public speaking final exam
Persuasion means inducing audience members to change. What does that mean? a. The audience must see the cost of change as less than the benefit of the change. b. Since we make many changes in life, persuasion is relatively easy. c. The speaker should present change as large, clear, and challenging. d. Change is a pleasant procedure.
The textbook compares building a house or following a recipe for cooking to building arguments. This is an example of what kind of reasoning? a. literal analogy, and therefore a good argument b. figurative analogy, and therefore only good for illustration purposes c. sign reasoning d. generalization
________ plus ________ equals Persuasion. a. arguments, emotion b. information, change c. structure, problems d. information, benefits e. arguments, change
Generally, a guide to special occasion speeches is that they are expected to be ten minutes long. True or False
The content of the eulogy is for the audience, not the deceased. True or False
Although delivery can sometimes affect the response of an audience, generally audiences do not consider delivery as part of a speaker's credibility. True or Fasle
An informative speech can under some circumstances have opinion as its basis. True or False
Emotional expression is inappropriate in special occasion speeches. True or False
Since the commencement speech is about the graduates, speakers should refrain from referring to themselves or their own experiences. true or false
Special occasion speeches, because of the context, generally do not need the same type of considerations such as main ideas, transitions, and conclusions. True or False
The correct order of voice production is phonation, breathing, resonation, and articulation. True or False
This is a valid argument. "All tall people are from a European background. Benjamin is over 6'5". He is therefore from a European background." a. yes b. no c. it depends
In which of these special occasion speeches would humor be the most important aspect? a. toast b. roast c. eulogy d. speech of presentation e. speech of dedication
The members of an audience the speaker most wants to persuade and who are likely to be receptive to persuasive messages constitute the a. core audience b. target audience c. projected audience d. intended audience e. focus audience
"A series of speeches by experts in front of an audience with possible question-and-answer afterward is a ____________." a. forum b. panel c. symposium d. dais e. none of the above
Appeals to fear, compassion, guilt, or pride are the kinds of appeals that Aristotle referred to as a. ethos b. kairos c. pathos d. demos e. logos
If your speech is supposed to be 6-8 minutes long, which of these is best to shoot for when you time and practice your speech? a. 6:10 b. 8:00 c. 7:00 d. none of the above
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when standing to deliver a special occasion speech is to underprepare. True or False
When speaking to persuade, you need to think of your speech as a kind of mental dialogue with your audience. True or Fasle
A straw man argument takes place when a. only two possible options are given, neither of which are favorable. b. a speaker takes a weak or faulty but small part of an opponent's position and blows it up out of proportion. c. one incident is said to cause the next one then next one then next one, with an inevitable bad outcomes d. someone asserts that lack of proof for the opposite proves the claim is true
If you have to give a 5:00 to 7:00 minute speech, what time should you shoot for in your practice? a. About 5:00, since you will slow down when you give the speech. b. About 6:00 in case you speak too fast or forget something and have to add it in at the last minute. c. About 7:00, because you will probably talk too fast. d. none of the above
To create interesting language in a special occasion speech, use a thesaurus for synonyms. True or False
When people talk about being frightened by public speaking, they are mostly afraid of the preparation part. True or False
Monroe's Motivated Sequence takes the basic problem-solution format and expands it. True or False
One error often made in inductive reasoning is taking too large of a "leap" from examples to conclusion. True or False
Some opinions are phrased in ways that make them sound like facts. True or False
The red herring fallacy refers to statements that introduce an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion. True or False
The three parts of a syllogism are major premise, minor premise, and conclusion. True or False
What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To explain to my classmates the four characteristics of a diamond?" a. history b. biography c. ideas or concepts d. processes e. categories or divisions
Which of the following are true about practice? a. Practice out loud. b. Practice standing up. c. Practice with your visual aids. d. Practice with a lectern. e. All of the above
If a public speaker has several good reasons in support of his/her proposition, it is unnecessary to bring up and discuss the objections his/her audience may be thinking about in regard to the proposition. True or False
Humor is never appropriate in a eulogy. a. true b. false c. it depends
Monotone voice can come from lack of energy and passion and reading the text of the speech. True or False
Aristotle's term for evidence and good arguments was ____. a. kairos b. pathos c. ethos d. mythos e. logos
Informative speeches should be based entirely on ______. a. scholarly articles b. natural sciences c. expert testimony d. examples e. facts
In terms of voice production, volume is dependent on the step of _________. a. breathing b. phonation c. resonation d. articulation
Which would be an example of moving an audience from -3 to +2. a. "If you do not own a dog as a pet, you should immediately visit your animal shelter and meet a new four-legged friend to take home." b. "If you voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, you should realize that President Trump needs to be re-elected." c. "If you drive a pick-up truck, your next truck purchase should be a Toyota Tundra." d. "If you watch NFL football, you should consider subscribing to the NFL network."
At which of the following would you be most likely to hear a persuasive speech on a question of fact? a. a sports banquet b. a jury trial c. a sales pitch d. a political rally
What is the proper response to the appropriateness of this specific purpose statement: "To describe for my audience the battles of World War II in the Pacific." a. This topic is probably inherently uninteresting to most audiences. b. This specific purpose is too broad. c. This specific purpose is too specific. d. This specific purpose does not take audience diversity into account.
What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To explain to my classmates the life of Mother Teresa"? a. history b. biography c. ideas or concepts d. processes e. categories or divisions
A major difference between a typical persuasion speech and a motivational speech is __________. a. the motivational speech is only given to certain types of people/audiences b. the persuasion speech uses Monroe's Motivated Sequence c. the persuasion speech requires the speaker to cite sources d. the motivational speech depends mainly on emotional arousal
According to the textbook, you should try to achieve eye contact during ___ % of your speech. a. 50% b. 60% c. 25% d. 80%
The presentation of a carefully planned and rehearsed speech spoken in a conversational manner using brief notes is a. impromptu b. memorized c. manuscript d. extemporaneous
During which type of speech would this statement make sense? "There were many talented people in our organization who were considered for this honor, and I want every one of them to know that they have been an inspiration to me as a coworker." a. speech of presentation b. speech of dedication c. speech of acceptance d. roast e. toast
What kind of reasoning is exemplified in the following statement? "Politicians who are guilty of corruption do not deserve to be reelected. Last year our U.S. representative was proved to be corrupt by her use of campaign donations for personal financial gain. Therefore, our U.S. representative does not deserve to be reelected." a. generalization b. sign c. deductive d. causal e. analogical
What statement is repeated multiple times in Chapter 11? a. Practice makes permanent. b. Monotone and monorate come from lack of passion for the subject. c. Practice your speech beforehand the way you will give it in class. d. Eye contact is the most important aspect of delivery
When the textbook discusses the concept of "reservations," it means ____. a. refutation b. two-tailed arguments c. the rebuttals the audience is thinking about during the speech d. the audience sensing discomfort from the topic
When you give a persuasive speech on a question of value, you need to a. focus on a climax order in your points. b. organize the speech according to Monroe's Motivated Sequence. c. conclude your speech by urging the audience to get involved immediately. d. deal with all three basic issues of need, solution, and solvency. e. begin by defining what the value word means
Which statement is true about the action step in Monroe's Motivated Sequence? a. it is the third step in the sequence. b. it should explain why the problem is significant. c. it should specify immediate, small actions that can be taken to address the problem d. it is only found in the conclusion
Conclusions from inductive reasoning can be disproven by examples that contradict the pattern. True or False
Some microphones are directional, meaning that they are only effective when you speak directly into them. True or False
Several fallacies are related to causal reasoning. Which one of these is NOT related to causal reasoning .a. post hoc ergo propter hoc b. slippery slope c. red herring d. false cause
What constitutes factors of good posture? a. feet about two inches apart. b. knees locked c. roll shoulders back d. place feet on the lectern e. all of the above
Which step of voice production is responsible for the rate of the voice? a. resonation b. phonation c. articulation d. respiration
How would you explain a logical fallacy? a. it is a mistake in one of the standard reasoning processes, like generalization. b. it is an untrue statement c. it is using observation of the natural world d. it is means that the user of the logic will eventually be proven wrong
What fallacy is committed in this argument? "I don't think that the checkout workers at Kroger are very friendly. I tried to strike up a conversation with one last week, and with one a month ago, and they did not respond." a. false cause b. hasty generalization c. argument from silence d. appeal to tradition e. appeal to authority
"Be thankful, be gracious, be short" is good advice for a ___________. a. speech of dedication b. commencement speech c. speech of acceptance d. eulogy e. farewell speech
Speeches of policy should use the _________ form of organization. a. cause-effect b. chronological c. problem-solution d. logical e. climactic
What type of reasoning is being used in this example? "Chattanooga, Tennessee, has developed a high speed Internet infrastructure. Since Macon, Georgia, is the same size and also a city in the South, it will be able to develop a successful high speed Internet infrastructure." a. reasoning from specific instances (induction) b. causal reasoning c. reasoning by generalization d. analogical reasoning e. reasoning from principle (deduction)
Where would you be likely to hear a eulogy? a. courtroom b. sports award banquet c. classroom d. memorial service e. a wedding
To approximate eye contact, it is a good idea to think of three spaces on the back wall and focus on that. True or False
In a speech of introduction you should be sure to __________. a. explain why the speaker is famous, why he/she was chosen to speak here, and the topic of the speech b. explain why the speaker is qualified, why the audience should listen, or care about topic, and the topic/title of the speech c. explain how you first met the speaker, how he/she is connected to the organization, and the topic of the speech. d. explain how much you admire the speaker's work, why she/he is qualified, and a personal story about the speaker
Manuscript speeches are best for _____. a. times when the speaker isn't expecting to speak b. very formal occasions where exact wording is needed c. when the presentation will be recorded or televised d. occasions such as funerals
Sounds and words such as "uh" or "you know" or "like" are called ___. a. clichés b. vocalized pauses c. verbal breaks d. monotone frequencies
The specific purpose "To persuade my audience that their Second Amendment rights do not include ownership of assault weapons" is a proposition of a. value b. fact c. definition d. policy
A literal analogy compares two things that are essentially different but have one or two superficial similarities, while a figurative analogy compares two essentially alike things. True or False
You are unlikely to give many special occasion speeches unless you are in sales, business, or marketing. True or False
When social scientists talk about the difference between correlation and causation, they are talking about sign reasoning. True or False
What is second best use of hands in a speech, if you can't do the first best? a. to hold note cards b. to be placed quietly at your sides c. place them behind your back d. to use them to emphasize meaning and points e. holding the side of the lectern lightly
What should a presentation speech include? a. what the award involves (money, etc.) b. why the recipient is being awarded it c. what the recipient is going to do with the prize d. all of a-c e. two of a-c
Why do most people find persuasion hard? a. In general, people avoid cognitive dissonance b. In general, change is stressful. c. In general, people put up rebuttals when they are listening to persuasive messages. d. In general, people expose themselves to confirming messages. e. All of a-d.
Your voice should have variety or variation in which of the following? a. rate b. volume c. pitch d. pauses e. all of the above
Props might be appropriate for __________. a. a speech of farewell b. a speech of acceptance c. an after-dinner speech d. a roast e. a toast
The purpose of the lectern is to _____. a. Keep the speaker in one place to avoid movement. b. Hold speakers' notes c. Help speaker hide signs of nervousness d. All of the above
"The Catoosa County School System should provide mental health counseling on campus for all students" is a proposition of a. fact b. value c. policy d. definition
The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? "If we encourage elementary-school teachers to use hand-held devices in the classroom, the students will spend less time reading books. As a result, they will fall way behind in developing reading, writing, and thinking skills. Pretty soon we will have a generation of illiterates on our hands." a. invalid analogy b. bandwagon or appeal to popularity c. slippery slope d. red herring e. false dilemma
What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To inform my audience about the legal definition of privacy"? a. history b. biography c. ideas or concepts d. processes e. categories or divisions
What word means "statements that cannot be argued"? a. informative b. rebuttal c. irrefutable d. propositional e. refutational
A false dilemma fallacy a. assumes that because one event occurs first, it has to cause what happens next. b. attacks the person rather than dealing with the real issue under discussion c. introduces an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion. d. forces listeners to choose between two alternatives when more than two alternatives exist, and usually both are undesirable e. assumes that because something is popular, it is therefore good, correct, or desirable.
Benjamin wants to deliver an informative speech on his favorite topic, comics. Which specific purpose is probably best? a. To explain to my classmates why Superman is considered a better comic character than Batman. b. To explain the biographies of the three most important comic book creators. c. To describe to my classmates my trip to ComicCon in San Diego. d. To explain to my classmates the evolution of Batman's character from his creation to the Dark Knight trilogy.
The set of three statements that exemplifies deduction (such as, "All DSC students are intelligent; Mary is a DSC student; therefore Mary is intelligent") is called a. An enthymeme b. A fallacy c. A generalization d. A syllogism
What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement? "I always wear my blue sweater when I take an exam, but I couldn't find it yesterday. If I had worn it yesterday, I would not have flunked my accounting exam." a. circular thinking b. hasty generalization c. invalid analogy d. false cause e. faulty deduction
One way to think about persuasion is that the speaker creates, reinforces, or changes attitudes and/or action. True or False
When choosing evidence, choose evidence your audience is unlikely to have been exposed to before hearing your speech. True or Fasle
In which of these special occasion speeches would humor be the most important aspect? a. after-dinner speech b. motivational speech c. speech of acceptance d. speech of presentation e. commencement speech
The specific purpose "To persuade my audience that sex education reduces teen pregnancy" is a proposition of a. value b. fact c. definition d. policy
The time that you probably will not spend on research for a special occasion speech should be spent on __________. a. structure b. language c. delivery d. presentation style
What is the best use of hands in a speech? a. to hold note cards b. to be placed quietly at your sides c. place them behind your back d. to use them to emphasize meaning and points
What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To explain to my classmates the sequence of steps in getting a tattoo"? a. history b. biography c. ideas or concepts d. processes e. categories or divisions
If you are called upon to give an impromptu speech, what should you keep in mind? a. quickly plan a basic structure to keep you on track b. tell the audience that it's impromptu so they won't evaluate you harshly c. begin your speech with a light-hearted anecdote d. all of the above e. none of the above
Speeches that are given with little or no preparation, "spur of the moment" are _____. a. impromptu b. memorized c. manuscript d. extemporaneous
Using your credentials and believability in your speech is an example of what Aristotle called a. ethos b. kairos c. pathos d. demos e. logos
Which is most true about speaking locations? a. Outdoors can be the most challenging. b. If the audience wants to sit in the back of a large auditorium, demand that they come to the front. c. Your voice will not need to be as loud in a large but mostly empty auditorium d. All are equally true.
Which of these is good advice for delivery, according to the textbook? a. Only bring to the lectern what you absolutely need to give the speech b. Stand behind the lectern throughout your speech. c. Eye contact can be practiced by looking at the back wall. d. You should focus your eye contact on the instructor most of the time because they are the primary audience.
Is there a fallacy committed in this statement? "I know paranormal activity exists. Scientists have studied it for decades and none of them have proved it to be untrue." a. no, it is good logic b. yes, false dilemma c. yes, argument from silence d. yes, guilt by association
Where would you not be likely to hear a toast? a. Farewell dinner b. Wedding c. Celebration dinner d. Convention presentation
Why is it best to consider persuasion as a change or movement in the audience's mind that happens on a continuum or range over time? a. So that you can see any movement toward the right as progress. b. So that you can be realistic about not moving the audience from -3 to +2 c. So you can get a visual idea of where your audience is "located" on the range. d. all of a-c e. none of a-c
The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? "Eliminating the space program is clearly the right thing to do. A recent poll by CBS polling organization showed that 65 percent of Americans thought we should abolish the program." a. bandwagon or appeal to popularity b. false dilemma c. hasty generalization d. false cause e. invalid analogy
The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? "Why should we be concerned about climate change? There are human problems in this country, like poverty, that need our attention." a. red herring b. ad hominem c. hasty generalization d. slippery slope e. either-or
What kind of logical fallacy is this argument? "Governor Smith should not have been elected. After he was re-elected in 2014, the water bills of everyone in my neighborhood went up 20%." a. post hoc ergo propter hoc b. leading question c. appeal to pity d. ambiguity e. false analogy
What type of informative speech topic is a speech with the specific purpose: "To explain to my classmates the development of the football's design"? a. history b. biography c. ideas or concepts d. processes e. categories or divisions
When the major premise of a deductive argument is omitted to cover the fact that the premise is a stereotype, untrue statement, or opinion, it is called a. An enthymeme b. A fallacy c. A generalization d. A syllogism
You should start your preparation for the after-dinner speech by finding all the humorous material you can on your main topic. True or False
Inside or personal jokes are not helpful for some special occasion speeches, such as roasts, toasts, and after-dinner. True or False
What is one of the errors toast-makers commit? a. they talk about themselves b. they talk too long c. they speak to the audience instead of the toastee d. all of a-c e. none of a-c
John orders some parts from his car from a big online parts warehouse. In January he gets the delivery but it is not what he ordered, so he has to send it back and deal with customer service. In April he tries again with a different part, and again the company makes a mistake. "I am never going to order parts from an online company again. All they do is mess up." What can we conclude from this example? a. John is right and he should get his parts from local stores. b. John has used faulty inductive reasoning because the examples are irrelevant to the conclusion. c. John has used faulty inductive reasoning because he has taken too large of a step from the evidence to the conclusion. d. John has used faulty deductive reasoning because he has left out the minor premise.