PSY Exam 1 (ch 1)

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Kenneth B. and Mamie P. Clark

1954 school desegregation; doll experiment

Scientific study that aims to solve practical problems

Applied research

Pure science that aims to increase scientific knowledge base

Basic Research

How are we diverse because of our differing genes and environment

Behavior genetics

Anything an organism does: blink, sweat, talk, etc


The view that psychology: should be an objective science that studies behavior w/o reference to mental processes.


First African American Ph.D of psy, 1933; studied non-academic development of Negro children in mixed/segregated schools

Beverly Inez Prosser

Genetic mutation, natural selection, genes respond to environment

Biological influences

Main levels of analysis

Biological, Psychological, social-cultural influences

Humanistic psychology: historic significant perspective that emphasized human growth potential

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow

How we perceive, process, and remember info; cognitive roots of depression and anxiety, and other psychological disorders

Cognitive Revolution, 1960

r = +.94. R represents


Examines assumptions, appraises the src, discerns hidden bias, evaluate evidence, assesses conclusion

Critical Thinking

Case Study, Naturalistic Study, Survey

Descriptive research methods

How are human alike because of common biology and evolutionary history?

Evolutionary psycology

College students who take a dosage of vitamin C daily will not get sick during the winter. Best way to test this statement is:


A research method in which an investigator manipulates one or more factors (independent variable) to observe the effect on some behavior or mental processess (dependent variable)


Wilhelm Wundt

Father of psychology; first school in Germany

Father of Black psy; first African American to receive Ph.D in psy

Francis Cecil Sumner

Emphasizes the ways our unconscious thought processes and emotional responses to childhood experiences affect our behavior

Freudian Ppsychology

College students who take a dosage of vitamin C daily will not get sick during the winter. This statement is an example of?


82 member nations from Albania to Zimbabwe

International Union of Psychological Science

Pioneered study of learning; Russian psychologist

Ivan Pavlov

Last century's most influential observer of children; swiss

Jean Piaget

dismissed introspection and redefined psychology as "the scientific study of observable behavior"

John B. Watson and later B.F Skinner

Positive psychology

Martin Seligman

First woman president of APA 1905; pioneering memory researcher

Mary Whiton Calkins

A carefully worded statement with exact procedures (operations) used in a research study. For example, human intelligence may be operationally defined as what an intelligence test measures.

Operational Definition

A dosage of vitamin C is 500 mg and sick refers to having flu-like symptoms include fever. This statement is an example of:

Operational Definition

Nature-nurture; human traits present at birth or develop through experience?


Happiness is a byproduct of a pleasant, engaged, and meaningful life

Positive psychology

Learned fears and expectations, emotional responsibilities, cognitive processing and perceptual interpretations

Psychological influences

Neuroscience, Evolutionary, Behavioral genetics, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, social-cultrual

Psychological perspectives

Assigning participants to experimental & control groups by chance, thus minimizing preexisting differences between different groups

Random assignment

Every person has an equal chance of being selected

Random sampling/selection

Repeat the original observations with different participants, materials, and circumstances.


Fear can be learned; little Albert

Rosalie Raynor and John B. Watson

Personality theorist and therapist; Australian physician

Sigmund Freud

Unconscious thought processes and emotional response to childhood experiences affect our behavior

Sigmund Freud

Presence of others, cultural societal, family expectations, peer/other influences, compelling models (media)

Social-cultural influences

First school of thought

Structuralism and functionalism

Generate a theory that might explain this statement: College students who take a dosage of vitamin C daily will not get sick during the winter.

Vitamin C increases resistability to sickeness

Studied down-to-earth emotions, memories, willpower, habits; what function do they play to help people survive; thinking is inventive

William James

Correlation does not imply


John B. Watson and Rosalie Raynor

psychology as scientific study of behavior; fear is learned

Edward Titchener

self-reflection, introspection, elements of experience


the science of behavior and mental processes

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