honorable Richard Spencer CNO- Admiral John Richardson Fleet Commanders Type Commanders Group Commanders Squadron Commanders Unit Commanders

Pay day

Paid once a month at the beginning for the previous month

money market account

Pays higher interest than savings account— short term savings and emergency funds

Blue Jersey

Plane Handlers Aircraft elevator Operators Tractor Drivers Messengers and Phone Talkers

Members of National Security Council

President, VP, Sec of state, sec of defense

Know upperclass-4/c relationship guidelines and other MIDN relationships


My pay

Provides pay and tax info, change password every 150 day

travel reimbursement

Reimbursed for travel performed under official orders


Retail arm of USNA

F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

Role (F/A-18 C & E/F): Carrier based all weather Fighter/Attack

F/A-18C Hornet

Role (F/A-18 C & E/F): Carrier based all weather Fighter/Attack, twin V vertical stabilizers, Oval air intakes (F/A-18C), F/A-18C & E: 1 pilot

C-2A Greyhound

Role: Carrier Onboard Delivery (COD); Fleet Logistics Support; 10,000 lbs over 1,000 nm; aft cargo door/ramp and winch Features: High wing; twin turboprop engines; rear loading ramp Crew: 2 pilots/ 2 enlisted

E-2C Hawkeye

Role: Carrier based Airborne Early Warning, surface surveillance coordination, air interdiction, Command and Control, close air support coordination, search and rescue airborne coordination, communications relay Features: high wing; twin turboprop engines; large rotating radar dome on spine Crew: 2 Pilots/3 NFOs

P-3C Orion

Role: Maritime Patrol ;Land-based maritime patrol aircraft, conducts anti-submarine warfare, ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance), over water and land. Features: 4 Large turboprop engines, Large Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD). Crew: 3 Pilots/2 NFOs/4-6 enlisted Aircrew

P-8A Poseidon

Role: Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA); Replacement for P-C3C aircraft, anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and anti surface (ASUW) capabilities. Features: Twin Turboprop engines with lower nacelles, raked wingtips Crew: 3 pilots, 2 NFOs, 3-6 enlisted aircrew

Understand the weekend eligibility requirements and the regulation regarding awarded weekends

SAT in Academics, PE, and aptitude/Conduct, Passed PFA 1/C: Unlimited 2/C) 8 3/C) 6 4/C) None

MH-60S 'Sierra' Knighthawk

Sea Combat--- Rear wheel toward tail--- 2 Pilots/2 enlisted aircrew

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Security that tracks a specific market, commodity, or basket of assets.— like mutual fund but not actively managed by fund managers

EP-3E Aries II

Signals Intelligence--- M&M radar Dome--- 2 Pilots/3NFO/ 1 enlisted flight engineer/ 18 enlisted aircrew


Signifies ownership in a corporation -Common: lets you vote at shareholders' meetings and receive dividends -Preferred: has no voting rights but has a claim on assets and earnings

Capabilities of modern surface ships

Stealth Endurance Firepower Mobility Communication

Mission of the Navy

To maintain train and equip combat ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom of the seas.

Checking account

Transactional deposit account held at a financial institution for withdrawals and deposits— everyday use account

First aircraft carrier

USS Langley

DDG 1000 Zumwalt Class

Wave piercing "Tumblehome" hull form Tailored for sustained operations in littoral and land attack Multi mission design makes it 100% globally deployable 80 Advanced VLS cells for Tomahawks, ESSM, Standard Missile 2 Advanced Gun System 155mm guns Long-Range Land Attack Projectiles 155mm rounds 2 MK 46 Close in Guns Aircraft: 2 MH-60R Or 1 MH-60R and 3 UAVs Crew: 160(20 officers and 140 enlisted)

Navy Ethos

We are the US Navy our nations sea power... We are professional sailors and civilians... Integrity is the foundation of our conduct; respect for others is fundamental to our character; decisive leadership is crucial to our success... We are a team, disciplined and well prepared, committed to mission accomplishment... We are patriots, forged by the Navy's core values of Honor, courage, and commitment... We defend our nation and prevail in the face of adversity with strength, determination and dignity... We are the US Navy.

Uniform rules for USNA sponsored events

Wear uniform unless specifically stated otherwise

Foreign object debris (FOD)

is any object, live or not, located in an inappropriate location in the airport/flight deck environment that has the capacity to damage aircraft and/or injure personnel. To reduce this hazard, Air Department personnel will conduct a 'FOD walkdown, 1 to 2 hours prior to the day's first launch

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