PSY 275

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Genes & Alcohol Maternal Drinking

20-30% of women drink at some point during their pregnancy maternal: age, poor nutrition, multiple births, small women, member of family with heavy drinking Environmental: poor living conditions, low see, high levels of stress (weathering), living in culture where binge drinking is accepted (italy low FAS Africa high) Genetic: genetics of child combined with mother

Alcohol & Advertising Media

30% threshold for advertising; not supposed to advertises on networks where watchers of 30% are under age of 21 influences on underage viewers expectancies in adolescents and young adults advertising: messages expectations drinking behaviors

Alcohol & Anxiety: Psychotherapeutic & Psychopharmacological

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: identifying changing understanding maladaptive thoughts and behaviors, relatively quick: go regularly see results in 4-12 weeks. treat alcohol abuse and disorder together

Alcohol & the Family FAMILY ROLES

Hero: responsible one, try to make family look normal to everyone else, high achievers, successful in schools and careers, use success to cope whats going on with family, defense mechanism, attempt to reduce family pain by trying to improve situation Adjuster: stays quiet, do what they are told, try not to cause any conflict, tend to keep to themselves & stay out of way Placater: people pleaser, high in empathy, develop high tolerance of unpredictable behaviors alcoholics will present Mascot: fun one, entertain others, use sense of humor to take away, low tolerance for stress, tend to be funny as an avoidance strategy to not deal with situation Scapegoat: problem child, gets in trouble, tension in family, will misbehave, family can focus on the behaviors of this child & maintain their denial of the other problems, provide the focus and distraction to the system.

Alcohol & the Family : Family System INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE

IPV male to female IPV receives more publicity level of husbands drinking directly related to greater spousal abuse most married or cohabiting couples that reported IPV experience directional rather than unidirectional Bidirectional: difficult to determine who initiated the violence & whether it was primarily defensive or offensive, black more likely to report than whites Unidirectional: clear who the perpetuator is and that the intent is offensive, females more likely to engage, male to female related risk factor of male childhood physical abuse

Race Ethnicity & Gender: Health Effects

acute or chronic medical concerns cirrhosis of the liver, most researched health consequences intentional injury: alcohol related suicide- Native americans hispanics whites. alcohol related violence-highest among blacks, men more likely to report drinking during violence unintentional injury: DUI, alcohol poisoning, drowning, car accidents, whites have higher risk for DUI than hispanics, most drivers killed during drinking/ driving were males FAS, gastrointestinal disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, renal cancer, esophagus cancer, diabetes infectious diseases

Alcohol & Anxiety PANIC DISORDER

alcohol can cause panic attacks alcohol use comes before or concurrently

Addiction & Dependence Symptoms of Tolerance

alcohol doesn't affect us the same way over time decreased effects following repeated use with increased tolerance the drinker underestimates the true BAC, leading them to engage in riskier behavior pleasure associate with alcohol decreases over time; increasing drinking and frequency


alcohol thought to relieve anxiety often exaggerates symptoms alcohol abuse follows SAD

Childhood Environment& Modeling: Parental Drinking EFFECTS ON CHILDREN

antisocial behaviors emotional problems : negative attitudes towards school themselves/parents problems in school: learning difficulties, abstent often, intellectual delays mistrust & social difficulties: not given opportunity to develop trusting relationship physical harm: may develop alcohol and other drug dependencies to cop with shame, fear, & pain parentification: roles swapped with parent and child, child becomes caregiver of family this could translate into child's relationship when older neglect: not being emotionally available, not having interest in childs life, no appropiate supervision inconsistent parenting: may fail to monitor childs behavior or their friend choices, child may develop delinquent behaviors, fall under person who may lead them astray prioritizing: example, parents rather drink than take care of their child, use money for alcohol instead of groceries modeling: alcoholic parents influence child drinking by direct modeling of alcohol use and by transmission of their values about drinking. non drinking parent tires to rationalize other parents drinking problem

Race Ethnicity & Gender Risk and Protective Factors

approaches used to providence evidence about drinking behavior of ethnic minorities community or population survey uses standard and objective methods by obtaining self reports from a representative sample of the total population, includes members from all minority groups ethnography: use method of field researchers make field observations & inferences about the meaning or file of drinking in the context of an ethnic groups values and traditions

Race Ethnicity & Gender Barries and Demographics

black church and family support view that the alcoholic person, not the alcohol, is responsible for the problems and that if alcoholics could, if they wished, control their behaviors concept of alcoholism as a disease, AA, not consistent with view in communities of alcoholism as immoral or sinful behavior Native Americans disproportionate representation in treatment programs constitute about 6% of the outpatients treated in federal treatment facilities in alcoholism treatment facility don't think they are there because they see themselves as alcoholics but because they feel jail is worse high failure rate; differences of philosophy in facilities, short of meeting their needs successful treatment programs combine spiritual elements & activities with their treatment procedures

Genes & Alcohol Processed in the Body

drink enters the stomach & small intestine, small blood vessels carry it to the bloodstream for distribution to the rest of the body alcohol is metabolized by the liver, enzymes break down the alcohol liver can process one standard drink per hour if food has been eaten before drugs are ingested, absorption rate will be slowed down

Addiction & Dependence Motives for Drinking: Conformity

drink to avoid social ridicule

Race Ethnicity & Gender WOMEN

drinking as much as men: convergence theory being diagnosed with AUDs women have less alcohol hydrogenates in stomach and liver metabolize more slowly when drink same amount as men, have a higher Blood Alcohol Content chronic higher alcohol consumption associated with hypertension, stroke, breast cancer, mortality family problems more closely related to women because interpersonal ties and relationships more important to them if family violence occurred with family alcoholism, more prone to childhood conduct show more depression and irritability

Race Ethnicity & Gender HISPANIC and LATINO

drinking more prevalent for fathers and mothers mexican americans more serious problem with alcohol, higher incidence of accidents, homicides, and arrests higher male drinking showed among those with higher education and higher income prevalence rate vary across subgroups and with specific substance clients are slightly overrepresented in the proportion of their percentage of the national population on alcoholism treatment machismo; cultural value that emphasizes strength personal autonomy

Addiction & Dependence Motives for Drinking: Enhancement

drinking to enhance a positive state, enhancing something thats already there. associate with heavy drinking(party wedding graduation) settings: friends house, same sex friends motive: outgoing, extrovert, sensation seeking, impulsive, (low) conscientiousness

Alcohol & the Family: Family System REGULATING FAMILY SYSTEM

dynamic change in part of system affects entire system as addict becomes more disables by addiction, family members adapt to accommodate the changes in the addict homeostasis: idea that family likes to keep balance; having an alcoholic family member try to maintain a balance stop drinking > disrupts balance

Genes & Alcohol 3 Criteria Diagnosing FAS

dysmorphology: physical growth, developmental, structural effects cognitive function and behavior Maternal Exposure & Risk: how much mother drinks during pregnancy; other consequences that follow

Genes & Alcohol Genetics Factors Influence Alcohol Use

genes that affect sensitivity to alcohol, metabolic process and neurotransmitters regulations play a role in determining whether people drink & how their bodies react to alcohol can be affected by factors in physical environments, pollutants, crowding, noise (generates stress)

Genes & Alcohol Gene- Environment Correlation PASSIVE

genetic environment association between the genotype a child inherits from her parents and the environment in which the child is raised Example: intelligent parents have child with genetic potential for intelligence environment is not independent of genes


high tolerance level can drink to a level that would cause others to be in the hospital

Alcohol & Anxiety Comorbid AUD

higher likelihood of AUD 45% of those with AUD meet criteria for an anxiety disorder clients who are alcoholic & social phobia disorder more likely to relapse anxiety leads to alcohol abuse, way to self medicate themselves to reduce their anxiety excessive alcohol use might bring upon specific anixety disorder hard to determine which is primiary disorder

Genes & Alcohol FAS Baby

low birth weight physical malformations: small hard circumference, flattened mid face, misshapen eyes, sunken nasal bridge difficulty in intellectual ability, lower IQ difficulty in emotional regulation/control; influence things like attention span, poor impulse control doesn't interact socially, can't hold jobs difficulty in daily life skills, decision making skills

Alcohol Throughout History Different Forms

mead- fermented honey beer- from other ingredients wine- part of civilized life in greek and roman empires (used for medicine and therapeutic purposes)

Race Ethnicity & Gender GENDER ROLES

men more likely than women to have treatment women more likely to be "closet" alcoholics delays treatment until problems become more severe both genders suffer same rate of relapse


metabolizing alcohol more quickly increases for all drugs

Race Ethnicity and Gender NATIVE AMERICANS

most afflicted with alcohol abuse wide diversity of drinking attitudes and patterns exists among various tribes those living on reservations may differ from those in the general population males between ages 25 & 44 consume the most alcohol high liver cirrhosis rate, 3 times the national rate alcohol abuse health problems; pancreatitis, malnutrition fas, heart disease suiicide and homicide rates twice as likely compare to the general population alcohol new to american indians of colonial times, their culture had no traditions for regulating its use loss of their land and hunting prey as white settlers expanded the development of the west caused a frustration that was assuaged by excessive alcohol use some tribes experienced cultural that losses that placed them at mor risk for alcohol problems not a single drinking style among them- vary by time and location survey conducted showed that older adults, women, married adults more likely to quit using alcohol if participated in 2 of the 3 components (traditional activities, traditional spirituality, cultural identity)

Race Ethnicity & Gender Vulnerable Populations

nativer americans= most vulnerable homeless; difficult to define relationship between loss of home and substance use, half of 3/4 substance abuse disorders elderly: 3rd most common physiatrics diagnosis, tend to be overrepresented, metabolize alcohol differently than younger people, 3 drinks similar to 12 beers for a 21 year old. availability and access: certain minority neighborhoods have higher availability of liquor stores acculturation: process in which members of one culture group adopts the beliefs and behaviors of another group

Genes & Alcohol Gene-Environment Interaction

neither genetic nor environmental factors are sole determinats of outcomes of the joint effects of both are involved social environments created by groups: adolescents who have first drink before age 15, more likely to develop alcohol problems

Childhood Environment & Modeling: Parental Drinking DV & CHILDREN

non sexual abuse, hitting, threats, insults sexual abuse: higher risk due to the parents are less able to protect them from sexual predators alcohol use associated with violence in home- men toward women with children as bystanders alcohol implicated in roughly 1/4 of child abuse cases damage to family attachment need for security fear, withdrawal, need for security


parental factors served as protective factor against their aclohol use drinking more prevalent for fathers and mmothers come frmo cultures traditionally emphasized confucian ideas of moderation-moderate use of alcohol males; little or no alcohol consumption for females= the norm, public drunkness highly frowned upon as disgrace & unacceptable conduct among females alcohol use is low overall lower use of alcohol been attributed to a great physiological reactivity to alcohol among asians - facial flushing occurs alcohol has stronger or quicker effect on people of this descent metabolize alcohol differently; have a variant of ALDH2; gene that helps metabolize alcohol slower rate of elimination of toxic by products of alcohol metabolism leading them to experience adverse physiological reaction to relatively small amount of alcohol place premium on maintaining surface, so threat of loosing control due to alcoholic excess may lower risk for drinking problems

Race Ethnicity & Gender AFRICAN AMERICANS

parental influence in choice of friends serves as protective factor against alcohol abuse suffered heavily from adverse affects of alcohol economic factors related to heavy drinking, as both antecedents and consequences living in poverty in crowded and crime ridden neighbor hoods without much hope for improvement drinking viewed as reaction to stress or a form of escape to deal with poverty & racism those more involved in Black social networks& had greater social and political involvement drank at lower levels- may be related to greater religiosity and more conservative drinking norms developed higher rates of physical health problems form alcohol use-due to factors of racism, unemployment, poor health, poor living conditions higher liver cirrhosis mortality alcohol used to represent oppression, now seen as sophistication, prestige and affluence relationship between religious involvement and alcohol use problems- alcohol use problems related to not attending church only as well as being a male, having major depression complete fewer years of education black women do more drinking at home for black important to consider quality of beverage and place of consumption high rate of bing drinking, consuming 5 or more drinks per occasion, greater risk for health impairments and higher mortality showed high incidence of public drunkenness and driving while intoxicated

Genes & Alcohol Gene-Environment Correlation ACTIVE

people actively seek out environments that support the behavior their genetically predisposed to self selected in and our of social groups Example: those who are extroverted may seek out different social environments than those who are shy and withdrawn

Childhood Environment& Modeling: Parental Drinking SUBSTANCE TROUBLED PARENTS

problematic alcohol use affects parenting quality emotionally unavailable, inconsistent parenting, neglect adversely affects children's emotional psychological well-being, attachment quality

Genes & Alcohol Symptoms of FAD: Mother

quantity: how much the mother drank frequency: how often did the mother drink Timing: at what stage of her pregnancy did she drink

Addiction & Dependence AUD According to DSM 5

requires 2-3 symptoms of 11 list taking a substance in larger amount or for longer than intended wanting to cut down or stop using the substance but not managing top spending a lot of time getting, using or recovering from use of substance cravings and urges to use the substance not managing to do what one should at work/home/school because of substance use Continuing to use even when it causes problems in relationships giving up important social, occupational or recreational activities because of substance use Using substance again and again even when it puts the user in danger Continuing to use, even when one knows that they have a problem that could've been caused by the substance needing more of the substance to get the desired effect (tolerance) development of withdrawal symptoms which can be relieved by taking more of the substance

Race Ethnicity & Gender MEN

showed a higher frequency of heavy drinking for legal & job related stress family alcoholism not associated with child conduct problems/adult problems with alcohol or violence but associated with adult drug problems have more difficulties with work, school and finical

Childhood Environment& Modeling: Alcohol Use Expectancies

siblings, peers, and media can all contribute to alcohol use expectancies: appear before people start to drink, beliefs about the effects of drinking Positives: more social, more confident Negatives: get sick, hangover Directly: person experience Indirect: media, family, peers

Alcohol & Anxiety PTSD

similar relief/aggervation cycle to SAD alcohol use commonly follows certain symptoms can increase relapse to alcohol use

Addiction & Dependence Motives for Drinking: Coping

to relieve a negative state to deal with problems most harmful, most maladaptive reported alcohol- related problems in addition to heavy drinking just masking the problem, core uses never resolved settings: home alone, drink independently Motive: (high) neuroticism, "self - doubt", cynical, (low) agreeableness

Addiction & Dependence Symptoms of Withdrawal

unpleasent side effects following drinking cessation (anxiety, sweating, vomiting, fatigue, shaking) drinking during withdrawal increases reinforcement alcoholics drink for pleasure or to avoid withdrawal symptoms alcoholics often learn to drink to cope with stress

Alcohol Throughout History

used for nutrition safer than drinking water used for social purposes (religion) Pain Relief Post WW1- prohibition&speak easies

Addiction & Dependence Motives for Drinking: Social

varied personality traits associated with moderate drinking Settings: coed parties, bars

Genes & Alcohol Gene - Environment Correlation REACTIVE

when an individuals heritable behavior evokes an environmental response doing something or behaving in a certain way: gets reaction aspects of temperament, gets a reaction,high activity level Example: child with a difficult temperament evokes negative responses in caregivers

Alcohol & Advertising: Themes and Trends

women catching up to males in terms of amount of alcohol consumed & in a binge style of drinking changes in patters of drinking social & health consequences changes associate with how both choose to spend their leisure time as as women engage in more risky drinking negative effects of such behavior on morbidity and mortality extend to women as binge drinking in young adults increases, so does the risky behavior women's drinking are described as glamorous and sparkling, men are beer drinkers masculinity and machismo: military descriptions serve to provide stronger version of masculinity, reinforcing of male phenomena as aggression and violence

Race Ethnicity & Gender GENDER ROLES

working mother had to choose between giving up their jobs or trying to both work and bring up their children adding a stress that might lead some to cope with alcohol or drugs both may drink in response to work pressure married women who work outside the home have higher rates of alcohol problems than homemakers or unmarried working women women working in jobs with male coworkers rather than in jobs with predominately female coworkers, more likely to drink male dominance occupation with both genders, may created job stress for women= lead to consumption

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