Psych Final Review

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You are taking a public speaking class and have to give a speech to your class today. You are extremely uneasy and nervous. Which type of stressor are you experiencing?

a daily hassle

Those who have had repeated disruption of close personal relationships may experience:

a difficulty in forming attachments.

Florian searches for a screwdriver that is nowhere to be found. What he fails to recognize is that a coin in his pocket would easily turn the screw. This oversight best illustrates:

a fixation.

Your sister's identical twin sons are participating in a research study that will include MRI scans. The MRI findings will most likely indicate that:

the boys have very similar gray matter volume.

______________ is a psychoanalytic method for exploring the unconscious. With this method, patients are told to relax and say whatever comes to mind.

Free association

Of the following, who best illustrates Sternberg's concept of analytical intelligence?

Iona, a 9-year-old who solves complicated mathematical problems in record time

The arousal theory of motivation would be most useful for explaining an infant's urge to:


A dispositional attribution is to ________ as a situational attribution is to assigned roles.

personality traits

If 8-year-old George had responded to the original Stanford-Binet with the proficiency of an average 10-year-old child, he would be said to have an IQ of:


Jabrile is using complete sentences when he talks to his parents, using, for example, phrases like "Mommy get food." He is at least how old?

24 months

You are alone in the woods. You hear a noise. You think you see a bear coming toward you. Your heart starts pounding and, at the same time, you realize you are afraid. This sequence of events is best explained by which theory of emotion?

Cannon-Bard theory

Although fear can have negative consequences, it can also be adaptive. Which of the following is NOT an example of an adaptive fear response?

Fear of punishment can cause us to harm another person.

A researcher at a university in Nevada claims to have discovered that humans have a "gambling instinct." Another researcher in Hawaii claims that humans have a "surfing instinct." What is MOST wrong with these sorts of claims?

Gambling and surfing are learned behaviors.

If you were to give someone advice about how to become happy and remain happy, which of the following pieces of advice would you offer?

Give priority to close relationships and seek work and leisure activities that you find engaging.

Your instructor has just asked the class, "What is intelligence?" Of the following statements, which should you tell her BEST explains intelligence?

Intelligence is whatever intelligence tests measure.

In 1973, homosexuality was removed from the DSM as a psychological disorder. What does this change to the DSM categories for classifying psychological disorders suggest about psychological abnormality?

The way abnormality is defined and categorized is fluid.

When a skydiving accident caused a brain injury, Nadeen became unable to make sense of other people's speech. It is likely that she suffered damage to:

Wernicke's area.

Which of the following is the BEST example of a flashbulb memory?

You remember exactly what you were doing when you heard about the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

An integrated understanding of psychological disorders in terms of stressful memories, evolutionary processes, and gender roles would be most clearly provided by:

a biopsychosocial approach.

Around the world, people may experience the same genetically-based disorder quite differently, depending on their personal expectations and their cultural definition of abnormality. This best illustrates the need for:

a biopsychosocial approach.

Suan, who is African American, has just been pulled over by a police officer. However, the officer failed to give a legitimate reason for pulling him over. Suan believes that his traffic stop was directly related to his race. If he is correct, this is an example of:

a microaggression.

Becky experiences great sadness each winter. The rest of the year she is fine. What is she experiencing?

a seasonal pattern of depression

Maxine has an irrational fear of heights. She has:

a specific phobia.

The relationship between attitudes and actions can BEST be described as:

a two-way street: actions influence attitudes and attitudes affect actions.

Your friend, Sam, is nervous about his upcoming art history final exam. You tell Sam to not worry because it is only an ________________ test.


A positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates behavior is:

an incentive.

After spending years in the ocean, a mature salmon swims up its home river to return to its birthplace. This behavior is an example of:

an instinct.

Deb expects that diligent study will enable her to earn good grades on her tests. Deb's belief best illustrates:

an internal locus of control.

Freud's psychoanalytic theory includes ideas about:

an unconscious region of the mind, stages of development, and defense mechanisms.

Because Joselen was not exposed to spoken or signed language before the age of 7 years due to abuse and neglect, we know that her ability to master:

any language is lost

When Jessica fell down a steep flight of stairs, she suffered damage to a part of her cerebral cortex called Broca's area. As a result, she is most likely to experience:


It is toward the end of your junior year and you want to apply to medical school, but the application requires that you first take the MCAT. The MCAT, like the SAT, is a(n)________________ test.


Tina thinks that her new neighbor is mean and snobbish. The presence of this ____________ will likely influence Tina to act negatively toward her neighbor.


Your new professor is curt with everyone on the first day of class. You think that he is rude. This ____________ will likely influence you to act negatively toward that professor.


The ______________ indicates that, although we often cannot directly control all of our feelings, we can influence our feelings by changing our actions.

attitudes-follow-behavior principle

Janet hears a familiar word in her native language and it is virtually impossible for her not to recognize the word's meaning. This best illustrates the importance of:

automatic processing

The interdisciplinary field of _______________ integrates behavioral and medical knowledge, applying this knowledge to health and disease.

behavioral medicine

After study participants were told that a videotaped interviewee was a psychiatric patient, they characterized the person with phrases like "passive type" or "frightened of his own impulses." This study best illustrates the:

biasing power of diagnostic labels.

Preston, who has schizophrenia, tends to remain motionless for hours and then becomes agitated. Preston's symptoms characterize:


Dr. Jones is designing a new intelligence test and is thinking about all of the mental groupings, or ______________, that a person could answer for "table" (such as surgical table, dining table, work table, and so on).


Because he mistakenly believes that older workers are not as motivated to work as hard as younger workers, Jonathan, a factory foreman is especially vigilant for signs of laziness among his senior employees. His supervision strategy best illustrates:

confirmation bias.

A partner refuses to believe firm evidence of his loved one's affair. This is an example of which defense mechanism?


David Rosenhan and colleagues conducted a study examining the biasing power of diagnostic labels. They went to hospital admissions offices and complained of "hearing voices," saying empty, hollow, and thud. This was the only complaint they reported, and they displayed no other symptoms. They were all:

diagnosed as mentally ill, with causes for their disorders "discovered."

A train is rapidly approaching, and Shawn's car stalls in the middle of the railroad tracks. His emotional arousal is likely to be accompanied by:

dilation of his pupils.

Veronica is excited to be studying developmental psychology in China. She knows that children's facial expressions are largely universal and that children do all of the following EXCEPT:

display visible emotions equally.

Juanita has Alzheimer's disease and her _____________ memories for people and events are lost, but she displays an ability to form new implicit memories of nonverbal tasks.


One shortcoming of the instinct theory of motivation is that it:

does not explain human motives.

When a physiological need, such as hunger, creates an aroused motivated state, this:

drives the organism to satisfy the need.

Zack met a woman in the library and immediately thought he knew her. He then asked her, "Have I met you before?" She replied no and walked away, assuming he was trying to ask her out. This could have been an example of:

déjà vu.

Your girlfriend is talking to you, and you ask her to repeat what she just said. Before she does so, you respond with your answer of "Yes." This is likely due to:

echoic memory

Studying for your psychology test requires _______________. This means making attentive and conscious exertion, but it pays off with lasting and accessible memories.

effortful processing

Even in very stressful or embarrassing situations, Akbar is able to maintain her poise and help others to feel comfortable. Akbar's ability best illustrates the value of:

emotional intelligence.

Frank picked the wrong day to ask his boss for a day off. His boss is stressing about the multimillion-dollar project proposal due in a couple of days. This best illustrates a lack of:

emotional intelligence.

Claire is well liked by her friends. When you watch her, you can see that she mimics her friends' gestures and seems to match their moods. Researcher Tanya Chartrand might suggest that this automatic mimicry enables:


If you ask your classmates to draw either side of a U.S. penny from memory, the vast majority will not be very successful. This is likely due to:

encoding failure

To avoid placing individual refugee families in communities where they are likely to feel socially isolated, U.S. policies today:

encourage chain migration.

After being told that her parents had just been involved in a serious automobile accident, Denise is likely to experience an outpouring of:


Juan is very sociable and fun-loving. He is high on:


Whenever Gis told himself that his musical skills could earn him fame and fortune, he found that he became less creative in his musical performance. This best illustrates the idea that creativity may be inhibited by:

extrinsic motivation

Walter Cannon perceived the stress response to be highly adaptive because it prepared the organism for:

fight or flight.

In poorer nations, well-being is especially likely to be influenced by satisfaction with one's ______________. In wealthier countries, well-being is especially likely to be related to satisfaction with social connections.

financial circumstances

Need is to _____________ as drive is to hunger.


Like evolutionary psychology, instinct theory most clearly assumes that behavior is influenced by:

genetic predispositions.

Those who trace the origins of social bonding to its survival value are most likely to agree that the need to belong is:

genetically influenced.

Dr. Bruce sees his own therapist to help him be at his emotional best for his patients. He is open with his feelings and self-disclosing in his own therapy. Carl Rogers referred to this attitude as:


Your father-in-law had a serious heart attack several weeks ago. You are especially concerned because he lives alone. After his heart attack, which of the following would increase his odds of survival?

getting a dog

You are trying to convince your parents to finance your planned trip to Europe. First, you ask them for a small favor (a bus ticket to a local city), hoping that later they will be more willing to send you on the longer trip. This technique is known as:

getting a foot in the door.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs suggests that people are unlikely to be motivated to obtain ________ if they are deprived of love and safety.

good grades in school

You are the expert on psychological testing and assessment. However, three clinicians disagree on your choice of scales. You decide to change your opinion for the good of the group. This best illustrates:


Ned complains that threatening voices are constantly telling him he is so evil he should kill himself. Ned is experiencing:


Stan is not feeling hungry at the moment. This is likely because:

his ghrelin levels are low.

Drive-reduction motivation arises from:


While you are watching television the electricity goes out. For a few tenths of a second you are still able to see the last images from the screen. This is an example of:

iconic memory

At a meeting, three of your colleagues agree that the plan is correct as is; you feel the pressure to get the plan out today so you agree. Your behavior illustrates:

informational social influence.

In psychiatry and psychology, diagnostic classification aims to do all of the following EXCEPT:

identify those who are deemed treatable.

Sharron hugged her purse tight when an African American man entered the elevator she was on. While Sharron believes that everyone should be treated equal, her behavior may be related to:

implicit prejudice.

Alicia smells coffee brewing in the morning and, really, it is the only reason she is willing to get out of bed. In this situation, the coffee is a(n):


Some students work hard in school to attain high grades. This best illustrates the importance of:


Six-year-old Bree has no memory of being taken to the hospital when she was 2 years old. The rest of her family recalls what happened in vivid detail, but Bree only "remembers" what they have told her. Her inability to remember this event is known as:

infantile amnesia.

Leslie was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when his fasting blood glucose level was discovered to be far too high. His ____________ production, which is secreted by the pancreas, was not controlling his blood glucose.


Wanda grows tomatoes for the sheer joy of it. Wanda's behavior reflects ________.

intrinsic motivation

William needs to hire someone who is good at reading emotions in minor, quick changes in people's facial expressions. Which of the following personality types would be best for this job?


Jeremy just met Stan but his gut tells him to avoid Stan as much as possible. Jeremy is experiencing:


During a lecture, your professor says, "A child learns language as he interacts with caregivers." The generic use of the pronoun "he" is more likely to trigger images of males than of females. This best illustrates the impact of:

language on thinking.

Bullying younger children earns Dwayne the attention and respect of many classmates. As a result, his bullying behavior increases. This most clearly suggests that his aggression is a(n):

learned response.

Because of a construction accident, Yoseph is no longer able to comprehend and express meaningful language. This is likely due to damage to his:

left temporal lobe.

Luke has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and while he is quite forgetful, he is still able to recall events from his teenage and young adult years. His ________________ memory is still intact.


Although stress does not create cancer cells, it may affect their growth by suppressing the activity of:


Megan refuses to leave her house because she is fearful of being exposed to germs. Megan's behavior is considered _____ because it interferes with normal day-to-day life.


Gloria believes that people with psychological disorders are suffering from diseases that have physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and sometimes even cured. Gloria believes in the _____________ model of psychological disorders.


Homosexuality was removed in 1973 from the DSM system for classifying psychological disorders as a psychological disorder because:

mental health workers came to the view that same-sex attraction was not inherently dysfunctional or distressing.

"When you are the only person like yourself in a group, you are far more likely to sway the majority if you hold firmly to your position and don't waffle." This represents:

minority influence.

The Yerkes-Dodson law refers to the general tendency for optimal performance to be associated with:

moderate arousal.

Whenever Wanda experiences intense feelings of fear, she is overwhelmed with childhood memories of her abusive parents. Wanda's experience best illustrates:

mood-congruent memory.

Although Ryan typically smokes two packs of cigarettes each day, he recalls smoking only a little more than one pack per day. His poor memory best illustrates:

motivated forgetting.

Dr. Jaspin has devoted his professional life to researching the desires and needs that energize and direct behavior. His area of research has obviously been:


Professor James studies personality disorders and is most interested in people who are self-focused and exaggerate their own importance. Professor James is studying people with a(n) _____ personality disorder.


Internal push is to external pull as:

need is to incentive.

Francis is a fussy eater who refuses to take even a small taste of foods she has not seen before. Her behavior best illustrates:


While working on wedding preparations, Jason conforms to the expectations of his future bride's family, simply to win their favor. His behavior illustrates the importance of:

normative social influence.

Dana, who is just learning to speak, says words like "da-da," "kitty," and "ma-ma." This is not unusual because whatever the language when children begin to speak they tend to mostly use:


Dawi says things like "doggy," "mama," and "dada." He is in the:

one-word stage.

In a series of experiments, participants were more likely to act in aggressive ways, such as blasting people with noise, following an experience of:


Our need to belong is most clearly threatened by:


Prompt and clear feedback regarding your performance on a psychology practice test is most likely to inhibit:


At the beginning of the semester, Professor Pauloa asks her students to predict the grade they will get for the semester. When she asks if they think they'll get an A, the majority raise their hands. This best illustrates:


Erika suddenly feels chest pains, shortness of breath, trembling, and dizziness. She thinks she is having a heart attack but could actually be experiencing a:

panic attack.

Stan is at an increased risk for developing heart disease. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for Stan?

physical activity

Juan learned at an early age how to sell numerous items that ranged from chocolate to small electronics. Many say his best education came from the streets he grew up on. His abilities best illustrate:

practical intelligence.

Your professor hands out brief aptitude tests at the beginning of the year. You are surprised to see that your score on the aptitude test was able to predict your performance in the class. This is an example of:

predictive validity.

Pictures of loved ones dampen feelings of physical pain by activating the:

prefrontal cortex.

"The thief thinks everyone else is a thief." This is an example of which defense mechanism?


You are preparing a lecture on the benefits of exercise and will highlight all of the following EXCEPT exercise:

provides decreased body arousal.

According to Freud, fixation refers to a difficulty in the process of:

psychosexual development.

A habitual drinker says she drinks with her friends "just to be sociable." This is an example of which defense mechanism?


Which defense mechanism offers self-justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening, unconscious reasons for one's actions?


Wayne is angry because he feels slighted by a friend. Which of the following is NOT something that Wayne can do to manage his anger?

reacting in anger to his friend immediately

Brad often acts overly confident and daring. Few people realize he is actually riddled with unconscious insecurity and self-doubt. Brad's behavior best illustrates the use of a defense mechanism known as:

reaction formation.

Dr. Jamison prefers to give his students all essay and fill-in-the-blank questions in order to fully test their:


Kendra's optimism is both a contributor to and a product of her successful career accomplishments. This best illustrates:

reciprocal determinism.

Your teacher gives the first exam in your psychology course. You notice that all of the questions are multiple choice. This test is assessing your _____ of the course material.


The arousal theory of motivation would be most helpful for explaining why:

recreational skydivers jump out of airplanes.

Students who were told that a young woman had been instructed to act in a very unfriendly way for the purposes of the experiment concluded that her behavior:

reflected her personal disposition.

Will, a little boy, has reverted to the oral comfort of thumb sucking on the way to his first day of school. What defense mechanism is he using?


Children who have witnessed a parent's murder report memories that most clearly challenge Freud's concept of:


Mrs. McConnell underestimates how frequently she criticizes her children, perhaps because it would cause her too much anxiety. Sigmund Freud would have suggested that her poor memory illustrates:


Which of the following is NOT included in psychology's current understanding of the unconscious mind?


While taking an American history exam, Marla was surprised and frustrated by her momentary inability to remember the name of the first president of the United States. Her difficulty most clearly illustrates:

retrieval failure

Cognitive dissonance theory is MOST helpful in understanding the impact of:

role playing on attitude change.

Although instincts are not common to humans, which of the following can be considered an innate tendency for human infants?

rooting and sucking

To make a long-distance call, you have to dial an unfamiliar phone number. You are likely to have trouble retaining the complete number you just looked up. This best illustrates the limited capacity of ___________ memory.


You decide that your free time over the weekend, which you're thinking of giving up so you can volunteer at the Special Olympics, is not as important to you as the good feelings and the joy you will receive from giving back to the community. This decision can be explained by the:

social exchange theory.

When Jessica is at her health club, she pedals an exercise bike much faster when other patrons are using nearby equipment. This best illustrates:

social facilitation.

Abigail regularly donates blood because she believes she ought to help anyone with a medical need for a blood transfusion. Abigail's altruism best illustrates the:

social-responsibility norm.

Which of the following is MOST clearly a form of ostracism?

solitary confinement

When you recall an imagined event as something that really happened to you, you are illustrating:

source amnesia.

John distributes his study time rather than cramming because he wants to retain the information for the long term. He is using the:

spacing effect

Marla, a university sophomore, is experiencing stress and feels mildly depressed. She would be best advised to:

start a program of regular aerobic exercise.

When she missed her morning bus ride to work, Amanda's blood pressure rose and she experienced a throbbing headache. Her physical responses to missing the bus were:

stress reactions.

When 7-year-old Paul was caught pocketing a candy bar that he had not paid for, he felt ashamed and guilty. Using Freud's terminology, the sense of shame and guilt that Paul felt was a product of his:


Compared with monkeys left in stable groups, those that were housed with three or four new roommates each month were more likely to experience:

suppressed production of lymphocytes.

Terry is interested in studying psychological disorders. If she wants to study the classification system most often used, she should read:

the DSM-5.

When Lucy acts happy, she experiences increased feelings of cheerfulness. This best illustrates:

the behavior feedback effect.

Researchers asked homeowners for permission to install a large, poorly lettered sign in their front yards. Only 17 percent of the homeowners consented. Researchers then approached different homeowners and asked if they could post a small, neatly lettered sign. Nearly all agreed. Then, when asked two weeks later if they could post the large, ugly sign, 76 percent of this second group consented. The results of this experiment support:

the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

Natasha thinks her professor's strict class attendance policy is an indication of her overly controlling personality, not a necessity given that the class meets only once a week. Her judgment best illustrates:

the fundamental attribution error.

Recognizing the powerful impact of social influence on others' behavior is most likely to minimize:

the fundamental attribution error.

Psychoneuroimmunology is most broadly concerned with how the psychological, neural, and endocrine systems together affect:

the immune system.

Identify the understanding of psychological disorders as having physical causes that can be diagnosed, treated, and, in most cases, cured, often through treatment in a hospital.

the medical model

At one time, psychologically disordered people were simply warehoused in asylums. Asylums have been replaced with psychiatric hospitals, where attempts are made to diagnose and cure people suffering from psychological disorders. This change reflects one of the beneficial consequences of:

the medical model.

George and Margaret have been married for almost 50 years. Both are in fairly good health, which may be related to their marital relationship. Which aspect of marriage may be related to improved health?

the quality of the marital relationship

Janet and George were both born in the 1950s. This means that they are from:

the same cohort.

Claudia meets nine new neighbors at a block party. Moments later, she can only remember the names of the first three and last two neighbors she met. Her experience illustrates:

the serial position effect.

Your friend is giving a speech tomorrow, and she is worried because she's not happy with her new haircut. She is convinced everyone will be staring at her bangs and discussing her unattractive hairstyle. Her overestimation of people's reactions is known as:

the spotlight effect.

Dr. Harris believes that the study of personality should focus on identifying, describing, and measuring individual differences. Dr. Harris probably would identify with the _____ perspective on personality.


Abraham Maslow suggested that self-transcendence needs motivate people to strive for:

transpersonal meaning.

You look down while sitting at the top of the Ferris wheel. You immediately feel your heart start to pound. You are confused by this response until you remember your last experience on a Ferris wheel. During that experience, the wind had started to blow, the seats began to rock, and you thought you were going to die. You realize your heart is pounding because you are afraid. Which of the following theories BEST explains this sequence of events?

two-factor theory

Sherry says things like "me go," "mama bye," and "dada go." She is in the:

two-word stage.

The fundamental attribution error involves:

underestimating situational influences on another's behavior.

Which of the following is NOT an instance when we are more likely to conform?

when we have made a prior commitment to a different response

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