PSY 360 Final

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Blake complains to Mrs. Parks, "We shouldn't have to do these brutal word problems for homework. They don't help me understand geometry at all." Which of the following responses demonstrates empathetic listening? A: "You don't like doing these word problems. You think they're really hard." B: "Let me help you. Maybe you're missing something." C: "Who do you say they're brutal? We did examples like these problems during class yesterday." D: "We'll go over the problems in class. Maybe you'll learn something then."

A: "You don't like doing these word problems. You think they're really hard."

In the geography unit about the continents, Mr. Reyna asked students several discussion questions. Which of his questions requires students to think critically? A: Based on your knowledge of the geography and culture of Greenland, explain why you would or would not place it in the North American continent? B: What are the names and locations of the continents? C: Based on information from your text, what events took place to bring about the formation of the continents we have today? D: Compare the continents. Which one has the most countries, and which one has the largest land mass?

A: Based on your knowledge of the geography and culture of Greenland, explain why you would or would not place it in the North American continent?

Which of the following students appears to demonstrate performance avoidance goals? A: Deon skimmed the chapter quickly and decided on a few comments he could make during group discussions tomorrow. He doesn't want to look stupid when his group meets and starts to discuss the new material. B: Lanea works the problems as quickly as she can. She wants to be the first student to complete the assignment in math. C: Deloris struggled with one of the science questions. She read and re-read the section of the chapter dealing with the concept. She's a perfectionist and doesn't want to make a mistake on her homework. D: Ron is taking French and got into a study group with two of his friends. They both do well in every subject, and he thinks they're cool. He likes to hang out and have fun stumbling over French pronunciations.

A: Deon skimmed the chapter quickly and decided on a few comments he could make during group discussions tomorrow. He doesn't want to look stupid when his group meets and starts to discuss the new material.

Ms. Ashley wants to build cohesion among the students in her history class and encourage all students to participate in a brainstorming session about problems with their last simulation project and plans for their next project. What seating arrangement is likely to be most effective in helping her achieve her goal? A: Fishbowl B: Horizontal rows facing the front C:Clusters of four D: Horizontal rows on opposite sides facing each other

A: Fishbowl

Based on the following attributions, which student is most likely to be motivated to choose more difficult academic tasks? A: Marla believes her failure in the chemistry lab was caused by her lack of preparation. B: Duke said he didn't study for the algebra test. He said he's just good at math. C: Camille said she made the highest grade because she was lucky enough to get the easier version of the test. D: Stan thinks he failed the literature test because he cannot read and understand poetry.

A: Marla believes her failure in the chemistry lab was caused by her lack of preparation.

The following situations exhibit different aspects of social and emotional skills that contribute to an individual's emotional self-regulation. Which of these students most closely demonstrates social awareness? A: Nikki read about a family who lost everything in a fire, and she told her parents she wanted to get a new backpack for the little girl in that family. B: Dylan and his friend got into an argument. Dylan went home and thought about his reason for getting angry and admitted that his motives were selfish. C: Mira usually makes the top grade in her math class. After she helped her friend Alex with his homework, he made the top grade. She had to set aside her immediate feelings of jealousy and congratulate him. D: Stephano felt stressed about his upcoming physics exam, but managed to schedule study time each day for the three days leading up to the exam and feel confident on test day

A: Nikki read about a family who lost everything in a fire, and she told her parents she wanted to get a new backpack for the little girl in that family.

Rico is learning the steps to use when he accesses the secure sight to check his grades, look at assignments, and receive messages from his teachers. What kind of knowledge is he using? A: Procedural B: Declarative C: Conditional D: Elaborative

A: Procedural

Students in Mr. Morrow's sixth grade math class have provided math tutoring for students in the second grade. They conducted this service learning project for four weeks to use their math skills and meet needs of struggling young students. What additional learning activity must be involved for this project to exhibit the characteristics of service learning? A: Reflect and write about the service experience B: Assess the learning of the young students to measure gains in learning C: Evaluate the effectiveness of the service they provided D: Analyze the process of providing the service

A: Reflect and write about the service experience

During history class, one of the students rolled a baseball on the floor toward the front of the classroom. Ms. Durango saw the rolling ball as she turned from the front marker board. She saw the direction from which the ball rolled, determined that she needed to identify the disruptive student immediately, and quickly called the name of the only boy sitting on that row. Her identification was not correct. What probably hindered her from solving the problem of identifying the disruptive student? A: Representativeness heuristic B: Functional fixedness C: Response set D: Analysis paralysis

A: Representativeness heuristic

Even if you don't review your notes, taking them in the first place increases your likelihood of learning. A: True B: False

A: True

Metacognition can be learned and improved. A: True B: False

A: True

Which of the following reflects a culture of thinking in the classroom? (Select all that apply.) A: a spirit of inquisitiveness B: a respect for reasoning and creativity C: an expectation that students will learn to make and counter arguments based on evidence

A: a spirit of inquisitiveness B: a respect for reasoning and creativity C: an expectation that students will learn to make and counter arguments based on evidence

Which of the following is an example of a mastery goal? A: a student who loves heavy metal music wants to learn how to play the drums B: a student who wants to get straight As studies hard for an upcoming exam C: a student who wants to watch the last episode of their favorite TV show hurries to finish a homework assignment D: a student who likes to sit with friends arrives to class early to get a good seat

A: a student who loves heavy metal music wants to learn how to play the drums

Which of the following tasks would students be more motivated to accomplish? A: a task they perceive to be valuable for their future, believe they could accomplish, and would not require too much effort B: a task they perceive to have little value for their future but they believe they could accomplish with little effort C: a task they perceive to be valuable for their future but they do not believe can be accomplished without a lot of effort

A: a task they perceive to be valuable for their future, believe they could accomplish, and would not require too much effort

Which scenario describes a self-fulfilling prophecy? A: a teacher hear that one of her students is difficult and has problems with authority figures; the teacher treats any small misbehavior as evidence of the student's disrespect and punishes the student harshly; soon the student dislikes the teacher and defies her authority B: a teacher places one of her students in a low-ability reading group after giving all students a reading assessment; the student makes gains in reading comprehension but the teacher fails to recognize them and keeps the student in the low-ability group

A: a teacher hear that one of her students is difficult and has problems with authority figures; the teacher treats any small misbehavior as evidence of the student's disrespect and punishes the student harshly; soon the student dislikes the teacher and defies her authority

Rewarding students with a gold star for turning in their homework on time is an example of which approach to motivation? A: behavioral B: humanistic C: cognitive D: social cognitive E: sociocultural

A: behavioral

When teachers want to influence students to develop self-regulation and efficacy for learning, they should do all of the following EXCEPT: A: design basic tasks that address a single goal, incorporate one step at a time, and are completed in a short time B: give students choices and teach decision making about choices C: use groups and cooperative tasks that require co-regulation of one another's learning

A: design basic tasks that address a single goal, incorporate one step at a time, and are completed in a short time

In backward design, which teacher activity should occur first? A: determine acceptable evidence B: plan learning experiences and instruction

A: determine acceptable evidence

Which learning activity is more appropriate for introducing new information? A: direct instruction B: seatwork C: homework

A: direct instruction

Which memory system requires conscious awareness? A: explicit memory B: implicit memory

A: explicit memory

Which of the following is NOT an effective strategy for promoting smooth transitions? A: give students the directions for all upcoming activities as the beginning of the day/class period B: plan activities for students who finish their work early C: display the daily/class schedule on the chalkboard

A: give students the directions for all upcoming activities as the beginning of the day/class period

Which of the following topics would be most effectively taught using direction instruction? A: long division B: right to bear arms C: French impressionist movement

A: long division

Which of the following is a problem-focused strategy for reducing anxiety? A: making a set of note cards to use as a study aid B: taking ten deep breaths C: watching a movie marathon on Netflix

A: making a set of note cards to use as a study aid

Which goal orientation is more likely to result in long-term academic success? A: mastery B: performance C: work-avoidance D: social

A: mastery

Which source of self-efficacy is more likely to endure over time? A: mastery experiences B: social persuasion (pep talks)

A: mastery experiences

Which visual learning tool would be most useful for representing hierarchical concepts (e.g., subgroups belonging to a larger group)? A: mind map B: concept map C: Venn diagram D: mnemonic device

A: mind map

Which characteristics best meet the criteria for creativity? A: original and useful B: original and funny C: funny and intentional

A: original and useful

Ms. Pringle is writing a test for the unit on persuasion in her high school speech class. Based on guidelines for using instructional objectives, her test questions should: A: relate to her objectives. B: reflect the information presented in the students' text. C: relate to current research about the use of persuasion. D: reflect best practices in her field.

A: relate to her objectives.

Which of the following is NOT an example of metacognition? A: repeating information over and over so you won't forget it B: pausing after you read a sentence to think about whether or not you understood it C: thinking about the steps needed to solve a problem

A: repeating information over and over so you won't forget it

Which of the following is an example of maintenance rehearsal? A: repeating the names of the planets over and over B: saying the phrase, "my very educated mother just served us noodles" to remember the first letter of each planet C: making up a story that includes the names of all the planets D: studying a diagram and the characteristics of the planets

A: repeating the names of the planets over and over

Which type of memory holds information no longer than 3 seconds? A: sensory memory B: short-term memory C: working memory D: long-term memory

A: sensory memory

Which type of multitasking is most likely to result in poor task performance? A: simultaneous multitasking B: sequential multitasking

A: simultaneous multitasking

Stefano worked at his desk preparing his presentation for English class. He finished his rough draft and sent it to the printer. His printer only printed the first page and signaled that it was out of paper. Stefano decided to make a list of what he needed to get at the store besides printer paper. Then he realized that his route to the store takes him past his girlfriend's house. He thinks about stopping for a minute, but then remembers that he borrowed a tool from her dad. He needs to return the tool. This type of memory retrieval is: A: spreading activation. B: reconstruction. C: a script. D: procedural.

A: spreading activation.

Which type of learning facilitates knowledge construction in the classroom? A: student-centered B: teacher-centered

A: student-centered

Which students often benefit more from an explanation? A: students who offer the explanation B: students who receive the explanation

A: students who offer the explanation

Which of the following teacher responses to misbehavior is most intrusive? A: telling the student to stop the behavior B: making eye contact C: reminding the student of the rules D: using an "I" message

A: telling the student to stop the behavior

Which of the following scenarios would be most likely to result in a production deficiency? A: the learning strategy takes so long to implement that you don't have time to study more than one topic for an upcoming test B: you believe the learning strategy is helping you learn and remember the information you are studying

A: the learning strategy takes so long to implement that you don't have time to study more than one topic for an upcoming test

If a student who wants to improve their grade sees a classmate cheating on an assignment without getting punished, what could you predict about their future behavior? A: they will be more likely to cheat B: they will be less likely to cheat

A: they will be more likely to cheat

What is the most basic classroom management task for teachers? A: to gain and maintain student cooperation B: to keep the classroom quiet C: to establish classroom rules

A: to gain and maintain student cooperation

Your interpretation of a problem is called a ___________________. A: translation B: computation C: manipulation D: configuration

A: translation

In jigsaw learning, group members are only tested on the material they were responsible for learning. A: True B: False

B: False

Which of the following teachers is MOST likely to have behavior problems in the classroom? A: I teach my students to compliment rather than criticizing one another in the classroom and on the playground. B: I avoid monitoring or disrupting students when they are working independently and I am grading papers. C: I assign helpers who have advanced skills to help students who have problems with their writing lesson while I am working with reading groups. D: I teach students the self-regulation skill of counting to three and walking away if they cannot resolve an argument and control their frustration.

B: I avoid monitoring or disrupting students when they are working independently and I am grading papers.

Which of the following "I" statements is more appropriate? A: I don't like the way you are talking to your classmates. B: It's hard for me to concentrate when it's so noisy.

B: It's hard for me to concentrate when it's so noisy.

In her small reading group, Mrs. Casey discussed new vocabulary words with the students. She explained that the new word dugout is used to describe a place in the hillside that was dug out by the pioneer family in the story and used for shelter. She asked students to draw a picture to represent the new vocabulary word dugout to help them remember the meaning. Which of the following students used divergent thinking to represent the word's meaning? A: Maria drew a hole in the side of a hill with tall grass growing on top. B: Julio drew a bear curled up in a dugout at the side of a rocky mountain. C: Karmen drew a small opening in a hillside and put a door on it. D: Stan drew a cave in the side of a hill with trees growing around it.

B: Julio drew a bear curled up in a dugout at the side of a rocky mountain.

Which teacher is using seatwork most appropriately? A: Mrs. Wiggins gives students a worksheet to complete independently. It introduces the new concept for their work at centers. B: Ms. Cranfield gives students a word puzzle to complete at their seats. They just finished reviewing the vocabulary words for the integrated reading and writing unit. C: Mrs. Gomez precedes group work with a worksheet for students to do at their seats. It explains how to approach a new kind of math problem. D: Mr. O'Malley gives students an independent assignment in their science workbooks. It asks questions about the material he will lecture on tomorrow.

B: Ms. Cranfield gives students a word puzzle to complete at their seats. They just finished reviewing the vocabulary words for the integrated reading and writing unit.

Students in Mr. McKay's class are generating ideas about ways to deal with the problem of limited resources for the homeless high school students in their area. They are consulting a variety of resources and experts to represent multiple perspectives on the topic. They want their conclusions to be plausible and plan to invite the mayor to give feedback about their ideas. What approach is Mr. McKay using in this setting? A: Scaffolded learning B: Problem-based learning C: Discovery learning D: Inquiry learning

B: Problem-based learning

Ms. Moreno works with students at the upper elementary school level who are struggling to comprehend what they read in the content areas. Today, a group of her students is reading a passage in geography. After reading, one student pretends to be the teacher and asks the other three to summarize the passage. Next, the students generate questions to ask one another about the main idea. Then they clarify anything that was confusing and make predictions about what they will learn in the next section of the text. What procedure are these students using? A: Inquiry B: Reciprocal teaching C: Cognitive apprenticeship D: Embodied cognition

B: Reciprocal teaching

All of Mr. Barclay's evaluation practices are likely to support self-regulated learning EXCEPT: A: Students create group projects that demonstrate their knowledge of a new concept in science. B: Students take a unit exam that includes multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions. C: Students use a checklist to judge their own progress on their individual projects for the history unit. D: Students help create a rubric for evaluating the quality of their persuasive essays.

B: Students take a unit exam that includes multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions.

In which of the following situations is success attributed to stable causes? A: Success attributed to hours of practice B: Success attributed to inherited intelligence C: Success attributed to having a good coach D: Success attributed to a partner's help

B: Success attributed to inherited intelligence

In which situation does the teacher use the "no-lose method" to resolve conflict with a student? A: The teacher asserts his authority to ensure that the student knows who is in charge in his classroom. B: Teacher and student come up with several possible solutions to the problem, evaluate each one, and choose one solution. C: The teacher ignores the conflict unless the student continues to repeat the behavior and attitudes that precipitated the conflict. D: Teacher and student agree that the student's behavior is inappropriate and decide on consequences for future infractions.

B: Teacher and student come up with several possible solutions to the problem, evaluate each one, and choose one solution.

Mr. Castillo's second grade class is quite diverse, and his students represent a wide range of abilities. He believes that flexible grouping is the most effective way to differentiate and reach the most students. In order to use flexible grouping effectively and follow the recommended guidelines of expert educators, Mr. Castillo should do all of the following EXCEPT: A: Form and re-form groups based on students' current performance in the subject. B: Use flexible grouping and group by ability for all subjects. C: Provide appropriately different instruction for the different groups. D: Discourage comparisons between groups of students.

B: Use flexible grouping and group by ability for all subjects.

Staci stopped running in the hallway at school after seeing two other students receive after-school detention for running. What element of observational learning is illustrated by her stopping this behavior? A: Production or performance B: Vicarious reinforcement C: Self-reinforcement D: Retention

B: Vicarious reinforcement

What level of anxiety would result in optimal performance on an important exam such as the ACT, SAT, or GRE? A: no anxiety B: a little anxiety C: a lot of anxiety

B: a little anxiety

Which type of model would be more effective for a struggling learner? A: a high-achieving classmates who is able to complete an academic task without much effort B: a low-achieving classmate who is able to complete an academic task with effort and persistence

B: a low-achieving classmate who is able to complete an academic task with effort and persistence

Which of the following is an example of a vicarious experience increasing self-efficacy? A: a student learns that many other students in class missed many questions on the unit exam B: a student learns that a classmate in the same reading group scored high on the last reading test

B: a student learns that a classmate in the same reading group scored high on the last reading test

According to attribution theory, which student would be more motivated to study for the next test? A: a student who failed a test because the teacher graded it harshly B: a student who failed a test because they came down with the flu C: a student who failed the test because they didn't understand the material?

B: a student who failed a test because they came down with the flu

According to cognitive evaluation theory, in which scenario would students be more motivated? A: a teacher assigns a report on a topic of their choice and leaves all content decisions up to them B: a teacher assigns students a report on any aspect of climate change and recommends library resources that have helped students in the past C: a teacher assigns students a report on icebergs and requires students to use two specific websites to gather information

B: a teacher assigns students a report on any aspect of climate change and recommends library resources that have helped students in the past

Which of the following describes cooperation? A: a way of dealing with people that respects differences, shares authority, and builds on knowledge that is distributed among other people B: a way of working with others to attain a shared goal

B: a way of working with others to attain a shared goal

Which of the following would a critical thinker be likely to do? (Select all that apply.) A: accept the first reasonable solution B: ask clarifying questions C: test hypotheses in methodical ways D: support one and only one position on a topic

B: ask clarifying questions C: test hypotheses in methodical ways

Which reciprocal teaching strategy is used most often but least effectively? A: summarizing the content of a passage B: asking a question about the central point C: clarifying difficult parts of the material D: predicting what will come next

B: asking a question about the central point

What is the appropriate level of difficulty for seatwork and homework? A: slightly above students' current knowledge level so they gain new information or skills B: at students' current level of knowledge so they can complete it independently and solidify their knowledge or skills

B: at students' current level of knowledge so they can complete it independently and solidify their knowledge or skills

What is elaboration (in the context of learning)? A: describing or retelling something in greater detail B: connecting information you need to learn with information you already know

B: connecting information you need to learn with information you already know

Which type of thinking results in coming up with more than one solution to a problem? A: convergent thinking B: divergent thinking

B: divergent thinking

Which type of rehearsal is more likely to result in information being stored in long-term memory? A: maintenance rehearsal B: elaborative rehearsal

B: elaborative rehearsal

Problems with peers in the classroom is an example of which type of cognitive load that could interfere with learning? A: intrinsic B: extrinsic C: germane

B: extrinsic

What type of grouping practice would be more appropriate if the higher performing students in math are not the same as the higher performing students in reading? A: ability grouping B: flexible grouping

B: flexible grouping

Which of the following is NOT one way students learn self-control? A: making choices and dealing with the consequences B: getting lectured about their behavior C: mediating disputes and making peace D: setting and working toward goals

B: getting lectured about their behavior

Who is ability grouping more likely to benefit? A: lower-performing students B: higher-performing students

B: higher-performing students

Relating academic content to real-life problems is most beneficial for which phase of interest development? A: triggering situational interest B: maintaining situational interest

B: maintaining situational interest

Which type of feedback is the statement, "Remember to use the F-O-I-L method when multiplying binomials?" A: task feedback B: process feedback C: self-regulation feedback D: self feedback

B: process feedback

Which of the following is a natural consequence of being late to class? A: writing "I will not be late" 500 times B: staying after class or school to make up the time

B: staying after class or school to make up the time

Which classroom activity would be more likely to lead to a positive school climate? A: students competing for a prize based on their test scores B: students setting individual goals and working toward a prize for achieving them

B: students setting individual goals and working toward a prize for achieving them

Mrs. Simms reviewed her class role and read the permanent files of her incoming fourth grade students before school started in August. She noticed that Gabe had poor grades in several subjects last year, and his second and third grade teachers left notes about his bad conduct in the permanent file. When school started, Mrs. Simms told Gabe she was happy to have him in her class and said she knew he would like fourth grade subjects and learn a lot. Throughout the year, Mrs. Simms encouraged Gabe and expressed her belief in his ability to learn. In the spring, Gabe scored in a higher percentile on his district's standardized tests than he had the previous year. His gains were much higher than expected. This is an example of: A: explicit teaching. B: the Pygmalion effect. C: sustaining expectation effect. D: scripted cooperation.

B: the Pygmalion effect.

Mr. Jacobs has noticed that his students often act bored during social studies activities. In order to increase positive achievement emotions and decrease boredom, he should do all of the following EXCEPT: A: match the challenge of tasks to the students' skill levels. B: use performance goal orientation to encourage students to focus on the outcome. C: show enthusiasm for the subject and encourage students to enjoy working on the task. D: allow students to choose among several activities that focus on the lesson content.

B: use performance goal orientation to encourage students to focus on the outcome.

Which of the following rules is worded most appropriately? A: do unto others as you would have others do unto you B: walk in hallways and stairwells C: don't speak out of turn

B: walk in hallways and stairwells

Third grade teacher Ms. Hinsley is giving instructions to the class about a new cooperative group assignment. As she speaks, Mick makes loud crashing sounds with his mouth. Which of the following confrontations delivers an "I" message to Mick? A: "I don't like your noises while I'm giving instructions. You are showing disrespect and need to stop now." B: "You are interfering with the lesson and disturbing the other students. I need you to stop and listen like everyone else." C: "You're making loud noises while I'm giving instructions. Your noises interfere with my teaching and make me feel disrespected." D: "I'm annoyed by your noises

C: "You're making loud noises while I'm giving instructions. Your noises interfere with my teaching and make me feel disrespected."

Mr. Mack presented the following objective: "Watch the video and respond to the main character's dilemma as though you were walking in her shoes." This objective fits the taxonomy of what domain? A: Cognitive domain B: Conceptual domain C: Affective domain D: Psychomotor domain

C: Affective domain

In the following learning situations, which one is described in a way that illustrates a cognitive view of learning? A: Deidra's teacher complimented the way she created a Venn diagram in her notebook. B: Montie's coach demonstrated the correct way to hold the bat and stand at the plate. Then Montie moved his hands down on the bat and practiced the correct stance. C: Carla listened carefully to the lesson about fractions and remembered learning similar information about time signature in her piano lesson. D: Sybil's teacher gave her a gold star for getting the correct answers on all of the practice problems.

C: Carla listened carefully to the lesson about fractions and remembered learning similar information about time signature in her piano lesson.

Which of the following students is most likely to have the highest motivation to achieve? A: Ryan doesn't think he will be able to make a significant contribution to his group, but he believes the other students will make up for his lack of skill. B: Jeanene is struggling with a math assignment again, but she feels pressure from her parents to finish the task. C: Connor overestimates his ability to bat left-handed, but his self-efficacy is high and he is optimistic about helping his team win. D: Karmen has never done very well in spelling, but she made 100 on her last spelling test.

C: Connor overestimates his ability to bat left-handed, but his self-efficacy is high and he is optimistic about helping his team win.

According to Bloom's taxonomy of the cognitive domain, identify the level of the following objective: Assess the author's skill in implementing the literary device of allegory. A: Applying B: Analyzing C: Evaluating D: Understanding

C: Evaluating

Mrs. Thomas is a new fourth grade teacher. In the third week of school, she is introducing a new science unit that includes several words that will probably be new to most of the students. The unit involves extensive declarative knowledge, and Mrs. Thomas has chunked the information into small segments that her students can grasp. Now she is in the classroom and ready to begin the introduction with the students. What is the first thing she must do in order to meet her goal of helping students learn? A: Present visual information B: Present verbal information C: Gain students' attention D: Use dual coding

C: Gain students' attention

Kele has a history assignment that requires her to recall the events of World War II taking place in the Pacific and in Europe. She plans to draw a timeline showing the timing of major battles on both fronts, their duration, and their overlapping time frames. Which kind of cognitive load is required for her to do the deep processing related to the assignment and apply knowledge from two units as well as skills learned in other courses? A: Intrinsic B: Extraneous C: Germane D: Episodic

C: Germane

Based on guidelines for establishing classroom rules, which of the following statements is a good rule? A: Do not come to class late. B: As much as possible, come to class prepared. C: Listen and stay seated while others are speaking. D: Do not push, shove, or hit others.

C: Listen and stay seated while others are speaking.

At what age are students at greatest risk of being the victim of bullying? A: Early elementary school B: Late elementary school C: Middle school D: High school

C: Middle school

Which of the following teachers uses a constructivist approach in instructional planning? A: Mr. Hargrove reviewed several resources identified in his teacher's manual and developed a lesson about the first walk on the moon. B: Mrs. Akita gave a pretest to determine the amount of background knowledge she needed to incorporate in her unit about two-step equations. C: Mr. Anthony and his students discussed their unit about crustaceans and decided to create centers that integrated science knowledge, writing skills, and vocabulary. D: Ms. Levi combined suggested activities from her teacher's manual with activities suggested by peer teachers as the basis for her lesson about the different types of erosion in her state.

C: Mr. Anthony and his students discussed their unit about crustaceans and decided to create centers that integrated science knowledge, writing skills, and vocabulary.

Mrs. O'Connor assigns a task in math. She does not review prerequisite knowledge and skills. The task requires students to use a formula they learned in a prior unit. Several students struggle with the task. What type of knowledge do they need that they seem to lack? A: Declarative knowledge B: Conditional knowledge C: Procedural knowledge D: Elaborative knowledge

C: Procedural Knowledge

Ms. Kovalik works with her third grade reading groups to teach her students the skill of identifying the main idea when they read a passage. She wants the students to transfer the skill to reading in content areas. Which of the following is most likely to help her achieve the goal? A: Teach students different skills to use in understanding content area reading. B: Ask parents to identify the main idea for their child when the child reads assignments for homework. C: Provide practice with the skill to the point of overlearning the strategy and repeating it. D: Teach students how to identify the main idea or topic sentence when they write

C: Provide practice with the skill to the point of overlearning the strategy and repeating it.

Which of the following students appears to be intrinsically motivated? A: Marty likes to watch her cousin go parasailing, but is afraid to go up with him. After much persuasion, she agrees to try it once to please her cousin. B: Alfonso studies for the spelling bee every night and wants to win the trophy to make his dad proud of him. C: Shonda takes her mystery book to all of her classes and reads a few more pages whenever she gets a chance. D: Len competes with his best friend to make the highest grade in algebra class

C: Shonda takes her mystery book to all of her classes and reads a few more pages whenever she gets a chance.

What should teachers do about teasing among students? A: Teach students how to cope with harmful teasing without having hurt feelings or turning to adults. B: Ignore teasing among students at school. C: Teach students to read intentions of others and distinguish playful teasing from harmful teasing. D: Forbid teasing among students at school.

C: Teach students to read intentions of others and distinguish playful teasing from harmful teasing.

A new student just arrived at Jackson Elementary. The principal led the student to Mrs. Kimble's class and motioned for the student to take a seat. When Mrs. Kimble spoke to the student, he didn't answer. He was wearing sneakers, and he carried a backpack. He had dark hair and wore glasses. If Mrs. Kimble is a problem solver, what information about this student will receive her attention? A: The student's backpack B: The student's eyeglasses C: The student didn't answer her. D: The principal led the student.

C: The student didn't answer her.

Which visual learning tool would be most useful for comparing and contrasting related concepts? A: mind map B: concept map C: Venn diagram D: mnemonic device

C: Venn diagram

Which behavior should a teacher deal with first? A: a student talking out of turn B: a student getting out of their seat C: a student shoving another student D: a student whispering to another student

C: a student shoving another student

Who is best at argumentation? A: children B: adolescents C: adults

C: adults

Which type of response is not activated by mirror neurons? A: motor activity empathy B: somatic nervous system activity (voluntary muscular and skeletal movement such as running or jumping) C: autonomic nervous system activity (involuntary internal organ functioning)

C: autonomic nervous system activity (involuntary internal organ functioning)

Which type of knowledge (from the last chapter) is most closely related to metacognition (e.g., knowing how, when, and why to use a particular strategy to accomplish a task)? A: declarative B: procedural C: conditional

C: conditional

Which type of knowledge is often the most difficult for students to access? A: declarative B: procedural C: conditional

C: conditional

Which type of cognitive load refers to problems unrelated to the cognitive task? A: intrinsic B: extrinsic C: germane

C: germane

According to the model of adaptive teaching, which learning activity is more appropriate for strong learners? A: direct instruction B: guided practice C: guided discovery

C: guided discovery

If you failed an exam because you did not study for it, which emotion would you be more likely to experience? A: hope B: pride C: guilt D: anger

C: guilt

Mrs. Hernandez wants to help her fourth grade students improve their performance and increase their self-efficacy for conveying emotion in their personal narrative writing. With this goal in mind, she is most likely to: A: set long-term goals for judging progress B: give rewards for being engaged in the process C: set short-term goals related to the task D: integrate the task with other writing skills

C: set short-term goals related to the task

A few days ago, Mr. McKay worked with students to develop a rubric for assessing their projects in the historical fiction unit. The class has worked on the unit for more than a week, and students know the expectations for their projects. Today Mr. McKay paired students to work together and review their work using the rubric as a guide. This scenario is an example of: A: co-regulation. B: volition. C: shared regulation. D: high efficacy.

C: shared regulation.

Which of the following is the most appropriate learning objective to include in a lesson plan? A: students will understand the series of events leading up to the Great Depression B: students will appreciate the contributions of contemporary American novelists C: students will explain the relationship between the angles and degrees of right, acute, obtuse, and isosceles triangles

C: students will explain the relationship between the angles and degrees of right, acute, obtuse, and isosceles triangles

Which desk arrangement is most appropriate for independent work? A: horizontal rows B: clusters C: traditional row and column

C: traditional row and column

Suppose you have a student who understands the directions for an assignment and wants to get a good grade in your class, but is not willing to take the time to do quality work. Which aspect of self-regulation is missing? A: knowledge B: motivation C: volition

C: volition

Which teacher is helping third grade students to develop metacognitive skills in writing? A: "After you choose your topic, come up with three points you want to communicate about the topic." B: "You should choose a topic that is very familiar to you. Then you will be able to write about it in a way that holds your reader's interest." C: "Write a topic sentence first. Your topic sentence should introduce your reader to the topic and capture the reader's attention." D: "Ask yourself what helped you remember the boy's appearance, and use that knowledge to come up with descriptive words."

D: "Ask yourself what helped you remember the boy's appearance, and use that knowledge to come up with descriptive words."

The principal at Bragg Elementary School held a meeting in which he reminded teachers to create learning environments that represent constructivist perspectives. Which of the following environments is LEAST likely to meet the principal's expectations? A: One teacher created a simulation in which students carry out tasks that would be performed on a space station. B: Another teacher sets aside a time every day for students to suggest ways they might take something they learned at school and use it away from school. C: Another teacher provides a checklist format for students to keep track of their progress and take responsibility for turning in assignments on time. D: Another teacher puts his notes on PowerPoint and lectures from them to help students take precise notes that capture the content without misunderstandings.

D: Another teacher puts his notes on PowerPoint and lectures from them to help students take precise notes that capture the content without misunderstandings.

Ms. Jovanovic encourages her first graders to complete their reading assignment before lunch in order to receive a sticker. Which approach to motivation is she using? A: Sociocultural approach B: Cognitive approach C: Humanistic approach D: Behavioral approach

D: Behavioral approach

Matthew is a brilliant student who seems rather arrogant about his intelligence and academic success. He corrected a comment made by his English teacher in class yesterday. The teacher complimented him for his analytical thinking and provided information to support her comment. After class, Matthew told his buddy that the teacher was wrong. His buddy said, "Well she gave you the source of her information. I don't think you have a leg to stand on." What specific problem solving attribute is Matthew demonstrating? A: Representativeness heuristic B: Functional fixedness C: Availability heuristic D: Belief perseverance

D: Belief perseverance

During the standardized test, which student demonstrates implicit long-term memory? A: Dan ponders questions four and five. He is trying to remember how to do the analysis required in the questions. B: Shaylee begins the second section of the test and suddenly remembers that she forgot to text her mom and tell her what time to pick her up. C: Jeremy reads the first few questions and is able to answer them quickly with confidence that they are right. D: Haley's hand shakes as she begins the test, just like her hand shook when she took the SAT.

D: Haley's hand shakes as she begins the test, just like her hand shook when she took the SAT.

Which students would benefit the most from a learning activity which involved argumentation? A: Preschool students B: Elementary school students C: Middle school students D: High school students

D: High school students

In science class, the teacher posed the question, "Can photosynthetic plants live without sunlight?" Students planted seeds, provided water and sunlight, and watched them grow. Now they are formulating hypotheses about the teacher's question, denying sunlight to their plants and collecting data day by day. At this point they are ready to discuss their evidence and draw conclusions. What teaching approach is being used in this classroom? A: Problem-based learning B: Direct teaching C: Unassisted discovery D: Inquiry learning

D: Inquiry learning

Constructivist theories of learning usually agree on two central ideas. One central idea states that social interactions are important in the process of constructing knowledge. What is the other central idea? A: Individuals do not construct knowledge; groups construct knowledge. B: Learners must be taught to construct knowledge. C: The role of the teacher is important in the process of constructing knowledge. D: Learners are active in constructing their own knowledge.

D: Learners are active in constructing their own knowledge.

Based on the following descriptions, which of these students seems to exhibit the highest degree of creativity? A: Julianna is usually the first one in her third grade class to finish the math assignment every day. She likes to compete to be first, and she usually makes a perfect score on her math papers. B: Arial knows more facts about the solar system than anyone else in her fifth grade class. During class discussions, she often tells something she has learned about one of the planets. C: Foster began taking piano lessons when he was four years old. His parents make sure he practices every day. Now he's a senior in high school and plays with the philharmonic in his city. D: Leo often throws out metaphors during class discussions and is curious about everything (the way his desk is constructed, the way his ball bounces on different surfaces).

D: Leo often throws out metaphors during class discussions and is curious about everything (the way his desk is constructed, the way his ball bounces on different surfaces).

Celeste is trying to learn the series of steps involved in a lengthy procedure she needs to use in chemistry class. She takes the first letter of a keyword in each step and puts the combination of letters together to form a contrived word she can remember. What process is Celeste using to remember the steps? A: Chain mnemonics B: Keyword method C: Mnemonic technique using the loci method D: Mnemonic technique of creating an acronym

D: Mnemonic technique of creating an acronym

The following teachers all assigned essay writing in their middle school English classes. Today they returned students' papers. Based on the following information, which of these teachers is most likely to have students who are motivated to pursue learning goals in the classroom? A: Mr. Angelo returned the papers and complimented students on their essays. He said the class as a whole is submitting good work. B: Mrs. Dominguez returned the essays and told the class they needed to write another draft. She said she knew they could do better work. C: Mr. Lindsey returned students' essays and said they lacked interest. He reminded students of the standard and said the essays fell short of his expectations. D: Ms. Compton returned the essays and asked students to compare this draft with their first draft to see how much progress they had made

D: Ms. Compton returned the essays and asked students to compare this draft with their first draft to see how much progress they had made

Mr. Phillips is grouping his fifth-grade students for a cooperative learning project that will span class periods for two weeks. He has 5 groups of four plus one group of three. He balanced the number of boys and girls in the groups and made sure the students who are perceived by their peers to be different were placed in a group together. What does he need to change about his groups? A: He has grouped them appropriately and needs to change nothing. B: Increase the size of the groups to five or six students per group. C: Group boys and girls separately at this age. D: Place a student who is different in a group with a student who is tolerant.

D: Place a student who is different in a group with a student who is tolerant.

In the following classrooms, which teacher's lesson plan is most likely to result in deep learning? A: The teacher opens the lesson with a series of discussion questions over the chapter students read in preparation for the new unit of study. B: The teacher opens the lesson with a lecture over a complex concept in the new unit of study. C: The teacher opens the lesson with a quiz over the content in the new unit that was assigned for homework. D: The teacher opens the lesson with a review of prior learning

D: The teacher opens the lesson with a review of prior learning

Alan's art project is due tomorrow. He and all other fifth graders in his school have the opportunity to submit drawings, and one of them will be chosen as the yearbook cover. Alan loves to draw and wants his picture to be chosen. He knows his idea is good and that he has the drawing skills to submit one of the best drawings, but he keeps playing his video game. What is lacking in Alan's case? A: Self-esteem B: Motivation C: Knowledge D: Volition

D: Volition

When is Evan MOST likely to experience academic anxiety in the classroom? A: When he recognizes the source of his anxious feelings and accurately interprets them B: When he attributes successes and failures to things he can control C: When he uses self-regulation strategies to complete an academic task D: When he sets performance goals

D: When he sets performance goals

Which of the following statements expresses a behavioral objective? A: Help students understand the Civil War era and the complexities of post-war social issues. B: When students listen to music from the Baroque era, they will appreciate the skill of the period's composers. C: Students will understand the concept of identifying the main idea of a passage in a non-fiction text. D: When students are given a short grade-level passage, they will be able to identify the main idea 80% of the time.

D: When students are given a short grade-level passage, they will be able to identify the main idea 80% of the time.

Which cognitive bias results in searching for information that confirms your existing beliefs? A: representativeness heuristic B: availability heuristic C: belief perseverance D: confirmation bias

D: confirmation bias

Which of the following skills can be learned from teacher modeling? A: summarizing main ideas B: paraphrasing (rewriting ideas in your own words) C: underlining key concepts D: taking notes E: all of the above

E: all of the above

studying information intermittently and repeatedly over a period of time (which strengthens the connections in the neural network of the brain)

distributed practice

studying information in one block of time (which can result in cognitive overload, fatigue, and decreased motivation to learn)

massed practice

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