Psychology 200 Chapter 6-7

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_________________ memory is suggested but not plainly expressed, as illustrated in the things that people do but do not state clearly.


Children bring ______________ prewiring to language learning in the nativist theory of language development.


Children's ___________ become more refined after they are shown positive and negative instances and given explanations.


The means-end analysis is a heuristic device in which we try to solve a problem by evaluating the difference between the current situation and the ___.

Infantile amnesia

___ is the inability to recall events that occur prior to the age of three or so.

dissociate amnesia

___ is the loss of memory of personal information that is thought to stem from psychological conflict or trauma.


___ is the memory of things that are clearly stated or explained.

prospective memory

___ is the memory to perform an act in the future, as at a certain time.


___ is the process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved.


___ is the quality of language in which words are used as symbols for objects, events, and ideas.

serial-position effect

___ is the tendency to recall more accurately the first and last items in a series.


___ permit more rapid solutions that algorithms.


___ refers tot conscious, planned attempts to make sense of and change the world.

episodic memory

_____ are memories of events that happen to a person or that takes place in the person's presence.


A(n) ___ is a mental representation of a visual stimulus that is held briefly in sensory memory.


A(n) ________ is a way of mentally representing the world, such as a belief or an expectation which can influence perception of persons, objects, and situations.


A(n) _________ is a stimulus or group or stimuli that are perceived as a discrete piece of information.


A(n) __________ is a partial similarity among things that are different in other ways.


A(n) __________ is a system of symbols along with rules that are used to manipulate the symbols.

mental set

A(n) ____________ is the tendency to respond to a new problem with the same approach that helped solve similar problems.

mental age

A(n) ____________ shows the intellectual level at which a child is functioning.


A(n) ______________ is a single word used by children to express complex meanings.

primary mental abilities

According to Louis Thurstone, _______________ are the eight specific factors that make up intelligence.


Creative people appreciate ________ and music.


Echoes are mental representation of an _________ stimulus that are held briefly in sensory memory.


Episodic memory is also referred to as _____________ memory.


General knowledge is referred to as _______________ memory.


Implicit memories involve methods and skills and are also referred to as ________________ memories.


In Freud's psychodynamic theory, ________ is the ejection of anxiety-evoking ideas from conscious awareness.


In Gestalt psychology, __________ is a sudden perception of relationships among elements of the mentally represented elements of a problem that permits its solution.


In __________ thinking, thought is limited to present facts to find the best solution.


In language development, over inclusion of instances in a category is labeled ___.

divergent thinking

In the context of creativity and intelligence, _______________ helps generate many possible solutions.

serial processing

In the context of problem solving, _____________ involves handling one element of the problem at a time.

nervous system

In the context of the nativist approach to language development, the LAD prepares the __________________ to learn grammar.


Maintenance _______________ involves mentally repeating a list or saying the information to one self.


Memory for past events, activities, as shown by explicit and implicit memories, fall under the category of ________________ memory.


Moods and _________ affect prospective memory.

irregular verbs

Overregularizations is the application of regular grammatical rules for forming inflections to ________________ and nouns.


Retrieval of stored information means locating it and returning it to ___.

new learning

Retroactive active is the interference of _____________ with the ability to retrieve material learned previously.


Sensory memory is the type or stage of memory that is first encountered by a ___.


Studies support the view that children's early environment is linked to _________ achievement.

Wechsler scale

The _________________ groups test questions into a number of separate subtests where each subtests measures a different intellectual task.


The _________________ hypothesis is the view that language structures the way we view the world.


The _____________________ phenomenon is the feeling that information is stored in memory although it cannot be readily retrieved.

new information

The appearance of _______________ in short-term memory displaces the old information.

proactive interference

The interference by old learning with the ability to retrieve material learned recently is known as ___.

saccadic eye movement

The series of eye fixations that we perceive as visual sensations seem continuous, or stream like, because of ___________________.


We work to bring about the events we believe in causing ___.

short-term memory

___ can hold information for up to a minute or so after the trace of the stimulus decays.

practical intelligence

___ enables people to deal with other people and to meet the demands of their environment.


___ invariably lead to solutions if they are used properly.


___ is the ability to generate novel and useful solutions to problems.

Retrograde amnesia

___ is the failure to remember events that occurred prior to physical trauma because of the effects of the trauma.


___ is the first stage of information processing.


Babies' _______________ frequently combines consonants and vowels in prelinguistic vocalizations.


Analytical ____________ includes problem-solving such as encoding information and generating a solution.

physical trauma

Anterograde amnesia is the failure to remember the events that occur after a ___.


According to ______________ theory environmental influences affect language acquisition.

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