Quiz 4 - BUS 387

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Impression Management

any attempt to control or manipulate the images related to a person, organization or idea. Speech, behavior, appearance, etc.

Coalition Level Politics

a coalition is an informal group bound together by the active pursuit of a single issue. When the target issue is resolved, the coalition disbands - fuzzy boundaries

Motivating Ourselves

a passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status. A propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence. Components: unflagging energy to improve, optimism in the face of failure

Legitimate Power

authority, anchored to one's formal position, managers who obtain compliance because of their authority to make decisions have this kind of power. Can be either positive or negative.

Structural Empowerment

based on transferring authority and responsibilities from management to employees. You can do this via job design and job characteristics model of motivation, Not a zero sum game- sharing power is a means for increasing your own power! Empowerment is a matter of degree, not an either-or proposition. The more power you give away, the more you have.

Commonly Used Political Tactics

building a network of useful contacts, using key players to support initiatives, making friends with power brokers, bending the rules to fit the situation, self promotion, creating a favorable image, praising others, attacking or blaming others, using information as a political tool

Major sources of information for self-efficacy:

mastery experiences or performance attainments, vicarious experiences or modeling, societal persuasion, physiological and psychological arousal

Psychological Empowerment

occurs when employees feel a sense of meaning, competence, self determination and impact at work. Related to self efficacy and intrinsic motivation. The same four elements that foster psychological empowerment for individuals also apply to teams and organizations.

70% of the population tends to assign blame for failures in one of three ways:

Blame others Blame oneself Deny blame

Commonality of a positive appraisal of circumstances and probability for success based on motivated effort and perseverance

1. Found to be positively related to desired organizational citizenship behaviors 2. Tested in a factory in china 3. PsyCap has implications for combating stress .4. Positive relationships between a leader's level of psycap and followers level of psycap and performance - Psycap can be developed in a short training intervention

Guidelines for happiness

1. Practicing gratitude 2. Investing in social connections 3. Managing stress 4. Living in the present 5. Committing to your goals 6. Taking care of your body and soul Emotions are directed at objects, moods are not. Emotions can turn into moods.

This cope of efficacy is applied to areas like

1. Promotion of health and recovery from physical setbacks 2. The control of eating 3. The resistance to addictive substances 4. Educational achievement 5. Athletic performance 6. For the study and application of organizational behavior and performance in work settings

Nine most common ways people try to get their bosses/coworkers/subordinates to do what they want:

1. Rational persuasion - convincing someone with reason, logic, facts 2. Inspirational appeals - building enthusiasm by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, values 3. Consultation: getting others to participate in planning, making decisions and changes 4. Ingratiation: getting someone in a good mood prior to making a request 5. Personal appeals: referring to friendship and loyalty when making a request 6. Exchange: making explicit or implied promises and trading favors 7. Coalition tactics: getting others to support your efforts persuade someone 8. Pressure: demanding compliance or using intimidation or threats 9. Legitimating tactics: basin a request on one's authority or right, organizational rules or policies or explicit/implied support from superiors


A true leader must have enough emotional intelligence to gain an understanding of the people that are following their lead Unfortunately, some employees believe their bosses are not only bad but also so terrible that they cause employees to feel disengaged at work. A problem that is costing the U.S. workforce over $400 Billion in lost productivity per year Goleman wanted to think about what is driving outstanding senior performance- purely technical skills, cognitive abilities, and soft skills like leadership Emotional intelligence is twice as important as the other factors - although those are still important Managers need to focus on emotional intelligence


Apologies are good remedies. All apologies have the following four characteristics: acknowledgement of wrongdoing, acceptance of responsibility, expression of regret, promise that the offense will not be repeated.

Self Efficacy/Confidence

Confidence is usually associated with business, efficacy is used in academic discussion SCT- social cognitive theory incorporates both social/environmental and cognitive elements and the behaviors themselves. Explains it in terms of environmental events- self theory includes both self regulation and self reflection. Self efficacy is the most pervading and important of the psychological mechanisms of self influence Self efficacy refers to an individual's conviction or confidence about their abilities to mobilize the motivation, cognitive resources and courses of action needed to successfully execute a specific task within a given context

HBR Emotional Intelligence Article

Daniel Goleman was the first to introduce emotional intelligence - includes self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill Intellectual skills are threshold capabilities- entry level requirements, but EQ is what really makes a leader soar Capabilities were grouped into three categories: purely technical skills, cognitive skills, and competencies demonstrating emotional intelligence 90% of differences in star performers could be attributed to EQ Self awareness is critical - understanding of yourself and your goals. It shows itself as candor and an ability to assess oneself realistically


Defined as a positive motivational state where two basic elements- successful feeling of agency (or goal oriented determination) and pathways (or proactively planning to achieve those goals) interact. The willpower and the waypower. There is something TANGIBLE you can do to be hopeful. "Hope for the best" Hope has a powerful impact on the workplace and Hope can be learned

SWB at Work

Direct correlation with job satisfaction Research shows the happy workers make more money, receive more promotions, have better supervisor ratings and overall are better citizens at work Activities for developing and sustaining happiness: practicing gratitude, investing in social connections, managing stress/hardship/trauma, living in the present, taking care of your body and soul


Efficacy - you know you are good at something- reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one's own motivation, behavior, and social environment. Sources of Efficacy: Mastery experiences or performance attainments - practice everyday Vicarious experiences or modeling - watching someone else and modeling it Social persuasion - people around you tell you you're good at something Physiological and psychology arousal - you look and feel good at something Effective training: Use feedback, models, stay fit, say positive things

Four Areas of PP

Efficacy, Optimism, Hope, Resiliency

Psychological Capital

Efficacy, optimism, hope and resiliency An individual's positive psychological state of development that is characterized by having confidence to take on and put in the necessary effort to succeed at challenging tasks, making a positive attribution about succeeding now and in the future, persevering toward goals, bouncing back

How to Empower Individuals, Teams and Organizations

Empowerment inputs: structural empowerment is an input to psychological empowerment, individual differences, job characteristics, managerial support, leadership, organizational support. The extent to which employees have positive self evaluations like core self evaluations and positive psychological capital likely enhances their sense of empowerment. Empowerment Outputs: empowerment reduces stress for individuals and teams,


Empowerment is a process that influences many important outcomes- employees are given greater influence, instead of the more traditional management practices. Defines as efforts to "enhance employee performance, well-being, and positive attitudes. Two general forms: structural and psychological.

The Process and Impact of Self-Efficacy

Evaluation and perception process that leads to the expectations of personal efficacy which determines: the decision to perform the specific task in this context, the amount of effort that will be expended to accomplish the task, the level of persistence that will be forthcoming despite problems, disconfirming evidence and adversity Self efficacy can directly affect: choice behavior, motivational effort, and perseverance It can also directly affect: facilitative thought patterns and vulnerability to stress Those with high self efficacy expect to succeed and gain favorable, positive outcome incentives whereas those with low self efficacy expect to fail and conjure up negative outcome disincentives Efficacy depends on how the individual interprets and cognitively processes the success

Bases of Power and Outcomes in the Integrative Framework

Expert and referent power had a generally positive effect Reward and legitimate power had a slightly positive effect Coercive power had a slightly negative effect


HRW wellbeing- health, relationships and work One's happiness can be determined by: pleasant life, life of good engagement, meaningful life About half can be attributed to a genetic or dispositional hard wiring 10% comes from Life's circumstances 40% of one's positivity or HRW is determined by intentional activity

Happiness Conclusions

Happiness is a process, not a place: requires a way of experienced life and the world that includes positive attitudes, meaning and spirituality There is an optimal level of happiness. Those "too happy" may perform less well at school and work and even be less healthy Happiness is related to health and longevity, relationships, and effectiveness at work


Hope is a positive motivational state that is based on an interactively derived sense of successful agency and pathways - consists of willpower (agency) and way power (pathways) Whether or not we have hope depends on pervasiveness and performance - close to self efficacy Films with higher hope human resources are more profitable, have higher retention rates, and greater levels of employee satisfaction and commitment Managers with higher hope levels had correspondingly higher performing work units, better retention rates and more satisfied employees Hope may have as powerful of a positive impact on the workplace as it has demonstrated outside the workplace

Good Impressions

Impressions are formed very quickly and often subtly. Set an intention, consider your ornaments (clothing, makeup, jewelry), remember that the body speaks, bust bad moods and bad days, be interested to be interesting. Reciprocity and impression management. Ethics and Impression Management

Segliman's Met Life Studies

Optimism and its attendant motivation and perseverance were the keys to sales success - ASQ (difficult to fake optimism) Optimistic scorers are less likely to quit and new workers are the most optimistic Optimists outsold the pessimists by only 8% but in the second year 31% Relatively little research to directly test the impact of optimism in the workplace Business leaders are more optimistic than non leaders

Organizational politics:

Intentional acts of influence to enhance or protect the self interest of individuals or groups that are not endorsed by or aligned with those of the organization. When political activities are out of balance or there is conflict in an organization's interests, they are considered negative or not endorsed by the organization.

Optimism in the Workplace

It is motivated and motivating - it the desirable characteristics of perseverance, achievement and health; makes external, unstable and specific attributions of personal bad events; and is linked with positive outcomes In certain cases, optimism can lead to meaningless or dysfunctional outcomes - may be aimed at pointless pursuits or unrealistic goals

Favorable Upward Impression Management Tactics

Job-focused, supervisor-focused, self-focused

How to increase your own influence:

Know what you want and believe you can get it, credibility, trustworthiness, empathy, strong communication capability, be inspirational and open minded

Satisfaction Equation !

LS= positive affectivity + engagement + meaning

Causes of Political Behavior

Organizational Justice Uncertainty Unclear Performance reward linkages (big problem)

Organizational Justice

Organizational justice is the strongest organizational influence on politics. Trust in coworkers and negative affect are the strongest work environment and individual difference predictors.

Optimism as an Individual Difference

People have varying degrees of optimis, and by treating it as an individual difference you can focus on cognitively determined expectations and causal attributions Explanatory style depicts how an individual habitually attributes the causes of failure or bad events Pessimists make internal, stable and global attributions Optimists make external, unstable, and specific attributions Popularizing learned optimism - anyone can learn it

Five Bases of Power

Legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, referent

6 Principles of Persuasion - Robert Cialdini

Liking Reciprocity Social proof Consistency Authority Scarcity

Optimism as Human Nature

Many people tend to have a more positive bias of themselves than cold reality and psychologically healthy people in particular have this trait. Positivity may be something inherited by people as part of their basic human nature.


Martin Seligman defines optimism as reacting to problems with a sense of confidence and high personal ability. Power of positive thinking, cognitive characteristic Specifically, optimistic people believe that negative events are temporary, limited in scope (instead of pervading every aspect of a person's life), and manageable. State of mind- part of your cognitive makeup - exists on a continuum People can also change their levels of optimism depending on the situations they are in Dimensions: optimism as human nature and as an individual difference Having a little bit of pessimism is not a bad thing Knowing that something is TEMPORARY We are born with optimism

Positions V. Personal Power

Position Power: legitimate, reward and coercive power fit into this category because the source of influence is associated with a particular job or position within an organization. Personal Power: expert and referent power. Sources of influence that you possess independent of your reposition or job.


Positive psychological capital is defined as the positive and developmental state of an individual as characterized by high self-efficacy, optimism, hope and resiliency Drawing from positive psychology constructs and empirical research, four psychological resources were determined to best meet the POB scientific criteria: Hope, Efficacy, Resilience and Optimism


Positive psychology is the optimal human functioning study; an attempt to respond to the systematic bias inherent in psychology's historical emphasis on mental illness rather than on mental wellness, mainly by focusing on two, forgotten but classical psychological goals: Help ordinary people to live a more productive and meaningful life A full realization of the potential that exists in the human being Three Levels 1. Valued subjective experiences 2. Positive individual traits 3. Civic virtues and the institutions that move people toward better citizenship

Positive Psychology Definition

Positive psychology is the scientific study of what makes life most work living. It is concerned with strength as with weakness; as interested in building the best things in life as in repairing the worst; and as concerned with making the lives of normal people fulfilling as with healing pathology. The value of positive psychology is to complement and extend the problem-focused psychology that has been dominant for many decades.

Other Positive Constructs

Subjective wellbeing us a more scientific sounding term for what people usually mean by happiness - broader and is defined as people's affective and cognitive evaluations of their lives It is how they emotionally interpret and cognitively process what happens to them 1. Happiness is a process not a place 2. There is actually an optimal level of happiness 3. Though not linear, happiness is clearly related to health and longevity, relationships and effectiveness at work The most happy nuns lived on average 10 years longer than the least happy nuns .44 correlation between job satisfaction and life satisfaction SWB was a significant predictor of job satisfaction five years later but not vice versa People who are satisfied with their lives tend to find more satisfaction in their work

Results on PsyCap linked to studies

Psycap can be developed Psycap can be extended beyond work into other life domains such as relationships and health High psycap employees supports effective organizational change PsyCap has positive correlation with desired employee attitudes, behaviors and performance


Resilience is defined in positive psychology as a positive way of coping with adversity or distress. In the organizational aspect, it is defined as an ability to recuperate from stress, conflict, failure, change or increase in responsibility. Sources: strong social connections, life experiences, a belief in something


Resiliency is reactive rather than proactive in nature Class of phenomena characterized by patterns of positive adaptation in the context of significant adversity or risk - capacity to rebound or bounce back from adversity, conflict, failure or positive events State like, trainable and developable Influenced by assets, risks and adaptational processes - can be developed through enhancing the assets that a person possesses, through education, training and nurturing social relationships and improving the quality of resources available for one to draw upon Risk factors can be managed through appropriate physical and psychological health care Adaptational processes can be enhanced through developing other positive psychological capacities like self efficacy, hope and optimism Resiliency is more adversely impacted by the process that links risk conditions with specific dysfunctional outcomes than by the presences, number of frequency risk factors or lack of necessary assets Resiliency dimension of positive organizational behavior may have the msot potential impact on development and sustainable performance currently

Three Primary Reactions (or attempts to manage or influence people):

Resistance: degree and form matter- indifferent, passive aggressive, actively resistant. Compliance: do only what is expected and nothing more. Commitment: going above and beyond. Driven by internal or intrinsic motivation. In business it is important to motivate through the power of shared goals, shared objectives and shared standards. Reward, coercive and negative legitimate power produce compliance (and sometimes resistance) Positive legitimatie power, expert power and referent power foster commitment.

Implications of PP for workplace

Results for self-efficacy in the workplace represents a greater average gain in performance than the results from the meta-analysis of other popular organizational behavior interventions like goal setting. It is also a better predictor of work related performance than the personality traits Magnitude measures the level of task difficulty that a person believes he or she is capable of executing, strength indicates whether the magnitude is strong and likely to produce perseverance when difficulties are encountered

Training and Development of PP

Self efficacy is a state rather than a stable trait Training and development is separated into three areas: guided mastery, cognitive mastery modeling, development of self regulatory competencies Self efficacy also has implications for stress management, self managed terms, job design and goal setting and leadership Creative self efficacy predicted creative performance beyond the predictive effects of job self-efficacy

How Self Efficacy Differs from Established OB Concepts

Self efficacy vs self esteem: self esteem is a global construct of one's evaluation and belief of overall worthiness, self efficacy is one's belief about a task and context specific capability. Self esteem is stable and trait like and self efficacy is changing over time as new information and task experiences are gained and developed and is state like. Self esteem is aimed at any aspect of one's current self, self efficacy is future success of a task Self efficacy vs expectancy concepts: self efficacy involves perceptions of ability, skill, knowledge, experience with the specific task, complexity of the task and more. Self efficacy has a psychomotor reaction for emotions, stress, and physical fatigue. Outcome expectancy is a judgement of the probable consequence behaviors will produce. Self efficacy vs attribution/locus of control: people who make internal attributions about their behavior and its consequences believe they are in control of their own fate and assume personal consequences. Control attributions are causal beliefs about action-outcome contingencies, whereas self-efficacy is an individual's belief about their abilities and cognitive resources that can be meshed together

Hard vs Soft tactics

Soft tactics are friendlier and less coercive- include: rational persuasion, inspirational appeals, consultation, ingratiation and personal appeals Hard tactics: involve more over pressure- include: exchange, coalition, pressure and legitimating tactics Consultative trumps legitimating, subtlety wins long term, we can learn to influence

The New Era of Positive Psychology - Martin Seligman

The Pleasant Life: having as many pleasures as possibly, learning the skills to amplify them, drawbacks are that it is heritable (50%) and not very modifiable and it habituates- celebrities The Good Life: flow, you cannot feel anything, time stops, intense concentration, knowing what you highest strengths are and recrafting your life to use them as much as possible - geniuses The meaningful life: knowing your signature strengths and using them to belong to something greater than yourself, like service, positive institutions - mother teresa Giving to others lasts

Positive Psychology

The aim of positive psychology is to use scientific methodology to discover and promote the factors that allow individuals, groups, organizations and communities to thrive- concerned with optimal human functioning instead of pathological human functioning

Can EI be learned?

There is a genetic component. It increases with age. It exists in the limbic system which governs feelings, impulses and drives so to enhance the org. Must refocus training to include those. Comes from neurotransmitters in your brain which governs feelings/impulses/drives Training and development on an individual and team level? To enhance it focus on the limbic system!

Uncertainty's 5 common sources

Uncertainty triggers political actions- 5 common sources: unclear objectives, vague performance measures, ill defined decision processes, strong individual or group competition, any type of change.

Three Levels of Positive Psychology

Valued subjective experiences Positive individual traits Civic virtues and the institutions that move individuals toward better citizenship


Well people tend to be optimistic about their future health and neglect the present needs. In an organization optimistic managers may become distracted from making the necessary action plans to attain goals or contingency plans for clearly impending problems. Psychology treats optimism as a cognitive characteristics in terms of a generalized positive outcome expectancy and.or a positive causal attribution.

Emotional Intelligence

can be born and learned. And it increases with age. Emotional intelligence is born largely in the neurotransmitters of the brain's limbic system which govers feelings, impulses and drives. Organizations must refocus their training to include the limbic system. Self regulation frees us from being prisoners of our feelings - good for relationships and competitive reasons: signs of emotional self regulation are a propensity for reflection and thoughtfulness, comfort with ambiguity and change, and integrity Motivation is the drive to achieve - people with high motivation remain optimistic even when the score is against them → can lead to commitment to the organization Empathy is the most easily recognized component. Empathy is important for the increasing use of terms, the rapid pace of globalization and the growing need to retain talent Social skill is essential - friendliness with a purpose Emotional intelligence can be learned

Influence Tactics

conscious efforts to affect and change a specific behavior in others.

Bad Impressions

doing only the minimum, having a negative mindset, overcommitting, taking no initiative and waiting until the last minute to deliver bad news.

4 Positive Psychology Criteria

efficacy, optimism, hope, resiliency

Major topics in PP

happiness, optimism and helplessness, mindfulness, flow, character strengths and virtues, hope, positive thinking

How to prepare for and deal with bad events

how information is to be gathered, how to formulate a response, who will deliver the message and via which media channels, do not minimize a given problem, be understanding and empathetic.

Network Level Politics

loose associations of individuals seeking social support for their general self interests. People oriented, while coalitions are issue oriented. Networks have broader and longer term agendas than do coalitions. Have a balance of political behavior

Reward Power

if you can obtain compliance by promising or granting rewards.

Social Skill

proficiency in managing relationships and building networks. An ability to find common ground and build rapport. Components: effective in leading change, persuasiveness, extensive networking, good at leading and building teams.

Referent Power

when one's personal characteristics and social relationships become the reason for compliance. This could relate to your network.

5 Parts of EI

self awareness self regulation/managing emotions motivating ourselves empathy social skill

Self regulation/managing emotions

the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods. Suspend judgement- think before acting. Components: trustworthiness, integrity, comfort with ambiguity or change Good for competitive reasons

Coercive Power

the ability to make threats of punishment and deliver actual punishment gives an individual coercive power.


the ability to marshal human, informational and other resources to get something done- influencing others. Power should be accepted as a natural part of any organization.

self awareness

the ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions, and drives as well as their effects on others Components: self confidence, realistic self-assessment, thirst for constructive criticism An understanding of who you are - your strengths and weaknesses


the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people. Skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions. Components: expertise in attracting and retaining talent, ability to develop others, sensitivity to cross-cultural differences. If you have a high level of empathy it is probably genetic You either have it or you don't

Expert Power

valued knowledge or information gives an individual expert power over those who need such knowledge or information.

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