Psych-210 Exam 3

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Psychosocial development during adolescence is often seen as a quest to answer the question _____.

"Who am I?"

Paula's daughter has recently been diagnosed with autism. This is common, as in 2019 _____ children in the U.S. are expected to be diagnosed with autism.

1 in 36

Roughly 1 in _____ adolescent boys is affected by major depression.


About _____ percent of the children in middle childhood are designated as ELLs.


Natalia just gave birth. Her baby was preterm and is of low birthweight. Natalia also experienced high blood pressure throughout her pregnancy. Natalia is most likely _____ years old.


In the United States, more than _____ children and adolescents under the age of 18 take prescription drugs to regulate their emotions and behavior.

2 million

James is very athletic and loves to play sports. He is physically active almost daily. He is not alone as about _____ of adolescent boys are physically active daily.

35 percent

In the United States, less than _____ percent of children under age 11 study a language other than English in school.


In the United States, about ____ percent of children saw a dentist for preventive care in 2013.


For girls, menarche is _____.

A girl's first menstrual period

Jasmine engages in some conflict with her mother during the adolescent years. This may indicate _____.

A healthy family

Janet and Carlos are both experiencing a growth spurt. If they are typical adolescents, Janet will have _____ than Carlos.

A higher proportion of body fat

Parasuicide refers to _____.

A suicide attempt that does not end in death

The power of the invincibility fable may be observed in _____.

A young military recruit who hopes to be sent into combat

Adolescent acne is usually caused by _____.

AN increase in skin oils and sweat

Who are considered to be "digital natives" in the United States?


Today, the most notable digital divide is based on _____.


Control processes improve with _____.

Age and experience

In the twenty-first century, early puberty positively correlates with _____.

Aggression and antisocial behavior in boys

Who is MOST likely to experience few psychological problems during middle childhood?

Alberto, who is being raised by his married biological mother and father

_____ is/are the most frequently abused drug in North America.


Approximately what percent of the world's 7-year-olds are in school?

Almost all

Adolescent males are _____ as females to develop schizophrenia.

Almost twice as likely

The connection between the ______ and the prefrontal cortex changes during puberty, and that increases risk-taking behavior.


Elle, an adolescent, believes that the government should pay for all citizens' health care. From this premise, she reasons about the particulars of how and why government-funded health care would work. This is an example of _____.

Analytic thought

Kristy and her friends come up with several options of things to do on Friday night, and they ultimately decide to go to a new movie because it received positive reviews. In making this decision, Kristy and her friends are using what type of thought?

Analytic thought

David is excitable, impulsive, and very active. He also has great difficulty concentrating. He MOST likely has _____.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Ten-year-old Wilson experiences extreme mood swings that do not seem to be influenced by life circumstances. At times he cannot sit still, and is constantly fidgeting. Wilson may be diagnosed with _____.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Allen is 3 years old. He ignores people when they are in the room, and if people speak to him he does not make eye contact. He also will not initiate communication, but rather just repeats what someone has said. Finally, Allen plays with a spinning top for hours. He just spins it, watches it, and when it stops spins it again. Allen may be showing signs of _____.


The process by which a sequence of thoughts and actions is repeated until no conscious thought is required is referred to as _____.


Susie has an IQ score of 90. According to the distribution of IQ scores, Susie's IQ falls into what category?


Which of the following symptoms is NOT associated with anorexia nervosa?

Average weight

Childhood rates of obesity are generally measured in terms of _____.


A body of knowledge in a particular area that makes it easier to master new information in that area is known as "knowledge _____."


A strategy in which school subjects are taught in both the learner's original language and the second (majority) language is _____.

Bilingual education

Once a week, Candace locks herself in her bedroom and gorges on cookies, cakes, ice cream, and other snack foods. She eats until her stomach hurts and this has been going on for 5 months. Candace is very private about her eating binges and is embarrassed and depressed over her out-of-control eating. Candace is demonstrating characteristics of _____.

Binge-eating disorder

According to Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural framework, every experience after _____ teaches individuals something.


Nonsexual friendships with peers of any sexual orientation _____.

Both decrease loneliness and increase resilience

When capable of concrete operational thought, children _____.

Can apply their reasoning to real, tangible situations

Statistically, based on pubertal development, which student is MOST likely to fall asleep during class?

Carolyn, age 14

In the United States, public schools that set their own standards, are licensed by the state, but are exempt from some state regulations, are known as _____ schools.


The particular rules and behaviors that are passed down to younger children from older children are what define _____.

Child culture

_____ is the most frequently reported STI.


The day-night cycle that occurs approximately every 24 hours is the _____.

Circadian rhythm

With respect to asthma, the hygiene hypothesis is supported by data showing all of the following EXCEPT _____.

City children have less asthma and fewer allergies

Nine-year-old Pete sorted screws, bolts, and nails into three piles by type. He is able to correctly sort the objects into separate piles because of the logical principle of _____.


Antisocial violence at age 21 can be predicted by engaging in _____ at age 12.

Coercive joining

The presence of two or more unrelated disease conditions at the same time in the same person is referred to as "_____."


Lee is shown both a large box and a small box. The large box contains a 5-pound weight and the small box contains a 10-pound weight. Lee picks up each box, one at a time, and examined them closely. He is then asked which weighs more. Lee no longer focused only on appearance and answers that the small box weighs more. Jean Piaget would say that Lee is in the _____ stage of cognitive development.

Concrete operational

In Piaget's experiments with balancing a scale, trial-and-error problem solving was most characteristic of those of the age defined by _____.

Concrete operational thought

Spreading insults and rumors by means of e-mails, text messages, or Web postings is called " _____."


The fact that emotional development and analytical thought develop unevenly during adolescence can be demonstrated in the phenomenon of:

Delay discounting

Scientists agree that brain development _____.

Depends on experience

Children who are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder can vary in the type and range of symptoms they display, but all children with an autism spectrum disorder have _____.

Difficulty understanding emotions

Each of the following is a general principle of developmental psychopathology EXCEPT _____.

Disability does not change year by year

Identity diffusion refers to the identity status in which adolescents _____.

Do not commit to goals and fail to take on any role

Which is NOT a common value among 6- to 11-year-old children?

Dressing like adults

Which theoretical approach would focus on individual differences, parenting practices, school lunches, fast-food restaurants, advertisements, and community norms when combating obesity rates in middle childhood?


One method of educating gifted and talented students that has become popular in the United States is _____.

Educating all gifted and talented children of the same age together

Josie, who is 15 years old, is attending her first soccer team practice. She is very sensitive to the facial expressions, body language, communication styles, and other social cues given to her by her new teammates. Her sensitivity to these social cues is aided by her adolescent _____.


Thinking intensely about themselves and about what others think about them is called "_____."


Which aspect of identity development was NOT discussed by Erikson?`


Francesca comes from a middle-class family and her parents want to make sure that their family maintains their reputation, often pressuring Francesca to excel in her academics. Research has found that parental pressure to excel may be related to all of the following problems EXCEPT:

Expanded social culture

_____ refers to the belief that family members should support one another, sacrificing individual freedom and success to care for one another.


_____ adolescents totally reject the religions in which they've grown up.


In many cultures, self-esteem tends to _____ during middle childhood.


Conventional morality involves _____.

Following what parents, teachers, and peers do

Harold readily adopted his parents' political beliefs without question. Happy and secure, he enjoys participating in political events with his parents. His identity status reflects _____.


Mastery of pragmatics allows children to change styles of speech, or "codes," depending on the audience. What code are children likely to use with their teachers?

Formal code

Finn shouts, "Yo dude! Did you see that bad shooting star?" Finn is likely speaking to his _____.


Developing self-respect, nurturing friendships with peers, and encouraging learning are three of the _____.

Functions of a family

Many parents believe that they mold their children's personalities. However, research has found that _____.

Genes and the shared and nonshared environment have the most impact on personality

National differences in the timing of menarche are due to:

Genetic and nutritional reasons

Which of the following is NOT an aspect related to student-centered teaching?

Group projects

Which family function is especially crucial in middle childhood?

Harmony and stability

One physical change that typically occurs during adolescence is that the _____.

Heart doubles in size

Adrianna has begun to participate in arguments on issues of right and wrong. She is developing her own moral thinking, guided by _____.

Her peers, parents, and culture

Which of the following factors does NOT facilitate increases in the knowledge base?

High intelligence

Compared with single-parent homes, two-parent homes usually have _____.

Higher income

Xavier, 16, invites a group of his high school friends to swim in a neighbor's pool late at night while that neighbor is away. They climb the fence and jump in, playing wildly and loudly in the water. A few minutes later, the police arrive. How does adolescent brain development help explain Xavier's poor decision-making?

His prefrontal cortex is underdeveloped

_____ direct(s) adolescents toward _____, perhaps a product of ancient evolutionary patterns for the human species.

Hormones; typical sexual roles

The first hormones to begin the process of puberty are triggered in the child's _____.


If-then propositions require _____.

Hypothetical thought

Krista seemed to be struggling academically in her fourth-grade class. After a battery of tests it was determined that Krista had special needs. School professionals met with Krista's parents to discuss specific educational goals for Krista. What the school professionals and Krista's parents created was Krista's _____.


According to Erikson, adolescents are in the stage of _____.

Identity versus role confusion

Both intuitive thinking and analytical thought reflect _______.

Inborn temperament

Mariangela has dyslexia. Mariangela is taught in the regular classroom, where she has her own reading tutor for part of the day. This is an example of _____.


An approach to understanding intelligence that holds that intelligence can be directly increased by effort is referred to as the "_____ theory of intelligence."


Many children with autism spectrum disorder show early signs of the disorder in _____.


Mastery of pragmatics allows children to change styles of speech, or "codes," depending on the audience. What code are children likely to use with their peers?

Informal code

One's mental age divided by one's chronological age and multiplied by 100 results in one's _____.

Intelligence quotient

Adolescents tend to rely more on ______ thinking than adults do.


All of the following have been identified as problems with diagnosing ADHD EXCEPT _____.

It has symptoms that are only apparent in severe cases

Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development was strongly influenced by _____.

Jean Piaget

Lev Vygotsky might argue that all of the following could be an instructor to Emma, a 6-year-old girl, EXCEPT _____.

John, her 4 year old sibling

Courts are increasingly recommending _____ of children after a divorce.

Joint full custody

Ty started to behave aggressively at age 5 and by age 8 was caught shoplifting several times. Ty is now age 25 and has committed armed robbery. Ty would be considered a(n) _____.

Life-course-persistent offender

A study of adult women in the United States found that those who voluntarily had sex before the age of 16 were _____.

Likely to get a divorce as an adult

During adolescence, the _____ matures before the _____ in the brain.

Limbic system; prefrontal cortex

Abstinence-only sex-education programs have had _____ impact in teenagers' sexual activity.


Research indicates that a majority of adolescent girls in the United States are trying to _____.

Lose weight

The average age of the onset of puberty has changed over time. Which of the following individuals is most likely to have started puberty at the latest age?

Louis, born in 1910

Which student is MOST likely to be admired during middle school?

Louisa, who uses marijuana and frequently finds herself in physical fights

Two factors that universally interfere with family function in every nation are _____.

Low income and high conflict

Bullies during middle childhood are _____.

Low on empathy

Sense of self during middle childhood is associated with ______.

Many factors

Following Erikson's lead, _____ distinguished four specific ways young people cope with the identity crisis.


School-age children would most admire _____.

Marla, who was punished for not telling the teacher who threw a paper airplane

Stress, especially when prolonged, _____.

May contribute to an early onset of puberty

Over time, the consequences of bullying _____.

May lead to problems for the bullies and their victims

Most bullies pick on _____.

Members of their own sex

Nine-year-old Devon writes, "My brother eats like a hungry pig." This statement demonstrates his understanding of _____.


School achievement is important for the development of self-esteem during:

Middle childhood

The ability to remember a sequence of events has been shown to develop gradually during _____.

Middle childhood

A cause can have many final manifestations. This is referred to as "_____."


Jennica experienced neglect as an infant while her mother suffered from severe depression. The outcome on Jennica's development could manifest itself in many different ways. This reflects the developmental principle of _____.


With respect to Gardner's multiple intelligences, a successful farmer is likely to excel in _____ intelligence.


Without any thoughtful consideration, Sean took on an identity that is the opposite of what his parents want for him. Sean has adopted a(n) _____.

Negative identity

Physical activity can benefit children in all of the following ways EXCEPT by improving _____.

Oral health practices

What is the main international test of reading given to students?


Which test finds fourth-grade girls ahead of boys in reading in every nation?


Alisha took an overdose of prescription pills, but before she lost consciousness, she called her mom for help. Alisha was rushed to the hospital for medical attention. Alisha's behavior is defined as "_____."


The urge to conform to one's peers in behavior, dress, and attitude is referred to as "_____."

Peer pressure

Many adolescents think carefully and answer correctly when responding to paper-and-pencil questions about hypothetical risk-taking situations, yet in the real world they engage in risky behavior. This is due in part to their _____.


Many adolescents feel that their own thoughts and experiences are far more extraordinary than those of other people. This is part of their _____.

Personal fable

Which factor contributes to increases in a child's knowledge base?

Personal motivation

Austin is in the grocery store with his mom and he sees the candy-like cereal he saw advertised on television. He asks his mom to purchase it and she says no. He continues to beg, bargain, and pout until she concedes. Austin demonstrated _____ power.


The organ that produces the hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands is the _____.


Which gland(s) receive(s) signals directly from the hypothalamus?


Madeline is 9 years old and considered obese. Which of the following is NOT likely a contributing factor to her weight?

Playing outside frequently

According to Erikson, _____ identity is an arena of identity formation.


What is the third stage of moral reasoning in Lawrence Kohlberg's theory?


Aptitude tests are designed to measure one's _____.

Potential for learning a skill or body of knowledge

John has the ability to talk informally with his friends and more formally to his teachers during class. Clearly John understands the _____.

Pragmatics of his language

Most teens try _____, which are drugs that activate the brain.

Psychoactive drugs

The period when children's bodies become adult in terms of size, shape, and sexuality is called "_____."


Which of the following is NOT an indicator of verbal intelligence on the WISC?


How long it takes to respond to a stimulus is referred to as "_____."

Reaction time

Everywhere in the world, children are taught to _____.

Read, write, and do arithmetic

Unrealistically high self-esteem _____ effortful control, which leads to _____ academic achievement.

Reduces; lower

Compared to adults, adolescents may express their _____ identities more devoutly.


The cultural norm of familism often _____.

Requires family members to make sacrifices for the good of the whole

What is the latest educational strategy in the United States for children who are below average in achievement in early grades to receive special help?

Response to intervention

Seventeen-year-old Andrew failed several classes, lost his job, and spends most of his time sleeping on the couch. When his parents voice their disapproval, he replies, "Whatever." Andrew's response indicates _____.

Role confusion

Bridget is in tenth grade. Bridget is enrolled in _____ education.


Which statement is false?

Secondary education refers to schooling completed after high school graduation, such as college or vocational training.

Lawrence Kohlberg's concept of preconventional morality involves _____.

Seeking pleasure and avoiding punishment

At age 17, Gage aspired to become a serious musician. His group of friends began to change as he grew closer to students with deep musical interests, and he drifted away from other friends who were more engaged in sports. This illustrates peer _____.


_____ and _____ are especially important for understanding the impact of peers.

Selection; facilitation

Late pubertal development may be an indicator of _______.

Sickle cell anemia

For many adolescents their _____ are always within reach, and some text hundreds of times a day.


A marked delay in a particular area of knowledge that is not caused by an apparent physical disability, by mental retardation, or by an unusually stressful home environment is referred to as "_____."

Specific learning disorder

Dimitri has been married before and has two biological children. He has just married Natasha, who has also been married before and has a biological son. Their family is an example of a _____ family.


Research indicates that female children who experienced a great deal of _____ while very young also experienced early puberty.


Jordan is asked to list all of the people in his family. Jordan is being asked to report his family _____.


In recent years, Finland has gained a great deal of attention for its very successful educational system. Which statement about Finland's educational reform is false?

Students are given a series of high-stakes tests at each level

Lydia finds that she often thinks about killing herself. This is called "_____."

Suicidal ideation

William was doing a class report on asthma and learned that several factors may contribute to its development, including all of the following EXCEPT _____.


Based on ethnic differences, which of these well-nourished teenagers will likely experience puberty at the earliest age?

Taye, who is African American

Recent research has found a correlation between _____.

Teen media use and depression

According to the text, the research on methods for teaching a second language reveals that _____.

The best approach is not clear

In most nations other than the United States, _____ make(s) decisions regarding public education.

The central government

Gender refers to _____.

The cultural or social attributes of being male or female

Alisha is doing a history report on the 35th president of the United States for her tenth-grade history class. Where is Alisha most likely going to look for information to complete her report?

The internet accessed via her home computer

Family structure refers to _____.

The legal and genetic relationships of people in a household

When Kitana wants her teacher to repeat a question, she asks, "Would you please repeat the question?" but when she needs a classmate to repeat himself, she says, "Huh?" This example shows that Kitana understands _____.

The pragmatics of language

The family stress model illustrates that _____.

The reaction to family poverty is crucial

Which change contributes to an adolescent's lessening susceptibility toward respiratory infections?

The shrinkage of the lymphoid system

Which of the following aids 6- to 11-year-olds in understanding the scientific process and mathematics?

Theory of mind

Howard Gardner proposed that _____.

There are multiple intelligences

Which statement is true?

There is no sudden shift between preoperational and concrete operational thought.

One of the most prominent aspects of formal operational thought is the ability to _____.

Think in terms of possibilities

Metacognition refers to _____.

Thinking about one's thought processes

Mary is an adolescent. According to Erikson, her new identity will be established by choosing _____.

To embrace some parental and societal values while abandoning others

The two most common drugs used by adolescents are _____.

Tobacco and alcohol

Which of the following is another term for deductive reasoning?

Top-down reasoning

During the adolescent growth spurt, what is/are the last part(s) of the body to grow?


About one father in ____ has physical custody of his children and raises them without their mother or a new wife.


Girls who bully typically _____.

Use words to attack

Critics say that _____ weaken public schools, while advocates argue that they make private school more affordable.


New concepts are best learned when they are connected to _____.

What is already known about a subject

The statement that best reflects moral reasoning at the preconventional level is _____

"I don't want to get caught and punished"

In a longitudinal study that traced the development of sensation seeking (which can lead to intuitive thinking) from early adolescence to the mid-20s, revealed that increases in sensation seeking were notable from ages _____.

12 to 14

The recommended daily dose of calcium is _____ milligrams; most teens consume less than _____ milligrams per day.

1300; 500

For both girls and boys, puberty typically begins as young as _____ years of age or as late as _____ years of age.

8; 14

Childhood obesity is usually defined as a BMI above the _____ percentile.


Fifteen-year-old Latrina has a 10 P.M. curfew. She asks her parents to extend her curfew to 11 P.M. on weekends. When her parents ask her why, Latrina replies, "I've never been late for my 10 P.M. curfew. You can trust me. Can we at least give it a try?" This is an example of what kind of thinking?

Analytic thought

Formal, logical, hypothetical-deductive thinking described by Piaget is referred to as "______."

Analytic thought

_____ are the sex hormones secreted in greater amounts by males than females.


Emma is 5 feet tall and only weighs 87 pounds. However, when she looks at herself in the mirror, she thinks she is too fat. She does aerobic exercise for two hours each day and eats very little. Emma may be suffering from _____.

Anorexia nervosa

In many nations, including the United States, rates of sexual activity among boys and girls _____.

Are almost even

Secondary sex characteristics are traits that _____.

Are not directly related to fertility

Bullying attacks _____.

Are repeated

Eva is about to become an adolescent mother. Based on recent research, she and her child will better handle the situation if her parents _____.

Are supportive

_____ is considered to be a specific type of autism spectrum disorder.

Asperger syndrome

Ten-year-old Billy loves baseball and has studied baseball statistics since he was 5 years old. Billy is currently reading this year's statistics for some of his favorite players. He will easily remember the new statistics because of the knowledge _____ he has for baseball statistics.


William was an early-maturing boy in the 1930s. William would have been predicted to _____.

Be a school leader as an adolescent

The term imaginary audience refers to adolescents' _____.

Belief that everyone is watching their behavior and appearance

The kind of bully who is the most strongly disliked by peers is called a "______"; he or she rarely has friends or sympathizers.


Pete has been shoplifting for the past year. Unless he experiences an intervention, his shoplifting behavior is most likely to lead to _____.


When Piaget and his colleagues asked children of different ages to balance a scale using several different weights, they found that _____.

By age 13 or 14, logic is used to understand a reciprocal relationship

One study found that the short allele of the serotonin transporter promoter gene (5-HTTLPR) contributes to increased rates of depression in all girls, but it only affects boys who _____.

Come from low-socioeconomic-status communities

According to Jean Piaget, a child between the ages of 6 and 11 can apply logical principles to _____.

Concrete situations (real, tangible, visible)

A study that followed married parents and their adolescent children found that _____ on the adolescents' well-being.

Conflict was the main influence

Healthy communication and support from parents make _____ peer relationships more likely.


A father says to his son, "I want you home by 10:00 P.M." This best represents which aspect of family closeness?


Mechanisms that combine memory, processing speed, and knowledge to regulate the analysis and flow of information within the information-processing system are referred to as "______."

Control processes

What is the second stage of moral reasoning in Kohlberg's theory?


Leon is asked whether a person should steal food if she is starving. Leon says no because it is illegal. Leon is in Lawrence Kohlberg's _____ moral reasoning level, in the stage called "______."

Conventional; law and order

_____ rise at puberty, and that makes adolescents quicker to become angry or upset.

Cortisol levels

The common middle-school schedule that involves students changing rooms, teachers, and classmates every 40 minutes _____.

Creates a developmental mismatch between students' needs and the school context

What factors generally determine whether a child is well liked by his or her peers?

Culture and cohort

Heavy drinking impairs memory and self-control by _____.

Damaging the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex

_____ coined the term adolescent egocentrism.

David Elkind

In general, as children experience puberty, their self-esteem _____.


In recent years, the so-called digital divide has _____ among adolescents.


Physical activity within schools has _____ over the years.


Based on the sleep needs of adolescents and changes related to pubertal development, later high school start times can be expected to associate with all of the following EXCEPT _____.

Decreased college attendance

All Christians believe in the Bible, and Josiah is a Christian; therefore, Josiah believes in the Bible. This is an example of _____.

Deductive reasoning

The tendency of people of all ages to seek immediate rewards rather than gaining larger rewards after a delay is referred to as:

Delay discounting

Jane is in the third grade but reads at the level of a preschooler. Jane's teacher thinks that she reverses letters and may have _____.


Which learning disorder is characterized by unusual difficulty with reading?


Some children in the United States are classified as _____ based on their proficiency in English.


Evolutionary theory suggests that the relationship between childhood stress and onset of puberty exists to _____.

Ensure that reproduction occurs early in stress-filled environments

A child can have autistic symptoms for many reasons. This reflects the developmental principle of _____.


Often a symptom can have multiple causes. This is known as _____.


Ricky's aggressive behavior could be due to genetic inheritance, exposure to violent media, or living in a violent neighborhood. This reflects the developmental principle of _____.


Most nations have exhibited substantial increases in IQ scores during the past century. This phenomenon is called the "_____."

Flynn Effect

The nations with the best PISA results do NOT _____.

Focus on memorization of math formulas

Jean Piaget called the reasoning that characterizes adolescence "______."

Formal operational thought

Most U.S. high schools emphasize learning based on _____, which is developmentally appropriate.F

Formal thinking

Devin is 8 years old and loves math. Which of the following math skills is he likely NOT yet ready for?


Which individual would be at the greatest risk for diet deficiencies in the United States?

George, who was born in 1990 and is 18 years old

Payton has an IQ score of 135. According to the distribution of IQ scores, Payton's IQ falls into what category?


James is currently going through puberty. This means that his thoughts likely center on _____.


Since Cisco's mother suffers from depression and his father has an autoimmune disease, Cisco is often neglected. He has a supportive group of peers and extended family members. Despite his circumstances, he maintains a positive outlook. What may be helping him to maintain his positive attitude?

His circle of friends

Current popular media portrayals of sexual activity frequently _____.

Ignores the potential negative consequences associated with sexual activity

The rate of asthma tends to _____ in children as income _____.

Increases; decreases

Three different girls tell Brian that The Notebook is their all-time favorite movie. Brian concludes that all girls love that movie. Brian has just used _____.

Inductive reasoning

Lev Vygotsky viewed _____ as being crucial to children's development of skills and knowledge.


According to Lawrence Kohlberg, _____ is what advances a person's morality.

Intellectual maturation

Klaczynski's research showed that age nor _____ alone necessarily increased logical thinking among adolescents.

Intelligence (IQ)

A thought that arises through a "feeling" that the thought is right is referred to as a(n) "______ thought."


When asked what she sees in her new boyfriend, whom she just met, Kayla responds, "I don't know. It just feels right." Kayla's response is an example of _____ thought.


Blair has heard repeatedly from her parents about the potential dangers of drinking alcohol, yet at a party she gladly accepts a beer from a classmate. Blair thinks that this classmate is one of the most popular students at school. In this situation, what type of thinking is most likely dominating Blair's decision to accept the beer?

Intuitive thought

Thinking or drawing conclusions based on past personal experience, emotions, or a hunch is referred to as "______."

Intuitive thought

A young boy experienced ongoing sexual abuse until he was 15. Now that he is a grown man, it is likely that he _____.

Is depressed and has difficulty with sex or psychosocial issues

Research indicates that a child who demonstrates positive adaptation in the face of stressors such as poverty and neglect is showing resilience and _____.

May or may not show resilience in the future

Research has shown that adolescents who drop out of high school may show early signs of high school dropout by _____.

Middle school

Paul Klaczynski's studies of younger and older adolescents' analytical thinking indicated that _____.

Most adolescents do not think as analytically as their capabilities allow

Some unpopular children are _____ rather than rejected.


Which statement about treatment for autism is TRUE?

No biochemical treatment has been found to be completely successful for treating autism.

Identity diffusion is typically characterized by _____.

No focus on or concern about the future

Hannah's BMI is in the 79th percentile, which is associated with being _____.

Normal weight

One reason that the teenage pregnancy rate in most European nations is less than half of that in the United States may be because _____.

Of the European sex-education curriculum

Abbie is aware of where her son is whenever he goes out, and she requires him to call if there is any change in plans. This is an example of _____.

Parental monitoring

Parental monitoring is most likely to be effective and healthy when it is _____.

Part of a warm, supportive relationship

Gerald was diagnosed with ADHD at an early age. Throughout school he had extreme academic difficulties, though he excelled at art. When he graduated from high school he started a career as an artist and quickly began to sell his work and achieved critical acclaim. As an adult he was experiencing life success even though he still had symptoms of ADHD. Which of the four general principles of developmental psychopathology does this example best illustrate?

Plasticity and compensation are widespread

What is the first stage of moral reasoning in Lawrence Kohlberg's theory?


Sam is in the 6 th grade and just received his grade for a science test he took a few days ago. He received a low grade on the exam and has concluded that he needs to apply himself more and to study more. Sam has viewed this as a learning opportunity for how to do better in the class. He would be considered:


Jeremy, age 7, has been asked to balance a scale with weights that can be hooked to the arms of the scale. Jeremy will probably _____.

Put weights on both sides without considering distance from the center of the scale

Repeatedly thinking and talking about past experiences, which can contribute to depression, is referred to as:


_____ in early adolescent girls is likely to lead to depression later on.


Seven-year-old Hannah can arrange ten buttons in order from smallest to largest. Her understanding of _____ allows her to accomplish this.


The term that describes one's having erotic desires about the same sex, the opposite sex, or both sexes is _____.

Sexual orientation

Michael is going through his adolescent growth spurt. Which of the following is he likely to outgrow first?


Which of the following is crucial during middle childhood?

Social comparison

Which of the following has the greatest impact on whether sexual discovery and exploration is healthy and enjoyable, or shameful and frightening?

Social context

For boys, the first ejaculation of seminal fluid is _____.


Alice is a little concerned about her daughter's diet. She is concerned about it being deficient. If her teen daughter is a typical teen, Alice should probably feed her _____.

Spinach to increase her iron

What type of injuries during middle childhood have resulted in preventative guidelines?

Sports and recreational

_____ are the most common school accidents, and they increase at puberty.

Sports injuries

Adolescence-limited offender refers to someone who _____.

Stops committing crimes by age 21

Decades of research throughout the world have found a _____ correlation between academic achievement and socioeconomic status, largely due to language.


Two aspects of family closeness during adolescence include _____.

Support and connectedness

What is the primary international test of science and math?


Which factor has NOT contributed to a decline in the number of young adolescent smokers in the United States?

The legal smoking age

When applied to the discussion of drug abuse, the term generational forgetting means that _____.

The new generation ignores what adults have learned about the hazards of drugs

A child's idea about themselves, including their intelligence, personality, abilities, gender, and ethnic background is referred to as

Their self-concept

Mr. and Mrs. Cortina have discovered that their son has been skipping classes and cutting school with a group of boys. Which conclusion is MOST likely true?

Their son chose this group because he shares their interests

To reduce the impact of divorce on children, which of the following should take place?

Transitions should be minimized

While literacy and numeracy are valued in every school, curriculum specifics _____.

Vary by place and culture

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