Quizzam #2 ~ Chapter 4 & 6

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What percent of total calories should protein be in the body?

10% to 35%

What are complementary proteins?

2 incomplete proteins eaten together to get all the essential amino acids. An example is: Rice and Beans (legumes); Rice and Wheat; Wheat and Legumes.

What are refined grains?

Foods that lose many nutrients during processing.

What is Celiac Disease?

Inherited autoimmune disease causing the body's immune system to attack the small intestine damaging the surface. Only happens when exposed to gluten and symptoms can be fatal.

What are two types of fibers?

Insoluble and Soluble Fiber

What are some health issues of protein deficiency?

Insufficient protein intake: Can cause Kwashiorkor (stunted growth), Marasmus (Growth stops, severe muscle mass wasting). For excess protein: obesity, gout, dehydration, and kidney failure.

Metabolic Syndrome/ Insulin Resistance

Insulin is less effective at delivering glucose so sugar levels rise in the blood and in response, the pancreas pumps out more insulin.

What percentage of added sugars does the Dietary Guidelines suggest to consume in a person's typical 2,000 calorie diet?

Less than 10% for added sugars

How do you reduce the risk of Insulin Resistance?

Low Magnesium Intake, Whole grain consumption, coffee in moderation, Vitamin D, and Exercise.

What is the fate of protein after it is digested in the body?

May be used to build a protein, and may be used as a source of energy or converted to fat.

What is an incomplete protein?

Missing 1 or more essential amino acids . In most plant foods.

What are two categories of simple sugars?

Monosaccharides and Disaccharides

Sugar can increase risk of heart disease

Most likely. Studies show that as fructose (sugar, high fructose corn syrup) goes up, so does heart disease.

Sugary Beverages Linked to Liver Risk

Most likely. Tufts University research reports that sugary drinks may increase your odds of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

What are sugar alcohols?

Neither sugar or alcohol. Made by adding hydrogen molecules to sugar making them harder to be absorbed by the body. Can cause diarrhea, gas, and bloating with small consumption.

Sugar can raise blood cholesterol and triglycerides in most people

New studies are showing that as added sugar consumption goes up, HDL levels drop and triglycerides go up, LDL levels seem to increase as well and this is dependent on the amount consumed. A new clinical trial in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, June 2015, found that sugary beverages significantly raised LDL, TG, and related risk factors for young adults in just two weeks.

What does a vegan diet include?

No animal products including dairy. More of a plant based diet and reduced fat. More grains, legumes, and veggies.

What are the new recommendations of added sugar intake from the Heart Association?

No more than 6 teaspoons daily for women and 9 teaspoons daily for men.

Sugar makes children hyperactive.

No, there are no good studies that show that sugar causes hyperactivity in children

Honey and brown sugar are more nutritious.

No, they don't have any more nutrients to speak of then sugar...just lots of calories, but no vitamins, minerals or fiber. They both contain fructose as well.

Fruit Juice is healthy

No. Fruit juice is full of fructose. Most juices are high in calories and not nutrient dense. Apple, grape and pear juices are unhealthy choices and provide little more than calories while increasing the amount of fructose. Many studies on children show increase obesity when juice is consumed

Sugar is clearly listed on food labels

No. Manufacturers use many different types of sweeteners in foods such as corn syrup, dextrose, honey some of which don't really sound like sugar. Added sugars can be found in 74% of packaged foods. There are at least 61 names for hidden added sugars in foods

Americans are eating less sugar than before.

No. We are up to about 156 pounds per person per year of available sugar (50 teaspoons). The number just keeps going up! The average American is actually consuming about 22 to 30 teaspoons a day or about 66 pounds of added sugar a year.

What are some health concerns (nutrient deficiencies) of following a vegan diet?

Vitamin B12, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Vitamin D, and Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Sugar is the number-one food additive.


Eating too much added sugar may lead to Metabolic Syndrome (MetS).

Yes. Consuming added sugar taxes the body's organs such as the pancreas and the liver causing an increase in T.G., high cholesterol, high blood pressure and sugar belly. MetS is linked to heart disease and diabetes Metabolic Syndrome is a cluster of five symptoms, which include large waist size, high TG, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar.

Fruit is good, candy and soft drinks are bad.

Yes. Fruit comes packed with fiber, water and other nutrients. Liquid sugars like soda deliver sugar into the blood stream quickly, which can, over time, overload the pancreas and liver and increase the risk of diabetes and liver disease.

Eating too much sugar causes diabetes

eh. Sugar seems to play a role in insulin insensitivity. While glucose can increase blood sugar, fructose creates other issues. Sugar can also lead to weight gain, which increase diabetes risk. Studies show that people who consume sweetened soft drinks have a greater risk of developing diabetes and insulin resistance.

Why consume phytochemicals?

Can serve as antioxidants that prevent and repair damage in cells from oxidation; can lower risk of heart disease; block and neutralize chemicals that promote the development of cancer

What percentage of carbohydrates should an adult or child consume in their total calorie intake diet?

45 to 65% of their total calorie intake as carbohydrates should be consumed.

What is Glycemic Index?

A 100-point scale to measure how rapidly the carbohydrates in food cause blood sugar to rise. Hoping to reduce heart disease, improve weight control, and improve glycemic control in type 2 diabetes.


A disease in which the body does not adequately produce or properly use insulin. 10% of cases are Type 1 Diabetes (usually diagnosed in children) and 90% of cases are Type 2 Diabetes.

What are sugar replacers (substitutes)?

A food additive that is so sweet that there isn't that much food energy (or calories). Very processed and can cause weight gain.

Which groups of populations need more protein intake?

Athletes, the elderly, and growing infants.

What strategies can you take in your diet to prevent Celiac Disease?

Avoid eating gluten in general. DO NOT EAT: Wheat, Rye, Barley, Kamut, and etc. EAT: Cornmeal, rice, quinoa, millet, and oats.

What are some things you can do to prevent lactose intolerance?

Avoid lactase containing products like cheese and milk, seek alternatives or consume small servings of lactose containing foods, choose yogurt and hard cheese bc they help break down lactose, eat more fat bc it slows down stomach emptying.

What is Lactose Intolerance?

Caused by insufficient production of lactase, and these people are unable to break down or digest products that contain lactose.

What does a paleo diet include?

Consuming coconut, honey, ground nuts, and healthy oils, fruits, meat, fish, and even insects. Excluding grains and dairy products.

How do you reduce the risk of Diabetes?

Consuming polyunsaturated fats, Whole grain consumption, coffee and alcohol in moderation.

What is a complete protein?

Contains all of the essential amino acids in good proportion. Ex: eggs, fish, meat, chicken, pork, milk, soy and quinoa.

Sugar may increase blood pressure and stroke risk

Could be. A large Swedish study in the Journal of Nutrition, 2014 found those who consumed at least two cups of sugary beverages daily were about 20% more likely to suffer a stroke compared to those who rarely drank them. A 2014 analysis from 12 clinical trials published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , New Zealand, found that high sugar intakes increase blood pressure 6 to 8 points on average

The body needs sugar.

Eh. It is true that your body needs glucose but you can get it from eating complex carbohydrates so you don't need to actually eat sugar. Glucose is the energy of life.

High fructose corn syrup is not different then sugar.

Essentially yes. Both sugar and corn syrup are both composed of glucose and fructose. It is the fructose that seems to create the problem. Since they both contain it, they both are equally responsible for the unhealthy problems that have now been supported by research.wwe

What are some facts and fallacies about both?

For Vegan Diets: Studies show that there is little to no correlation between animal protein and there risk of cancer. Ignores research on healthy fat consumption. New research is not supporting high protein consumption and calcium loss and increases in osteoporosis. For the Paleo Diet: No evidence to support diets were 70% fat. Not much evidence or poor evidence of what the people ate back then. Environmental impact and unable to support everyone through this diet.

Where would you find phytochemicals?

Found in fruits, veggies, nuts, grains, and legumes.

Sugar is toxic like alcohol

Fructose has many of the same physiological effects on the body from chronic exposure as alcohol. Fructose is processed in the liver. Small amounts are easy for the liver to handle but large amounts may cause Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFL), which, is excess fat build-up in the liver. Fatty liver can lead to Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) inflammation and scaring of the liver as it tries to heal itself.

What are the pathways that glucose can take in the body?

Glucose can be converted to adipose tissue (fat), can store as glycogen or energy in muscles and the liver, can be used for immediate use (flight or fight response).

What are the names of the 6 sugars that make up the simple carbohydrates?

Glucose, Fructose, Galactose, (mono) Sucrose, Maltose, Lactose (di)

What are some examples of complex carbohydrates?

Glycogen and Starch

What are the major roles of protein in the body?

Growth and Maintenance, Enzymes, Hormones, antibodies, provide energy, fluid and electrolyte balancing, acid-base balance, blood clotting, and transportation of substances

What do phytochemicals do?

In plants, they provide color, imparts flavor, and protects the plant from insects and oxidation.

Kids have more cavities than ever because they eat so much refined sugar

No. With the use of fluoride products such as toothpaste and rinses, tooth decay has actually declined. Tooth decay is less likely to occur from hard candy consumption and more likely from sticky foods like caramel or even dried fruits etc. Chewing sugarless gum may help protect against tooth decay.

Protein Sparing Effect of Carbohydrates

Only adequate dietary carbohydrate intake can spare protein from being used as fuel. Or about 100 grams of protein can be converted to glucose.

Sugar is the leading cause of obesity.

Perhaps, although any extra calories consumed can cause weight gain. Fructose, which is found in sugar can cause issues such as greater fat storage. Fructose does not increase leptin or suppress ghrelin, which help regulate appetite. Calories that come in the form of sugary beverages don't have the same impact on satiety than solid foods. High intakes of sugar may cause sugar belly or an apple shape and they may increase insulin production causing more sugar to be stored as fat

What are phytochemicals?

Plant chemicals.

What health risks are associated with consuming refined and added sugars?

Potential to increase stroke, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, body fat, liver disease, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol levels, gout, menarche

You can become addicted to sugar.

Probably. New current studies that show that sugar does have a few addictive characteristics but some researchers are hesitant to rank it as a true addictive food....yet. New studies are showing that dopamine receptors in the brain may be disrupted by high sugar intake much like that seen with drug addiction. Sugar causes changes in people's brains.

What are intact grains?

Products that are rich in fiber and all nutrients found in the original grain.

What are enriched grains?

Products that have had some nutrients added back. Fiber is not added back to enriched grains.

What are the health benefits of consuming fiber?

Promotes feeling of fullness, helps reduce energy consumption, minimizes constipation and hemorrhoids, helps to prevent bacterial infection, stimulates the muscle of digestive tract, and prevent digestive disorders.

What does the RDA say?

Protein intake (in grams) is usually based on the body weight and age. The RDA assumes that you are eating other foods as well as adequate energy (calories) so that protein foods will be used for protein synthesis rather than energy.

What is protein quality?

Protein quality refers to how well the essential amino acid (EAA) profile of a protein matches the requirements of the body. Protein is often ranks in the PDCCAS system.

What is the role of carbohydrates in the body?

Provides fuel for the brain, and stores energy in our body. Humans store glycogen. They contain minerals, vitamins, and fiber.

What are some health benefits from following a vegan or vegetarian diet?

Reduced heart disease, reduced cholesterol levels, reduced rates of diabetes healthier blood pressure, higher intakes of phytochemicals, minerals, higher intake of vitamin C and E.

How does a vegan impact environmental health?

Save more energy, Save more water, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

What is in added sweeteners that may be increasing health risks?

Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium, Aspartame, Saccharin

What are amino acids?

They are organic compounds that help create proteins for our body. They differ from carbohydrates because they contain nitrogen. There are only 20.

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