Psych 205 Learning Curve Ch. 1 & 3

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In some nations, paid maternity leave is as long as _____ months

15 months

Caregivers tend to behave in proximal or distal ways when infants are as young as _____ months old.


Five-month-old Martin is an outgoing, active baby. Martin appears high in the _____ dimension of temperament.


Baby Tina tends to be quiet and cautious when she encounters something new or unexpected. Tina's temperament is MOST likely:

slow to warm up

To determine whether an infant is progressing as expected, doctors measure:

weight and head circumference

Sally's weight has tripled since she was born. This gain is typical of a child who is:

1 year old

Roberta has just advanced from touching the rattle that hangs above her to grabbing and holding it. She is probably about _____ months old.

6 months

Evidence that biological growth is the foundation for cognitive and social maturity comes from the fact that although 2-year-olds can barely talk and are totally dependent on adults, they have already reached half of their adult height and _____ percent of their adult brain size. - 33 - 75 - 50 - 66


Baby Twana's brain responds to signs of fear in other people. Twana is probably at LEAST _____ months of age.


According to Jean Piaget, at what age would you expect an infant to search for a pacifier that a father attempts to hide behind his back?

8 months

Which statement is TRUE about language development?

All babies go through the same sequence of language development, although timing may differ.

The affectionate tie that an infant forms with a caregiver, binding them together in space and enduring over time, is known as:


Quality center care for infants and children is generally seen as a public obligation in each of the following nations EXCEPT:

The United States

Effortful control is defined as being:

able to regulate attention and emotion, to self-soothe

Parents are told that their newborn is in the 90th percentile for height. This means that their child is of:

above average height

Erikson's trust-versus-mistrust crisis is to Freud's oral stage as Erikson's autonomy-versus-shame crisis is to Freud's _____ stage.


The quality of infant care varies depending on:

both the length of paid leave and whether it is publicly or privately funded.

_____ is to "toward the cell body" as _____ is to "away from the cell body."

dendrite; axon

The hopeful message of _____ theory is that people can rethink and reorganize their thoughts to develop new working models.


First-time mother Caroline does not know what to do about her infant, who seems to cry nonstop no matter what soothing techniques she tries. She calls her doctor, who explains that uncontrollable crying is MOST likely due to _____.


Two-day-old Sia is not getting breast milk when she breast-feeds because:

colostrum is the fluid secreted for about the first three days after birth.

Between the ages of about 8 and 10 months, MOST children begin to:


A caregiver's responses to her infant's basic needs determine the infant's future emotional health, such as whether or not the child becomes a trusting person. This statement reflects the thinking of the psychoanalytic theorist:


A father who grabs and removes a child immediately when a big dog is approaching will MOST likely teach the child this emotional reaction.

fear of dogs

Toby is 2 years old. This means he is probably _____ times heavier than he was at birth.


At about 6 months of age, infants begin to express anger, which is usually triggered by:


Meena cannot be vaccinated because of her allergies, but she is protected to some degree from catching childhood diseases because of _____ immunity, which means that at least 90 percent of people in her local community have been immunized.


Ninety-three percent of children in the poorest nations now survive, while just a few decades ago many infants died. This is BEST explained by: - an increase in breast-feeding. - the eradication of cholera. - improvements in public health measures. - an increase in the number of health workers

improvements of public health measures

The final part of the brain to mature is involved in:

impulse control (the prefrontal cortex)

Two-year-old Dahari lives in an area affected by drought. He is listless, small for his age, and has an extended abdomen and brittle hair. Dahari is MOST likely suffering from:


Deborah tells her 2-year-old daughter to pick up her stuffed rabbit and she picks it up and hands it to her mother. Deborah's 2-year-old daughter is demonstrating language:

language comprehension

Lottie is 3 months old. Her MOST sophisticated emotional capability is:

laughter and curiosity

Mike and Cynthia are bankers, and both earn a great deal of money. They are determined not to deny their children anything that money can buy. Consequently, they have bought their children a multitude of spinning, buzzing, multi-textured, and multicolored toys. Mike and Cynthia are convinced that their children will grow up to be geniuses. The text suggests that such toys:

may be a waste of time and money since infants can be overstimulated by them.

The text suggests that immunization rate is _____ correlated with infant mortality rate.


Cells that are specialized for sending and receiving messages between the brain and all parts of the body, as well as within the brain itself, are known as:


Nine-month-old Charlie repeatedly reaches for his sister's doll, even though he has been told "no" many times. This is an example of:

new adaptation and anticipation

Ten-month-old Matteo repeatedly grabs for his mother's food, and she pushes his hand away. As she brings a bite to her mouth, he opens his mouth as well and grabs for the fork. This is an example of:

new adaptation and anticipation

Hair cells in Haley's basilar membrane detect a series of high-pitched tones. Haley recognizes the ring tone assigned to calls from her mother. Haley remembers she had neglected to call her mother the night before as she had promised. Haley's recognition of the ringtone illustrates:


Hair cells in Lance's basilar membrane detect a series of high-pitched tones. Lance recognizes the ring tone assigned to calls from his mother. Lance remembers he had neglected to call his mother the night before as he had promised. Lance's recognition of the ring tone illustrates _____. When he remembers the promise, Lance is demonstrating _____.

perception; cognition

Throughout the second year and beyond, _____, which require social awareness and emerge from family interactions, appear.

pride, shame, embarrassment, disgust, and guilt

Jean Piaget's first two stages of sensorimotor intelligence involve:

primary circular reactions.

The brain of 12-year-old Deval has now lost about 40 percent of its synapses. This normal developmental process is known as:


Tamika and Tyree are trying to decide whether they should let the infant they are expecting in two months sleep in their bed. All of the following are possible benefits of bed-sharing EXCEPT: - reduced chances of sudden infant death - greater ease of response when the baby is hungry - if the baby wakes up scared and crying, it is easier to comfort the baby. - parents get more sleep because they do not have to another room to feed or comfort the baby.

reduced chances of sudden infant death

Which attachment style describes an infant who is mildly upset at his mother's departure in the Strange Situation, but who is easily soothed on her return?


While visiting the neighbors, Umar clings to his mother and refuses to leave her lap. Umar is exhibiting _____ attachment behavior.

secure-insecure ambvivalent

The process of _____ is what occurs when one of the sensory systems (eyes, ears, skin, tongue, or nose) detects a stimulus.


Receptors highly sensitive to sweetness are active on Owen's tongue. Bitterness receptors are also active, but to a lesser extent. Owen recognizes the taste of cola and considers his resolution to reduce his soda consumption. The action of Owen's taste receptors illustrates _____, whereas his recognition of the taste illustrates _____.

sensation; perception

The still-face technique:

shows that babies expect a positive response from their caregivers

Temperament is to personality as _____ is to _____.

shyness; humility

A newborn infant comes home from the hospital, and all appears to be well. He looks happy and relaxed after being fed and drifts off to sleep. Within a few weeks, however, everyone is on edge due to the infant's bouts of uncontrollable crying. The pediatrician has advised the family that:

some infants have bouts of colic, which is probably the result of immature digestion

Stunting is MOST common in:

south asia

Michael and Diane, who celebrated their wedding anniversary with a bottle of champagne and some vodka shots, will be sharing their bed with their 2-month-old daughter. Doctors fear this situation could put the infant in danger of:

sudden infant death

In _____ syndrome, an infant, usually between 2 and 6 months of age, unexpectedly stops breathing and dies while asleep.

sudden infant death syndrome

Donald loves to smell roses and thinks they are the most beautiful flowers. Which part of his brain is he using to experience the rose?

the cortex

Nancy has a friend who is a new father. Knowing that she is taking a psychology course, he asks her what he can expect during the first few years of his child's development. Based on her understanding of Erikson's stages of development, she tells him that the first stage his child will pass through is called:

trust vs. mistrust

Abby has begun to suck only her thumb, rather than her whole hand. It is likely that Abby is in stage _____ of sensorimotor development.


Angelo realizes that sucking a pacifier is different from sucking a nipple. Angelo is in stage _____ of sensorimotor intelligence.


According to Noam Chomsky, languages across the world share a fundamental pattern, or _____ grammar. This structure helps children acquire language quickly.


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