Psychology Exam 3 (Chapters 7,12,13)

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Barney's wife, Betty, asks Barney to go to the grocery store to get several items for the house. As she is listing the items, Barney gallantly insists he doesn't need to write down everything she asks for. "I have a great memory. I'll remember it all!" Barney proclaims. Betty shakes her head because she knows that, according to George Miller's research, Barney will only remember about ____ items on her list.


Which of the following situations depicts an instance of discrimination?

Marquetta spreads false, unpleasant rumors about Ke'von just because he is openly homosexual.

Lilette smokes cigarettes, but is fully aware that they are very bad for her health. Lately, she has been coughing more and more. She knows that the coughing is caused by her smoking and may be a sign of something serious, but she continues to smoke and cannot convince herself that cigarettes aren't a problem. What should Lilette do to resolve the cognitive dissonance that she is experiencing?

She should reduce her smoking from two packs to one pack of cigarettes a day.

Which of the following is the most accurate statement about the stereotypes that people hold about others?

Stereotypes can be positive, negative, or neutral in nature.

Behaving in a way that confirms your own or other people's expectations is referred to as

a self-fulflling prophecy.

Groupthink typically occurs when group members

are making a decision under pressure.

Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable state that occurs when there is an inconsistency between one's ________ and one's ________.

attitude; behavior

If someone wants to create an attitude that will last a long time, he or she should use the ________ route of persuasion. If someone wants to create an attitude that will last only a short time, he or she should use the ________ route of persuasion.

central; peripheral

Brent decides not to study for an important exam he'll be taking the following day. He has a nagging suspicion that this is a poor decision, and in order to reduce the cognitive dissonance, he tells himself, "The exam isn't going to be that hard, and it won't impact my grade anyway!" This strategy for decreasing Brent's discomfort involves

changing attitudes

When love develops slowly and is based on friendship, it is considered to be ________ love.


After an earthquake in one city, people were caught up in the overwhelming situation and stopped paying attention to their personal standards. As a result, mobs of people looted the damaged shops and homes. This behavior is most likely a result of


Which of the following types of information is LEAST likely to be communicated by the face?

dispositional attributions

Nina is trying to remember how her political science professor had described the rift that exists between the two dominant political parties in the United States. She thinks about the new information she learned in class and tries to understand the various positions held by each party. Nina's attempt to remember a concept by tying its meaning to a stimulus is called _______ rehearsal.


When you read your textbook, your brain changes the words you are reading into a meaningful neural code that it can use. In memory, this process is called ________


If someone asks you to describe your first day of school, you will most likely retrieve a(n) ________ memory.


The type of memory associated with being able to consciously recall previous experiences is referred to as ________ memory.


When attitudes influence feelings and behavior on an unconscious level, they are called ________ attitudes.


Stanley Milgram's shock experiment illustrates the phenomenon of


An active and conscious effort to change another person's attitude by sending a message is referred to as


When Dmitri shows up late to class, his professor assumes it is because he is lazy, careless, and unwilling to dedicate himself to his studies. His professor has no idea that he is late because he has been caring for his sick father who needed extra help that morning. His professor's negative feelings and beliefs in this instance are an example of ________.


Remembering how to ice skate is most likely an example of ________ memory.


A person who has experienced the loss of past memories may be experiencing

retrograde amnesia.

If you stare at a television screen that displays bright, vivid colors, you might notice that this image lingers in your "mind's eye" after you look away from the screen. This is because of the functioning of ________ storage.


Based on the three-part model of memory storage, the sequence of memory storage is

sensory storage, short-term storage, and long-term storage.

George Miller discovered that short-term memory is limited to ________ plus or minus ________ items, or chunks of information.

seven; two

Expected standards of conduct, which influence behaviors, are known as

social norms

The increased ability to retrieve memories that occurs when one's internal states during encoding match one's internal states during recall is called

state-dependent memory.

To remember her nine-digit Social Security number, Alyssa uses her working memory to place the numbers into three groups. In addition, each group of three or four digits is easy to remember because it is meaningful. Alyssa's strategy in remembering her Social Security number illustrates

the power of chunking.

Filter theory helps explain all of the following memory phenomena EXCEPT

why we tend to process personally irrelevant information.

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