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IT or F, f a student attends a foundation program, then they are not allowed to enroll in a Diploma program.


If students study vocational subjects at high school, then they may receive credit for _____ courses in the VET sector.


In 2001 what percentage of people followed non-Christian religions?

Marsupials and monotremes

Two unique kinds of mammals in Australia are

the traditional aboriginal owners

Uluru is jointly managed by Parks Australia and

20 million

What is Australia's population?

2 people per sq km

What is its population density?


What language other than English is most commonly spoken at home?


What percentage of Australian people speak an Indigenous language at home?


What percentage of Australians are Indigenous people?


What percentage of Australians in 2006 followed Christian religions?


What percentage of Australians were born overseas?

52.8 %

What percentage of people who speak Greek at home were born in Australia?


When students finish Year 10, they may receive _____ certificate.

must vote

When there is a federal elections, then Australians

Urban Areas

Where do most Australians live?

New South Wales

Where is Blue Mountains located?

South Australia

Where is Coober Pedy located?

Western Australia

Where is Fremantle located?

Northern Territory

Where is Kakadu National Park located?


Where is Melbourne Cup located?


Where is Port Arthur located?

Australian Capital Territory

Where is parliament house located?

Sydney and Melbourne

Which 2 cities have the largest populations?


Which state has the largest population?


Which state has the smallest population?


Winters are usually colder in what part of Australia?

english language courses (elicos), foundation programs, dilpoma programs, other bridging courses

four kinds of pathways that international students tend to use to eventually enter an undergraduate course.

new south wales, southern australia, western australia, queensland, tasmania, victoria, australian capital territory and northern territory

six states and two territories of australia


The Great Dividing Range starts in Victoria and finishes in northern

Scott Morrison

The Prime Minister of Australia is

the Liberal party

The Prime Minister of Australia is a member of the

The Governor-General

The Queen's representative in Australia is

one fifth

The Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage area covers about _________ of Tasmania

April 25

Anzac Day

January 26

Australia Day

the red centre

Australia's desert areas are known as the

introduced animals

Australia's ecosystems have been seriously damaged by

the Upper House and Lower House

Australia's federal parliament consists of

English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students

ELICOS meaning


New South Wales is Australia's oldest state.


Summers tend to be hotter and more humid in what part of australia?


T or F, A Certificate I is usually offered by the Vocational and Technical Education sector.


T or F, A Diploma course may be offered by the Higher Education sector.


T or F, A bachelor degree qualification from one university has the same level as a bachelor degree from a different university.


T or F, All students have the same learning experience at school.


T or F, An entrance exam is required for public primary schools.


T or F, Australia's federal parliament is located in Canberra.


T or F, Bridging courses are available for students wishing to enter postgraduate courses.


T or F, Bridging courses are usually longer than Foundation or Diploma courses.


T or F, Brisbane is the fastest growing city in Australia.


T or F, Darwin is located at the Top End of Australia.


T or F, Hobart was eventually settled in 1903.


T or F, International students only obtain a Diploma qualification so they can then enter an undergraduate course.


T or F, Meals and a laundry service are included in the cost of boarding at a school.


T or F, Significant amounts of gold were discovered in central Victoria.


T or F, The AQF allows students to decide on an appropriate learning pathway.


T or F, The AQF lists 18 different types of qualifications.


T or F, The AQF lists the courses provided by all education institutions in Australia..


T or F, The AQF outlines the qualifications for 3 education sectors.


T or F, Tuition fees for non-government schools include boarding costs.


T or F, Typically, Bridging courses do not provide a qualification.


T or F, Western Australia is the second largest state in Australia after Queensland.

Education and foreign affairs

The Australian federal government has important responsibilities such as

the huge number of marine species

The Great Barrier Reef provides a habitat for

the Premier

The leader of a State government is called the

completion of Year 11 and IELTS 5.5

The lowest entry requirement for a student who wants to study a standard foundation program is

foundation program

this program is usually the preferred pathway for the most prestigious universities.

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