Quiz #1 Substance, use, and abuse

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Select the incorrect statement concerning receptors in the nervous system. Many psychoactive drugs exert their pharmacological effects by either activating or inactivating receptors on neurons. Activation of most receptors alters the functioning of the cell. They are protein sites on cells that respond to endogenous chemical messengers, such as neurotransmitters. Drugs that are agonists keep the receptor from being activated.

Drugs that are agonists keep the receptor from being activated.

Due to the fact that the majority of drug users have parents who used or use drugs, The American Psychiatric Association has classified severe drug dependence as a genetically related abnormality. TRUE FALSE


Hormones are chemical messengers used by neurons to communicate with each other. TRUE FALSE


In contrast to centuries past, today's drug dependence mainly refers to psychological preoccupation. TRUE FALSE


Interdiction is defined as increasing the supply of illegal drugs by imposing stiff penalties for trafficking. TRUE FALSE


The Opium Poppy Control Act was the first legitimate effort by the government to regulate addicting substances. TRUE FALSE


Select the incorrect statement. Parkinson's disease is due to damage of dopamine neurons in the basal ganglia. For the most part, drugs of abuse decrease the activity of dopamine in the limbic system. Drugs that alter the activity of dopamine-releasing neurons often affect motor activity. The Reticular Activating System helps to regulate the brain's state of arousal.

For the most part, drugs of abuse decrease the activity of dopamine in the limbic system.

______ is the maintenance of internal stability. Dependence Homeostasis Withdrawal Rebound


hallucinogens include

LSD, mescaline, MDMA(ecstasy), PCP, "magic mushrooms"

equal-opurtunity affliction

refers to the use of drugs,stressing that drug use cuts across all members regardless of income

endocrine system

relating to hormones, their functions, and sources

nervous system

relating to the brain, spinal cord, neurons, and their associated elements


repeating certain patterns of behavior until they become established or habitual

The most common example of this strategy is the use of the narcotic methadone to treat the heroin addict. supply reduction experimentation therapy replacement therapy none of the above

replacement therapy

relief phase

satisfaction derived from escaping negative feelings by using the drug

compulsive users

second category of drug users, an insatiable attraction followed by a psychological dependence on drugs

Which of the following is least likely to be caused by abusing anabolic steroids? sedation and a mellowing of temper stimulation of muscle mass headaches disrupted sleep patterns

sedation and a mellowing of temper


short branches of neurons that receive transmitter signals

drug calls

similar to tourists cells consisting of only three to five members to ensure operational security


site of communication between a message-sending neuron and its message-receiving target cell

Which of the following effects is least likely to be caused by a sympathomimetic drug? enlarged pupils of the eye reduced muscle contraction in the stomach slowed heart rate increased blood pressure

slowed heart rate

retrospective interpretation

social psychological process of redefining a person in light of a major status position


special proteins in a membrane that are activated by natural substances or drugs to alter cell function


specialized nerve cells that make up the nervous system and release neurotransmitters

Drugs that result from altered chemical structures of already existing illicit drugs are referred to as: structural analogs organic solvents structural mimickers underground CSA's

structural analogs


study of cellular DNA and its function

molecular biology

study of cellular functions and their regulation


substance abuse and mental health services administration


substances that affect both mind and body functioning


supporting cells that are critical for protecting and providing sustenance to the neurons

dependency phase

synonym for addiction

increased use phase

taking increasing quantities of the drug

substance use disorder

the american psychiatric association's diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, used for diagnosing mental disorders

disease model

the belief that people abuse alcohol because of some biologically caused condition

moral model

the belief that people abuse alcohol because they choose to do so


the chemical messengers released by nervous cells for communication with other cells

national institute on drug abuse(NIDA)

the federal agency responsible for directing drug use and abuse related research

Harrison Act of 1914

the first legitimate effort by the US government to regulate addicting substances


the growth and development process responsible for learning how to become a responsible, functioning human being


the pharmacological term for alcohol


the policy of cutting off or destroying supplies of illicit drugs

The word addiction is derived from the Latin verb addicere, which refers to_________________. the process of desiring things the process of binding things the action of desiring things the process of adding unnatural things

the process of binding things

labeling theory

the theory emphasizing that other people's perceptions directly influence one's self-image

characterological or personality predisposition model

the view of chemical dependency as a symptom of problems in the development or operation of the system of needs, motives, and attitudes within the individual

control theory

theory that emphasizes when people are left without bonds to other groups, they generally have a tendency to deviate from upheld values and attitudes

floaters or chippers

third category of drug users, need for pleasure seeking and the desire to relieve moderate to serious psychological problems/ using other peoples drugs, chronic drug users and experimenter types


two or more disorders or illnesses occurring in the same person, they can occur either simultaneously or one after the other

sensation-seeking individuals

types of people who characteristically are continually seeking new or novel thrills in their experience

drug testing

urine, blood screening, or hair analysis used to identify those who may be using drugs

Thalidomide: was used as a sedative for pregnant women. causes phocomelia in mothers that used the drug. is a schedule I narcotic. is available OTC to treat morning sickness.

was used as a sedative for pregnant women.

Which of the following concepts can be attributed to the control theory: 1) Individuals that are strictly controlled and disciplined are more likely to deviate from norms. 2) Individuals with weak bonds to conventional society are more likely to engage in drug use. 3) Drug users are more likely than non-users to have close relationships with their parents. 4) Drug users are less likely to participate in social organizations and engage in team sport activities. Only 1 and 2 None of the above are correct. All of the above are correct. Only 4 Only 2 and 4

Only 2 and 4

the 2 stimulant drugs that are mostly abused

adderall and ritalin


agents that antagonize the effects of acetylcholine


agents that mimic the effects of norepinephrine or epinephrine

gateway drugs

alcohol, tobacoo, and weed when used excessively may lead to use more addictive drugs (cocaine, heroin)

The orphan drug law: provides financial assistance to children lacking one or both parents. allows companies to receive tax advantages if they develop drugs designed to treat rare diseases and hence are not very profitable. permits rarely used drugs to be marketed by prescription. permits rapid development of drugs for serious illnesses for which there is no cure

allows companies to receive tax advantages if they develop drugs designed to treat rare diseases and hence are not very profitable.

switching policy

an FDA policy allowing the change of suitable prescription drugs to over-thee-counter status

double wall of encapsulation

an adaption to pain and avoidance of reality in which the individual withdraws emotionally and further anesthetizes himself/herself by chemical means


an extension of the neuronal cell body along which electrochemical signals travel

secondary deviance

any type of deviant behavior in which the perpetrator identifies with deviance

primary deviance

any type of initial deviant behavior in which the perpetrator does not identify with the deviance

demand reduction

attempts to decrease individuals tendencies to use drugs, often aimed at youth, with emphasis on reformulating values and behaviors

conventional behavior

behavior largely dictated by custom and tradition, which is often disrupted by the forces of rapid technological change

cannabinoid system

biological target of tetrahydrocannabinol in weed

the most widely used illicit drug

cannabis(weed and hashish)

It is believed that most drugs with abuse potential enhance pleasure centers by_____________________. causing the retention of dopamine causing the release of dopamine causing the release of serotonin causing the over production of serotonin

causing the release of dopamine


chemical messengers released into the blood by glands

anabolic steroids

compounds chemically like the steroids that stimulate production of tissue mass

preoccupation phase

constant concern with the supply of the drug

autonomic nervous system ANS

controls the unconscious functions of the body

frontal cortex

cortical region essential for information processing and decision making

low-risk drug choices

developing values and attitudes that lead to controlling the use of alcohol and drugs

high-risk drug choices

developing values and attitudes that lead to using drugs both habitually and addictively

substance use disorders and substance induced disorders(addictive disorders)

differentiations for substance dependence in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

employee assistance programs(EAPs)

drug assistance programs for drug-dependent employee's


drug enforcement administration, forcing drug laws


drug users and/or sympathizers


first category of drug users, often use drugs for recreational purposes




hormones related to the corticosteroids released from the adrenal cortex

psychoactive effects

how drug substances after and affect the brain's mental functions

illicit drugs

illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaince, and LSD

Taking drugs without a prescription to treat a health problem or illness, such as the use of amphetamines by truckers, is termed ________use, whereas taking illicit drugs to experience fun, pleasure, or euphoria is termed _________use. legal instrumental; legal recreational legal instrumental; illegal instrumental illegal recreational; legal recreational illegal instrumental; illegal recreational

illegal instrumental; illegal recreational

Psychological theories tend to focus more on the ______ state of the individual; while sociological theories focus on factors that are ______. mental; behavioral external; internal internal; external emotional; social

internal; external

Phase I clinical trials: involve thousands of health volunteers. involve healthy volunteers or even patients with a medical problem a drug is intended to treat, and is designed to determine the safety of a drug. precede filing of an IND. do not require FDA oversight.

involve healthy volunteers or even patients with a medical problem a drug is intended to treat, and is designed to determine the safety of a drug.

why is psychoactive drugs(substances) preferred?

is more precise in referring to how drugs affect the body, how they affect the CNS

drug cartels

large, highly sophisticated organizations composed of multiple drug trafficking organizations and calls with specific assignments


legalized drugs sold without a prescription

licit drugs

legalized drugs such as coffee, alcohol, and tobacco

The use of _______drugs causes far more deaths, sickness, violent crimes, economic loss, and other social problems than the use of all other drugs combined. prescription licit illicit stimulant



maintenance of internal stability

master status

major status position in the eyes of others that clearly identifies an individual


male sex hormone


neurotransmitters that have narcotic-like effects

designer drugs/synthetic drugs

new drugs that are developed by people intending to circumvent the illegality of a drug by modifying a drug into a new compound, ecstasy


nonusers and/or those who are against drug use

drug courts

a process that integrates substance abuse treatment, incentives and sanctions and places nonviolent, drug involved defendants in judicially supervised rehabilitation programs


a receptor type activated by ACh, usually excitatory


a receptor type activated by ACh, usually inhibitory


a sedative drug that, when used during pregnancy, can cause severe developmental damage to a fetus

addiction to pleasure theory

a theory assuming that it is biologically normal to continue a pleasure stimulus once begun


a theory of personality and method of psychotherapy originated by sigmund freud

social learning theory

a theory that places emphasis on how individual learns patterns of behavior from the attitudes of others, society, and peers


a type of substance that activates a receptor


a type of substance that blocks a receptor

needle-exchange programs

publicly funded programs that distribute new, uncontaminated needles to drug addicts in exchange for used injections needles to prevent spread of HIV and hepatitis B and C

differential reinforcement

ratio between reinforcers, both favorable and disfavor able, for sustaining drug use behavior

opiate receptors

receptors activated by opioid narcotic drugs such as heroin and morphine

Within the past month approximately ____ percent of ________ workers reported alcohol use. 65; full-time 65; part-time 23; full-time 82; part-time

65; full-time

In 2011, approximately __________ people used an illicit drug during their lifetimes. 55 million (23.2%) 200 million (53.7%) 1.3 billion (76.2%) 121 million (47%)

121 million (47%)

An over-the-counter drug not generally recognized as safe or effective for the claimed therapeutic indication is classified as: Category I Category II Category III Category IV

Category II

worlds largest producer of opium


Select the incorrect statement concerning the hypothalamus. Because it is isolated, drugs of abuse are less likely to affect the hypothalamus than other brain areas. It is important in the CNS regulation of endocrine systems. It serves as the CNS control center for the autonomic nervous system. It is important in maintaining homeostasis in the body.

Because it is isolated, drugs of abuse are less likely to affect the hypothalamus than other brain areas.

The decline of patent medicines began with passage of the: Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 Harrison Act of 1914 Narcotics Control Act of 1956 Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988

Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

Drugs in which of the following schedules generally have the lowest abuse potential? Schedule I Schedule II Schedule IV Schedule V

Schedule V

________ in ten drug users work ______ time. Seven; part Five; full Seven; full Five; part

Seven; full

______________ theories view a person's day-to-day social psychological relations as a primary cause for drug use, whereas _____________ theories tend to view the structural organization of a society, peer group, or subculture as responsible for drug use. Social influence; social recognition Social awareness; structural influence Social influence; structural influence Social recognition; structural awareness

Social influence; structural influence

___________ places emphasis on how people learn patterns of behavior from the attitudes of society, whereas ___________ explains drug use as a largely peer-generated activity. Structural influence theory; imitation theory Labeling theory; structural learning theory Learned action theory; pop-culture theory Social learning theory; subculture theory

Social learning theory; subculture theory

Anabolic steroids are used to increase muscle mass and their side effects include heart disease, liver cancer, high blood pressure, septic shock, impotence, genital atrophy, and mood swings. TRUE FALSE


Both motor activity and mental state are usually altered by drugs that affect the neurotransmitter dopamine. TRUE FALSE


Broadcast advertisements for prescription drugs must include the product's most important risk-related information. TRUE FALSE


Natural chemicals, produced by the body, can cause the same effects as narcotic drugs. TRUE FALSE


Social and cultural support perspective views drug use as a collective attempt to gain social status and prestige within a peer group. TRUE FALSE


Socialization refers to the internalization of attitudes, values, and behaviors that are needed in order to become participating members in conventional society. TRUE FALSE


The limbic system in the brain helps to regulate memory and emotional activities. TRUE FALSE


Drug abuse has been historically evident since__________. The early pioneer days Travel between continents became commonplace The Hammurabi Code in 2240 BC The Depression era

The Hammurabi Code in 2240 BC


a birth defect, impaired development of the arms, legs or both

personality disorders

a broad category of psychiatric disorders, character disorders, includes antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorders, schizoid disorder


a class of biochemical compounds including the transmitters norepinephrine, epiniephrine, and dopamine

supply reduction

a drug reduction policy aimed at reducing the supply of illegal drugs and controlling other therapeutic drugs


a method of abuse prevention that protects drug users by teaching them responsibility


a method of self-care in which an individual users non prescribed drugs to treat untreated and often undiagnosed medial aliments involving his/her psychological conditions

synaptic cleft

a minute gap between the neuron and target cell, across which neurotransmitters travel


a naturally occurring fatty acid neurotransmitter that selectively activates cannabinoid receptors


a neurotransmitter present in regions of the brain that regulates movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feelings of pleasure

structural analogs

a new molecular species created by modifying the basic molecular skeleton of a compound


drugs derived from opium, prescribed for physical pain

Research revealed that the lowest rates of past month illicit drug use were found in_____________. construction and food service mining and finance educational services and utilities manufacturing and mining

educational services and utilities

holistic self-awareness approach

emphasizes that nonmusical and often recreational drug use interferes with the healthy balance among the mind, body, and spirit

subculture theory

explains drug use as a peer-generated activity

genetic and biophysiological theories

explanations of addiction in terms of genetic brain dysfunction and biochemical patterns

nucleus accumbens

part of the CNS limbic system and a critical brain region for reward systems

Which of the following is not a factor specifically listed as affecting how a user experiences a drug? cultural factors personal factors contextual factors social factors

personal factors

withdrawal phase

physical and/or psychological effects derived from not using the drug

what are the 6 types of major drug uses

prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, recreational drugs, illicit drugs, herbal preparations, commercial drugs

withdrawal symptoms

psychological and physical symptoms that result when a drug it absent from the body


psychological attachment to a drug

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