PSYCH 111 Hopkins- UNIT 6-10

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Who would have argued that we do not need to directly be reinforced or punished to learn?

Albert Bandura

Among these individuals, who would be considered the earliest pioneer in the field of intelligence testing?

Alfred Binet

What is an instinct?

An innate pattern of responding that is species-specific

Which process best illustrates the effect of development stages on the interaction between instinct and learning?


Watson and Skinner believed that ____.

personality is shaped by rewards and punishments

Little Mickey says, "Wook at the wabbit." Mickey is having trouble with the "l" and "r" speech sounds, which would be classified as a __________ problem.


What is a consequence that has the effect of decreasing the chance that the behavior that came before it will happen again?


In operant conditioning, extinction occurs because ____.

reinforcement no longer follows the behavior

When people are deprived of _____ sleep, they compensate for the loss directly and show a rebound effect to recover from the loss


Which of the following best illustrates the component of emotion referred to as overt behavior?

Raising one's fist in victory

Michael has a flashbulb memory of when his mother told him the terrible news that his father had died in an automobile accident. What is most likely to be true about this memory?

Retrieval of this memory will be more accurate than of everyday events around the same time.

Dr. Abboud strongly advises Jason and Nichelle to make sure their infant does not sleep face down on soft surfaces. She states that such a sleeping position has been highly correlated to a fatal infant disorder known as ____, even though exposure to cigarette smoke and genetic factors may also play a role


Charlise has been diagnosed with Capgras syndrome by her physician. Which symptom is she most likely to demonstrate?

She will assume that her husband is not her real husband and has been replaced by an imposter.

The ________ test involves reading words that say one color (e.g., "green") while being printed in a different color. It has been used to demonstrate some of the effectiveness of hypnosis.


Which of the following, in English, can be either a phoneme or a morpheme?


Classical conditioning is learning in which ____.

a previously neutral stimulus becomes capable of triggering a reflexive response

The use of the word OCEAN to help people remember the Big Five personality traits is an example of a(n) ________.


When Frederic Bartlett's study participants recalled the story he had read to them twenty hours earlier, they ____

added details that fit with the meaning of the story

When your friend remarks pessimistically that crime is increasing (Did you see that gruesome murder on the news last night?), you recognize the operation of the ____.

availability heuristic

After reading about the effects of prayer or meditation in your psychology book, you decide to try it. Which of the following benefits is most likely to result from your regular practice of meditation?

decreased anxiety

After a night of eating a gallon of ice cream and potato chips, Raven takes laxatives to purge the ingested food from her body. Raven, like many others who suffer from bulimia nervosa, is likely to feel what after purging?


The instinct theory of human motivation was replaced by the ____.

drive theory

After switching to decaffeinated coffee, Hamid has been feeling sluggish in the mornings and has a headache in the afternoons. Hamid's symptoms seem to reflect

drug withdrawal

What is the correct ordering of the processes of memory?

encoding, storage, and retrieval

Matt remembers visiting Disney World and SeaWorld in Florida with his family when he was eight years old. This is an example of ____.

episodic memory

Max, an attorney, is attending a hearing at the federal courthouse. He opens the courthouse door for a young woman with a tattoo on her forearm. When Max enters the room of the hearing, he is stunned to see that the assigned judge is the same woman. Max had applied the ____.

representativeness heuristic

When new information (learned later) blocks or disrupts the retrieval of related old information (learned earlier), ____ has taken place.

retroactive interference

Which part of the brain is responsible for evaluating emotional stimuli, both negative and positive, and initiating responses to the perception of these stimuli?

the amgydala

Which part of the brain is active when a person who uses drugs weighs the "pros" and "cons" of using again?

the frontal lobes

A definition of consciousness would contain all of the following except

the function and structure of cognition

In memory, as time passes between learning and recall, ____.

the recency effect weakens, but not the primacy effect

A ________ is a set of facts and relationships between facts that can be used to explain and predict phenomena.


Many psychologists think of human memory as a type of information processing system that has ____ basic stages that are called ____.

three; sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory

The human infant spends about half of its sleep time in REM. What is the understanding of why this is the case?

to provide the necessary stimulation for brain connections

Those who have an IQ that is assessed to be between _____ and _____ may suffer from a moderate intellectual disability.

40; 55

Human beings are capable of producing over ______ phonemes, which are the basic units of spoken sound in a language.


Which of the following best illustrates a behavior that is motivated by physiological factors?

Adding and removing clothes so as to maintain a comfortable body temperature

Which of the following individuals would make the best hypnotic subject?

Carden, who very much wants to be hypnotized

What historical figure is most closely associated to the two-factor theory of intelligence?

Charles Spearman

Professor Booth calls on Jessamyn to state the definition of "intelligence." She responds by describing intelligence as "the ability to understand complex ideas, adapt effectively to the environment, learn from experience, communicate quickly and efficiently, and overcome obstacles." Which part of her definition is the least likely component of intelligence?

Communicate quickly and efficiently.

How can extinction be avoided with operant conditioning?

Continuously reinforce a behavior, even after it is learned.

Which of the following is NOT a step in classical conditioning?

Determining a schedule of reinforcement

Which of the following statements regarding semantic memories is true? -An animal naming task activates areas associated with hand movements, suggesting that we think about touching an animal in order to name one. - Damage to the prefrontal cortex can produce a condition known as source amnesia of certain semantic memories. -A tool labeling task is associated with activity in the visual cortex of the occipital lobe, suggesting that we think about what a tool looks like in order to name it. - Different patterns of activity in the cerebral cortex are correlated with various types of semantic memories.

Different patterns of activity in the cerebral cortex are correlated with various types of semantic memories.

Which of the following is true about Abraham Maslow?

He was primarily interested in human motivation.

When we are motivated, we typically show three characteristics. Which of the following is NOT one of these three characteristics?

Increased arousal after reaching a specific goal

What is an advantage of observational learning?

It transmits information across generations

Which psychologist suggested that consciousness becomes both more complex and more intense as you ascend the animal kingdom?


Who was responsible for the classical conditioning of Little Albert?

John Watson and Rosalie Rayner

Regarding Maslow's theory of motivation, which of the following statements is FALSE?

Maslow's theory has been criticized for focusing too much on psychosocial needs and not enough on biological needs.

Which of the following individuals is most likely experiencing REM sleep?

Mei Ling, whose body is paralyzed by her stage of sleep

_____ refers to the representation of any sensory experience sotred in memory.

Mental image

________ is the process that arouses, maintains, and guides behavior toward a goal.


____ is the removal of an aversive stimulus that serves to increase a behavior, and ____ is the removal of a reinforcing stimulus to decrease a behavior.

Negative reinforcement; negative punishment

Professor Sevilla asks one of his graduate students, Leland, to finish his class lecture on memory. Leland begins by explaining that nondeclarative memories 1) are unconsciously and effortlessly retrieved memories; 2) are easy to verbalize; 3) include memories for classical conditioning, procedural learning, and priming; and 4) are also known as implicit memories. Which part of his definition is inaccurate?

Nondeclarative memories are easy to verbalize.

Why does associative learning provide an enormous survival advantage?

Organisms can predict the future and thus are given time to prepare for future events.

The law of effect was proposed by ____.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that ____.

biological needs must be satisfied before personal and social needs

The process of breaking a large amount of information down into smaller pieces to make it easier to recall is termed ____.


The formation of associations between two stimuli, which occur sequentially in time, is referred to as ____.

classical conditioning

Geoff takes a highly addictive drug that activates the brain's painkilling and mood-altering systems. Geoff may have taken any of the following drugs except


Beliefs, expectations, and goals are important concepts in which of the following theories of motivation?

cognitive theory

If conditioning has taken place, the neutral stimulus becomes the ____.

conditioned stimulus

The reduction in ability to retrieve rarely used information over time is called ____.


A schedule of reinforcement in which the first response after a specified period of time will be reinforced is called a ____.

fixed interval schedule

If you have ever been without a screwdriver and took a dime out of your pocket and used it to loosen a screw, then you did not let which of the following be a barrier to your thinking?

functional fixedness

The sexual motivation of animals is almost totally regulated by ____.

genetic and biological factors

The nature-nurture question contemplates the contribution of ____ and ____ to the development of intelligence.

genetic factors; environmental factors

One function of concepts is that they allow us to ____.

group things into categories and then effectively organize them in memory

As you are driving to your friend's new apartment, you realize that you forgot the address of the apartment building. You know that the apartment is north of his old apartment. As you drive down the street where his old apartment is, you begin looking at the signs: Azalea Drive, Oak Circle, Peach Tree Street, and Sycamore Drive. You remember that the apartment is on a Drive, not a street or circle, which narrows down the possibilities and illustrates your use of a(n)


Having been a college professor for over 30 years, James, who is 58 years old, has been described as a little "slower on the uptake" than when he was younger. However, he also tends to "know the ropes" regarding his job better than when he was younger. This would mean that James is

high in crystallized intelligence and low in fluid intelligence.

Reinforcers, whether they be positive or negative, have the same effect on behavior, which is to:

increase the probability that the behavior will be repeated

Carla works hard to get As on her report card because it is personally rewarding. Her behavior is being influenced by ____.

intrinsic motivation

Socioeconomic status ____.

is positively correlated with IQ

An individual has been taking a drug regularly for an extended period of time and cannot seem to stop. However, this person is taking the same dosage of when they began and experiences the same effects each time. These circumstances indicate the person

is psychologically dependent

The effect of negative emotions on memory ____.

is variable

As Angel speeds down Elm Avenue, he suddenly slams on his brakes to avoid a collision with another car. Angel's response is an example of a(n) ____.

learned behavior

A psychological or physiological factor that causes humans to act in a specific way at a particular time is called ____.


The motivation to set challenging goals and persist in meeting those goals, despite obstacles or setbacks is the definition of ____.

need for achievement

Miranda comes home late one evening past her curfew only to find her parents waiting up for her. Her father says, "Miranda, you're late! You may not use the car for an entire month." Miranda's father is using ____.

negative punishment

Arianna has been drinking coffee daily for the past ten years. She says she needs the caffeine to stay awake in her classes and simply to get through the day. If she does not drink coffee on one day, she experiences severe headaches, fatigue and shakiness. Arianna is most likely _____ dependent on caffeine and is experiencing _____

physically; drug withdrawal

Presentation of a rewarding stimulus serves as ____, whereas removal of an aversive stimulus serves as ____.

positive reinforcement; negative reinforcement

An "environmental factor" accounting for the racial differences in IQ scores would focus on ____.

poverty's impact

Aunt Mary no longer needs to refer to the recipe when she makes buttermilk pancakes for her nephew Andrew, because she has stored the information in ____ memory.


Grandpa Gus had not been on a bicycle for years. As he took off on one, he yelled and said, "I guess once you learn, you never forget." To ride the bike, Grandpa is using ____.

procedural memory

Carol is given a beautiful, unique glass container with a curved handle. Whether she decides that this container is a decorative vase, bowl, or cup will be determined by her comparison of this container to


Dr. Taniguchi's specialty is psychopharmacology. That means that she studies

psychoactive drugs

You eat because you like to. This best illustrates the idea that motivation is due to ____.

reward/pleasure centers in the brain

On a chemistry final, Dr. Curie asks Marie to describe the properties of nitrous oxide. Marie will likely retrieve the information from ____ memory.


Marietta has memorized the capital cities of all fifty states. This is an example of ____.

semantic memory

Declarative memories are consciously retrieved memories that are easy to verbalize and include ____.

semantic, episodic, and autobiographical information

According to the Atkinson and Shiffrin traditional information-processing model of memory, information flows through three stages. What illustrates the correct flow of information in this model?

sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory

Research indicates that marijuana use is associated with all of the following except

severe withdrawal symptoms

Penelope crams for her psychology final by staying up all night before the exam. What is a likely consequence of Penelope's actions?

she will likely perform significantly below her fullest potential because she decreased her capacity to remember material

Which of the following is not a theory about why we need sleep

sleep provides time alone, away from social interaction

In memory processes, the primacy effect refers to ____.

superior memory for items at the beginning of a list

"I don't know why I did that!" Of the following concepts, which one best relates to this statement?

unconscious motivation

What are the qualities that each intelligence test should have?

validity and reliability

It is believed that Troy has a high set point. Dieting will be difficult for him because ____.

when Troy diets, his metabolic rate may slow down

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