Quality Management Final Flash Cards

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________ or "special cause" variation results from some event.


Under the Plan-Do-Check-Act approach to strategic quality planning the Plan step corresponds most closely to:

strategy formulation.

In the context of fault tree analysis, ________ events are faults that do not have a significance consequence or are not expanded because insufficient information is available.


In 1972, Congress created the Consumer Product Safety Commission to protect citizens from:

unreasonable risks of injury or death from products

Which of the following choices correctly matches one of Garvin's definitions of quality with its explanation?

value-based definition- if the product is perceived as providing good value for the price it has good quality

A(n) ________ is a group of data that is logically homogenous

variation within this data can provide a yardstick for setting limits on the standard variation between subgroups.; rational subgroup

For a theory to be complete, it must have four elements. These elements are:

what, how, why, and who-where-when.

A machine shop owner wishes to monitor the diameter of an engine boring operation where the piston bore should be 4.25". He obtains 8 samples of 5 and records the following data. What should the center line be for a chart that monitors process dispersion?


What is the system availability for something that has a mean time between failures of 168 hours and needs an average of 48 hours to repair when it does fail?


Two components of reliability 0.90 are in parallel and this subsystem is connected in series to a component with a reliability of 0.95. The overall system reliability is:


What is the system availability for something that has a mean time between failures of 100 hours and needs an average of 4 hours to repair when it does fail?


The loss caused by deviation from the target standard is $23.75 per unit and the Taguchi constant for the material is 95. What is the root mean squared deviation (V) from the desired target value?


If a product is marketed to a particular region, then the generic strategy in use is:


A commitment to quality by top management can be demonstrated by:


A ________ chart is used when data are geometrically distributed, and ________ charts are useful when data are hypergeometrically distributed.

g, h

The quadrant in the Risk and Return matrix corresponding to low risk and low return is called:

low hanging fruit

In the Forced Choice model, the organization's position is articulated by examining:

major future programs

T/F: Two items in parallel having a reliability of 0.90 have an overall system reliability of 0.81.


The acronym TQEM (as described in the textbook) stands for:

total quality environmental management

Deming's mantra was:

"Continual never-ending improvement"

A machine shop owner wishes to monitor the diameter of an engine boring operation where the piston bore should be 4.25". He obtains 8 samples of 5 and records the following data. What should the upper and lower control limits be for an R chart?

(0.00, 1.45)

A producer of contact lenses regularly takes samples of 100 lenses and inspects them for scratches. If a lens has a single scratch, it cannot be sold. The results of 10 samples are shown below. What are the lower and upper 3-sigma control limits?

(0.000, 0.049)

A parks and recreation worker counts the number of paint drips on each standard size park bench. The results from the last 10 benches are shown below. If the Parks Department decides to make a c chart, what should the lower and upper 3-sigma control limits be?

(0.1, 18.3)

Close tolerances are required in the submarine section of a squid proofing business. Since the customers demand quality, the owner wants to monitor the operation closely using statistical process control. After taking eight samples of size four, the owner finds himself with the following data. What are the lower and upper limits for a chart that will monitor process average?

(99.53, 100.46)

A system is to be composed of 4 identical components in series. What is the lowest reliability component that can be used in order to have an overall system reliability of 0.85?


Fifty crash helmets are tested for one hundred hours per helmet. Of all the helmets tested, only one experiences a malfunction during the test. What is the failure rate for the helmets?


Twenty defibrillators are tested for 24 hours per machine. Of all the machines tested, 5 experience malfunctions during the test. What is the failure rate for the machines?


What is the reliability of a product with a failure rate of 0.002 per operating hour and a useful life of 1000 hours?


The diameter of a mason jar is 3 inches but can be as large as 3.03 inches and as small as 2.97 inches. Twenty-five samples of mason jars are taken and it is discovered that these components have a grand mean of 3.01 inches and a standard deviation of 0.02 inches. What is the probability of producing bad product?


The upper and lower specifications for metal head plates are 5 cm plus or minus 0.1. A sample of the metal head plates in 25 undergraduates yields a mean of 5.05. We know that the population standard deviation is 0.04. What is the population capability index?


A system is composed of three components. Two of the items are in parallel and have reliabilities of 0.95, and 0.90. The third item has a reliability of 0.98 and this item is in series with the first combination. What is the overall system reliability?


CAI and CAT allow for ________ inspection of products at a relatively low cost.


The author thinks that the emphasis in statistical quality control shifted from control to continuous improvement sometime in ________.


A manufacturer of FAX machines checks samples of 50 units for functionality at the conclusion of the assembly process. The results of 10 samples are shown below. What sample is out of control?


The Taguchi constant for flooring materials is known to be $50/cm sq. and the cost to repair them is $300. What is the tolerance interval?

2.45 cm

In recent years, the Board of Examines for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award has consisted of between ________ members from across the U.S.

200 and 300

A particular customer requirement has a strong association with a technical requirement, an importance of 9, a target value of 3, and a 1 as a sales point. The relative weight of this technical requirement is:


One quality-related approach to improving the process of performance evaluation is the ________ in which an employee's peers supervisors and subordinates are involved in evaluating the worker's performance.

360-Degree evaluation

A machine shop owner wishes to monitor the diameter of an engine boring operation where the piston bore should be 4.25". He obtains 8 samples of 5 and records the following data. What should the center line be for a chart that monitors process average?


What is the Taguchi constant for a device that costs $250 to repair and a tolerance of plus or minus 2 mm with a mean squared deviation from the target of 0.2?


What is the approximate useful life in hours for a product having a reliability of 0.998 and a failure rate of 0.001 failures per hour?


Hammer and Champy have been surprisingly candid about the failings of reengineering admitting to a ________ or higher failure rate.

70 Percent

The producers of the Yugo automobile periodically inspect samples of 80 hoods for dents and scratches. A single flaw in a hood renders it unsuitable for installation in one of their fine automobiles. The results of the last 10 samples are shown below. What is the sample size for the np chart?


A particular customer requirement is somewhat associated with a technical requirement, has an importance of 3, a target value of 1 and a 3 as a sales point. The absolute weight of this technical requirement is:


Which of the following selections illustrates an instance in which service and manufacturing quality issues are the same?

Customer needs provide the major inputs to design

A parks and recreation worker counts the number of paint drips on each standard size park bench. The results from the last 10 benches are shown below. If the parks department decides to make a c chart, what should the center line be?


According to the text, ________ of the business for many service firms is in the form of repeat business.


State quality programs that use the Baldrige criteria but with a simplified process or application subscribe to the:

Baldrige-lite approach

Which of the following would potentially be a competitor of the PAL's Sudden Service firm discussed in the text?

Burger King

________ is based on the concept of 5w2h.

Business process benchmarking

________ such as return on assets or return on investment are probably the easiest to obtain and compare.

Financial ratios

The ten determinants of service quality as determined by Parasuraman, Zeithamel, and Berry include responsiveness, which involves the willingness or readiness to provide service. This is demonstrated by:

Calling the customer back quickly

________ diagrams are created by during brainstorming sessions with a facilitator by following these steps: State the problem clearly in the head of the fish, draw the backbone and ribs, continue to fill out the fishbone diagram, view the diagram and identify core causes, set goals to address the core causes.

Cause and effect

Setting up a ________ involves the following steps: identify common defects occurring in the process, Draw a table with common defects in the left column and time period across the tops of the columns, the use of the instrument then places check marks on the sheet whenever the defect is encountered.

Check sheet

In the context of the language of flowcharts, a ________ is used whenever the diagram leaks over to another page.


The essence of the 5 S system is to:

Clean up your act

Company A has a cost of goods sold of $30,000 and a scrap cost of $5,000 while company B has a cost of goods sold of $60,000 and a scrap cost of $11,000, which reflects 2.5 tons of scrap. Company B can sell their scrap to Company C for use in the school cafeteria at 20 cents a pound. Which of these statements is true?

Company B has a higher scrap efficiency than company A

________ products are new products using similar technologies that can coexist in a family of products.


________ engineering has resulted in the simultaneous performance of product and process design activities.


The adoption of aspects of a number of various approaches is known as the:

Contingency approach

According to Juran, ________ is a process-related activity that ensures processes are stable and provides a relatively consistent outcome.


In the conversion process, the feedback loop that involves gathering, analyzing, and using data to adjust the process is called the:

Control process

When comparing productivity figures from international companies, you must consider:

Cost accounting conventions may be different

An improved understanding of the operations / marketing interface has resulted in an increased focus on the ________ in many firms.


The role of marketing in design has been to bring the voice of the ________ into the design process.


The first theoretical attempt to link quality improvements to financial results was the:

Deming Value Chain

T/F: The u chart is a graph of the number of defects per unit.


T/F: A painting contractor wishes to compare the work done by several painters done in several rooms of varying sizes. If the contractor is concerned about drips and missed spots, an np chart would be the logical choice.


T/F: An h chart is used when data are geometrically distributed, and g charts are useful when data are hypergeometrically distributed.


T/F: Basic prototypes consist of a series of drawings developed by the designer on CAD systems.


T/F: Best-in-class refers to those firms or organizations that have been recognized as the best in your industry on some criteria.


T/F: Concurrent engineering means that product design and quality testing are performed at the same time.


T/F: Customer-based attributes are internal and engineering-oriented.


T/F: Deming became very well known for his book Quality is Free.


T/F: Dr. Tashiro Mifune, a former professor of the Tokyo Institute of Technology, developed the quality function deployment (QFD) approach.


T/F: Failure costs are roughly categorized into two areas of costs: tangible failure costs in intangible failure costs.


T/F: Failure modes and effects analysis is an analytical tool that graphically renders the combinations of faults that lead to the failure of a system.


T/F: Fortunately, there is a unified theory explaining quality improvement that is widely accepted by the quality community.


T/F: Leadership is the process by which a leader influences a group to move toward the attainment of subordinate goals.


T/F: Many Japanese firms have adopted the 5 S's in an effort to improve operations.


T/F: Most state quality awards are patterned after the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.


T/F: Process chart limits are equivalent to product specifications used in process capability studies.


T/F: Quality is no longer the major competitive concern of CEOs.


T/F: Quality through focus may be achieved by focusing on one item that appeals to all consumers.


T/F: Random or special cause variation results from some event.


T/F: Reliability is perhaps the most traditional definition of quality.


T/F: Soft data are measurements such as height, weight, volume, or speed that can be measured on a continuous scale.


T/F: Sole sourcing is a process for developing relationships with many suppliers for long contract terms.


T/F: The Lundvall-Juran Quality Cost Model states that as expenditures in appraisal increase, quality conformance should decrease.


T/F: The analyze phase of a Six Sigma project is used to select an appropriate project for improvement.


T/F: The conversion process results in outputs that are transferred to internal customers.


T/F: The marketing trend known as relationship management is focused on ensuring that internal company relationships are strong.


Which of Garvin's dimensions of quality include the bells and whistles contained in products?


Ishikawa's cause and effect diagram is also called a:

Fishbone diagram

The difference between management's expectations of service quality and the service quality specifications is:

Gap 2

Which scholar first introduced his approach to quality to AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1980?

Genichi Taguchi

________ is used to develop a computer compatible mathematical description of a part.

Geometric modeling

The move to green manufacturing began in ________ with requirements for importers to remove packaging material.


Which of the following is an example of a service industry?

Hotels and motels

________ quality refers to those quality programs that receive a lot of hoopla and no follow-through.


Employee satisfaction is an example of a:

Human resource measure

Which Baldrige criteria requires the applicant to document how key requirements for customer support services are defined and how these support processes are designed to achieve the overall objectives of the firm?

Process management

According to your textbook, quality will tend to provide a competitive advantage relative to other competitors by allowing forms with a high quality strategy to:

Incur lower costs they can pass along to consumers

A theory that is generated by observation and description is said to have been developed by the process of:


The employees that provide various CRM reports to managers should view those managers as:

Internal customers

Which of the following statements in not true regarding the forced choice model?

It is complicated when compared with other strategic planning models

Quality function deployment was developed by ________ in the 1960s, and it has been used in the United States since the 1980s.


In the context of quality, the most important event following World War II was the:

Japanese quality revolution

Late in his life, Deming commented that he had consulted around the world and had found that ________ commitment to quality was unparalleled.


Juran identified three basic processes that are essential for managing to improve quality. These processes are referred to as:

Juran's Trilogy

The development and dissemination of the basic seven tools of quality was the work of:

Kaoru Ishikawa

The quality scholar credited with democratizing statistics was:

Kaoru Ishikawa

The cereal company used as an example of the importance of new product development in the text was ________.


The core of quality management variables contains:


What luggage company was used by the Foster text as an example of a company that designed for reliability?

Louis Vuitton

Like engineers operations managers are very concerned about product and process design. However rather than focusing on only the technical aspects of those activities operations concentrates on the ________ of these activities.


Kanri refers to:

Management control

There are fundamental differences between R&D generated product ideas and marketing generated ideas (known as ________).

Marketing pull

When using the new seven tools, the output from a prioritization matrix typically feeds into a ________.

Matrix diagram

Six Sigma is a program begun at:


A local fraternity is deciding between three different refrigerators. The refrigerators have a mean time between failure and mean time to repair as shown in the table. What refrigerator will provide the greatest availability?

No difference between refrigerator A and Refrigerator C

A reason that a Six Sigma program will enjoy success is:

None of these are reasons that six sigma will enjoy success

A parks and recreation worker counts the number of paint drips on each standard size park bench. The results from the last 10 benches are shown below. If the Parks Department decides to make a c chart, what bench number is out of control?

None of these observations are out of control

A basic prototype is a:

Nonworking mock-up of the product that can be reviewed by customers prior to acceptance

Which of the following is not a component of the quality system model?

Organizational Behavior

The steps used in completing ________ include: gathering categorical data relating to quality problems, drawing a histogram of the data, focusing on the tallest bars in the histogram first when solving the problem.

Pareto Charts

________ analysis is similar to the 80/20 rule.


________ allows initiator firms to assess their competitive position by comparing products and services with target firms.

Performance benchmarking

The primary marketing tools for influencing customer perceptions of quality are:

Price and advertising; reduction of defects and improved organizational performance.

Failure mode and effects analysis was created by the ________ industry in the 1960s.


All of the activities associated with developing a product from concept development to final design and implementation is known as:

Product design

________ is an iterative approach to design in which a series of mock products are developed until the customer and the designer agrees on the final design.


The acronym QFD stands for:

Quality Function Deployment

The management processes that overarch and tie together the control and assurance activities make up:

Quality Management

Which of these is not a clause in the ISO 9001:2000 standard?

Quality control

In the context of the language of flowcharts, a ________ is used whenever processing is performed.


Michael Hammer and James Champy are well known for co-authoring the book:

Reengineering the Corporation

Parasuraman, Zeithamel, and Beery developed an important service related tool called:


The following steps are used to set up a ________: determine your X and Y variables, gather process data relating to the variables identified in step 1, plot the data on a two-dimensional Cartesian plane, observe the plotted data to see whether there is a relationship between the variables.

Scatter plot

A ________ is a flowchart that isolates potential fail points in a process.

Service blueprint

The four stages of the service benefit package design process include all of the following except:

Service concept investigation

If you select a physician solely on the reputation of the physician you are basing your decision of which of the following dimensions of service quality?

Service reliability

The ________ environment facing globalizing corporations refers to cultural factors such as language, business customs, customer preferences, and patterns of communication.


________ thinking is based on these three concepts: All work occurs in a system of interconnected processes, all processes have variation, understanding variation and reducing variation are important keys to success.


While Deming is best known for his emphasis on the management of a system for improving quality, his thinking was based on the use of ________ to continually improve.


In ________, not only are suppliers sole source providers, but they also integrate information systems and quality systems that allow close integration at all levels.

Strategic partnerships

In a house of quality, customer requirements that are candidates for improvement are ones that have:

Strongly negative

Attributes that relate to physical characteristics of a particular product or service are:



Survey instrument designed to assess service quality

The ultimate goal of strategic quality planning is to help an organization achieve:

Sustainable competitive advantage

________ reliability refers to the probability that a system of components will perform their intended function over a specific period of time.


The portion of a firm's environment that has to do with the operating structure that the firm encounters when globalizing is called the:

Task environment

Attributes that relate to time are:


Stephen Covey is well-known for authoring the book:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Which of the following statements is not true regarding the criteria for the MBNQA?

The criteria does not focus on actual business results

In a service blueprint, the activities below the line of visibility are referred to as the "back office." What does the term "back office" refer to in this context?

The portion of the firm's activities that the customer cannot see

The overriding concept to consider when discussing design for manufacturing is:

To make it easy to build

________ is the key to success in all quality management approaches.


Feigenbaum proposed a three-step process to improve quality. These steps include quality leadership, quality technology, and organizational commitment.


T/F : Performance refers to the efficiency with which a product achieves its intended purpose.


T/F: A decision is represented in a flow chart by a diamond.


T/F: A process capability of 2.00 or higher is Six Sigma.


T/F: According to your text, RCDQ is an acronym for reactive customer driven quality.


T/F: An important contribution of the marketing perspective has been the focus on service.


T/F: An np chart can be used whether or not the sample sizes are the same.


T/F: Cultural barriers in a company sometimes make the use of statistics for continued improvement difficult.


T/F: Deming's mantra was "continual never-ending improvement."


T/F: Four important traits of effective leaders are knowledge, communication, planning, and vision.


T/F: If a process is capable, it will consistently produce products that meet specifications.


T/F: If it is too time consuming or inconvenient to compute subgroup averages, a median chart should be used.


T/F: Life testing is a facet of reliability engineering that concerns itself with whether a product will fail under controlled conditions during a specified life.


T/F: Market diversity drives a need for culture-specific research and development.


T/F: One reason for the failure of statistical approaches to decision making is that organizations frequently lack the patience for collecting data. All decisions have to be made "yesterday."


T/F: Prevention costs are those costs associated with preventing defects and imperfections from occurring.


T/F: Referent power is derived from personal charisma or charm.


T/F: Reliability models assume independence between failure events.


T/F: Responsiveness is the willingness of the service provider to be helpful and prompt in providing service.


T/F: Service reliability differs from product reliability in that it relates to the ability of the service provider to perform the promised service dependably and accurately.


T/F: Strategic benchmarking involves observing how others compete.


T/F: The Baldrige criterion that asks firms to explain their methods of performance measurement is the Information and Analysis category.


T/F: The N=2 technique is an alternative to acceptance sampling.


T/F: The R chart is used in monitoring process dispersion.


T/F: The SERVQUAL instrument is useful for performing what is called gap analysis.


T/F: The analysis category of the Deming Prize covers the areas of selection of priority problems and themes, correct use of analytical methods, and use of statistical methods.


T/F: The first step in performing a QFD is to develop a list of customer requirements.


T/F: The lower control limit for a p-chart cannot be lower than 0.


T/F: The scatter diagram or scatter plot is used to examine the relationships between variables.


T/F: The three types of complaints that need to be resolved that are mentioned in the textbook are regulatory complaints, employee complaints, and customer complaints.


T/F: Two types of process variation commonly occur. These are random and nonrandom variation.


T/F: Typical product design to 3 standard deviation tolerances translates to about 0.5% defective product.


T/F: Using deduction, researchers propose a model based on prior research and design an experiment to test the theoretical model.


T/F: W. Edwards Deming consistently stated that continuous quality improvement was a slow process that required commitment of resources and time.


T/F: When testing failure rate, there is no distinction as to whether hours of testing are continuous or performed at separate times.


T/F: X (process population average) is an example of a variable.


________ include all of those activities involving interaction with suppliers.

Upstream activities

In the late 1970s, when it became apparent that many Japanese products had better quality than U.S. products, U.S. managers were surprised to learn that the Japanese still use the original lectures given by ________ to train new generations of business people.

W. Edwards Deming

Which quality scholar made the statement, "The worst thing for a business is a weak competitor"?

W. Edwards Deming

The ________ aspects place contextual bounds on the theory.


Which of the following is an example of a variable?

X(process population average)

The ________ aides us in monitoring the process mean or average.

X-bar chart

Excellent products that arise from advances in technology resulting from good engineering are marketed using:

a ready-fire-aim approach

In Taguchi's terms, "ideal quality" refers to:

a reference point for determining the quality level of a product or service.

Quality theorists Deming, Juran, Crosby, Taguchi, Ishikawa, and Feigenbaum all agree that:

adoption of a philosophy towards continual improvement is important.

Lab testing, inspection, test equipment and materials, losses due to destructive tests, and costs associated with assessment for ISO 9000 or other awards are examples of:

appraisal costs

P (proportion defective), np (number defective), C (number conforming) and U (number nonconforming) are examples of:


The cost of training for a single black belt typically runs:

between $10,000 and $16,000

________ refers to the impact of the reengineering process to the entire organization.


The use of ________ power tends to cause followers to rebel and try to even the power relationship?


The leader skill of communication includes this task:

conflict management

One of the difficulties in satisfying customer requirements is that in a dynamic environment, customer needs are:

constantly changing

A Type II error is called:

consumer's risk

Strategic plan ________ answers the question of what is to be contained in the strategic plan.


Hard data are measured on a:

continuous scale

According to the textbook, the literature concerning quality is:

contradictory and somewhat confusing

Prahalad and Hamel have identified the strategic concept of:

core competence

The ________ involves obtaining information from customers about the process they use to receive goods and services.

critical incident approach

Two important measures that are monitored are

defects per unit (DOU) and defects per million opportunities (DPMO).

Business cases, process mapping, voice of the customer, change management, and problem/objective statements are used in the ________ Six Sigma process.


________ refers to organizational elements such as responsibilities, measurements, information technology, and skills.


The method of developing products so that they can easily be taken apart is referred to as:

design for disassembly

Loosely speaking, ________ means to design products so they are cost effective and simple to build.

design for manufacturing

Which of the following process characteristics is more closely identified with total quality human resource management than traditional human resource management?


The process of applying engineering concepts to the design of a product, including tests such as heat transfer calculations, stress calculations, or differential equations to determine the dynamic behavior of the system being designed, is referred to as:

engineering analysis

Fault tree analysis uses two primary symbols called:

events and gates

According to Chase, warning methods, physical contact methods, and visual contact methods are examples of different classifications for:

fail-safe devices

The SERVQUAL instrument is useful for performing what is called:

gap analysis

The formal mechanism for identifying and correcting gaps is called:

gap analysis

A component of CAD that allows for the cataloging and standardization of parts and components for complex products is called:

group technology

Off line experimentation is performed during the ________ phase.


Commitment to quality means that leaders provide funding, slack time, and resources for quality improvements to be successful. This commitment is appropriately measured:

in decades

With ________, all work is inspected at each stage of the manufacturing process, and the workers inspect their own work.

in-process inspection

Marketing-generated ideas tend to be more:


Which of the following selections is not a leadership "skill"?


A prison is typically an example of an:

involuntary service

What type of power is derived from the position an individual holds in an organization?


There are two primary reasons that the results regarding the effects of quality on business results are mixed. The first reason is that there are many variables affecting profitability besides quality. The second reason is that:

many companies implement quality incorrectly

Variables that are uncontrollable are called:

noise factors

When a point is found to be outside of the control limits, we call this an ________ situation.

out of control

Defectives are monitored using:

p charts

Which type of power is derived from the possession of special knowledge (or the assumption that a person has special knowledge)?

power of expertise

To determine process stability, we use:

process charts

________ are graphs designed to signal process workers when nonrandom variation is occurring in a process.

process charts

A ________ is a tool to help brainstorm possible contingencies or problems associated with the implementation of some program or improvement.

process decision program chart

During the ________ stage of the project development process external and internal sources brainstorm new concepts.

product idea generation

The ________ process is based on the scientific method, which includes the phases of analysis, relation, and generalization.

quality control

Which of the following is not used for monitoring defects or defectives?

r charts

What type of power is derived from the possession of special rewards that a leader can bestow upon subordinates in return for desirable action?

reward power

Cletus Inc., plans to overhaul the cafeteria menu and has formed a four person team to evaluate alternatives. The team identifies four criteria and has ranked the Price criteria shown in the table below: What is the final Price ranking for alternative B?


Which two-step sequence is out of order for a typical Hoshin planning process?

senior management develops 1-year Hoshin goals - development of 3-5 years Hoshin

Samples can be systematic according to time or:


A local university is deciding between three different computer networks. The network servers have a mean time between failure and mean time to repair as shown in the table. Which server will provide the greatest availability?

server c

The snow board was introduced by K2 and Rossignol to appeal to what market?

skate boarders and young people

Each year, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the administrator of the Baldrige award, touts the outstanding:

stock performance of the winners

The dimensions of service quality that refer to the physical appearance of the service facility, the equipment, the personnel, and the communication material are referred to as:


T/F: Traditional purchasing is characterized by loose product specifications

the buyer relies more on performance specifications than on product design.; False

The phenomenon of customers providing part of their own service and adopting or rejecting what they please is known as:

the capricious labor problem

Feigenbaum's primary contribution to quality thinking in America was his assertion that:

the entire organization should be involved in improving quality.

Reliability models assume statistical independence between failure events. This means:

the failure of one component does not influence another to fail

Strategic planning implies planning for:

the long term

When we are interested in monitoring a measurement for a particular product in a process, there are two primary variables of interest:

the mean of the process and the dispersion of the process.

Problems in measurement can result from:

the measurement gauges are faulty, operators are using gauges improperly, and training in measurement procedures is lacking are correct.

In spite of the error associated with soft data, soft data is very useful in measuring:

the perceptions of customers

There are two broad categories of quality costs, namely:

those costs due to poor quality and costs associated with improving quality.

The process of developing specification limits is known as:

tolerance design

Supplier development includes evaluating, ________, and implementing systems with suppliers.


An ________ diagram shows the relationships between different issues. Assemble the header cards from the affinity diagram. From these cards, choose the header card that represents the most important issue, one the goal statement has been determined, ask, "what are the steps required to resolve or achieve this major objective or goal?", Once the major tasks have been identified, move to the next level under each task and ask for the second level tasks, "what are the steps required to resolve or achieve this objective or goal?", continue doing this or successive levels until you have exhausted your ideas for steps.

tree diagram

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