Quiz 2 FYS
categorized as safe when you know your limits, are emotionally mature, and have a sense of communication - safe word
a trend shows college students find two characteristics unnecessary precursors for sex
commitment/ emotional connection
What is the Kinsey scale
scale to see if a person has ever had a sexual interaction with the same gender - gay scale
porn and BDSM...
set an unrealistic example for hooking up - by the time we are 18 we see approximately 2000 sexual events - we are just use to the whole hook-up culture
younger generations
shouldn't know about sex and shouldn't do it - kids are more open about the subject about sex these days
what is cross-sectional because that's what survey is
study was not longitudinal in a statistical sense, as she was not surveying the same people over a span of time - survey size was not big enough--- only 350 students
technology is good but not...
in regards to sexual partners, people would much rather have..
- "fill in the boxes" - multiple sexual partners instead of settling down with one person - people will hopefully mature and move past it - we have been taught that we only have one person to love - however there are other ways to love people now, depends on our attitudes
, Henriques illustrates five considerations about mental illness specific to college life. Name one of the five and give an example of why it is contributing to mental instability in college.
- A Dramatic Transition: adjustment difficulty - Intense Academic Pressures to Succeed: massive grade inflation, overprotective parenting - Massively Increased Accessibility to College: more access to college today, while in the past they may have never been able to attend - Shifting Gender Ratios: males tend to have more externalizing problems relating to violence and substance use and women have more problems relating to stress, anxiety, and depression - Poor Handling of (Some) Mental Health Issues on College Campuses: universities are responding to mental health challenges in a defensive and problematic way
What are some reasons listed for why people like or even prefer kink and BDSM? List one example.
- For some, pain releases the same kind of endorphins you might feel after running 10 miles, or orgasm - Some enjoy the intense power dynamics involved in being completely dominant or submissive to someone else - Some people have fetishes for certain objects, and feel that incorporating it in sexual interactions will satisfy them more
Digital wisdom
- tools are neutral - directions are not necessarily neutral... depends entirely on problem solving and how we solve ever-developing problems
What were some of the ways that the experienced BDSM practitioners said were ethical ways to consensually combine sex and pain? Give one example.
-Self-knowledge-(know your facts) -Communication Skills-(know your limits) -Emotional Maturity-(know your maturity level) (in order to make sex safe and mutually gratifying) (The most troubling thing about the sex in Fifty Shades isn't the BDSM itself, it's the characters' terrible communication)
the style and purpose of the study
-study was classified as "exploratory" because Dr. Caron is explaining the results of her data and because it is describing the actual trends - study reads as facts - descriptive: thin description and superficial account: put all the stories together and make a story for yourself
"What is the average age in which a person loses their virginity?"
16-17 years old
percent of graduate students had experienced an emotional or stress-related problem that affected their well-being and/or academic performance in the last twelve months?
what percentage of college students reported wanting to get married
when Emma Tietal sums up the reality of hook up culture she says we need to learn lessons trough what?
refer to question one in the research questions
How have the sexual patterns of millennials changed compared to the sexual trends of college students in the 80s/90s - This first question reminds us that we have to always have questions first, not answers, as everything form of research has a fundamental question/purpose
naturally having info makes us a good person..
Not only being able to imagine or select the good thing, but DOING the good thing.
In the first article when talking about the bottom line if casual sex is good or bad the article says if casual sexual activity doesn't violate three things it wont be a problem for you. What is one of these three things?
Your moral code, your sense of integrity, the commitments you made to yourself and others
mar prensky says the tools we have...
developments of technology
Which mental health concern demonstrated a marked increase between the 1980s and 1990s, and has now been on a steady decrease since then?
episodes of violent crime on campus
hookups with the boomers
everyone was "doing" as many people as we are now but what has changed is our pretenses -our pretenses are based off of many emotionless connections and fewer sexual relationships based on love
which one of ana's friends end up being a bit of a sexual predator
college students these days are having a different kind of sex...
less love induced sex
Deviancy Amplification Spiral
media pumps up a story which consequently hypes the audience to talk about the issue
hook-up culture is...
more dominant these days in college than a couple being in love -the amount of people who say it is important to be in love is about 61% versus 39% of people who do not think it is a big deal to have sex while not being in love -People normally think that most people who are having sex are in love and see the relationship as potentially long term but that is not always the case especially in college
if a couple who is getting married cares if one partner lost their virginity beforehand and the other one had not previously
most people do not care. men more likely want a virgin while women like a non-virgin
the number of sexual partners has...
not changed within the last 20 years but the attitude towards sex has changed
one being controlled
technology solves...
problems - the problems are because a lack of information - accessible technology is essential
as casual sex increases what decreases?
psychological well-being
the hookup culture is roughly...
the same from the 1990s- today
what is the key mission of the gaggle
to help women realize that having several ambiguous partners can be as emotionally satisfying as having one
couples or friends with benefits usually talk about...
use of condoms before having sex - 79% will say no condoms no sex