Psychology Ch 14 Test

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According to the social cognitive model, personal, behavioral, and environmental factors shape _____________

personal development

Psychologists study ________ to learn about the feelings, motives, and behavior that set one person apart from another


the patterns of feelings, motives and behavior that set people apart


Eysenck's __________ relates to the personality types identified by Hippocrates

personality dimensions

Hans J. Eysenck devised a system of ___________ in an attempt to better understand personality

personality dimensions

an individual under stress returns to behavior characteristic of an earlier stage of development


Humanistic psychologists are separated from lower animals because they recognize a desire to achieve __________ to reach their full potential


the path to this state requires getting in touch with our genuine feelings and acting on them


Carl Rogers placed great emphasis on the ability to view oneself as an individual


a view of oneself as an individual


According to ______________, personality is shaped and learning acquired by the interaction of several factors

social cognition theory

The process called ___________ is one in which people learn the socially desirable behaviors of their culture


focuses on the roles that ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, and culture play in shaping personality and behavior

sociocultural psychology

the _________ incorporates the standards and values of the community and provides us with our moral sense


A ______ is an aspect of personality


Hippocrates, Gordon Allport, and Hans J. Eysenck can all be considered _____ theorists


an aspect of personality that is considered to be relatively stable


The ____________ has been used to study driving habits and political beliefs

trait approach

I am limited in my ability to explain personality because I do not describe or explain inner human experience

John Watson

___________ is the process of adapting to a new or different culture


I conducted a famous experiment known as the Bobo Doll study

Albert Bandura

Social-learning theory, like behaviorism, does not pay enough attention to the role I play in determining individual differences in behavior

Albert Bandura

I embody ideas and images of the experience of all human beings


In my 1948 novel Walden Two, I described a utopian society in which people are happy and content

B.F. Skinner

In the 1930s, I took up Watson's ideas and emphasized the effects of reinforcement on behavior

B.F. Skinner

I am the psychological structure in the mind that represents reason and good sense


the ideas of Hippocrates bear a certain resemblance to the ideas of the trait theorist ____________

Hans J. Eysenck

according to this scheme, there are physiological, security, social, esteem, and self-actualization

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

What are the five levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Physiological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs

I send my impulses outward on to other people, seeing my faults in other people


I am the defense mechanism that uses the self-deception to justify unacceptable behaviors or ideas


___________ is a defense mechanism


I remove anxiety-causing ideas from consciousness by pushing them into the unconscious


_________ removes anxiety-causing ideas from consciousness


__________ developed the concept of archetypes

Sigmund Freud

process of adapting to a new or different culture


the process of __________ is undergone by people who come to the United States from other countries


the founder of ____________ claimed that external forces or influences largely shape people's behavior


a store of human concepts shared by all people across all cultures

collective unconscious

these sorts of people tend to define themselves in terms of the groups to which they belong and often give priority to the goals of their groups


People from Asia or Africa tend to be more individualistic in their attitudes and actions


consistency between one's self-concept and one's experience


methods the ego uses to avoid recognizing ideas or emotions that may cause anxiety

defense mechanism

according to sociocultural psychology, what factors shape personality and behavior

ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, and culture, family, environmental influences

Introverts and _______ are at opposite poles


Talkativeness, assertiveness, and activity characterize __________


people who tend to be active, self-expressive, and gain energy from other people


many psychologists consider these to be the basic factors or dimensions of personality

five-factor model

Carl Rogers, an advocate of _____________, believed that people are basically good and mentally healthy

humanistic psychology

focuses on self-awareness, self-fulfillment, and ethical conduct

humanistic psychology

psychological structure in the mind that represents basic drives such as hunger


Western capitalist society fosters this trait or characteristic in people


Alfred Adler developed the concept of the _______________

inferiority complex

feelings of inadequacy and insecurity

inferiority complex

According to social-learning theorists, ______________ also influence how we act in certain situations

internal variables

_________ tend to look inward rather than to other people for ideas


people who tend to be imaginative and to look inward


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