PVN 102 EXAM #3 Health Promotion in Elder Adults, Grief, Loss and Dying

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Which comment is most likely to help grieving family members express themselves more easily (select all that apply. ) A. "I hear you saying that you miss your loved one very much." B. "Tell me how you're feeling." C. "Time heals all wounds" D. "I know just how you feel" E. "Things will get better"

A, B A. "I hear you saying that you miss your loved one very much." B. "Tell me how you're feeling."

Which of the five aspects of human functioning must a nurse address when dealing with a grieving person? (Select all that apply.) A. Spiritual B. Physical C. Emotional D. Intellectual E. Financial

A, B, C, D A. Spiritual B. Physical C. Emotional D. Intellectual

What should the nurse do to help the dysphagic patient? (Select all that apply.) A. Reduce distraction during mealtime. B. Sit the patient upright. C. Offer fluid from a straw. D. Thicken liquids. E. Cue the patient to swallow.

A,B, D, E A. Reduce distraction during mealtime. B. Sit the patient upright. D. Thicken liquids. E. Cue the patient to swallow.

Which areas are affected only minimally by age? A. Cognition B. Sexuality C. Physical activity D. Productivity

A. Cognition

The nurse recognizes that an older adult patient with COPD has a higher incidence of developing which age-related skeletal change that will alter the ability to exchange air effectively? A. Kyphosis B. Osteoporosis C. Osteomyelitis D. Arthritis

A. Kyphosis Kyphosis, usually caused by osteoporosis, is a curvature of the spine that alters respiration and air exchange.

What is age-related vision change caused by the loss of elasticity of the lens called? A. Presbyopia B. Cataracts C. Blepharitis D. Nearsightedness

A. Presbyopia

The nurse recommends a breathing technique to help a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to empty the lungs of used air and to promote inhalation of adequate oxygen. What is this method of breathing called? A. Pursed-lip breathing B. Increased inspiration C. Vital capacity D. Decreased expiration

A. Pursed-lip breathing

The home health nurse assesses that the goal of grief resolution has been accomplished when the nurse observes that a widow has performed which activities? (Select all that apply.) A. Put financial affairs in order. B. Adjusted to an environment without the spouse. C. Acquired a job. D. Sought new relationships. E. Made plans for a lengthy trip.

B, D B. Adjusted to an environment without the spouse. D. Sought new relationships. Environmental adjustment and seeking new relationships are clear evidence of grief resolution. A trip, arranging financial affairs, or finding employment may be a form of denial or activities that may be dictated by the situation and is not necessarily resolution of grief.

What is the most common cause of dementia? A. Medications B. Alzheimer's disease C. Parkinson disease D. Multi infarct

B. Alzheimer's disease

How often does a 76-year-old need a screening for preventive health? A. Every 2 years B. Every year C. Every 6 months D. Every 3 years

B. Every year

A change of aging related to the circulatory system includes decreased blood vessel elasticity. For what should the nurse assess? A. Tachycardia B. Hypertension C. Retained secretions D. Confusion

B. Hypertension

A nurse is caring for the dying mother of a 7-year-old child. What is important for the nurse to understand regarding the child? A. The child lacks understanding of the concept of death. B. The child associates death with aggression. C. The child believes his or her own death cannot be avoided. D. The child understands death as the inevitable end of life.

B. The child associates death with aggression. A child from 5 to 9 years old understands that death is final, believes one's own death can be avoided, associates death with aggression or violence, and believes wishes or unrelated actions can be responsible for death. A child between the ages of 9 to 12 years understands that death is the inevitable end of life.

To help prevent falls related to muscle weakness, what type of exercises should be selected for the aging patient? A. Daily B. Weight-bearing C. Running D. Aerobic

B. Weight-bearing

A young nurse caring for a dying patient hastens through the care and leaves the room as quickly as possible. What common reaction to the care of the dying is the nurse exhibiting? A. Anxiety B. Withdrawal C. Efficiency D. Anger

B. Withdrawal

The patient complains to the nurse about a newly developed intolerance to milk. What should the nurse suggest to fulfill calcium needs? A. Raisins B. Yogurt C. Apples D. Rye bread

B. Yogurt

When assessing the skin of an older adult patient who is complaining of pruritus, what should the nurse advise the patient to avoid to reduce further drying of her skin? A. Hard-milled soap B. Lotion soap C. Antibacterial soap D. Perfumed soap

C. Antibacterial soap

Upon being told of her father's death, the daughter cries out, "No! Oh, God, no!" What stage of grief is the daughter in? A. Anger B. Prayer C. Denial D. Bargaining

C. Denial

How is a durable power of attorney helpful to an incapacitated patient? A. It can only be executed by an attorney. B. It directs treatment in accordance with the patient's wishes. C. It directs an agent to make health care decisions. D. It gives power to an agent to make decisions regarding health, property, and other assets.

C. It directs an agent to make health care decisions.

What is the termination of tube feedings to a dying patient considered? A. Terminal care B. Holistic care C. Passive euthanasia D. Active euthanasia

C. Passive euthanasia

An older adult is having difficulty swallowing. What position should the nurse recommend to aid in swallowing? A. Chin parallel B. Chin to the side C. Chin upward D. Chin down

D. Chin down

What is the final stage of human growth and development? A. Integrity B. Despair C. Resolution D. Death

D. Death

Because thin skin and lack of subcutaneous fat predisposes the older adult to pressure injuries, the nurse alters the care plan to include turning the bedfast patient how often? A. Once every shift B. Every 4 hours C. Each evening D. Every 2 hours

D. Every 2 hours

When the nurse discusses prevention of cardiac disease, falls, and depression with a group of older adults, what are important to stress? A. Nutrition B. Sleep C. Medications D. Exercise

D. Exercise

At mealtime, the older adult seems to be eating less food than would be adequate. Compared to the younger adult, what is a requirement for the older adult? A. More fluids B. More vitamins C. Less calcium D. Fewer calories

D. Fewer calories

What is one positive aspect of Parkinson disease? A. Anti-Parkinson drugs have few side effects. B. Involuntary movements can be controlled. C. The disease does not alter ability to communicate. D. Intellectual function is not impaired.

D. Intellectual function is not impaired. Parkinson disease does not impair the intellect. The disease does alter the ability to communicate. Anti-Parkinson drugs have many side effects. The involuntary movements associated with the disease cannot be controlled.

Which symptom of diabetes distorts tactile sensation? A. Proprioception B. Loss of visual acuity C. Progressive paresis D. Peripheral neuropathy

D. Peripheral neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy is the presence of abnormal sensation and it distorts tactile sensation.

The older adult female patient is concerned about incontinence when she sneezes. What is the correct terminology for this type of incontinence? A. Urge incontinence B. Functional incontinence C. Overflow incontinence D. Stress incontinence

D. Stress incontinence Stress incontinence results from increased abdominal pressure, which occurs with coughing or sneezing. Urge incontinence occurs after a sudden urge to void and is associated with cystitis, tumors, stones, and CNS disorders. Overflow incontinence is associated with diabetic neuropathy and spinal cord injuries. Functional incontinence results from unwillingness or inability to get to the toilet.

The older adult patient complains to the nurse about nocturia. This problem is most likely related to: A. loss of bladder tone. B. decrease in testosterone. C. intake of caffeine. D. decrease in bladder capacity.

D. decrease in bladder capacity.

The nurse explains to a grieving husband that the process of the resolution of the hurt and the reestablishment of his life is called the __________ process. A. renewal B. denial C. acceptance D. grief

D. grief

The nurse initiates the application of a draw sheet on every bedfast patient on her unit to facilitate lifting and to prevent _________ forces.

SHEARING Shearing forces cause skin damage by friction; for instance, when a patient is dragged across bed linens during a position change.

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