Quiz 2 Review

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Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Pg 113 Established in 1934, the principal communications regulatory body at the federal level in the United States.

Federal Radio Commission (FRC)

Pg 113 Formed by the Radio Act of 1927, the commission, the precursor to the FCC, created a policy that favored fewer high-power radio broadcasting stations rather than more numerous low-power stations.

National Broadcasting Company (NBC), Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 58%, ABC

Pg 113 The rise of radio networks ___ Was the first network, created in 1926 when Sarnoff of RCA purchased New York station WEAF (now WNBC) from AT&T for 1 mill ___ was the second network, first as the United Independent Broadcasters in 1927 and then after partnering with Columbia Phonograph and Records company, becoming the ___ ___ ___ (maintained number one position - called itself the Tiffany Network - although it was also called Black rock) - By 1935 ___ pf 62 stations nationwide were part of wither network and in 1940's a third commercia network emerged ___

diverse, Telecommunications Act, duopoly, oligopoly

Pg 113 Throughout most of the 20th century radio ownership in the United States was relatively ___ - this was partly a result of federal laws preventing any one person or organization from owning more than 20 FM and 20 Am stations - Regulatory changes in 1992 and the passage of the ____ ___ in 1996 resulted in new FCC rules that eliminated such restrictions (still must be a US citizen) - former FCC ___ rules prohibited sole ownership operation or control of more than 2 AM or FM in the largest markets and also limited to 25% share - in the 1990's and 21st century, regulatory shift led to consolidation and the radio industry has become more of an ___


Pg 115 Radio Station Programming - specialization: program formats, time of day for certain formats and especially audience demographics - Also uses ___ which is a segment of time used by radio and television programs planners to determine their primary audience during that time of day or night - to reduce operating costs, more and more stations are relying on computer automated systems that use Remote DJs and set music programming

digital revenues, call letters, KDA, KZZ

Pg 115 The radio industry today - Declining American radio revenues every year since 2006 started to show a reversal, with a 5.4% rebound in 2010 and another 1.2 percent increase in 2011 to 14.1 billion - the turnaround was in part due to a rise in ___ ___ - currently 10,000 commercial radio stations and 2.500 non commercial radio stations in the US - All US stations are assigned __ ___ designating the station and their geographic location east or west of the Mississippi river (stations east get a W and stations west get a K) - Under An international agreement issued at the London International Radiotelegraph Conference in 1912, different countries were awarded different letters. The US received ____ to ___

Clear Channel

Pg 115 ___ ___ number of stations and markets exceeds the number of the next three radio groups combined

Satellite radio

Pg 118 More akin to audio programming than to traditional broadcast radio, ___ uses digital signals broadcast from a satellite - with up to 70 channels of CD quality music in a variety of formats and dozens of third-party news sports, talk and old time radio programs, has one the loyal following of 24 million subscribers in the US - subscription service entails fewer content restrictions

developing countries

Pg 118 Radio has proven to be a very important information source in - trusted

Sirius Satellite Radio, XM Satellite Radio (became Sirius XM radio)

Pg 118 Started out as CD radio in the early 1990's launched its satellites in 2000 and began broadcasting in 2002. __ launched soon after and competed vigorously in offering exclusive access

images, motion pictures

Pg 127 Still ___ were to mass media of the mid-nineteenth century what __ ___ were to the twentieth - for the movie industry, technology could not only re-create reality, but create it


Pg 127 THe primary function of motion pictures is to ____ . However many critics consider cimena to be a serious visual rt form comparable to painting, sculpture or architecture with a history of important social influence - still most produced in US are intended to make money

Kodak, Fujifilm, digital cameras

Pg 127 ___ declared bankruptcy in January 2012, ___ , headquartered in Tokyo and the world largest photographic company has also seen business diminish, but integrated digital tech more effectively into business model - ___ ___ allow anyone to take professional-quality pictures without manual camera adjustments

1910's, Birth of a Nation

Pg 129 Many silent firms were little more than novelties. But by the ____ the medium began to evolve into an important storytelling vehicle ___ __ ___ , American D. W. Griffith's 1915 controversial classic was the first major full-length firm to introduce many innovative cinematic techniques, such as crosscutting to portray battle scenes

Music piracy, digital transformation, Grand Theft Orchestra

Pg 102 __ and ___ of the traditional music business have inspired musical arts to seek innovative funding - one example is Amanda Palmer and her band ___ ___ ___ - used digital crowdfunding, specifically Kickstarter - available on mobile app, can add art books, and digital downloads, fans can pre order thereby participating in the musical creation process

Amplitude modulation

Pg 107 Radio carrier signal modified by variations in wave amplitude

Frequency modulation

Pg 107 Radio carrier signal modified by variations in wave length/frequency - less expensive to transmit it has enabled many highly localized community radio stations to operate around the US and internationally

Amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, satellite

Pg 107 What are the 3 types of radio broadcasting?


Pg 107 __ is an entirely different method of delivering audio programming from traditional AM or FM. While both are broadcast, in the sense that they reach mass audiences, but __ delivery make sit more akin to airplane audio programming than true broadcast

Radio, United States

Pg 107 __ is the most widely available medium of mass communication around the world and most heavily used medium in the ____ (on average 2.5 hrs a day) - at least 99% of all US HH have a ___ receiver - less expensive to produce, transmit and receive than television - highly portable - doesn't require literacy to understand

Murnau, Flaherty, Einstein

Pg 129 Murnau, Flaherty and Eisenstein 1) In 1922, German Director F.W. ____ created Nasferatu an unforgettable adaptation of Bram Strokers Dracula that helped develop language in film 2)Also in 1922, American Robert ___ directed Nanook of the North, the first great documentary film (eskimo whaler) 3) Russian filmmaker Sergei ___ pioneered fast cuts between scenes, similar to the editing commonly seen in music videos

commercial sponsorship, audience size

Pg 112 Creating a viable business model for Radio - Experiments with __ ___ through the mid 1920's drew outspoken criticism of advertising on public airwaves - issue exemplified in 1924 issue of Radio Broadcast magazine - essay contest "who is going to pay for radio and how?" - confluence of commercial interests, government decision and lack of coordination among advocates of publicly supported broadcasting made privately owned stations with on-air advertising the standard business model - consequently the engine that drives profits is __ __


Pg 112 For the most half of the 20th century ___ radio listening exceeded ___. However, in the late 1970's this shifted - because inclusion of the FM dial in most car radios, changes in programming, regulatory changes, combined with the fact that FM was less static

National Public Radio (NPR)

Pg 112 ___ debuted on April 19 1971 with live coverage of the Senate Vietnam hearings, and a month later it broadcasted "all things considered" - it is a not for profit membership organization that produces distributes news, cultural and informational programs, linking the nations' noncommercial radio stations into a national network

Public Radio International (PRI)

Pg 112 established in 1983 produces and distributes additional public radio programming

Radio Act of 1927

Pg 113 An act of Congress that created the Federal Radio Commission intended to regulate the largely chaotic airwaves. It helped establish the principle that the airwaves were a limited public good and, hence that companies using those airwaves had a civic duty to broadcast responsibly


Pg 113 During the ___ the first commercial broadcasting networks were formed


Pg 113 During the ___ the first commercial broadcasting networks were formed, initially as radio networks- affiliated radio stations in multiple cities all broadcasting a common core set of programming - and later as national television networks


Pg 102 Enable musicians to talk with their fans either locally or worldwide about an upcoming tour, and solicit financial contributions or pledges of support typically one dollar or more - circumvents the revenue fees and artistic control of major record labels

hand tinting, hand coloring, beam splitters, Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation, 1950's, sound, 1896, talkie, sound on film

Pg 129 Sound and color 1) By the turn of the nineteenth century, several alternative but complex and cumbersome methods of producing color motion pictures had been developed, such as __ __ or __ ___scenes. 2) Around 1920 a system used a __ ___ with a prism to divide light entering the lens, capturing the different colors on alternating frames - this produced the first successful feature-length color films in 1020's 3) ___ ___ ___ founded in 1922 became the standard for color motion pictures for the next three decades 4) Not until ___ did color pictures captured without these become more common 5) __ was easier 6) In __, a paying audience saw the first sound film short in Berlin 7) In 1927, The Jazz Singer was the first commercially successful ___ - it contained little dialog but had subtitles and recorded music played back , a technology soon replaced by the superior __ __ __ systems (ie optical soundtrack)

Internet, TV advertising, 60%

Pg 139 1) The ___ has proven a valuable means of distribution due to its low cost and its potential to build audiences over time and space - growing number of websites provide an extensive selection of independent and short films online 2) The main channel for marketing movies is __ ___ - heavy advertising occurs two weeks before release because it is nearly impossible for a movie to become popular after attendance following release - although studios advertise in other outlets, such as newspapers, radio and billboards, almost ___ percent of spending is on network and cable television

70, marketing, production

Pg 139 Movie Industry Today 1)A motion picture on average costs over __ million dollars, although movies often top 100 million 2) ___ costs can add another 30 million to 50 million 3) ___ the largest single expense category is usually about 25% of the total budget, including set construction, filming on location, film copies for distribution and crew salaries

6.5, 11

Pg 142 ACcording to the Kaiser Family FOundation, children between 8 and 18 spend more time ____ hours a day on aver in front of some kind of screen - computer, cell phone - then engaged in any other activity besides sleeping - the average viewer today who lives to be 75 will have spend ___ years watching tv - interaction television can make people physically active

time shift

Pg 142 Terrestrial,or over the air broadcast, tv has traditionally been the norm, but today more than 2/3 of homes get TV via cable or satellite - consumer recording devices for television were an important development, allowing the audience to __ __ that is, recording an audio or video event for later listening or viewing

CRT, four, 1951

Pg 144 Modern television takes shape 1) The ___ screen, with its greater number of scanned lines, afforded a better picture 2) In 1939, David Sarnoff demonstrate a 441 line TV technology at the New York World's Fair that drew national and international attention. 3) NBC, in 1939 began regularly scheduled broadcasts to only four hundred sets in the NY city sra 4) 1946 there were just 7,000 receiving sets and only 9 stations in the US 5) 1949 - 98 stations existed in 58 markets 6) 1950 - 3.88 million households had television - 9% of the total 43 million 7) By 1948 there were ___ commercial television networks: NBC, CBS, ABC and DuMont 8) Color television broadcasting debuted in ___ , with a live CBS telecast from Grand Central Station in New York 9) In 1953 Color broadcasting launched in the US, when the FCC approved a modified version of an RCA system compatible with existing screens

radio, 1950's

Pg 144 Programming and genre influences 1) much early TV programming came directly from ___. - the influences of stage and film als lent much to early television 2) ___ often referred to as the golden age for television, featured many critically acclaimed commercial successes - entire postwar generation grew up with Howdy Doody, I love Lucy

MTV, dramatic

Pg 145 Cable Comes of Age 1) ___ debuted in 1981 as a cable channel with its first music video "Video killed the Radio Star." - fragmented and specialized approach on cable or satellite can be seen with channels devoted exclusively to travel, sports, and even specific sports such as golf or soccer, movie classic 2) Several cable channels began to develop their own __ programming, occasionally attracting more viewers than many networks shows - HBO's The Sopranos 4th season premiere attracted 13.4 million viewers, the most watched show in history 3) Telemundo launched by the Reliance Capital group in 1980's 4) Network television have themselves to blame because of a risk averse culture that encourages copying of popular programming rather than innovating and the need to attract as large an audience as possible to charge higher rates for commercials 5) Cable TV can be more innovate and wdgy because it is unfettered by FCC concten restrictions on network profanity or partial nudity

Roots, Public Broadcasting Service, Monday Night Football, All in the family, Hill Street Blues

Pg 145 Pushing the Programming Envelope 1) By the 1970's, significant program developments were afoot. Standard one-dimensional genres were infused with more complex, realistic characters and storylines 2) In 1977, ABC launched its twenty six hour miniseries ___ based on the novel by Alex Haley (the third most watched tv program in history) 3) ____ ___ __began broadcasting in 1970, inheriting program from National Education TV - has been the home for commercially unviable programming in the arts and science, consistently winning more television award for high quality that commercial television and cable networks combined 4) ___ ___ ___ started in 1970 , became a cultural mainstay and led to more sporting events broadcast outside the traditional weekend slot. 5) __ ___ __ ___, the highest rated program of the 1970's introduced controversy into the situation comedy genre with its bigoted character Archie Bunker 6) In 1980, producer Stephen Bochco introduced a new genre of gritty police drama on NBC __ __ ___ - continued ABC's popular NYPD

Soap opera

Pg 146 Filling the Days 1) A staple of early television was the __ __ - named because its principle advertising was for household products aimed at the daytime serials primary audience, homemakers 2) Proctor and Gamble produced both soap and soap operas: notably Guiding Light (the longest running tv soap) As the World Turns, Another Wold 3) The quiz show became popular 4) Talk show replaced the quiz show Filling the nights 1) Popularity of prime time show game shows revived with who wants to be a millionaire

Gangnam Style

Pg 159 Interactive Media 1) The hit song __ ___ by Korean pop star Psy hit YOUtube mileson in 2012 as the first video to have more than 1 billion views. - helpful for Youtube, arresting its importance as a promotional vehicle 2) Another big hit was the release of Minecraft - has multiplayer options that allow people to compete against each other 3) Youtube - gamers record play, discuss mods (user created modifications) and have created scene by scene parodies using Minecraft (copy infringement) - this illustrates the cross fertilization between old and interactive media and sole of the problems that come along with the hybridization


Pg 165 Keyboards 1) Christopher Latham Sholes developed the ___ keyboard (after the first row of letters in the upper left hand corner of the keyboard) in which most frequently typed keys are spread far apart slowing down the user and thus discouraging jamming 2) August Dvorak's created a keyboard in the 1930's designed for maximum typing efficiency - 3000 words

voice recognition, speech synthesis

Pg 165 Natural Input Methods 1) The first computer that could accept natural handwriting with an electric stylus was sold in 1979, although it could not translate into a computer-readable text until almost 20 years later. 2) Among the most intuitive yet elusive, are computer ___ ___ and ___ ___ (Siri)


Pg 165 Touch Screens 1) In 1974 the Control Data Corporation (CDC) introduced _____ (programmed logic for automated teaching operations), the first computer system to have a touch-sensitive video display terminal - before tablet computers and smartphones, ATM's 2) Some drawbacks - the need to be within reach of the screen, large screens bother eyes, small screens (smartphones) limit interactions - fixed with the tablet

GRaphical user interface

Pg 166 Computer interface that shows graphical representations of file structures files, and applications, in the form of folders, icons and windows

Transmission Control protocol

Pg 167 A part of the main protocol for the internet that allows for computers to easily communicate with each other over a network

universities, protocol, email

Pg 167 Historical developments of the Internet and WWW 1) ARPANET by DARPA - The first national computer network connected many ____ around the country for advanced, high-speed computing applications and research - but computers could not transmit easily because there was no common language or ___, which is a er of rules that facilitate communication between parties who normally speak different languages 2) The next important development was ___ which kind of enounced itself (invented by Ray Tomlinson in 1971)

internet, Internet

Pg 167 Internet Protocol 1) In 1974, Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn introduced the term internet 2) In 1982 the Defense Department adopted TCP/IP as the basis for the ARPANET - ____ as a connected set of networks using TCP/IP - ___ is a set of connect TCP/IP internets


Pg 171 A combination of machine and cinema that uses 3-D animation techniques and characters from popular video games to make movies


Pg 171 Short for modifications code changes that alter how video games are plated or look - discuss on game related websites

Massively multiplayer online games, massively multiplayer online role playing games, freemium

Pg 175- 177 Types of Video Games 1) The most popular genres are sports, action, racing, role-playing, simulation and shooter 2)Nintendo claims top 15 titles and eighteen of the top 20 3) Computer users continue to engage in MMOG and MMORGPS - in this kind of game, players create characters and go online to participate in quests or missions. They work with players in real time using chats and text messaging to join teams, 4) Console makers see this as an area with great potential and have been moving to establish their own 5) Most use a subscription model or some variation of ____model, in which people can play for free but have limited access to the game world or to character development 6) In game economies have also developed, in which more advanced players can barter or sell items


Pg 177 Video-game industry 2000's video games sold strongly 2008 sales dipped in the recession 46% of market are from big name titles Sales are dominated by games made for consoles - with a much smaller percentage going to computer games Rapid consolidation among video-game publishers - most games come from subsidiaries of a handful of larger game-publisher companies -some of which are subsidiaries of global media companies The largest gaming company by revenue is Japans' __ followed by Activision Blizzard (Warcraft CAll of duty, Tony Kawk) ___ __ founded in 1982 is one of the oldest and largest video game publishers and developers, third after ^^^ (Madden NFL FIFA,)


Pg 98 A three way corporate oligarchy dominated the music industry in the - then greater competition due to rock and roll and diverse new recording labels

Bob Dylan

Pg 98 Became an anthem for for social movement and shaped public opinion about the war in Vietnam, the environment, and civil rights and in 1997 was nominated for a Nobel Prize in literature


Pg 98 Gordy sold Motown to MCA Records


Pg 98 HEavy metal bands and pop bands became popular


Pg 98 In the ___ music moved from being socially conscious and experimental to highly produced glam rock bands, such as KISS - disco appeared midway through - punk started as a response to the perceived commercialization of popular music.

late 1960's

Pg 98 THe British invasion redefined rock in the ___ ___ with the Beatles, Rolling Stones and the Who - also experimental drug use - new strains emerged, psychedelic rock, jazz rock, and the beginning of heavy metal


Pg 98 by 2983 ___ was the ;largest black owned company in the United States

major labels, independent labels

Pg 99 In 1998 there were six __ ___ and in 2004 only 5 - now 3 have control - which are Universal Music Group, Sony Music and Warner Music Group There are also ___ ___ , such as Disney; they own 66% of music titles but only bring in 20% of sales


Ph 98 In the rock evolved to include the soul "girl groups" Motown, surf rock and folk rock - had music and social impact, influencing trends and tastes

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