PSY 342 Quizzes

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Cutler, Penrod, and Dexter (1990) conducted several experiments exposing mock jurors to expert testimony about the _____ of eyewitness identification. The authors of this study found that participants who were NOT exposed to the expert testimony _____ the accuracy of eyewitnesses


Juan is a polygraph examiner who just completed a comparison question technique examination of a suspect in a murder investigation. In scoring the polygraph charts, which total score would indicate to Juan that the suspect is likely lying?


Research has shown that defendants who plead not guilty by reason of insanity comprise ______ of criminal cases


Andrea was asked to be an expert witness in a case with a suspected biased lineup. She conducted a mock witness evaluation of this lineup and showed the six-person lineup and the witness's description of the suspect to 180 mock witnesses. If more than _____ mock witnesses pick out the suspect then it's likely a biased lineup


One psychiatrist who treated Andrea Yates wrote that if she and Rusty were to have another child, that she would be surely guaranteed future psychotic depression. According to clinical research findings, once a woman has had a postpartum episode with psychotic features, the risk of recurrence with each subsequent delivery is between _____


According to the text, the cross-race effect is present in babies as young as _____ months old, and _____ from childhood to adulthood

9; is consistently strong

To hospitalize individuals against their will, most states now require that certain conditions be met. Which is NOT one of these conditions? ºA documented history of recent dangerous behaviors ºDisruption in a person's functioning due to severe mental disorder ºPresence of a severe mental disorder ºSubstantial likelihood of causing significant harm to self or others in the near future

A documented history of recent dangerous behaviors

In Kansas v. Crane (2002), the Supreme Court held that these conditions are required for involuntary civil commitment under SVP laws, EXCEPT: ºA serious difficulty controlling urges ºSome form of mental illness (as defined by individual states' laws) ºA future danger to society ºA history of violent behavior

A history of violent behavior

In the trial of John Hinckley Jr., the _____ standard was used


What is the primary difference between violence and aggression?

Aggression may not involve force, while violence does

There are several conclusions that can be drawn from research on implanting false memories. Which conclusion is NOT correct?

An individual's confidence, especially when absolute, is a reliable indicator that the memory is true

The amount of contact with children and the level of injury to the victim are aspects of which MTC:CM3 axis?

Axis II

_____ attorneys get more peremptory challenges when compared to _____ attorneys

Defense; prosecuting

What is the ethical question most pertinent to the use of trial consultants?

Do trial consultants make it more likely for a wealthy defendant to win the case?

Dylan is a 7-year-old boy who frequently binge-watches violent television shows such as The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones. Which factor will have the greater negative impact on his observational learning over the long haul?

Dylan believes the violence is rewarded

Evan is an 8-year-old boy who frequently sets small fires, is often aggressive toward his baby brother, and has difficulty communicating with others. Evan's father is convinced his son has antisocial personality disorder. Why is Evan's father wrong?

Evan is too young to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder

The comparison question technique (CQT) polygraph technique utilizes comparison questions that are supposed to make a person uncomfortable (so-called known lie questions). Which question is NOT a good comparison question for CQT purposes?

Have you ever tried a food you did not like?

According to research studies on eyewitness identification that are described in the text, which statement is NOT correct?

High-stress conditions usually increase the rate of correct identifications

Which pattern of thinking demonstrates the fundamental attribution error, or the tendency to attribute other people's behavior to dispositional causes?

If suspects are innocent, they would not confess to the crime they did not commit

According to Moffitt's developmental theory, a boy who bites playmates at age 3, shoplifts at age 10, commits burglary at age 19, and rapes at age 26 would be considered a(n) ____

Life course-persistent offender

Research findings indicate that there are several drawbacks to using hypnosis in forensic settings. Which statement about the use of hypnosis is NOT correct?

People remember less but what they do recall under hypnosis is more accurate

Psychopathy includes all of these traits, EXCEPT: ºDisinhibition, boldness, and meanness. ºDishonesty and tendency to be manipulative. ºPersistent feelings of anger and resentment. ºLack of empathy and lack of remorse

Persistent feelings of anger and resentment

According to the text, all of these statements about people with serious mental illnesses are correct, EXCEPT for which one? ºPlaying video games increases the likelihood of violence. ºProper treatment of mental illness can essentially eliminate the slight increase in the risk of violence. ºSubstance abuse increases the likelihood of violence. ºA mentally ill person is more likely to be a victim than a perpetrator of violence.

Playing video games increases the likelihood of violence

There are several problems with standard polygraph techniques. Which is NOT one of these problems?

Polygraph examiners believe in the importance of their mission and skills

Which statement is NOT true about actuarial risk assessment? ºActuarial instruments do not include rare factors impacting violence risk, only the more common factors. ºResearch shows that clinicians can improve the accuracy of actuarial prediction if they adjust it based on their clinical intuition. ºActuarial measures mostly rely on historical markers because dynamic and risk-management markers are more difficult to measure. ºIf only static markers are used for risk assessment, people committed under SVP laws would never be released.

Research shows that clinicians can improve the accuracy of actuarial prediction if they adjust it based on their clinical intuition

According to the text, which statement about child sexual abuse is NOT true?

Roughly equal percentages of boys and girls experience some form of unwanted sexual touching

In 1998 and again in 2020, the American Psychology-Law Society (APLS) made recommendations on how to reduce the number of incorrect identifications by changing some system variables. Which is NOT a current best practice procedure?

Sequential lineups should be preferred to simultaneous ones

Which answer choice describes the difference between mass murder and serial murder?

Serial murder involves a cooling-off period, whereas mass murder does not

According to the text, which statement about false confessions is NOT true?

Studies prove that false confessions are extremely rare

It is basically impossible to calculate the rate of reoffense for sexual offenders correctly. All of these reasons for that are valid, EXCEPT for which statement? ºSelf-reports of victimization are likely to underestimate recidivism rates due to underreporting by victims. ºSelf-reports of perpetration are likely to underestimate recidivism rates due to the stigma associated with sexual crimes. ºThe longer recidivism is tracked, the lower are the reoffense rates. ºRecidivism rates based on rearrest do not take into account unreported crimes.

The longer recidivism is tracked, the lower are the reoffense rates

Which statement is NOT true surrounding the enactment of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE)?

The reforms have harmed the ability of police to elicit true confessions

What is the BEST description of the NICHD Investigative Interview Revised Protocol?

This is a technique designed to reduce biased questioning and elicit true responses from children

According to the text, Dr. _____ is considered to be the first individual to develop a criminal profile when working on the Jack the Ripper case, at the end of the nineteenth century

Thomas Bond

Most internet-initiated sex crimes involve offenders who are ______

White males, older than 25 years

The term shadow jury refers to ______

a group of people similar in demographics to persons on the actual jury

An idiographic, qualitative approach to the prediction of violent behavior is based on _____ conducted by a clinician. Studies find this approach _____ when compared to actuarial methods of prediction

a specific case study; inferior

The Supreme Court made it clear in Barefoot v. Estelle (1983) that expert predictions of future dangerousness were _____ in capital sentencing _____

admissible; despite their likely inaccuracy

The biggest problem regarding the use of the cognitive interview with eyewitnesses is the difficulties that police have with:

adopting the interviewing style that is so different from their usual one

Research indicates that higher rates of rape completion and victim injury in date or acquaintance rape are related to offender _____

alcohol use

One concern with typologies is that _____

all individuals do not fit into neat categories

In Kansas v. Hendricks (1997), the Supreme Court ruled that sexually violent predator civil commitment laws did NOT violate double jeopardy. Double jeopardy means that:

an individual was punished two times for the same crime

Among dynamic markers of risk in actuarial prediction of future violence, there are all of these factors, EXCEPT:

antisocial personality disorder

Destruction of property and serious violation of rules are two DSM-V categories of _____

antisocial personality disorder

Nonspecific jury instructions to "weigh" unrecorded confessions with "caution and care":

are not likely to help jurors decide what factors to weigh when assessing the truthfulness of a confession.

Two components of the presumed child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS) are the denial of abuse and recantation of abuse. Researchers who analyzed actual interviews with sexually abused children found that, in reality, the denial and recantation of abuse:

are unusual

Erica is a criminal defendant. During her _____ a judge read the charges against her and asked Erica, "How do you plead?"


Whereas competence refers to defendants' state of mind _____, insanity concerns their state of mind _____

at the time of criminal justice proceedings; at the time of the crime

According to research completed by Bond and DePaulo (2006), people's ability to distinguish lies has a _____ above-chance rate of accuracy, and efforts to improve people's ability to discern lies have _____ very successful

barely; not been

Because clinicians were not aware of how often offenders reoffend, which is called the _____, clinicians' predictions would _____ the likelihood of violent behavior

base rate of reoffense; overestimate

The M'Naghten rule lists several components to meet the standard of legal insanity. One of the components is that, at the moment of the crime, the accused must have _____

been laboring under a defect of reason

The ability of humans to maintain relatively harmonious social relationships is facilitated by our capacity to _____ the truth

bend and reshape

In terms of the burden of proof, in criminal cases, the standard of proof for a person to be found guilty is _____, whereas in civil trials, the standard of proof is usually _____

beyond a reasonable doubt; preponderance of the evidence

In addition to issues with memory in general, other things can introduce biases. Studies show that interference can take place during the process of identification of a suspect: Witnesses may feel more certain about their memory of an event or perpetrator as a result of _____ and _____

biased questioning; lineup procedures

Delia is a prosecutor working on a case where allegations of child sexual abuse perpetrated by a day care center worker have been made. The child's parents are very concerned and want Delia to investigate the allegations. When it comes to the use of child interviewing props, Delia's best course of action is to use anatomically detailed _____. Moreover, these props should be used _____

body diagrams; only after the child has made a disclosure of abuse

Based on the text, the advantage of information-gathering techniques over accusatorial methods is that:

both approaches increase the number of true confessions, while information-gathering techniques reduce false confessions

Many serial killers suffer from _____ that impairs their _____

brain injury; rational thinking

The burden of proof for civil commitment is:

by clear and convincing evidence

Which term refers to a cluster of traits characterized by high impulsivity, egocentricity, lack of empathy, and deficits in emotional expression?


The courts' decisions with regard to civil commitment laws tend to support the idea that psychological experts _____ predict future violence, _____

can; despite evidence to the contrary

The NASH system is utilized to classify the:

causes of death

Jack was extremely uncomfortable with admitting to a crime against a minor so he kept denying any involvement. The interrogator has been very understanding and nice, and suggested that Jack had committed the crime without realizing the victim was a minor, since she looked so mature and acted like an adult. This situation illustrates a combination of which influence strategies inherent in the Reid technique?

certainty of guilt and minimization of culpability

Childhood onset and adolescent onset are two subtypes of which diagnosis?

conduct disorder

Jared was questioning a suspect using the Reid technique, and after a long and exhausting interrogation, the suspect falsely confessed to the crime just to put an end to the interrogation. When hearing this confession, Jared felt even more confident that the suspect was guilty. This is an illustration of the phenomenon that psychologists call _____ bias.


The MOST important task of the polygraph examiner is to:

convince the examinee that the polygraph can always detect a lie

The time interval in between killings in a serial murder is called the _____

cooling-off period

An influential, though unproven, taxonomy dividing killers into the organized and disorganized categories, makes a questionable leap from features of the _____ to the _____ of the perpetrator

crime scene; personality traits

One reason that juveniles are arrested in greater numbers than their proportions in the population is because they commit _____

crimes in groups

Which term is synonymous with sanity evaluation?

criminal responsibility evaluation

In the 2000s, claims of recovered memories _____, mostly in response to _____

decreased drastically; successful lawsuits against therapists who had created false memories

The Insanity Defense Reform Act (IDRA) of 1984 required that the _____ prove the insanity of the defendant at the time of the crime _____

defense; by clear and convincing evidence

Aggravated sexual abuse and sexual abuse are distinguished on the basis of ______

degree or threat of force

In the United Kingdom, the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) was enacted to make it illegal to trick suspects or to lie for the purpose of coercing suspects to confess. Studies show that _____ of pressure tactics and trickery, suspects are _____ likely to admit guilt

despite the decline; just as

Training people to detect lies _____ their ability _____ their confidence in their ability to discern lies

does not improve; but raises

Tia has always been a capable student who is aware of her strengths and limitations. She is kind to her friends and family and shows empathy to others. Tia likely has high _____

emotional intelligence

Which quality do sociopaths have that psychopaths lack?


Lapses of attention are most likely to affect which stage of the process of memory work?


Many people believe that high stress _____ memory, but empirical studies find that stress _____ memory

enhances; impairs

Psychological autopsies are typically used in cases involving:

equivocal death

Which category of the MTC:R3's aggression variable is characterized by extreme violence and desire to degrade the victim?

expressive aggression

Among the techniques looking at brain activity patterns, _____ is better able to locate the precise area of the brain activity, whereas _____ is better able to determine the timing of the activity


Studies show that those police officers who have passed through interrogation training:

feel more confident in their judgments of lie detection even when wrong

It is especially important to record the _____ with the child because _____

first interview; it may have the clearest indicators of the child's truthfulness

To make jury service less burdensome, the one day or one trial system is used in many areas, meaning that _____

for jurors who are selected, the jury duty will be over after the trial ends, and for the dismissed jurors, the jury duty is over

According to the text, the most prevalent use of the polygraph in the United States is:

for national security purposes

There are unique problems presented by insanity evaluations that make developing a test to evaluate insanity extremely difficult. All are valid reasons, EXCEPT:

forensic assessment instruments can conflate CST with insanity

Some states allow judges and jurors an alternative to NGRI. This middle ground verdict is called ______

guilty but mentally ill

Negative pretrial publicity makes jurors more likely to see the defendant as _____. When studies assessed if judges' instructions to disregard the negative publicity make a difference, they found that such instructions _____

guilty; do not remedy the situation

Which term is essential to the diagnosis of conduct disorder?


According to the text, all of these ways to ease the child testimony burden have been suggested, EXCEPT:

having a family friend administer the cross-examination of the child

A British study found that police detectives found profiling _____ the profiles helped catch a perpetrator in _____ of the cases where profiles were developed

helpful, but; a very small proportion

While walking through the halls of middle school, Vic accidentally bumps into a student named Jack. Vic is surprised when Jack responds by yelling profanity at Vic and punching him in the stomach several times. Which term best describes Jack's reaction?

hostile attribution bias

The use of a closed-circuit television (CCTV) is another way that children can testify in a case. CCTV allows the judge and jury to see the child without exposing the alleged victim to the emotional trauma that may present itself if the child were to see the defendant. In the case of Maryland v. Craig, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the _____ the defendant's right to confront the accuser

importance of protecting the child victim outweighs

Which variable of the MTC:R3 is a powerful predictor of recidivism and offending frequency?


In a study examining the effectiveness and accuracy of profiling, the vast majority of criminal profiles were found to be:

inaccurate and inconsistent

Hearsay testimony is generally _____ in court but most states do allow an exception to the hearsay rule for _____ victims

inadmissible; child

Suggestive questions can best be described as _____ leading questions _____

including; not volunteered by the child

In Barefoot v. Estelle (1983), the American Psychiatric Association provided an amicus curiae brief stating that expert predictions of violence risk were _____ two out of three times. The Supreme Court held that experts _____ provide their opinion in such cases

incorrect; should still

Elena was suspected of committing a fraud. Investigators asked her to tell her story in reverse. This promising lie-detection technique is based on the idea that narrating backward:

increased cognitive load

Which of the following is associated with heavy exposure to screen violence?

increased fear of becoming a victim

Researchers agree that both ______ factors and ______ factors are important in understanding violence

individual; environmental

Because of a long, exhausting interrogation, Kathryn just wanted the questioning to stop, so she confessed to the crime knowing that she did not commit it. This type of confession is called an _____ confession


Jeremy purposely confessed to a crime he did not commit to cover up for his wife. This type of confession is referred to as an _____ confession


After an intense interrogation process, Matthew became convinced that he robbed the store since all physical evidence pointed to him. This form of false confession is called an _____ confession


Jillian had often suffered from a delusional behavior disorder. When brought in for questioning, she started out by confessing to a crime that she had taken no part in. The term used for this type of false confession is an _____ confession


A challenge for cause _____, whereas a peremptory challenge ____

is based on possible biasing factors; allows lawyers to dismiss a person with no reason given

Even though a _____ may rule that a confession is inadmissible because it was coerced, such rulings are _____

judge; rare

According to the text, the current state of the criminal justice system in the United States makes all of these very likely to happen, EXCEPT:

juries can often determine if the confession resulted from psychological coercion

Research by Kassin and his colleagues has shown that even when _____ had no problem recognizing that a confession was coerced, they still voted _____ more often

jurors; guilty

Under Texas law, a _____ makes the competency determination


Marissa is being polygraphed using the guilty knowledge test. This test focuses on whether Marissa:

knows the facts that one would expect that only the criminal would know

According to the text, easily observable characteristics such as race should NOT be used for the purpose of classifying people as suspects because:

large groups of innocent people are likely to be harassed as a result

If prosecutors contest insanity, jurors are typically not informed that the defendant would not go free if found NGRI. A study cited in the text has found that telling jurors what happens to a defendant found NGRI:

leads to more NGRI verdicts

Human violence is ultimately a ______ behavior


April displays conventional values, with relatively inflexible viewpoints, generally identifying with authority figures and finding weakness to be intolerable. Her personality might be considered indicative of _____, which is one of the jurors' characteristics associated with _____ verdicts

legal authoritarianism; less lenient

Legal definitions of insanity are crafted by ____

legislators and judges

Paula has been playing with her fingers and rings during the interrogation and tried to avoid direct eye contact with her interrogator. Most people would mistakenly conclude that she is hiding something. This erroneous belief is called:

liar's stereotype

According to the text, children who supposedly suffer from child sexual abuse accommodation syndrome (CSAAS) are likely to show behavioral symptoms that could also be evident in children misled into admitting such abuse. These symptoms are believed to be part of the CSAAS syndrome, EXCEPT:

mentioning the abuse only to peers

Research suggests that insanity cases are often decided on ______ grounds


When exposed to sexual abuse testimony given by children at trial, it appears that jurors are _____ to believe young children compared to adolescents

more likely

Compared to nonexperts, psychophysiology experts' opinions about the reliability and usefulness of polygraph test results indicate that the polygraph is:

more questionable than useful.

A study by Kassin and his colleagues (2005) found that police detectives were _____ likely than college students to judge false confessions as true, and were _____ confident about their judgments.

more; more

Research exploring the effect of repetitive questioning on preschool-aged children's responses found that:

most children changed their answers to incorporate the suggested falsehoods

Holmes and Holmes (2010) have categorized serial killers into four types: visionary, mission-oriented, hedonistic, and power-oriented. Subsequent research showed that:

most serial killers do not fall neatly into just one of these categories

An increasing use of neuroscientific evidence like brain scans in the courtroom led to the creation of a new interdisciplinary field called _____. A fundamental conflict embedded in this interdisciplinary field concerns the issue of ____

neurolaw; free will

Mokros and Alison (2002) analyzed 100 stranger rapes for the presence of 28 characteristics of the rapists, who committed them, and found:

no discernible demographic resemblance between criminals that committed very similar crimes

Research first completed by Rita Simon in 1967, and later replicated in multiple studies by Finkel and his colleagues in the 1990s and 2000s, found that, when different sets of jurors are given different definitions of insanity based on legal terminology, this results in _____ verdicts

no impact on their

When it comes to sex offender community notification and registration laws, there is _____ scientific evidence that they reduce sexual recidivism. Most critics argue that these laws _____

no; only make the public feel safe without actually affecting safety

Serial killers tend to select victims:

of a particular type

The Reid technique is _____ used by police in the United States when questioning suspects. Establishing a sense of loss of control as part of this technique makes suspects feel _____

often; vulnerable

The lists used by jury commissioners to summon people for jury duty often underrepresent all categories of people, except _____

older individuals

There have been studies on the use of anatomically detailed dolls as props when questioning children who are suspected of having been victims of sexual abuse. Overall, the research:

on the effectiveness of these props is inconclusive

Individuals often _____ the duration of a brief event, especially if it is a(n) _____ event

overestimate; stressful

Threat/control-override symptoms are common in people suffering from _____. What leads to the symptoms is their common delusion that others _____ them

paranoid schizophrenia; want to harm

According to the text, children who recant previous allegations of sexual abuse are likely to have been abused by a:

parental figure

The vast majority of all criminal cases are resolved through _____, which affords _____ constitutional protections to the defendant

plea bargaining; no

All of these are possible explanations for why suspects waive their Miranda rights, EXCEPT:

police are very careful in explaining to suspects their rights

Police may use a variety of evidence ploys during interrogation. This is possible because:

police can lie during interrogation

There are two aspects related to the purpose of the sexually violent predator civil commitment laws (SVP laws). One is the state's authority to protect the citizenry, also referred to as _____ power. The second component is the state's duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves, sometimes referred to as _____ power

police; parens patriae

When presented with a lineup, Morgan was able to identify the perpetrator of the robbery she had witnessed. She was not sure of her identification at first, but when the investigator mentioned that another witness also chose the same suspect, her confidence that she remembered the perpetrator well grew close to 100%. This is an illustration of:

postidentification feedback effect

Andrea Yates was diagnosed with _____

postpartum depression with psychosis

Scholars argue that it may be more productive to focus on _____ rather than on predicting violence. In risk assessment, the emphasis should be on dynamic risk factors that can be changed through _____

preventing; treatment

Scripts help us to _____ but can also _____ eyewitness memories

process information more efficiently; get mixed in with

In a study by Pinizzotto and Finkel (1990) that has compared the accuracy of profiles developed by trained profilers with those of students, it was found that _____ created more accurate profiles _____

profilers; but only for the sex offender case

Unlike insanity defense, mens rea defense requires that the _____ must prove mens rea _____ a reasonable doubt

prosecuting attorney; beyond

In the trial of John Hinckley Jr., the interpretation of the word "appreciate" was the subject of controversy. The _____ argued that what it meant was similar to the _____

prosecution; right/wrong test

Whereas _____ profiling relies on instinct, _____ profiling relies on maps and mathematics

psychological; geographic

Criminal statutes have replaced the term ______ with the term _____

rape; sexual assault

Almost half of America's states allow for a guilty but mentally ill (GBMI) verdict. Many scholars question the GBMI verdict since it does not guarantee that the offender will _____

receive effective mental health treatment

The use of countermeasures _____ the detection of guilty suspects by 50%, and the examiners _____ able to tell that the suspects were manipulating their own arousal patterns

reduced; were not

Unlike other polygraph tests, the guilty knowledge test:

reduces polygraph examiners to mere technicians

Even though the Supreme Court _____ the Manson framework, several states continue to _____ criteria established in Manson

refused to amend; reexamine the outdated

The comparison question technique (CQT) posits that guilty individuals react more strongly to _____ questions, whereas innocent individuals react more strongly to _____ questions

relevant; comparison

The term memory wars refers to the reliability of ______

repressed memories

Published in 1980, the DSM-III ______

rooted the discipline of psychiatry firmly in the realm of medicine and science

According to the text, confirmation bias is the tendency to:

seek out evidence that supports preexisting beliefs

Certain ways of initial questioning of the eyewitness can significantly alter the recall of the crime scene. Retrieval inhibition occurs when an individual:

selectively recalls some aspects of a situation while other aspects get ignored

Which issue is a central feature in male date rape attitudes?

sense of entitlement

A distinctive, personal aspect of the crime that presumably reveals the personality of the killer is known as a(n):


Research has essentially discredited the idea at the heart of the profiling process: that _____ crimes are committed by _____ people

similar; similar

Hugo is interrogated alone and told repeatedly that his guilt is corroborated by both physical evidence and eyewitness accounts. Which approach MOST likely embodies the strategy that the police used during Hugo's interrogation?

social isolation and certainty of guilt

The characteristics of serial killers seem to have _____ though there are _____ common to all serial killers

some recurring patterns; no characteristics

Running away and truancy are examples of _____

status offenses

Even though the _____ is the best predictor of what kind of verdict the jury reaches in a case, different jurors evaluate and interpret the same evidence _____

strength of evidence; differently

All of these statements are true about research conducted by Correll and colleagues that used fast-paced video games to assess implicit bias, EXCEPT:

subjects are more likely to mistakenly fire at an unarmed white avatar

Violent behaviors are only slightly more likely among people with severe mental illness. According to the text, a much more important factor is _____, which _____ violent behavior even among mentally healthy people

substance abuse; increases

To improve the accuracy of eyewitnesses' identifications, social scientists can assist the legal system in improving _____ variables


Like with any other technique, what would be required to demonstrate the usefulness of profiling is:

systematic research

In the United States, these interrogation techniques are legal EXCEPT:

telling suspects that they will get a reduced sentence if they confess to the crime

In geographic profiling, an anchor point refers to:

the location from which an offender leaves to launch attacks

Eyewitness testimony is very important in court trials. In fact, it is often crucial because it is likely to be:

the most compelling evidence presented in court

Elizabeth Loftus (1984) examined 347 cases in which _____ eyewitness testimony. She found that the defendant was _____ in most cases

the only evidence was; convicted

What is the primary distinction between civil and criminal courts?

the type of case being heard

According to research first completed by Rita Simon (1967), jurors' insanity verdicts didn't change when using different directives because:

they translated the instructions into concepts consistent with their own understanding of insanity

Kurt was arrested even though he was innocent. All of these are likely reasons he waived his Miranda rights, EXCEPT:

this was the first time he heard about the right to remain silent

Interpersonal, deviant lifestyle and deficient affective pertain to the _____

three core factors of psychopathy

According to the APLS recommendations, before the suspect is included in a lineup, the police need

to have evidence-based grounds to suspect that an individual is guilty of the specific crime being investigated

Ashley stopped at the bank to deposit her paycheck, and then stopped at a nearby gas station to pick up a few grocery items. While she was at the gas station, a robber entered with his gun drawn and ordered everybody, including Ashley, to raise their hands and move to the back wall. After the robber gathered all the money from the cash register and collected the customers' wallets, he left. Later, at the police station, Ashley has mistakenly given a description of a bank teller's face when asked to describe the robber. This phenomenon is known as:

unconscious transference

The repression hypothesis posits that traumatic memories can be maintained in the _____ for years, and the use of _____ techniques may be helpful in uncovering them

unconscious; relaxation and visualization

John was summoned for jury duty. He came to court and asked to be excused because he cares for his elderly and frail mother who lives with him and requires near-constant supervision. According to the text, what he used is called the _____ plea

undue hardship or extreme inconvenience

Dr. Gonzales assesses risk from her own clinical experiences, instead of more of a science-based approach. What type of judgment is she using?

unstructured clinical

It is important to avoid bias when interviewing a possible victim or witness. This is particularly true with children. One technique that may be used to avoid bias when interviewing children is the National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD) Investigative Interview Revised Protocol. The NICHD revised protocol guides interviewers toward all of these, EXCEPT:

using questions requiring a yes-or-no answer

The concept of repression has found _____ support in empirical research studies of real victims of _____

very little; traumatic events

According to Holmes and DeBurger's serial killer typology, which type is driven to kill by delusions or hallucinations?


The Insanity Defense Reform Act (IDRA) of 1984 has eliminated the _____ from the definition of insanity and prohibited experts from providing _____ testimony

volitional capacity; ultimate issue

The similarity-leniency hypothesis seems to generally apply when evidence is _____. In such cases, jurors tend to give _____ to those defendants who are like them

weak or inconclusive; the benefit of the doubt

Studies show that juror characteristics generally have a _____ impact on the verdict, and thus the idea that picking a jury makes or breaks the case seems _____ as a general rule

weak; overstated

Unlike profiling, behavioral investigative advice offers help to investigators on all of these, EXCEPT:

what personality traits can be inferred from the crime scene evidence

The Durham standard replaced the M'Naghten rule in 1954, to take into consideration:

whether the act was caused by the mental disease or defect of a person

As a group, rapists are best described as ______


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