Psychology Final

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what is white matter?

"axons" or nerve fibers that transmit information between neurons to distant regions of the brain

more on Turman's study

- none of his samples grew up to be Einsteins, and those w/ the highest IQ's became no more illustrious than those who were only moderately gifted -Terman's findings have been confirmed by other studies also

oral language skills

- part 1 of pre-reading skills, deals with: -vocab -syntax -narrative structure -the understanding that language is used to communicate

resilient children depends on

- temperament - compensating experiences ( supportive school/home environment) -reduced risk (have only been exposed to one of a number of risk factors)

permissive parent

- value self expression and self regulation -make few demands and allow children to monitor their own activities -rarely punish -warm and non controlling -children tend to be immature, the least self controlled, and the least exploratory

Diana Baumrind study

-103 preschool children -measure how children were functioning -identified 3 parenting styles -described typical behavior patterns of children raised according to each parenting style -established strong associations between each parenting style and a particular set of child behaviors


-Children begin at age 4 -get better by age 5 -quite skillfull by age 6 1/2

Theory of sexual selection

-Darwin's theory -children develop gender roles in preparation for adult mating and reproductive behaviors -men tend to seek as many partners as possible-- b/c it enables them to compete for mates and for control of resources and social statue

profoundly gifted children

-IQ of 180 or higher, are more likely to have social and emotional difficulties than less highly gifted - feeling different and socially isolated, they may try to hide their gifts

cultural influences

-TV is a major transmission of cult. attitudes toward gender -social cog. theory predicts children who watch a lot of tv will become more gender typed by imitating the models they see on screen -childrens books are a source of stereotypes

Social Learning Approach

-Walter Mischel -children acquire gender roles by imitating models and being rewarded for gender appropriate behavior -behavioral feedback paired with direct teaching by parents and other adults, reinforces gender typing

night terror

-a child screams -child can't remember it the next day -occurs towards beginning of sleep cycles -due to child eating/watching something PERHAPS -mostly occur between ages 3-13 -affect boys more than girls

what are some other options for challenging students?

-ability grouping w/i classroom -dual enrollment (high schoolers taking classes @ college) -magnet schools -specialized schools for the gifted

unpopular children...

-aggressive -hyperactive -inattentive -withdrawn -insensitive to other people's feelings -want to be with the opposite sex

children with sleep problems often have...

-allergies -ear infections -hearing problems

what is fast mapping?

-an immediate connection with words and their meanings -some children w/ language delays may have problems w/ this and need to have new words repeated more often than other kids before they can work it into their daily vocab

parenting and popularity

-authoritative parents tend to have more popular than authoritarian -children of authoritarian parents are likely to threaten or act mean towards other children

what are the positives of intelligence tests?

-because IQ tests have been standardized and widely used, there is extensive information about their norms, validity, and reliability -fairly good predictors of school achievement -IQ at age 11 has been able to predict length of life

what did the study of boys and girls age 6-17 show?

-boys have a greater loss in gray matter and growth in white matter and corpus callosum fibers -Girls showed these changes also, but at a slower rate

How can adjustments to kindergarten be eased?

-by allowing preschoolers and parents to visit before start of kindergarten -shortening school days earlier in the school year - having teachers make home visits -holding parent orientation sessions - keeping parents informed on what is going on

How are children's food choice influenced?

-by the media -by being so busy you only have time to order a pizza -by buying stuff from the school vending machine, which is often unhealthy

what might environmental contaminants play a role in?

-certain childhood cancers -neurological disorders -ADD -mental retardation

impact of a mother's work depends on these factors

-child's age -sex -temperament -personality -full time/part time job -supportive/unsupportive partner -SES -after school care the child receives

ways to conceive if you are gay/lesbian

-children from previous heterosexual marriages -artificial means -sperm donor -adopt -surrogate

what happens when self esteem is contingent on success?

-children may view failure or criticism as an indictment of their worth and may feel helpless to do better -tend to be demoralized when they fail

what are some environ. factors that might influence a LD?

-complications of pregnancy -injuries post birth -nutritional deprivation -exposure to lead

by interacting with peers, children ...

-develop skills needed for sociability and intimacy and gain a sense of belonging -motivated to achieve -attain a sense of identity -leadership and communication skills -understand rules -frees them to make independent judgements -helps them learn how to get along in society (how to adjust their needs to the needs of others)

perceived popular children

-dominant -arrogant -aggressive -physically attractive -athletic -good academic ability

Single Representations

-first stage of the shift in thinking from age 5-7 -statements about oneself are one-dimensional -thinking jumps from particular to particular w/o logical connections -cannot decenter - cannot acknowledge real self vs ideal self

Preschool in China

-focuses on academics

what did the national survey of US 9-13 year olds and their parents find?

-found that 38.5% reported participation in an organized sport outside of school hours -about twice as many children participated in unorganized activity like biking and shooting baskets

girls differences from boys

-from infancy on girls are better able to pay attention to inhibit inappropriate behavior -tend to use more responsive language like praise, agreement, acknowledgement, and elaboration

what are some known causes of mental retardation?

-genetic disorders -traumatic accidents -prenatal exposure to infection/alc -environ. exposure to lead/mercury

In regards to forming relationships/friendships...

-groups naturally form within children who live near each other or go to the same school -often consists of children of the same sex , age, race, SES

characteristics of gifted children

-grow up in rich families -very intellectually/artistically stimulated -parents devote themselves to nurturing child's gifts while also allowing independence


-harder than galloping -most kids can't until 6 yrs old

Preschool in USA

-have followed a child-centered philosophy stressing social and emotional growth, in line with children's developmental needs -some based on Piagetian or Montessori methods

sociometrically popular children

-have good cognitive abilities -high achievers good at solving social problems -help other children -provide emotional support -others enjoy being with them

characteristics of children living with married parents

-have more daily interaction with parents -are read to more often -progress more steadily in school -participate more in extra currics

some factors that may be associated with speech and language delays are...

-hearing problems -head and facial abnormalities -pre mature birth -SES -family history

From an evolutionary standpoint, what are some adaptive benefits of rough and tumble play?

-hones skeletal and muscle development -offers safe practice for hunting and fighting skills -channels aggression and competition -by age 11 it often becomes a way to est. dominance within the peer group


-important to healthy development of body and brain -enables children to engage w/ world around them -contributes to all domains of development

How do Euro-Am children usually describe themselves?

-in terms of personal attributes and beliefs -in terms of personality traits and tendencies -tend to put themselves in an unqualifiedly positive light

What are children exposed to parental smoke at risk of?

-increased risk of respiratory infections -ear problems -worsened asthma -slowed lung growth -second hand smoke can lead to pre mature death

girls play...

-intimate conversations characterized by prosocial interactions and shared confidences -engage in cross gender identities (team sports)


-involuntary urination - often done during the night by children -affects boys more than girls -more than 1/2 outgrow this by age 8 w/ no help -< 1% of bed wetters have physical disorders -runs in families -identical twins more likely to have it than fraternal twins -75% of bedwetters have close family who also wets bed -usually lacking hormone that concentrates urine during sleep

where can children get elevated concentrations of lead from?

-lead-contaminated food -airborne industrial wastes -putting contaminated fingers in their mouth -inhaling dust -playing with paint chips


-legal in all 50 states -main reasons parents gave in a study about why they homeschool their kids is b/c of unsafe learning environment in the local schools and the desire to provide religious or moral instruction

girls in school

-less likely to repeat grades -have fewer school problems -outperform boys in national reading and writing assessments

characteristics of children w/ LD's

-less task oriented -more easily distracted -disorganized -less likely to use memory strategies

what are characteristics of good after school programs for children?

-low enrollment -low ratios -educated staff

Peer influences

-major influence on gender-typing -influence increases w/ age -peers show more disapproval to boys who act like girls than girls who are tomboys -generally peer and parental attitudes reinforce each other

Kindergarten in US today

-more like first grade used to be -children spend less time on self-chosen activities and more time on worksheets and preparing to read

What do the most successful Head Start programs consist of?

-most parental participation -best-trained teachers -lowest staff-child ratios -longest school days/weeks -most extensive services

piaget says that the shift from rigid illogical thinking of younger children to the flexible logical thinking of older children depends on both __________

-neurological development -experience in adapting to the environment

self esteem before the 5-7 shift?

-not necessarily based on reality -children of this age tend to accept judgements of adults -tends to be all or none

Goals of Project Head Start

-not only to enhance cognitive skills, but also to improve physical health and to foster self-confidence, relationships with others, social responsibilities, and a sense of dignity self-worth for the child and the family

what kind of changes are being proposed to make sure kids are eating healthier?

-nutrition education in schools (when combined w/ parental education) -changes in school lunch menus -changes in food-labeling -taxes on unhealthy foods -restrictions on foods provided by govt. supported school lunch programs -regulation of food advertising directed toward children -requiring restaurants to list nutrition info on menus

Montessori Preschools

-part of a worldwide movement -method enables children to learn indep.. and at their own pace -they work with self-chosen tasks -teachers serve as guides -older children help younger ones

David Elkind's "hurried child"

-pressure of modern life forces children to grow up too soon and are making their childhood too stressful

What are some details about Synthetic Growth Hormone Therapy?

-purpose has been controversial -approved by Food and Drug Administration in 2003 for healthy children whose projected growth rate is too slow to reach a normal adult height


-related to aggressiveness in adult animals - relationship to aggressiveness in humans is less clear -hormonal influences are hard to disentangle from genetic or later environmental influences -testosterone levels do NOT appear to be related to aggression in childhood

what kind of sleep problems are common during these years?

-resistance going to bed -insomnia -daytime sleepiness

Girls and weight gain

-retain more fatty tissue than boys **this will continue into adulthood

children look for friends who are.....

-same age, sex, ethnicity, and interests -unpopular children find friends among younger children , other unpopular children, or children of a different school

what did the national survey on physical play find?

-school age children spend less time each week on sports and outdoor activities than in the early 1980s -they spend more time on HW -on avg. they spend 12-14 hours a week watching TV and playing computer activities

Biological Approach

-scientists have identified more than 50 genes that may explain differences in anatomy and function between the brains of female and male mice -if similar genetic differences exist in humans than sexual identity may be hardwired into the brain even before sexual organs form and hormonal activity begins

representational mapping

-second stage of the shift in thinking from age 5-7 -begin to make logical connections between one aspect of himself and another -image of himself is still expressed in completely positive, all or nothing terms -can't see how one might be good at some things and bad at others

Evolutionary Developmental Approach

-sees gendered behavior as biologically based w/ a purpose -children's gender roles underlie the evolved mating and strategies of males and females

what do the temporal and parietal lobes deal with?

-sensory functions -language -spatial understanding

characteristics of parents who have achieving children

-set bed times -provide a blasé to study -monitor TV -set meal times -show interest by asking how their day was -monitoring what the child is doing after school

influences of psychosexual behavior

-sex chromosome genes -brain structure -family dynamics -social circumstances -prenatal androgen (male sex hormones) exposure

Mildred Parton study

-she identified 6 types of play ranging from least-most social -found that as children get older, their play tends to become more social -today many researchers view Parten's study as too simplistic b/c children of all ages engage in all of Parten's categories of play

psychoanalytic approach

-sigmund freud -gender identity occurs when child identifies with same-sex parent

What did the study of sleep patterns of 7-12 year olds find?

-significant gender and age differences -older children went to sleep later and slept less (1 hour less for 12 yr olds than 7 yr olds) -older children reported more morning drowsiness and were more likely to fall asleep during the day -girls slept longer and more soundly than boys

Gender-Schema Theory

-similar to cognitive development theory -views children as actively extracting knowledge about their gender before engaging in gender-typed behavior -places more emphasis on the influence of culture **once children KNOW what sex they are, they begin to develop a concept of what it's like to be male or female in their culture

what do learning disabilities interfere with?

-speaking -reading -listening -writing -math

through play children...

-stimulate senses -exercise muscles -coordinate sight w/ movement -gain mastery over their bodies -make decisions -acquire new skills (negotiation and conflict resolution)

Boys differences from girls

-superior motor performance (especially after puberty) - more physically aggressive after age 2 - more active and take more intense pleasure in physical activity

characteristics of children living with single parents

-tend to be economically disadvantaged -often receive poorer parenting (b/c parents are struggling to maintain the household) -have emotional insecurity due to witnessing parents fight

Charter schools

-tend to be smaller than regular public schools -unique philosophy, curriculum, structure, or organizational style

what are the negatives of IQ tests?

-tests underestimate the intelligence of children who are in ill health or do not do well on tests -because tests are times, they equate intelligence with speed and penalize a child who works slowly and deliberately - do not measure native ability

Factors that influence child development in middle childhood

-the atmosphere within the home (loving?) -how to parents handle children's need to make decisions? -Family economic situation -Parent careers

What happens if the initiative vs guilt stage and purpose isn't achieved?

-the child might grow into an adult who is constantly striving for success or showing off -is inhibited and unspontaneous -self righteous and intolerant -suffers from impotence or psychosomatic illness

what have studies found about boys?

-they benefit from having a step father -they don't adjust to divorce/separation as well as girls

what have studies found about girls?

-they see a step father/boyfriend as a threat to close relationship with the mother

How do Chinese children usually describe themselves?

-they talk more about social categories and relationships -describe specific, overt behaviors -tend to describe themselves more neutrally

representational systems

-third stage of the shift in thinking from age 5-7 -takes place middle childhood -begin to integrate specific features of the self into a general. multidimensional concept -self descriptions become more balanced and realistic


-towards end of sleep cycle -child can remember dream -often occur after staying up too late -seeing scary movies/hearing scary stories -consistent nightmares may signal excessive stress in child

authoriative parent

-value a childs individuality but also stress social constraints -have confidence in their ability to guide children but they also respect the childs independent decisions, interests, opinions, and personality -loving and accepting but demand good behavior -impose punishment when necessary -children feel secure in knowing both that they are loved and what is expected of them -kids tend to be the self-reliant, self controlled ,self assertive, exploratory, and content

authoritarian parenting

-value control and unquestioning obedience - try to make children conform rigidly to a set standard of conduct and punishing them for violating it -children tend to be more discontented , withdrawn, and distrustful

what long term health benefits does regular physical activity have?

-weight control -lower blood pressure -improved cardiorespiratory functions -enhanced self esteem and well being

parents self efficacy...

...affects their success in raising children

children adopted in infancy...

...are least likely to have adjustment problems

students who are high in self efficacy...

...are more likely to succeed than students who do not believe in their own abilities

children are more likely to bicker with...

...same sex siblings

children who are close to their divorced, authoritative fathers...

...tend to do better in school and are less likely to have behavior problem,s

the more time children spend watching TV at bedtime...

...the more likely they are to: -resist going to bed - be slow in falling asleep - be anxious around bedtime - wake up early

openly gay or lesbian parents...

...usually have positive relationships with their children

advocates of English immersion claim that...

..the sooner the children are exposed to english and the more time they spend speaking it, the better they learn it

1 in ____ children in adolescence has a diagnosed mental illness severe enough to cause some impairment

1 in 10

as children get older, about ___ in ____ get less sleep on weekends

1 in 4

if symptoms of traumatic events last more than ____ month(s) the child should recieve counseling

1 month

<___% of US children are mentally retarded


2 ways to classify play

1) cognitive complexity 2) social dimension

4 levels of pretend play

1) functional play 2) constructive play 3) dramatic play 4) games w/ rules

what would a pk-3 program offer?

1) offer pre-k to all 3 & 4 year olds 2) require full-day kindergarten 3) coordinate and align educational experiences and expectations from pre-k thru 3rd grade this would be done by a curriculum based on children's developmental needs and abilities

what happens in the initiative vs guilt stage?

1. The conflict arises from the growing sense of purpose 2. This spurs a child to plan and carry out activities 3. From this, we observe the growing pangs of conscience the child may have about such plans 4.. Helps teach young children that some of the things they want to do don't always meet social approval 5. Children who learn how to regulate these opposing drives develop the virtue of purpose

children's response to a traumatic event occurs in two stages ...

1. fright . disbelief, denial, grief 2. anxiety , fear, withdraw

popularity can be measured in two ways...

1. sociometric popularity (asking which peers you like most and least) 2. perceived popularity (asking which children are best liked by their peers)

about _____ of preschoolers resist going to bed at night


about how many preschoolers wake up at least once during the night?


many older school-aged children get at least ____ of their calories from snacks


about ______ of preschoolers-first graders show signs of the "helpless" pattern


6 out of _____ us tv program portray violence, usually glamorized


9 year olds usually sleep_______ a day

10 hours

about ____% of schoolchildren's free play in early grades consists of rough and tumble play


what is the recommended number of hours of sleep a first-fifth grader should be getting?


children spend _____% of time playing w/ objects


5 year olds usually sleep ______ a day

11 hours

by age 5 how long is a child averaged to sleep for?

11 hrs

today, the average 10 year old weight about ______ pounds more than the average 10 year old 40 years ago

11 pounds

in the US, only ___% of parents of school-aged children think their child has a sleep problem


in 2000, ____% of students in US were receiving special edu. services


traditional IQ score for giftedness

130 or higher

_____% of children awaken during the night in need of help


____% of children live in blended (step) families


6-19 years old

15% of ____-____ year olds , predominantly boys, have some hearing loss

gender differences increase from ages 6-_______

17 ( peaking between 11-17)

about ____% of adoptions are transracial


in 2004, ___% of US children were living in poverty


_____% of children snore


In US in 2004, ______% of children lived in food-insecure households


in 2004 more than _____% of US children spoke a language other than English at home


what age do children begin to jump with both feet?

2 1/2

According to studies, at ages ___ and ____ participants scored higher on standardized developmental/vocab tests and were at less risk go slow development than children not in a compensatory program

2 and 3

what combo is most likely to quarrel?

2 brothers

Scribble stage

2 years old, the scribbles aren't random but rather identified as the 20 basic scribbles (zig zags, vertical lines etc)

Children grow about _____ inches per year between ages 6-11


With each year during early childhood, how many inches does a child usually grow?


more than _____ of children in poor urban areas enter school unprepared to learn


in 2001, ____% of US children live in households w/ no father


Worldwide, an estimated _________ children are considered obese

22 million


22.6 % of 9-13 year olds engage in _____ free time physical activity

about ____% of adolescents report to be in self care


how many calories on average do schoolchildren need per day?

2400 (more for older, less for younger)

____% of children of divorce reach adulthood with serious social, emotional or psychological problems


______% of children worldwide are moderately or severely underweight


In 2004, _____% of Hispanic children were living in poverty


____% of children have difficulty getting up in the morning


at age _____ children were less aggressive, more attentive to play things, and more positively engaged with their parents



3 years olds failure to recognize false beliefs may stem from _____ thinking

according to a sampling in Scotland, many _______ have mostly sedentary lifestyles

3-5 year olds

to avoid overweight and prevent cardiac problems, young kids should only get about ______ of their total calories from fat


to avoid overweight and prevent cardiac problems, children should get only about _____% of their total calories from fat and <10% of the total calories from saturated fat

30% from fat 10% from saturated fat

in _________% of cases the cause of mental retardation is unknown


In 2004, ___% of black children were living in poverty


on average, children spend about _____ hours a day watching TV


when is thumb-sucking an ignorable habit?

4 yrs and below

With each year during early childhood, how many pounds does an average child gain?


-doing things together, liking and caring for each other, sharing and helping one another, and living nearby or going to the same school

4-7 year olds rated the most important features of friendships as ______

>____% of US children have a TV in their bedroom


only ___% of 4 year olds can throw a ball well only ___% of 4 year olds can catch well

40% 30%

_______% of kids w/ untreated language delays may experience long term cognitive, social, and emotional troubles


_____% of children regularly stall going to bed


about ____% of children repeat kindergarten


malnutrition is the underlying cause in more than half of all deaths before the age of_______


children whose schooling is delayed lose ____ IQ points a year

5 IQ points

Children living with single mothers were nearly ____times more likely to be poor than children living with married couples

5 times

children as young as ___ or ____ can accurately report depressed moods and feelings that forecast last trouble


about _____% of preschool children show speech and language delays


two specific genes related to depression..

5-HHT: helps to control the brain chemical serotonin and affects mood SERT-s: controls serotonin and is associated with enlargement of the pulling (negative emotions)

What is a normal adult height for a woman?

59 inches

in 2003 ____% of children used the internet


from kindergarten through ________ grade, children advance steadily in understanding memory

5th grade

grammar is complex by age _____


between ages _____, striking growth takes place in connections between the temporal and parietal lobes

6 and 13

after age ___ or ___, most children become less aggressive as they grow less egocentric, more empathetic, cooperative and communicative

6 or 7

___ to_____ year olds need more flexible rules, shorter instruction time, and more free time for practice than older children

6 to 9

at ages ___ to ____ girls and boys are pretty equal in weight, height, endurance, and motor skills development

6 to 9

about ____% of student population are considered gifted


by age __or___ kids can count in their heads


almost _______% of US children aged 3-11 are exposed to second hand smoke


_____% of children go to full day kindergarten


What is a normal adult height for a man?


Results from a National Survey of 10,445 US parents found that...

65% of children ages 6-17 have dinner each night w/ at least 1 parent AND 75% talk to a parent at least once a day

in 2004, ___% of children lived with two married parents (whether biological or adoptive or step)


in 2002 about ____% of public elementary and secondary schools had special programs for gifted children


by age ___or____ children typically are aware of feeling shame and pride (and they know the difference between guilt and shame)

7 or 8

when do children reach the third Piagetian stage of self concept?

7 or 8

___% of public school population are defined as ESL learners


not until age ____ did children say that they would feel ashamed or proud of themselves even if no one saw them


what IQ indicates mental retardation?

70 or less, coupled w/ a deficiency in age-appropriate behavior appearing before 18 yrs old

what is the IQ of a borderline mentally retarded person?


in 2005, _____% of US moms with kids under 18 were in the workforce


fully ______% of gender differences are small and some change with age


_____% of children from 2 right handed parents are left handed


fruit, juice, sweetened beverages should be limited to ____ oz per day


____% of the population is right handed


Average weight for a boy at age 10

85 pounds

according to US govt. report, ____ of girls and ____ of boys are read to at home @ least 3x per week

86% of girls 82% of boys

in 1970, ____% of children lived with two married parents


Average weight for a girl at age 10

88 pounds

by age ___, children can count up from a smaller number or down from the larger number to get the answer


first-fifth graders average _______ hours a day

9 1/2

13 year olds usually sleep_______ a day

9 hours

___% of US single parent households are led by father


about ____% of school age children report to be in self care


in 2003 ____% of US children used computers at home/school


-individuality -choice -freedom

American parents value ___

study found that the lowest achieving children had what kind of parents?

Authoritarian, these are the parents who kept after children to do HW, supervised closely, and relied on extrinsic motivation

(boys, girls)have more friendships but they tend to be less intimate and affectionate


fewer _____, ________, ________ children used computers than white and Asian children

Black, Hispanic, American Indian

who is most at risk for accidental injuries?

Black/Latino families who might have poorer health care

English Immersion Approach

ESL, language minority children are immersed in English from the beginning, in special classes.

neglectful/uninvolved -parents who , because of stress or depression, focus on their own needs rather than the child's

Eleanor Maccoby and John Martin added a fourth parenting style....____

Dual Language Learning Approach

English speaking and foreign speaking children learn together in their own and each other's languages.

Initiative vs Guilt

Erik son's third stage of psychosocial development

t/f negative outcomes for children in one parent families are absolutely inevitable

FALE, far from inevitable

t/f studies have found MANY negative effects on height, weight, body-mass, or neurological development from a low-fat diet


t/f the US has one of the lowest divorce rates in the world

FALSE we have one of the highest

t/f parental intolerance of negative emotion DOESN'T relate to parent child conflict

FALSE, it does

T O F: home environment does not contribute to the development of executive skills

FALSE, it does contribute

T O F: there are no gender differences in pragmatics

FALSE, there are gender differences

T O F half of all cases of mental disorders begin by age 10


T O F boys are more susceptible to depression

FALSE- girls

identifies 7 different types of intelligence -conventional intelligence tests only tap three intelligences ( linguistic, logical-mathematic, and spatial) -there are 4 more.... musical, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist) -high intelligence in one area does not mean high intelligence in another

Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences


IQ test used for special education children; fairly good predictor

convergent thinking

IQ tests measure this, it seeks a single, correct answer

evaluation of Montessori Preschools found that...

In an urban setting where the children were randomly picked for enrollment, 5 yr old Montessori students were better prepared for elementary school in reading and math than children who attended other schools

What kinds of attitudes are positively associated with test scores?

Interest, attention, and active participation

plants to the qualities of living things

Israel children were less likely than US and Japanese children to attribute _________, due to their culture

individual test for ages 3-18 -designed to evaluate diverse cognitive needs and abilities in children with autism, hearing impairment, and language disorders from various cultures and backgrounds

Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children

moral wrongness of behavior that hurts other people

Kindergarteners whose mothers report using reasoning are more likely to see the ____

dramatic play @ age 2

LARGELY imitative, often initiated by caregiver

who is most likely to repeat kindergarten?

LOW SES kids, those who didn't attend preschool, hose with developmental delays


Low SES children did (better or worse) than high SES children if they outgoing temperament, warm mothering, and a stimulating home

What ethnicity is especially prone to overweight?

Mexican-American boys

150 minutes

National association of state boards of education recommends ___ minutes of physical education each week for elementary schools

intelligence test that has levels for kindergarten through 12th grade -children are asked to classify items , show an understanding for verbal and numerical concepts , display general information, and follow directions

Ottis-Lennon School Ability Test

_______ suggested that a child's application of a concept or scheme becomes more automatic

Robbie Case

what is the primary language these 19% speak?



T O F: asthma is the third leading cause of hospitalization of children under 18 in the US following pneumonia and injuries


T O F: girls are more likely to be injured than boys

false: brief

T O F: illness in middle childhood tends to be long


T O F: lack of access to insurance and health care accounts for only o\part of the disparity in disadvantaged children health


T O F: most children have keener vision in middle childhood than when they were younger


T O F: there is virtually no risk of infecting classmates


T O F: treating obesity is easier and less costly than prevention of weight gain


T O False: childhood obesity is a stronger predictor of some diseases than adult obesity


T OR F : passing fears are common in early childhood


T OR F, only children perform slightly better than children with siblings and are more motivated to achieve


T OR F: 3-4 understand that people are alive and rocks and dolls are not


T OR F: Three years olds are not as ecocentric as new borns

FALSE : Piaget

T OR F: Vygotsky followed the question/ answer approach


T OR F: boys are more likely than girls to have language delays and have trouble with fast mapping

False: children under 6

T OR F: children under 10 can not distinguish between thoughts or dreams and real physical entities

FALSE -causes are uncertain but a genetic predisposition is likely to be involved

T OR F: genetics have nothing to do with asthma


T OR F: in all cultures , boys are more physically and verbally aggressive than girls


T OR F: magical thinking in children age 3 and older does not seem to stem from confusion between fantasy and reality


T OR F: most 5 years olds can adapt what they say to what the listener knows ; can use polite speech when talking to adults


T OR F: most kids who are infected with HIV who reach school age function normally their their quality of life may be effected


T OR F: obese children tend to become obese adults


T OR F: preschoolers usually like to play with kids their own age and sex

FALSE -also has genetic and environment sources

T OR F: temperament plays the only role in aggression

FALSE; the children who try to lose weight are not always the ones who need to do so

T OR F: the children who try to lose weight are always the ones who need to do so


T OR F: the choice and effectiveness of a disciplinary strategy may depend on the parents personality, the childs personality and age, and the quality of their relationship


T OR F: the kind of talk a child hears at home will not effect the child's learning of mental states

FALSE: they always catch up

T OR F: those who speak late never catch up


T OR F; preschool children prefer prosocial playmates


T OR FALSE; preschoolers act the same with people who are their friends and those who are not

FALSE, preschoolers think that thinking starts and stops

T or F: preschoolers thing that thinking always continues

T O F about half of bullies say they are victims as well


T O F anxiety disorders run in families


T O F anxiety disorders tend to run in families and are twice as common in girls than among boys


T O F anxiety in children has increased greatly


T O F biases diminish with age


T O F both bullies and victims exhibit pyschological problems and both tend to be disliked


T O F children imitate filmed models even more than live ones


T O F highly aggressive children are more effected by media violence than are less aggressive children


T O F lower SES children have greater and more fears than higher SESS children


T O F many children with separation anxiety also show symptoms of depression


T O F risk factors for victimization seem to be similar across cultures


T O F some degree of conformity to group standards is healthy


T O F temper tantrums and defiant behavior typically are outgrown


T O F: amount of gray matter is largely inherited


T O F: boys are more aggressive than girls


T O F: children concepts of friendship and the ways they act with their friends change with age


T O F: children learn to add and subtract through concrete experience in a cultural context


T O F: children's communication was more collaborative when working with a partner of their own sex


T O F: high SES strengthens genetic influence


T O F: peer rejection and friendlessness in middle childhood have long term affects


T O F: school age children care less about having many friendships than about having a few close friends they can rely on


T O F: there is a direct correlation between gray matter in the brain and intelligence


T O R :today, school children may not be advancing as rapidly through page's stages as their parents did


T OR F more than half of the people in the US have tv sets


T o F: experience takes a role in the development of space and causality


t/f children who have early reading difficulties are NOT necessarily condemned to failure


t/f heredity plays a major role in language development/speech problems


t/f scientists have identified significant linkage between levels of gender constancy and various aspects of gender development


in 2002 the federal Bilingual Education Act was eliminated because of?

The No Child Left Behind Act

What is the whole language approach based on?

The belief that children can learn to read and write naturally

What happened between 1971-1974 and then 1988-1994?

The number of US children ages 6-18 w/ untreated cavities dropped almost 80%

what is the most effective way to ensure that gains achieved in early intervention and compensatory education programs are maintained?

Through a PK-3 approach

the specific causes of childhood depression are ....


what is the most widely used individualized test of intelligence?

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children -for ages 6-16 -measure verbal and performance abilities -pin points a child's strength and diagnoses problems


Who believes that IQ tests aren't an accurate representation of intelligence ; not in favor or traditional IQ tests; wants to help the child in order for them to get to the next level

2-3 year olds

__-__ year olds know when two words refer to the same object


__-__% of preschool children have language delays


___ % of US children up to age 17 had been diagnosed with asthma at some time

ethnic minority

___ is not a risk factor in health but is associated with low income

3 out of 4

___ out of ____ preschoolers have mutual friendships


___% of all children experience coverage gaps of at least 4 months


___% of children under 18 are estimated to be blind or to have impaired vision


___% of children with chronic health problems are underinsured

5-7 year olds

___-___ year olds: more adult like in language; declarative sentences; rarely use passive voice; conjunction; don't know all points of a language


___-___% of children with early language delays if left untreated may experience far reaching developmental problems


____ children are 20% more likely to be diagnosed with asthma

weight reduction through dietary modification and regular exercise

____ is the primary treatment for overweight related hypertension

Stanley Hall

_____ claimed that being an only child is damaging


_____ is an acceptation to the generalization that boys and girls are more similar than different

2.2 million

_____ million children under age 15 are living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); these children are at high risk for developing AIDS


_____% of the children in North and South America are overweight


_______ claims that only children were at risk for problems of sexual identity

what happens when self esteem is high?

a child is motivated to achieve

play therapy

a child plays freely while being observed by a therapist and is occasionally suggested things or asked questions

what type of child makes the most academic progress?

a child who is involved with what is going on in class

studies have shown that...

a coherent philosophy of education may work better than attempt to blend diverse approaches and that a child-initiated approach seems more effective than an academic approach

Project Head Start

a compensatory preschool program, federally funded program launched in the 60's

what do some evolutionary theorists see the evolution of gender roles as?

a dynamic process


a frightening or unpleasant dream - not as severe

fast mapping

a new concept is learned based on only a single exposure to a given unit of information; hearing a word once and understanding or beginning to recognize the word

PK-3 Approach

a systematic program extending from pre-k-3rd grade

What kind of diet do nutritionists recommend?

a varied diet including plenty of -grains -fruits -veggies -high levels of complex carbs **can be found in potatoes, pasta, bread, cereal


a view of the self as able to master skills and complete tasks

according to sternberg, everyone has three kinds of______


symbolic function

ability to use symbols or mental representations ; without symbols, people could not communicate verbally

When is hopping officially mastered?

about 4


about _____% of school age children in 2003-4 were overweight

what is the leading cause of death after infancy?



according to Piaget , what is one of the main characteristics of preoperational thought

does SES make a difference in spatial ability?

according to a study of urban children, yes

Prosocial Children

act appropriately in social situations, are relatively free from negative emotion, and cope with problems constructively

hostile aggression

action intended to hurt another person

cooperative parenting

active consultation between a mother and a nonresident father on parenting decisions

children living with divorced mothers....

adjust better when the father pays child support

when do some gender differences become more pronounced?

after age 3

What age does a healthy diet for a child become the same as an adult's?

age 2

at what age are all primary teeth in place?

age 3

when do children feel comfortable alternating feet going up the steps?

age 3 1/2 **until about 5 years, they don't feel comfortable going downstairs this way

Design stage

age 3, right after shape stage, kids combine two basic shapes into more complex patterns

Shape Stage

age 3, when the child draws the six basic shapes

at what age do children usually stop using a full car seat?

age 4 (then booster seats are used)

when do daytime naps usually stop?

age 5

when do permanent teeth start to appear?

age 6

when do primary teeth begin to fall out?

age 6

at what age will children begin to describe themselves in generalized traits, recognize he can have conflicting emotions, and be self-critical?

age 7

factors that make a difference for children living w/ single parents

age, development, financial status, father involvement

when do children begin to show a hand preference?

ages 3-6

instrumental aggression

aggression aimed at achieving an objective


aggression is __%-____% heritable


aggression is ____% genetic

instrumental aggression

aggression used as an instrument to reach a goal (most common type)

disruptive conduct disorders

aggression, defiance, antisocial behavior

what environmental aspect is associated with increased risks of death and of chronic respiratory disease?

air pollution

pretend play

also called fantasy play, dramatic play, or imaginary play; children may make an object represent or symbolize something else, such as a person

constructive play

also called object play, is the use of objects or materials to make something like a house of blocks

Dramatic play

also called pretend play, fantasy play, or imaginative play, involves make believe objects or roles, it rests on symbolic function which develops during end of 2nd year

What do these brain development changes result in?

an increase in the speed and efficiency of the brain processes

transitional objects

an object that proves comfort for a child - when they go to bed they take a blanket to help them go to sleep

what are the three aspects of intelligence?

analytic, creative, practical

What happens when parents respond with disapproval to their children?

anger and fear may become more intense and may impair social adjustment, or the child may become anxious about their feelings

drug therapy

anti depressants/ stimulants -very controversal -suicidal results from the medication especially in the early months of treatment

victims tend to be...

anxious, depressed, cautious, quiet, argumentative, provocative

What does the Dual Language Approach avoid?

any need to place minority children in separate classes

children show biases toward children who...

are like themselves

Parents who live in poverty

are likely to become anxious and depressed and irritable, they may become less affectionate and less responsive to children and may discipline harshly

when do children usually articulate a concept of self worth?

around age 8 **younger children often show by their behavior that they have one

When does white matter growth in these regions of the brain stop?

around the end of the critical period for language learning


as children develop more self control dn become better able to express themselves verbally, they typically shift from showing aggression with blows to showing it with _____

understanding of the causes of health and illness and of how people can promote their own health

as children's experience with illness increases, so does their ___

what happened to the social learning theory?

as cognitive explanations have come forward, the traditional social learning theory has lost favor

less physical and more verbal

as the younger sibling reaches age 5, the siblings become less _____ and more ____


asthma is ____ more common in boys


at 4-5 years old, they use __-__ words sentences


at 4-5 years old, they use __-__ words sentences (declarative or imperative)

How fast are primary teeth replaced by permanent teeth?

at a rate of about 4 teeth per year for the next 5 years


at age 3: average child can use about ___-___ words


at age 6, the child has a passive vocabulary of _____ words


at age 6: a child can use about _____ words


at age __, they begin to use plurals, possessives, and past tense


attaches a code or label to something so you can find it easier

episodic memory

awareness of having experienced an event at a specific time and place


awareness of one's own thinking processes

why do men tend to seek as many partners as possible?

b/c it enables them to compete for mates and for control of resources and social status

why do most people favor their right side?

b/c left hemisphere of brain (which controls right side of body) is usually dominant

why are some people left handed?

b/c some people's brains are less asymmetrical and the right hemisphere tends to dominate...this makes them lefties

why do women not do this?

b/c they invest more time and energy into pregnancy and can bear only a limited number of each child's survival is really important to her

corpus callosum

band of tissue joining the left and right hemispheres, size differences in it are correlated with verbal fluency

deferred imitation

based on having kept a mental representation of an observed action; becomes robust after 8 months

number sense

basic level of number skills includes, counting, number knowledge, number transformations, estimation, and recognition of number patterns; develop by the time they enter school

why is writing difficult for young children?

because it requires the child to judge independently whether the communicative goal has been met. Also the child must be aware of spelling, grammar, punctuation etc.

what is one reason these sleep problems may be occurring?

because many children as they get older are allowed to set their own bedtimes

why do African American girls and boys tend to grow faster than white children?

because of the loss of density grey matter, and an increase of density of white matter

what are some long term affects for synthetic growth hormone therapy?

because the treatment is relatively new, no known long term effects yet

emotional understanding...

becomes more complicated with age

functional play

begins in infancy, consists of repeated practice in large muscle movements ex: rolling a ball

behavior therapy

behavior modification -uses principles of learning theory to eliminate undesirable behaviors or to develop desirable ones -more effective than nonbehavioral ones

what are gender roles?

behaviors, interests, attitudes, skills and personality traits that a culture considers appropriate for males and females

what does development of the sensory and motor areas of the cerebral cortex permit?

better coordination between what children WANT to do and what they CAN do

when does the shift from socially guided to self regulation of gender behavior in socialization happen?

between 3-4 years

according to longit. studies, when are changes in relationships among siblings most likely to occur?

between 7-9

when should a child first visit the dentist?

between ages 4-7


between ages __-__, they understand that thinking goes on inside the mind

2.5 and 5

between ages ____ & ____, children commonly struggle over toys and control of space and therefore instrumental aggression surfaces mostly during social play

Which approach does the public turn against?

bilingual education

children in _________ often outperform those in all-English programs on tests of English proficiency

bilingual programs

In a long. study_______ were more likely to live with grandparents than children in other ethnic groups

black children

_______ children score about 15 points lower on IQ Tests than white children

black children

(boys, girls) tend to make more controlling statements and more negative interruptions


(boys,girls) are more apt to receive less emotional support from their friends than girls do


Do boys or girls have slight advantage where weight/height gain is concerned?


Which gender has the most confidence in their abilities?


are boys or girls more likely to be late talkers?


are boys or girls more likely to be overweight?


do boys or girls participate more in rough and tumble play?


which gender finds it harder to adjust to divorce?


which gender has an advantage in spatial skills?


which gender is a reading disability more frequent in?


who is more likely to be left handed?


groups of (boy, girls) tend to pursue gender typed activities

boys -play in large groups with well defined leadership hierarchies and nagged in more competitive and rough and tumble play

by age 5, what does the brain look like?

boys: 10% larger b/c more of the gray matter in the cerebral cortex girls: have greater neuronal density

between ages 5-7, the ________ undergo significant development and reorganization

brains frontal lobes

Representational System

broad, inclusive self-concepts that integrate various aspects of the self

Lewis M Turman

brought Binet test to US, did a longitudinal study that identified more than 1500 Cali children w/ IQ's of 135 or higher (appx. top 1% of intel. ability) and the study demolished classic nerd stereotype....these children were healthier, taller, better coordinated, better adjusted, and more popular than the avg. child and as a group their cognitive, scholastic and vocational superiority have held up into adulthood

Pictorial stage

by age 4-5, children begin to aim for realistic portrayal and lose concern with form and design


by age 5, children know the relative size of number 1-___


by age ___ , most kids can count to 20


by age ___ vision usually is more acute and because the two eyes are better coordinated so they can focus better


by age ___, children are more likely to be afraid of the dark


by age ____, they understand that people have different beliefs about the world

what is another way neuroscientists measure brain development?

by changes in the thickness of the cortex


by high school years, the child can use _____ passive words

when are children aware of their culture's rules for emotional expression?

by middle childhood

When do emotions directed towards the self (guilt, shame, pride) start to develop?

by the end of the third year

solitary play

can be a sign of shyness, anxiety, fear, social rejection

harsh punishment

can be counter productive b/c children who are punished harshly may have trouble interpreting other's actions and words

what are the main factors driving obesity?

can be hereditary, but main factors are environment

Constructive family conflict

can help kids see the need for rules and standards


centration causes the child to come to _____ conclusions

what are factors in a child's adjustment to divorce?

child's age/maturity gender temperament psychosocial adjustment before divorce

overweight parents or other relatives

children are more likely to be overweight if they have ...

Bilingual Education

children are taught in two languages, first learning in their native language w/ others who also speak it, and then switching to regular classes in english when they become more proficient


children begin to have friends at age ___

What happens at around age 3?

children begin to take on the slender, athletic appearance of childhood -potbelly tightens -trunk, arms, and legs grow longer -head is still large, but now more proportionate with rest of body

self efficacy

children growing sense of their ability to master challenges and achieve goals

analysis of physical and legal custody found that...

children in L/P custody were better adjusted and had better family relationships than children in sole custody

sometime between 18 months and three years

children learn to distinguish between real and imagined events at what age

Benefits of Head Start

children make gains in vocab, letter recognition, early writing and early math, tend to score better on early intelligence tests

Advocates of Bilingual Education claim that...

children progress faster academically in their native language and later make a smoother transition to all English classrooms


children under ___ tend to be farsighted

globally gifted

children who are gifted in every subject, some students excel in one subject but not in another, or may be great at art but have a low IQ etc.

self efficacy

children who believe that they can master schoolwork and regulate their own learning


children who eat out consume an estimated ____ more calories a day than when the same foods are eaten at home

sociable and competent

children who fight the most tend to be the most ______

Children who attend newer state-sponsored programs tend to show better cognitive and language skills and do better in school than...

children who needed but didn't attend compensatory programs


children who watch tv 5 hours a day are ___ times more likely to be overweight as those who watch no more than 2 hours

10 school days 20 days of limited activity

children with asthma miss an average of ___ school days each year and experience ___ days of limited activity

what is self esteem based on?

children's growing cognitive ability to describe and define themselves

Weak points of Head Start

children's readiness skills remain far below average and the advantage on scoring better on intelligence tests disappears when elementary school begins

according to Erikson, what is a major determinant for self esteem?

children's view of their capacity for productive work


chronic respiratory disease apparently allergy based and characterized by sudden attacks of coughing wheezing and difficulty breathing -narrowing of airways when a sufferer inhales certain substances such as smoke -increasing world wife

what 6 basic shapes does a child draw?

circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, crosses, X's, and odd forms

the ability to see the relationship between a whole and its parts

class inclusion

what is gray matter?

closely packed neuronal bodies

children cannot be or have true friend until they achieve _______

cognitive maturity to consider other peoples views and needs as well as their own

Gender consistency

comes about at around 3-7, it is the realization that a girl remains a girl even if she has short hair and wears pants and a boy is a boy even if he has long hair and wears earrings

divergent thinking

comes up w/ a wide array of fresh possibilities, tests of creativity call for divergent thinking

Gender stability

comes when a girl realizes she will grow up to be a woman and a boy realizes he will grow up to be a man **children @ this stage may base judgments about gender on superficial appearances and stereotyped behaviors

what is the virtue that emerges from industry vs inferiority?


analytic aspect of intelligence -determines how efficiently people process information -tells people how to solve problems

competential component

the effects of persistent poverty can be_______


interdependent aspects of self

compliance with authority and appropriate conduct, humility, and a sense of belonging to the community

estimating the sum in an addition problem

computational estimation


concept of comparing qualities; infants as young as 4 1/2 months have rudimentary concept of numbers; begins at 12-18 months

at the age of 7, children enter the stage of _____

concrete operations -they can use mental operations to solve concrete problems -can now think logically because they can take in multiple aspects of a situation -thinking is still limited in the here and now

separation anxiety

condition involving excessive anxiety for at least 4 weeks concerning separation from home or from people to whom the child is attached ( only normal in infancy)- decreases with age

agency adoptions

confidential, no contact between birth mother and adoptive parents, identity of birth mother is key secret

what should a bedtime include?

consistency, 1-2 books then lights out, no stalling!!!

practical -determines how people deal with their environment -ability to size up a situation and decide what to do

contextual element

to add 5 and 3 they start counting at 5 then go on to 6,7,8 to add 3

counting on

three mountain task

created to study egocentrism; a child sits facing a table that holds three large mounds of sand, a doll is placed at the opposite side of the table and the investigator asks the child how the mountains would look to the doll

tendency to include questions that use vocabulary or call for information skills more familiar to some cultural groups than others

cultural bias

Joint custody

custody shared by both parents, can be good if both parents can cooperate

How long must the therapy be continued?

daily, for 4-7 years

what are the most consistant fears at all ages

danger and death -reflects the high rates of crime and violence in society

ability to focus on both length and width


the child sounds out the word, translating it from print to speech before retrieving it from long term memory -child must master the phonetic code that matches the printed alphabet


what are the two ways a child can identify a printed word?

decoding virtually based retrieval

______ reasoning includes... - starts with a general statement about a class and applies it to particular members of the class

deductive reasoning


deepens knowledge and skills through extra classroom activities, research projects, field trips, or expert coaching

Culture and its role in child development

defines rhythms of family life and roles of family members

Standford Binet test

defining words/building blocks/identifying missing parts; IQ tests at age 5 tend to be fairly reliable in predicting future success and measure intelligence; yields separate sections of verbal and non verbal

What does Head Start provide?

dental and medical and mental health care, social services, and at least one hot meal a day

those children who saw themselves as targets of discrimination tended to show ....

depressive symptoms or conduct problems during the next 5 years

body image

descriptive and evaluative beliefs about one's appearance

inductive techniques

designed to encourage desirable behavior by reasoning with a child -setting limits -demonstrating good behavior

How effective is the whole language approach?

despite popularity, research has found little support for it

what does brain imaging of dyslexic children reveal?

differences/underactivity in regions of the brain activated during the processing of spoken and written language as compared with normal readers

childhood depression

disorder of mood that goes beyond normal temporary sadness

JP Gilford

distinguished two kinds of thinking convergent and divergent

characteristics of children in single parent families

do fairly well tend to lag socially and academically behind peers w/ two parents families **true for kids born out of wedlock and those whose parents are divorced


dominance of one hand over the other

boys use bullying as a way to ....

dominate in peer groups

children ________ their weight during the period of 6-11 years old


shape and color

due to understanding of identities, the child can now make distinction between 2 criteria: _____ & _____

according to evolutionary theory, when do male aggressiveness and female nurturant develop?

during childhood as preparation for their adult roles

when do most children acquire a more sophisticated understanding of conflicting emotions?

during middle childhood

When does a synthetic growth hormone produce the most rapid growth in height?

during the first two year of life

based on Vygotskys theories emphasize potential rather than present achievement -see to capture the dynamic nature of intelligence, offer and alternative to traditional static tests that measure a child's current abilities -contain items up to 2 years above child's current level of competence

dynamic tests

what is the most common learning disability?


when do most adult teeth arrive?

early in middle childhood

- efforts of parents, schools, physicians, communities, and the larger culture

effective weight management programs should include:

children associate items with something else like a story


what affects readiness for kindergarten and strongly predicts school success?

emotional and social adjustment

Individuals w/ Disabilities Education Act

ensures a free, individualized public education for all children w/ disabilities

ethnic differences in IQ are largely associated with _______



environment, maturity, temperament, pre literacy skills, SES, ease in testing, and culture are all influences on ____

what is the third stage of moral reasoning?

equity -become capable of formal reasoning -everyone should be treated alike -takes specific circumstances into account -2 year old who spilled must be help of lower consequences than a 10 year old

persistant developmental stuttering (PDS)

especially noticeable at the beginning of a word or phrase or in a long complex sentences -70% for monozygotic twins and 30% for dizygotic twins and 18% percent for same sex siblings GENETIC COMPONENT

obesity & antibiotics

evidence points to an association between ________&______ and asthma

the conscious control of thoughts , emotions, and actions to accomplish h goals or solve problems

executive function

insightful and creative element -determines how people approach novel or familiar tasks -allows people to compare new info with what they already know and to come up with new ways of putting facts together

experiential element

what is the most common mnemonic strategy among both children and adults?

external memory aids -prompts by something outside the person

what are the 4 types of mnemonic strategies?

external memory aids, rehearsal, elaboration, & organization

social phobia

extreme fear and avoidance of social situations (GENETIC)- increases with age


failure to understand that a operation or action can go in two or more directions

t/f SES is the only factor in school achievement


t/f high creativity and high intelligence go hand in hand


t/f sleep problems are NOT highly correlated with psychological and behavioral problems

false, they ARE

t/f active children DON'T tend to become active adults

false, they DO

what factor is associated with sleep quality?

family stress

anxiety or odd disorders

feeling sad , depressed, unloved, nervous, fearful, or lonely

night terrors

feelings of great fear experienced on suddenly waking in the night.


female hormones, they tend to have less of an effect on boys' gender typed behavior

what has dramatically reduced incidence of tooth decay since the 70's?

fluoride and improved dental care

longitudinal Iowa study

followed children from age 1-5, found that consumption of regular soda pop, powdered beverages and 100% juice increased risk of tooth decay

Finland Longitudinal Study

followed kindergarteners until second grade, found that those who had mothers who said things like "I am soo disappointed in you" but were also highly affectionate towards their children, tended to have more behavior problems Why? prob because their emotional self worth was based off of maternal approval

art therapy

for kids who have had emotional trauma or have limited verbal or conceptual skills, this helps them express their feelings without using words

what are the primary elements of art?

form and design


form of concentration where they believe everything revolves around them

Longitudinal Tennessee Study

found lasting academic benefits for students randomly assigned to classes of about 15 kids in grades k-3rd and a greater likelihood of finishing HS

summer school study w/ first graders

found that first graders who attended summer instruction in reading and writing @ least 75% of the time outscored 64% of their peers who did not participate

Longitudinal study of 152 single African American mom headed families

found that mothers who, despite economic stress, were emotionally healthy and had relatively high self esteem tended to have academically and socially competent children who reinforced the mothers' positive parenting

Longitudinal study of 1364 families of mixed SES

found that transitory poverty during child's first four years was less damaging to long term cognitive and social development than later or chronic poverty

Julian Stanley

founded the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth

cognitive development - as they mature, their explanation for disease change - before middle school children are egocentric and they believe that illness is magically produced by human actions, often their own - later they explain disease as the doing of all powerful germs -as they approach adolescence, they realize there are multiple causes of disease and that people can do a lot to stay healthy

from a piagetian perspective, childrens understanding of health and illness is tied to...

social speech

gearing speech to be heard by a listener

what is one factor of a LD?


extrinsic motivation

get money or treats for good grades and punishment for bad ones

(boys, girls) phrase their marks in a more tentative , conciliatory way


which gender develops more effective strategies for learning?


which gender has better classroom behavior?


which gender tends to do better in school?


which gender tends to do better on timed tests?


relational /social -damaging or interfering with relationships , reputation, or psychological well being

girls are more likely to engage in ______ aggression

girls and socialization

girls have more freedom than boys in their clothes, games, and choice of playmates


girls who are overweight before puberty are ___ times more likely than their peers to be overweight as an adult

congenital adrenal hyperplasia

girls with this have high prenatal levels of male sex hormones and although they are raised as girls, they tend to develop into tomboys

what do recess games promote?

growth in agility and social competence and foster adjustment to school

SMPY men...

had gone in to more math and science careers than SMPY women

Mexican American girls at age 6...

have a higher percentage of body fat than white girls that are the same size

open adoptions (independent adoptions)

have become more common, parents share info about child or have direct contact

African American girls at age 6....

have more muscle and bone mass than white or Mexican American girls

Children from Head Start and other compensatory programs are less likely to....

have to repeat a grade, be placed in special ed classrooms, and are more likely to finish High school than low-income children who didn't attend a program

what can enhance reading comprehension?

having students recall and summarize and ask questions about what they read

What does Kohlberg say about gender constancy?

he says the acquisition of gender roles hinges on gender constancy (also called sex-category constancy), which is a child's realization that his or her sex will always be the same

what would a defender of traditional development approach to preschool say about his case?

he would say academically oriented programs neglect young children's need for exploration and free play and that too much teacher-centered instruction may stifle kids interest and interfere w/ self initiated learning

very high levels of blood lead contamination may lead to...

headaches, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, lethargy, agitation etc.

specific language skills

help in decoding the printed word

what does metacognition monitor?

helps children monitor their understanding of what they read and enables them to develop strategies to clear up any problems

how does emotional regulation help children?

helps them guide their behavior and contributes to their ability to get along with others

what are some roles that come into play where illnesses are concerned?

heredity, environmental factors


high blood pressure is also called; termed an "evolving epidemic"

what causes giftedness?

high levels of performance require strong intrinsic motivation and years of rigorous training **motivation and training will NOT produce giftedness unless the child is endowed with unusual ability

the_____ a family's SES the ______ a child is going to be for school

higher more ready

biosocial theory

holds that psychological aspects of gender arise from interaction between physical characteristics of the sexes, their development, and that societies in which they live

inconsistency in the development of different types of conservation

horizontal décalage

45-60 min

how long does the standford binet test take


how many children suffer each year to serious brain injuries from bicycle accidents? -88% of these can be prevented by wearing helmets

body image

how one believes one looks

some children are ___ but not____

hyperactive but not inattentive

what do many say is the only real solution to a high failure rate?

identify at-risk students early and intervene before they fail

clay is the same clay even though it has a different shape


drug treatment can be considered

if blood pressure does not come down after the primary treatments, what can you do?

when might children be better off with a divorce?

if parental conflict is overt or destructive

How can a growth disorder arise?

if the body fails to produce enough growth hormone

________ may contribute to the mastery of conservation tasks

improvements in memory

Kohlberg's Cognitive Developmental Theory

in Kohler's theory, GENDER KNOWLEDGE PRECEDES GENDERED BEHAVIOR, and children actively search for cues about gender in their social world

what is some evidence in support of the evolutionary theory?

in all cultures, women tend to be children's primary caregivers

what is one reason that grandparents are playing a bigger role in child raising?

in developing countries, rural parents migrate to find work and children need to be taken care of, also AIDS wipes out parents all over the world, leaving the children up to the grandparents

children tend to best in which kind of household?

in families with two continuously married parents rather than cohabiting, divorced, single parent or step families

when does socialization begin?

in infancy

when do problems sometimes surface for adopted children?

in middle childhood when kids become more aware, affects more boys

in which model does gendered behavior PRECEDE gender knowledge?

in the Social Learning Approach


in the US , ___% of children under 18 have no siblings in the home

what is some evidence against the evolutionary theory?

in the US and other Western societies today, men have greater involvement in child raising than in the past

where do most accidental injuries occur?

in the home

longitudinal TV study

in this study, it was found that the content of tv shows viewed @ age 2-4 predicted academic skills 3 yrs later

How does gender constancy seem to develop?

in three stages 1) Gender identity 2) Gender stability 3) Gender consistency

some children are _____ but not ______

inattentive but not hyperactive

withdrawal of love

includes ignoring , oscillating, or showing dislike for the child

what is the second stage of moral reasoning?

increasing flexibility -ages 7-11 -as children interact with more people and come into contact with a wider range of viewpoints, they begin to discard the idea that there is a single standard of right and wrong -develop their own sense of justice based on fairness or equal treatment for all -can make more subtle moral judgments

systems of action

increasingly complex combinations of motor skills that permit a wider or more precise range of movement and more control of the environment

What kind of aspect do European Parents usually advocate for?

independent aspects of the self

independent aspects of the self

individuality, self-expression, and self-esteem

what kind of techniques (inductive/deductive) are parents of school age children likely to use?


______ reasoning includes.. -observations about particular members of a class or people or things -draw generic conclusions about the class as a whole

inductive reasoning

What is the central issue of middle childhood?

industry vs inferiority

what are the characteristics of games played at recess?

informal and spontaneous

voluntary suppression of unwanted responses

inhibitory control

Do children learn more in full day kindergarten?

initially yes, but by the end of third grade the amount of time spent in kindergarten makes no big academic difference


insecure attachment and lack of maternal warmth and affection in infancy predict _____

Robert Sternberg maintains that ______ and _______ are inextricable linked

intelligence and culture

power assertion

intended to stop or discourage undesirable behavior through physical or verbal enforcement of parent control -includes demands , threats, withdraw of priveliges , spanking

what kind of aspect do Chinese parents usually advocate for?

interdependent aspects of self

which seems more effective, intrinsic or extrinsic?



involuntary audible or silent repetition or prolongation of sounds or syllables - usually begins at ages 2-5 - by fifth grade, it is 4 times more common in boys than in girls -5% of children stutter for a period of 6 months or more but 3/4 of these children recover by late childhood - only 1% of these kids have this long term problem -regarded as a neurological condition -no cure

what does Emotional Self Regulation entail?

involves voluntary control of emotions, attention and behavior

what was the SMPY?

it allowed highly motivated 12 and 13 year olds who qualified to take AP summer courses @ universities and can apply for very early college entrance, Stanley looked for the top .001% of students and rather than measure it off of IQ, he had the kids take the SAT to identify smart math ppl. later the program was extended to gifted verbal kids

when divorced parents re marry other people...

it can increase stress on children

what can lead poisoning lead to?

it can seriously affect cognitive development and can lead to neurological and behavioral problems

divorce and adolescents

it increases the risk of antisocial behavior and dropping out of school in teens

What is the newer social cognitive theory all about?

it is an expansion of the social learning theory except it incorporates some cognitive elements

how is this loss of density of gray matter balanced?

it is balanced by a steady increase in white matter

aggression becomes bullying when...

it is deliberately, persistently directed towards a target

what does a successful kindergarten transition do?

it lays the foundation for future academic achievement

What happens if the therapy is unsuccessful?

it may do psychological harm by creating unfulfilled expectations or by giving short children the feeling that something is wrong with them

What does the case of the 2 month old baby say about assignment of gender early in infancy?

it may have some flexibility after all

how does media violence lead to long term aggressiveness?

it provides visceral thrills without showing the human cost and leads children to view aggression as acceptable

what does social cognitive theory recognize?

it recognizes that children select or create their environments through their choice of playmates and activities

most bullies target...

kids of their own sex

patterns of bullying and victimization may become established as early as ....


in regards to the Weschler test.... a child who does well on performance tests but poorly on verbal tests may have a ______________ problem


what factors help to explain the disparities for Latinos and health care?

language and cultural barriers, and the need for more Latino care providers


language processing disorder which reading is substantially below the level predicted by IQ or age

do children with TV in their rooms get more or less sleep than other children?


Joint PHYSICAL custody

less common than joint legal custody, involves child living part time with both parents

the ability to categorize helps children to think ____


-children classified as overweight or obese fell behind their class mates in physical and social functioning by age 10 -when they were asked to rate their health related quality of life , they said they were impaired as compared with healthy peers

longitudinal study of 1456 primary students in Australia

four aspects of early supportive parenting predicted possible behavioral, social, and academic outcomes -warmth -use of inductive discipline, -interest and involvement in children contact with peers -proactive teaching and social skills -suggested there is one right way to parent a child

longitudinal study of 585 ethnically and socioeconomically diverse families in tennessee and indiana with children pre-6th grade

what do many children say that the most painful part of divorce is?

losing contact with the father

Who is the greatest increase in prevalence of overweight children among?

low-income families

why do children segregate themselves by sex and engage in such different activities?

males and females differ in body size, strength, and energy -boys need more space and more physical exercise -same sex peer groups help them identify their genders


many ___-___ year olds are afraid of animals

Voluntary (effortful) control...

may be temperamentally based but generally increases with age

Low effortful control...

may predict later behavior problems

at this stage in their development, children don't have to _____ to weigh objects


estimating the length of a line

measurement estimation

autobiographical memory

memory of your own life; form of episodic memory that refers to the thing that form your history

generic memory

memory that starts at age 2 ; script


mentally link to events that are close in time ; view relationships as predictable


mentally linking two events whether or not there is logical a causal relationship ; young children grasp cause and effect

awareness of ones own thinking processes -helps children monitor their understanding of what they read and enables them to develop strategies to clear up any problems


knowledge about the process of memory


when does popularity become important

middle childhood

when does self esteem become more realistic?

middle childhood

bullying and aggression peak during the transition to .....

middle school

studies of charter school effects on student outcomes have...

mixed results

devices to aid memory

mnemonic strategies

do young children sleep more deeply/lightly than they will later in life?

more deeply

firstborn children

more influenced by parents

stats on families of undernourished kids

more likely to do poorly on math tests, have to repeat grades, have to see psychologists, and have difficulty getting along with children

characteristics of children w/ poor parents

more likely to experience negative home and school atmospheres, stressful events, and unstable, chaotic households

Characteristics of poor children

more likely to than other children to have emotional and behavioral problems, and their cognitive potential and school performance suffer


more than ___% of nationally representative sample of 6121 children reported eating fast foods

5 year olds will eat....

more when a larger portion is put in front of them


most 4 year olds use ____ when talking to 2 year olds


most common MENTAL disorder in childhood, a chronic condition marked by persistent inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, low tolerance for frustration, and a great deal of activity at the wrong time in the wrong place

parallel constructive play

most common among children who were good problem solvers, were popular with other kids, and were seen by teachers as socially skilled


most fears pass when they grow older and lose their sense of______


motivation to help another person with no expectation of reward

Children with LD's often have....

near avg to higher intelligence and normal vision and hearing, but seem to have troubles processing sensory info

what determines whether a particular child with antisocial tendencies will become severely and chronically antisocial?

neurobiological deficits such as weak stress, stress regulating mechanisms , may fail to warn children to restrain themselves form dangerous or risky behavior ; GENETICALLY INFLUENCED AND ENVIRONMENTAL

the increasing capacity for selective attention is believed to be due to ..... and is one of the reasons memory....

neurological maturation and is one of the reasons memory improves during middle childhood

can parenting create giftedness?


do all children who struggle in school have LD's?


do motor skills develop in isolation?


does moderate acceleration hurt social adjustment?


is cooperative parenting really common?


is it easy to predict if a late talker needs help?


what is the likelihood of a child of a gay parent to be gay?

no more likely than any other child's chances

Where do children learn gender roles and gender stereotypes?

no specific answer, there are 5 theoretical perspectives on gender development

is rough and tumble play only a thing in the US?

no, the places like India, Mexico, the Phillipines, Okinawa, England, and Africa are familiar with it too

was every one in Stanley's group a high achiever?

no, this emphasizes the need for motivation and effort

is there a consistent difference between gay and heterosexual parents?

nope, but when there are differences...they tend to favor gay

generalized anxiety disorder

not focused on any specific aspect of their lives - worry about everything - self conscious , self doubting, excessively concerned with getting expectations , seek approval

can profoundly retarded people function?

not really, they usually need constant care and are often in institutions

can we predict whether an individual boy or girl will be faster, stronger, smarter etc.?

np, the gender differences are valid for large groups but not always individuals

what kinds of things determine siblings roles and relationships?

number of siblings, age spacing, birth order, and gender

estimating the number of candies in a jar

numerosity estimation

Proper growth and health depend on ________ and ______

nutrition and sleep

mexican boys and non hispanic black girls

obesity is most prevalent among ______


obesity is the leading factor of..

high blood pressure high cholesteral high insulin levels

obesity leads to the following medical conditions:

too little exercise and too much of the wrong kinds of food

obesity often results from an inherited tendency aggravated by ....

according to social cognitive theory....

observation enables children to learn much about gender-typed behaviors before performing them

obsessive compulsive disorder

obsessed with repetitive , intrusive thoughts , images , or impulses

acute medical conditions

occasional, short term conditions such as infections and warts (common)


occurs when the info is needed

how is ADHD managed?

often w/ drugs, sometimes combined w/ behavioral therapy, counseling, training in social skills, and special classroom placement

do older children or younger children adapt quicker to divorce?

often younger children

gender similarities hypothesis

on average, boys and girls remain more alike than different

reduce have the number of overweight girls that age

one additional hour of exercise per week in kindergarten and first grade could....

more than _____ US children attend charter schools

one million

theories on right handedness

one theory proposes the existence of a single gene for right handedness, according to this theory people who inherit this gene from either/both parents are right handed **those who DON'T inherit this gene still have 50-50 chance of being right handed **this could explain why some monozygotic twins have different hand preferences

3 year olds will eat.....

only until they are full

mentally placing information into categories to make it easier to recall


formal games w/ rules

organized games w/ known procedures and penalties ex: hopscotch

what factor is attributed to the change in relationships among siblings?

outside friendships, which can lead to jealousy and competition for attention among siblings

what does tooth decay in early childhood often stem from?

overconsumption of sweetened milk and juices in infancy along with lack of regular dental care

what is the worst offender of environmental contamination?

ozone levels

a sense of trust and normal caution without being too protective

parents can allay a child's fear by instilling ______

Joint LEGAL custody

parents share the right and responsibility to make decisions regarding the child's welfare

Parents role in Prosocial Behavior

parents who acknowledge children's feelings of distress and help them deal with the source of their distress foster empathy and social skills

specific skills

part 2 of pre-reading skills, deals with: -specific skills that help in decoding the printed word -phonological skills

children in early years rarely the use __________ voice

passive voice

opposition defiant disorder

pattern of defiance disobediance, and hostility toward adult authority figures lasting at least 6 months and going beyond the bounds of normal childhood behavior

when does rough and tumble play peak? when does it drop?

peaks: in middle childhood drops: to about 5% at age 11

aggression is associate with _______

peer rejection and adjustment problems

why do boys play more rough and tumble?

perhaps b/c of hormonal differences and socialization ** this may be one of the reasons for sex segregation during play

Permissive parents and school achievement...

permissive parents tend to have lower achieving children, these parents don't seem to care how their children do in school

conduct disorder

persistent, repetitive pattern beginning at an early age of aggressive antisocial acts such as truancy , setting fire, habitual lying, fighting, bullying, theft

real self

person one actually is

ideal self

person one would like to be

emphasizes decoding

phonetic/code emphasis approach

chronic medical conditions

physical , developmental ,behavioral , or emotional conditions requiring special health services - 12.8% of US children have or are at risk for this

gross motor skills

physical skills that involve the larger muscles

fine motor skills

physical skills that involve the small muscles and eye-hand coordination

Social Promotion

policy of automatically promoting children even if they do not meet academic standards

fewer _____ than non poor children use computers


enuresis that persists past age 10 may be a sign of...

poor self concept

what are the 5 peer status groups...

popular: kids who receive positive nominations rejected: negative nominations neglected: few nominations controversial: many positive and negative nominations average: don't receive an unusual number of nominations of either kind


practical knowledge of how to use language to commmunicate

the practical use of language to communicate -includes conversational and narrative skills


intrinsic motivation

praise given for ability and hard work

What predicts reading achievement in first grade?

pre literacy skills and the richness of a home literacy environment

Brofenbrenner's Theory

predict that influences like parents' work schedules, SES, societal trends, divorce, etc. help shape the family environment and children's development

studies show that children's positive or negative self perceptions at age 5 tended to...

predict their self-perceptiosns and socioemotional functioning at age 8

the region of the brain that enables planning, judgement, and decision making

prefrontal cortex

unfavorable attitudes toward the outsiders especially member of certain racial or ethnic groups



preoperational children can't reason logically about cause and effect, they reason by ______

symbolic function

preschool children show ______ through deferred imitation, pretend play, and language

decenter (think about several aspects of a situation at one time)

preschoolers come to illogical conclusions because they cannot _____

emergent literacy

preschoolers' development of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that underlie reading and writing

what is the strongest single correlate of violent behavior

previous exposure to violence

What does a healthy diet for an average human consist of?

primarily fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and nondairy products, beans, fish, and lean meats

Steps to Respect

program for ages 3-6 -aims to prevent bullying and youth violence -increase staff awareness and responsivness to bullying -teach students emotional skills

What kind of activities do the whole language programs feature?

programs feature real literature and open ended, student initiated activities

inclusion programs

programs integrated with non disabled children for all or part of the day

compensatory preschool programs

programs that help kids who have low SES, bad home life become ready for school

gender differences

psychological or behavioral differences between males and females

What is the virtue that develops from initiative vs guilt?


storage memory

putting files away

- use of internet education of patients and their families in symptom monitoring and medication led to improved compliance and reduced symptoms

randomized controlled study of 134 asthmatic inner city children ages 8-16 showed...

learning to _______&________ frees children from the constraints of face to face communication

read & write

what is one of the most effective paths to literacy?

reading to children moderate exposure to educational tv

phenomic awareness

realization that words are composed of sounds

recognition memory

recognizing something is / was there


recommended for highly gifted children, speeds up their education through early school entrance, grade skipping, placement in fast-paced classes, or advanced courses

childhood depression may signal the beginning of a ____

recurrent problem that is likely to persist into adulthood


refers to methods of molding character and of teaching self-control and acceptable behavior

psychological aggression

refers to verbal attacks that may result in psychological harm Ex: yelling, screaming, threatenig to spank, swearing at child, calling child dumb

parten and nonsocial play

regarded it as less mature than social play, suggested young children who play alone may develop social, psychological or educational probs **certain types of nonsocial play MAY foster cognitive, physical and social devel.

self care

regularly caring for themselves at home without adult supervision

conscious repetition


categorization/ classification

requires a child to identify similarities and differences ; cognitive ability with psychosocial implications

What does research say about Kohlberg's view?

research challenges this view, because long before children attain the final stage of gender constancy, they show gender-typed preferences **however, this research doesn't CHALLENGE Kohlberg's original insight

-no significant differences

research in china looking at how people were limited to only one child stated that...

U of Chicago studies

researchers found that Chicago's retention policy did not improve third graders' test scores, it hurt sixth graders' test scores, and greatly increased eighth grade and high school

can change a sausage back into a ball


blicket detector

rigged to light up and play music only when certain objects were placed on it; used to see if kids could grasp cause and effect

children w/ math, musical and art gifts tend to have more activity in ____ hemisphere

right **also more likely to be lefties

What is the first stage or moral reasoning?

rigid obedience to authority -begins at ages 2-7 -because children are egocentric, they can not imagine more than one way of looking at a moral issue -rules cannot be bent or changed and behavior is right or wrong

one criticism of IQ tests is that they focus almost entirely on abilities used in _________


Siblings and gender

secondborns tend to be more like first borns in attitudes and firstborns are more influenced by their parents

siblings are motivated to make up after quarrels since they know they will _______

see each other every day

father's role in gender socialization

seems especially important, in a study, boys and girls whose fathers did more housework and childcare were less aware of gender stereotypes and engaged in less gender-typed play

the ability to deliberately direct ones attention and shut out distractions -hinges on inhibitory control

selective attention

what is one gender difference that can change with age?

self esteem

School age children and divorce

sensitive to parental pressures, may fear abandonment and rejection

arranging objects in a series acquiring to one or more dimensions such as length or color


categorization includes __________ __________ _________

seriation transitive inference class inclusion

stuff homeless children often suffer from

sever hunger iron deficiency obesity tooth decay asthma respiratory, skin and eye infections lice elevated levels of lead trauma-related injuries learning difficulties behavioral problems visual/neurological deficits developmental delays more likely to repeat a grade depression

working memory

short term store house for incoming sensory info

working memory

short term; person is actively engaged; limited by capacity; stored in frontal lobe or cortex

what should organized, athletic organizations for children focus on?

should focus on including as many children as possible, rather than concentrating on a few natural athletes, and should concentrate on building skills not winning games

results of Stanley's findings...

showed that by early adulthood, his samples had already won awards and had notable literary, scientific, or tech. accomplishments

Mental Retardation

significantly subnormal cognitive functioning


since 1980, the prevalence of childhood obesity has ______ in almost all countries

who do many homeless families consist of?

single mothers in their 20s usually fleeing due to domestic violence

does growth slow down or speed up during middle childhood?

slows down considerably

(small, large) amount of kids do not learn to control physical aggression

small ( these kids have psychological problems)

what is a key factor for learning in a healthful school environment?

small class sizes, especially in early grades **research on this point is mixed,

what can promote emergent literacy?

social interaction

what's one important factor that may contribute to gender development?


What happened when Chicago public schools ended the practice of social promotion?

some celebrated, others warned that although grade retention can be a wakeup call, it can also lead to lowered expectations and poor performance and eventually dropping out of school

what could be a negative factor of the English only approach?

some educators maintain that this approach stunts children's cognitive growth; because foreign speaking children can only understand simple english @ first the curriculum must be watered down and children then become less prepared to handle harder curriculum later in life

recall memory

something from the past that you are giving/ telling back to someone

Effects of malnutrition

sometimes hard to determine, but we do know that deprivations may negatively affect growth, physical well beings, cognitive, and psycho social development -poorer verbal and spatial aptitudes -poorer reading skills -poorer scholastic ability -poorer neuropsychological performance than peers @ age 11

When do gender stereotypes usually appear?

sometimes in children as young as 2-3 but they reach a peak at 5 years old

Synthetic Growth Hormone Therapy

sometimes used for children who are much shorter than other children their age, but whose bodies are producing normal quantities of the hormone

real vs imagined

somewhere between 18 months and three years, they can determine ____vs____ events

social speech

speech meant to be understood by a listener

what are gross motor skills the basis for?

sports, dancing and other activities that begin now and continue during life

long term memory

store house of virtually unlimited capacity that hold info for ling periods of time

British longitudinal study

studied British schoolchildren and found that development of word recognition appeared critically dependent on phonological skills, and oral language skills and grammar skills were more important predictors of reading comprehension

what results come from a moderately low-fat diet for schoolchildren?

studies have found NO negative affects on height, weight, body mass, or neurological development from a moderately low-fat diet

what type of preschool is best for children?

studies in US support a child-centered, developmental approach

-parents who showed affection and followed positive disciplinary strategies tended to encourage their children natural tendency to prosocial behavior -parents of prosocial children are normally prosocial themselves -motives for prosocial behavior may change -preschoolers tend to have egocentric motives -cultures vary in dire in which they foster prosocial behavior

study of twin pairs whose prosocial behavior was rated by parents at ages 3,4, and 7

the skills and knowledge needed for success within a particular social and cultural context

successful intelligence

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory

suggests that students learn better when taught in a variety of ways, emphasizing creative and practical skills as well as memorization and critical thinking

school bullying has been associated with....

suicidal thoughts and actions

what is an effective form of early intervention for at risk students?

summer school

how words are organized into phrases and sentences



t or f; long term drug use for children with obesity has unknown side effects and long term effects

info gleaned informally not explicitly taught

tacit knowledge


takes a major role in late speech

private speech

talking aloud to ones self

private speech

talking to yourself

permanent teeth

teeth that grow in after the primary teeth are ejected

sensory memory

temporary store house/fades

deciduous teeth

temporary teeth - "baby" teeth; primary teeth

what do children with non-contingent self esteem tend to do when they fail?

tend to attribute failure or disappointment to factors outside themselves or to the need to try harder

siblings and industrialized societies

tend to be fewer and farther apart in age, enabling parents to focus more on each child, often in US parents trie not to burden older children with caring for younger ones regularly

young children and divorce

tend to be more anxious and have less realistic perceptions of what caused it ***are more likely to blame themselves

parents in cohabiting relationships

tend to be more disadvantaged have less income more mental health problems less education report poorer relationships

boys and socialization

tend to be more gender socialized concerning play preferences, fathers usually show more discomfort if a boy plays with a doll than if a girl plays with a football

secondborn children

tend to be more like older siblings in gender attitudes, personality, activities

Characteristics of children who have low voluntary control

tend to become visibly angry when interrupted from doing something they wanted to do

girls and test taking

tend to do better on verbal fluency tests, math computation, and memory for locations of objects

boys and test taking

tend to excel in verbal analogies, math word probs, and memory for spatial configurations

adults whose parents are divorced

tend to have lower SES lower well being greater chance of having birth outside of marriage greater chance of having unstable marriages themselves

children and effects of long term divorce

tend to have slightly lower levels of cognitive, social and emotional well being than children who have married parents


tendency to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others

t/f girls tend to spend less time than boys on sports and more time on housework, studying, and personal care

textbook answer: true my answer: FALSE

what did the majority of Stanley's students say about their experience?

that accelerating their education had promoted their academic progress and social emotional development

What did the comparative study of Euro-Am and Chinese kids show?

that children absorb different cultural sales of self-definition as early as age 3 or 4 and these differences increase w/ age

children who see both heroes and villains achieving their aims through violence are likely to conclude_________

that force is an effective way to resolve conflicts

what do doctors say about ADHD?

that it may be over diagnosed

what do researchers say about ADHD?

that it may be under diagnosed

what do the studies on cooperative parenting show?

that this style increases child-father contact and therefore in creases the father-child relationship

30 year study of AP students found,...

that young people who took APs in HS found that they were more satisfied with their school experience and ultimately achieved more than equally gifted students who didn't take APs


the ability to identify something encountered before

phoneme-grapheme correspondance

the ability to link sounds with the corresponding letters or combinations of letters

what is one key to the advances of early childhood?

the ability to understand and regulate one's feelings

What is Gender typing?

the acquisition of a gender role, this takes place in early childhood, and children vary GREATLY in the degree to which they become gender-typed


the adoption of characteristics, beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors of the parent of the same sex


the average school offers physical education only ___ minutes a week

Gender Identity

the awareness of one's own gender and that of others, typically occurs between ages 2 and 3

theory of mind

the awareness of their own mental processes and those of other people

middle and high SES boys vs middle and high SES girls...

the boys did better on spatial tasks

What happens as muscular and skeletal growth progresses in children?

the child gets stronger, cartilage turns to bone at a faster rate and the bones then become harder, giving the child a firmer shape and protecting the internal organs **these changes, along with the still-maturing brain and nervous system, promotes the development of a wide range of motor skills

Class room observations of first graders found that..

the classes w/ 25 students or less tended to be more social and interactive but also with more disruptive behavior **Students in these classes tended to score higher on standardized tests and reading skills


the concept of comparing quantities (more or less/bigger or smaller); beings around 12-18 months ; at first is limited to comparisons of very few objects


the concept that people and many things are basically the same even if they change form

younger children who have experienced a traumatic event and do not understand why the event occured, tend to focus on ....

the consequences

What is Purpose?

the courage to envision and pursue goals without being unduly inhibited by guilts or fear of punishment


the deliberate effort to plant a false belief in someones mind; requires the child to suppress the impulse to be truthful ; children become capable of this as early as age 2-3

emergent literacy

the development of preceding skills: oral language skills and specific skills

property rights

the earliest disputes among siblings are over ___

the potential damage caused by exposure to tobacco is greatest during ___________

the early years of life

how well the child understand and accepts the parents message cognitively and emotionally

the effectiveness of parental discipline may hinge on .....

self esteem

the evaluative part of the self-concept, the judgement that children make about their overall self-worth


the fact that two things that are equal remain so even if their appearance is altered so long as nothing is added or taken away


the failure to understand that an operation or action can go in two or more directions

What characteristics of poverty seem the MOST damaging to children?

the family characteristics that accompany poverty

low SES boys vs low SES girls...

the girls did better on spatial tasks (Probably because higher SES boys are more likely to engage in spatially oriented play such as Legos and video games)

study of fifth graders found that...

the highest achieving fifth graders has authoritative parents **these children were curious about learning and liked challenging tasks and enjoyed solving problems

What do study findings highlight?

the importance of the preparation a child receives BEFORE kindergarten

What progression of a child's body system builds physical stamina?

the increasing capacities of the respiratory and circulatory systems during early childhood

what happened in the study with the school who added 30 days to their school year?

the kids who completed kindergarten outperformed their counterparts who were in a traditional 180-day program

siblings and non industrialized societies

the larger the number helps the family carry on work and provide for aging members

the more satisfied a mother is with her employment status...

the more effective she us likely to be as a parent

social capital

the networks of community resources low SES children and families can draw on to help improve their condition in life and do better in school

what is more important than marital status for children's development ?

the parents' ability to create a favorable family atmosphere

what is more important than the frequency of contact with the father (or non residential parent)

the quality of the father child relationship and the level of parental conflict

phonemic awareness

the realization that words are composed of distinct "phonemes" or sounds

social cognition

the recognition that others have mental states

2 and up

the standford binet is for ages __ and up


the tendency to attribute life to objects that are not alive

older children who have experienced a traumatic event are more aware of and worried about ...

the underlying forces that caused the event

oral language skills

the understanding that language is used to communicate

what is the improvement in children's dental health attributed to?

the use of adhesive sealants

self definition

the way children describe themselves

what might be more important than the outcome of a conflict?

the way the parents and kids solve the conflict

what might be a reason for girls getting better grades than boys?

their approach to schoolwork, girls tend to aim for mastery in the subject while boys are more interested in looking smart in front of the class

theory of mind

their awareness of their own mental processes and those of other people

self efficacy for parents

their belief in their ability to promote their children's academic growth

systematic desensitization

therapeutic technique in which a child is exposed in gradually increasing amount to a feared object or situation

individual psychotherapy

therapist sees a child one on one to help the child gain insights into his or her personality and relationships and to interpret feelings and behavior -more effective when combined with counseling for the parents as well

family therapy

therapist sees the family together , observes how members interact , and points out both growth producing and growth inhibiting , or destructive, patterns of family functioning -first step to solving the child's problems

what is one important change that does occur in brain development during childhood?

there is a "loss of density of gray matter" in certain regions of the cerebral cortex

how is the loss of gray matter and increase in white matter connected?

these connections thicken and become insulated, beginning with the frontal lobes and moving to the rear of the brain

What happens as children become more aware of which gender they belong to?

they adopt the behaviors they perceive as consistent with being male or female

what can children who understand their emotions do better?

they are better able to control the way they show them and to be sensitive to how others feel

what happens to children emotions as they grow older?

they are better regulated and they can respond to others' emotional distress

boys tend to be extra aggressive when a group is forming because ______

they are competing for dominance

What are Gender Stereotypes?

they are over-generalizations about male or female behavior

kindergarteners' views on emotions

they believe things like: -parents telling a child to stop crying will make them less sad -parents telling a child there is nothing to be afraid of will make them less afraid of the dog

diagnosis of mental disorders in children is important because ...

they can lead to psychiatric disorders in adulthood

Characteristics of children who have high voluntary control

they can stifle the impulse to show negative emotion at inappropriate times

what does the national education association say about the NCLB Act?

they claim that NCLB Act emphasizes: 1) punishment rather than assistance for failing schools 2) Rigid, largely unfunded mandates rather than support for proven practices 3) standardized testing rather than teacher-led, classroom focused learning

how have cognitive approaches to gender development made an important contribution to these studies?

they explore how children think about gender and what they know about it at various ages

what's up with the girls corpus callosum?

they have a larger corpus callous so they have better coordination between the two hemispheres...this may help explain girls' superior verbal abilities

Sixth graders' views on emotions

they know that emotions may be suppressed but they still exist

what happens when children realize their behavior or dress will not affect their sex?

they may become less rigid in their adherence to gender norms

what happens if children become too industrious?

they may neglect social relationships and turn into workaholics

what happens if children feel inadequate in comparison with their peers?

they may retreat to the protective embrace of the family

what happens after children outgrow rough and tumble play?

they often begin to play games with rules and join organized, adult led sports

boys and recess

they play more physically active games

girls and recess

they prefer games that include verbal expression or counting aloud ex: hopscotch and jumprope

what approach is recommended by researchers in regards to learning how to read?

they recommend a blend of both approaches

what do stages in early drawing reflect?

they reflect the maturation of the brain as well as of the muscles

what do experts say is a good idea so schools don't miss those who are gifted in unusual ways?

they say it makes more sense to put children in special programs tailored to their particular gifts, including arts + academics

what do critics say about the social cognitive theory?

they say that it does not explain how children differentiate between boys and girls before they have a concept of gender, or what initially motivates children to acquire gender knowledge, OR how gender norms become internalized

hostile attribution bias

they see other children as trying to hurt them and they strike out in retaliation or self defense -sets in motion a cycle of aggression -can be stopped by teaching the children how to control and stop anger

today, what do theorists suggest about gender typing ?

they suggest that gender typing may be heightened by the more sophisticated understanding that gender constancy brings

what do critics of the evolutionary theory suggest?

they suggest that society and culture are as important as biology in determining gender roles

what do many schools do now to decide who is gifted?

they use multiple criteria for admission like test scores, grades, class performance, creative production, parent/teacher nominations, and student interviews **IQ still is often the determining factor


think about several different aspects of a situation at a time

what does the case of the 7 month old baby say about gender identity?

this case seems to suggest that gender identity may ne rooted in chromosomal structure or prenatal development and CANNOT be changed easily

What is a gender schema?

this is a KEY concept of the gender schema theory, gender schema is a mentally organized network of info about gender that influences behavior, they usually develop with age

No Child Left Behind Act

this is a sweeping educational reform emphasizing accountability, parental options, and expanded local control and flexibility.

Whole language approach

this is the more recent approach which emphasizes visual retrieval and the use of contextual cues

Phonetic/Code emphasis approach

this is the traditional approach which emphasizes decoding

Second parent adoption

this is when one gay/lesbian parent has a child from a previous relationship, and their new partner/married husband or wife is now allowed to adopt that child as their own. THIS DOES NOT take away the rights of the original birth parent who is no longer in the relationship though. So essentially, the child could have 3 parents.

what kinds of kids tend to adjust better to kindergarten?

this w/ extensive preschool experience

what does the gifted IQ tend to exclude?

those children who are highly creative, who put unusual answers on tests and get marked off for them, minority children, and children w/ specific aptitudes

what kind of children make for the best readers?

those who can summon both visually based and phonetic strategies

resilient children

those who weather circumstances that might bligh others, who maintain their composure and competence under challenge or threat , who bounce back from traumatic events -likely to have strong bonds with at least one supportive parent -high IQs -


though girls are more aggressive than they seem, boys engage in more ____ physical or verbal aggression

how do siblings affect each other directly?

through actions

how do parents transmit cultural ideas and beliefs about how to define yourself?

through everyday conversations

how can mental retardation be prevented?

through genetic counseling, prenatal care, amniocentesis, and routine screening/healthcare for new borns + nutritional services for moms

how do siblings indirectly affect each other?

through their impact on each other's relationship with the parents

what is a typical gender role men are expected to fulfill?

to be protecters and providers, to be active and competitive

What is the intent of the NCLB Act?

to funnel federal funding to research based programs and practices, with special emphasis on reading and math. Students in grades 3-8 are tested annually to see if they are meeting statewide progress objectives and children in schools that fail to meet state standards can transfer to another school

a key to preventing childhood obesity may be...

to make sure older preschoolers are served appropriate portions without making them finish their plates

longitudinal TV study

took place during 1970, appx. 40% watched 3+ hours of TV daily @ age 5, each additional hour of TV watching above 2 hrs increased the likelihood of obesity at age 30 by 7%

-respect for elders -stresses adults responsibility to maintain the social order by teaching children socially proper behavior

traditional chinese culture emphazises _____


transitional stage in the control of behavior in which parents exercise general supervision and children exercise moment to moment self regulation

the ability to infer a relationship between two objects from the relationship between each of them and a third object

transitive inference

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

treat obsessive compulsive depressive and anxiety disorders

stern bergs theory identifies three elements , aspects, of intelligence: componential, experimental, and contextual

triarchic theory of intelligence

number of single parents households in US has _____ since 1970


t/f African American girls and boys tend to grow faster than white children


t/f Chinese children use different parts of the brain in reading than English speakers, and because of that, different parts of the brain were affected by dyslexia


t/f a father's frequent and positive involvement with his child is directly related to the child's well being


t/f adoptive children in two parent families are equally advantaged as biological children in two parent families


t/f as children grow older, pressures and opportunities for unhealthy eating increase


t/f at as young as age 5, overweight is associated with behavioral problems


t/f boys and girls do equally as well on tasks involving basic math


t/f boys are more affected by obesity than girls


t/f brain development during childhood is less dramatic than during infancy, but important changes do still occur


t/f children w/ innate gifts are unlikely to show exceptional achievement w/o motivation and hard work


t/f children whose parents are involved in their schools do better in school


t/f children with high self esteem tend to have parents and teachers who give specific, focused feedback rather than criticize the child as a person


t/f children's emotional or behavioral problems may reflect the level of parental conflict before the divorce


t/f cognitive gender differences are few and small


t/f disadvantaged children have more untreated cavities than other children


t/f do siblings influence each others gender development?


t/f earlier sleep problems tend to predict later sleep problems


t/f girls and boys spend about the same time using computers


t/f girls engage in more dramatic play than boys


t/f is adoption usually beneficial?


t/f many children who speak late eventually catch up


t/f more than half of all black children live with a single parent


t/f most children of divorce adjust well


t/f most mental retarded kids can benefit from schooling


t/f noncustodial mothers tend to stay more in touch than noncustodial fathers


t/f parenting styles may affect motivation


t/f parents strongly influence competence


t/f rates of death due to accidental injury are lower for kids than adults


t/f sex differences HAVE been found in these patterns of brain development


t/f some children show no response to the Synthetic Growth Therapy


t/f studies show that joint custody children were as well adjusted as children in non divorced families


t/f the majority of cases of ADHD the two symptoms go together


t/f the prevalence of sleep problems declines between preschool and school age


t/f there is a definite correlation between SES and risk of illnesses, injuries, and death


t/f today theorists no longer claim that gender constancy must precede gender-typing


t/f: children with poor self esteem often attribute poor performance or social rejection to their personality deficiencies


protective factors

two most important protective factors that help children and adolescents over come stress and contribute to resilience are ... 1. good family relationships 2. cognitive functioning

examples of fine motor skills

tying shoelaces, cutting with scissors


understanding conservation is limited by ____

school phobia

unrealistic fear of going to school


until at least age ___, most children do not reliably grasp the relationships between pictures, or scale models and the larger or smaller objects or spaces they represent

When does the boys' slight edge over girls where growth is concerned generally wear off?

until puberty

Is going upstairs or downstairs easier for a child?


corporal punishment

use of physical force w/ intention of causing pain but not injury so as to correct or control behavior **spanking, sapping, pinching, shaking popularly believed to be more effective than other remedies and to be harmless if done in moderation by loving parents (now this is being proven false)

by how many inches does hormone therapy typically increase adult height?

usually 1-2 1/2 inches

family influences

usually experience in the family seems to reinforce gender typical behavior

"parents by default"

usually grandparents, who step in if birth parents aren't fit to raise child alone (often a result of teenage pregnancy, drugs, illness, divorce, early death)


usually prevalent by age 3

what medicine development for major childhood illnesses has made middle childhood a pretty safe time of life?


instrumental/ proactive aggressors...

view force and cohesion as effective ways to get what they want -act deliberately and not out of anger -expect to be rewarded -stops if not rewarded

rough and tumble play

vigorous play involving wrestling, hitting, and chasing, often accompanied by laughing and screaming

the child simply looks at the word and ten retrieves it

virtually based retrieval

white and latino

vision problems are reported more often for ____ and ____ kids than for african americans

prosocial behavior

voluntary activity intended to benefit another -usually before their 2nd birthday, children often help others -girls tend to be more prosocial than boys but the differences are small -there is a prosocial personality/disposition

is handedness genetic or learned?

we still don't know

SMPY women...

went into mostly law and medicine careers

power assertion, induction, and temporary withdrawal of love

what are the three categories of discipline?

young children usually could not answer the question correctly and they described the mountains from their own perspective: evidence that preoperational children cannot imagine a point of view different from their own

what did Piaget find from the three mountain task experiment

- no trampolines

what does the AAP committee suggest to parents?

early detection

what is important in regards to aids or hiv

accidental injuries

what is the leading cause of death among school age US children

genetic factors

what may effect the ammonia systems response to HIV and AIDS?


when a child downed out a word trying to identify it, translating it from print to speech before retrieving it from long-term memory

visually based retrieval

when a child simply looks at the word and then retrieves it

cardinality principle in counting

when asked to count six items, children under 3 1/2 tend to recite the number names but not say how many items there are all together

3 years old

when does a child begin to use and understand pronouns

When are outcomes with compensatory programs the best?

when started as early as possible and last as long as possible

critics think IQ tests are centered around the style and language of ______________________ , putting minority children at a disadvantage

white people of European ancestry


who determined that younger children vs older children vary in results

Karen Wynn

who suggests that infants as young as 4 1/2 months have a rudimentary concept of number?


who was the first scholar to investigate children's theory of mind

emphasized visual retrieval and the use of context clues -based on the belief that children can learnt to read and write naturally -little support for its claims -encourages children to skim through a text

whole language approach

because children this age are not yet ready to engage in logical mental operations

why did piaget call early childhood the preoperational stage of cognitive development

-authoritative parents set sensible expectations and realistic standards -when a problem arises, an authoritative parent leads them to how to deal with the situation in a socially acceptable manner

why does authoritative parenting tend to enhance children's social competance?

they learn from their parents and any adults so when they witness an adult doing an violent act , they think it is okay for them to do it

why does witnessing violence lead to aggression?

what's a typical gender role women are expected to fulfill in most cultures?

women have been expected to spend most of time caring for household and children, to be compliant and nurturant

Do all societies have gender roles?


Is excess body mass a threat to health?


are cohabiting families more likely to break up than married families?


can the patterns of poverty be prevented?


does heredity influence literacy development?


does that % of fat correlate to adult diets too?


has it been suggested that gender schemas promote fender stereotypes by leading children to over generalize?


is there evidence that low dose pesticide exposure might affect the developing brain?

yes some, but not a lot

can early education possibly help counter the effects of undernourishment?


can these borderline people function?

yes! they can usually hold a job, live in a community, and function in society

do children vary on adeptness?

yes, adeptness depends on genetic endowment and opportunities to learn and practice motor skills

can dyslexia causes vary? how?

yes, by culture

do ADHD diagnosis rates vary?

yes, by gender, ethnicity, race, and geographic area

does SES have an influence on educational achievement?

yes, through its influence on the following factors -family atmosphere -choice of neighborhood -parenting practices

can effects of malnutrition be reversed?

yes, with an improved diet **most treatments go beyond physical care

fantasy life and their tendency to confused appearance with reality

young children fears stem largely from their ______

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