Quizzes and Homeworks
The correct order of sea floor features from the coast to the mid-ocean ridge is Hint: theres 4
1.) shelf 2.) slope 3.) rise 4.) abyssal plain
A ship's fathometer (an echo sounder) transmits a sound pulse and records the return of an echo 7.4 seconds later. If the speed of sound in water is 1,500 m/second, what is the water depth in meters? D= V x T/2
5,550 meters
differentiate between a hypothesis and a theory
A hypothesis is a stated relationship between observed phenomena that can be tested; in other words, it is a tentative explanation. A theory is a relationship between observed phenomena (variables) that has withstood repeated independent testing over time and has broad explanatory power for an observed pattern or process.
Evidence shows that periodic reversals of Earth's magnetic field have resulted in __________. A.) interruption of Earth's gravitational field b.) mass extinction of life-forms c.) apparent polar wandering d.) a symmetrical pattern of normal and reverse magnetization in ocean crustal rocks E.) seafloor spreading
A symmetrical pattern of normal and reverse magnetization in ocean crystal rocks
The average depth of the world's oceans is approximately: A.) 3,682 meters (12,080 feet). B.) 840 meters (2,756 feet). c.) 172 meters (7,126 feet). D.) 11,022 meters (36,161 feet). E.) none of the above.
A.) 3,682 meters (12,080 feet)
Of the following statements related to the formation of a density-stratified Earth, which is/are true? A.) Earth is layered based on density, with the highest-density material located at the deepest depths beneath Earth's surface. b.) Molten material will rise if it is less dense than the surrounding material. c.) Molten material will sink if it is more dense than the surrounding material. D.) Molten material will always rise to the top, no matter what its density. E.) Molten material will always sink to the bottom, no matter what its density.
A.) Earth is layered based on density, with the highest-density material located at the deepest depths beneath Earth's surface. b.) Molten material will rise if it is less dense than the surrounding material. c.) Molten material will sink if it is more dense than the surrounding material.
The separation of the Earth into layers while it was molten was the result of the: A.) differing densities of the elements that make up the Earth. b.) initial collection of materials and their position in Earth. c.) decrease in temperature downward toward the core. d.) presence of water at Earth's surface. e.) gravitational force created by the rotating Earth.
A.) differing densities of the elements that make up the earth
The first humans from Western Hemisphere known to have developed the art of navigation were the: A.) Phoenicians. B.) Polynesians. c.) New Zealanders. D.) Greeks. E.) Vikings.
A.) phoenicians
The most likely place to find abundant manganese nodules is on the:
Abysmal plain far from a continent
Extending from the base of the continental rises into the deep-ocean basins are flat depositional surfaces called:
Abysmal plains
Radioactive materials can sometimes be used to determine the: A.) formation method. B.) ages of rocks. c.) origin of rocks. D.) metamorphism. E.) chemical composition of rocks.
Ages of rocks
What are the lines of evidence that Alfred Wegener used to support the idea of continental drift? Why did scientists of his day doubt that continents drifted?
Alfred Wegener was the first scientist to advance the idea of mobile continents in 1912. Wegener proposed that the continents slowly drift across Earth's surface. Although this idea was not new, the development of better maps by the early 1900s suggested to Wegener that the shapes of matching shorelines on different continents suggested that the continents moved or drifted over geologic time. Several lines of evidence supported the idea of continental drift, namely: matching sequences of rocks and mountain chains; glacial ages and other climate evidence; and the distribution of organisms, including extant organisms and fossilized remains. The main objection from the scientific community centered on the mechanism that Wegener proposed for the movement of continents: gravitational attraction and tidal forces.
Evidence for continental drift includes: A.) the fit of the continents. b.) the distribution of organisms. c.) matching sequences of rocks and mountain chains. D.) past glacial activity. E.) all the above.
All of the above
The four principal ocean basins (plus an additional ocean) on Earth are the: A.) Atlantic, Antarctic, Southern, Mediterranean, and Pacific Oceans. b.) Antarctic, Caspian, Southern, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. c.) Antarctic, Arctic, Indian, Pacific, and Southern Oceans. D.) Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic Oceans. E.) Atlantic, Arctic, Mediterranean, Southern, and Pacific Oceans.
Atlantic Pacific Indian Southern Arctic oceans
The measurement of ocean depth and the charting of sea floor topography is called ______
Earth's early atmosphere most likely included: A.) nitrogen, ozone, and sulfur dioxide. b.) hydrogen, helium, and oxygen. c.) carbon dioxide, water vapor, ammonia, and methane. D.) ammonia, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. E.) all the above.
Carbon dioxide Water vapor Ammonia methane
The European "Age of Discovery" began with: A.) Polynesian colonization of Pacific Islands. b.) Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe. c.) Christopher Columbus's discovery of the "New World." D.) Phoenician exploration of the Mediterranean. E.) Viking voyages to North America.
Christopher Columbus's discovery of the "new world"
Of the following statements about Earth's crust, which is/are true? A.) Continental crust is less dense than oceanic crust. B.) Continental crust is made of rock that is relatively light in color. c.) Continental crust is much thinner than oceanic crust. D.) Continental crust is made mostly of basalt. E.) Continental crust and oceanic crust are essentially the same thing.
Continental crust is less dense than oceanic crust. Continental crust is made of rock that is relatively light in color.
All continents fit together with the least number of overlaps and gaps when the continents are matched along:
Contours at around 2000 meters depth
Which of the following is the main reason that Earth has a magnetic field? Select only one answer. A.) There is a giant bar magnet inside Earth. b.) The Sun has such a powerful magnetic field that it creates a magnetic field on Earth. c.) The solid iron-nickel inner core spins rapidly in the opposite direction. D.) Convection in the liquid iron-nickel outer core generates a magnetic field. E.) The solid iron-nickel inner core spins rapidly in the same direction as Earth, but much faster.
Convection in the liquid iron-nickel outer core generates a magnetic field
Which of the following would best describe the principal goal of science? Select only one answer. A.) to understand how to determine what happened in the past B.) to explain why the world and the laws of nature exist c.) to allow something for scientists to test with their experiments D.) to explain the causes and effects of observable natural phenomena E.) to develop theories that help scientists determine the truth
D.) To explain the causes and effects of observable natural phenomena
Passive continental margins are characterized by all of the following except: A.) thick sediment accumulation. b.) deep-sea trenches. c.) broad continental shelves. D.) shallow coastal waters. E.) very little volcanic and earthquake activity.
Deep sea trenches
All of the following are examples of lithogenous sediment except: 1.) clays 2.) volcanic particles 3.) beach sand 4.) glacial deposits 5.) diatom ooze
Diatom ooze
Normal shallow earthquakes tend to occur at ______
Divergent plate boundaries
Of the following statements about the internal structure of Earth, which is/are true? A.) The lithosphere is the same as the crust of Earth. B.) Earth's internal layers can be described by their composition or by their physical properties. c.) The lithosphere of Earth is made of both mantle and crust. D.) Earth's internal compositional layers and their physical properties are almost identical. E.) None of the above is correct.
Earth's internal layers can be described by their composition or by their physical properties The lithosphere of earth is made of both mantle and crust
The first person we are aware of who determined the circumference of the Earth using trigonometry and the angle of sunlight at Alexandria, Egypt, was: A.) Herodotus. B.) Pytheas. c.) Ptolemy. D.) Seneca. E.) Eratosthenes.
Submarine canyons were most likely formed by:
Erosion by turbidity currents
The direction of motion along a sea floor transform fault is:
In the same direction as the plates are spreading
Moving from an oceanic ridge to an oceanic trench, the thickness of the lithosphere:
Increases in proportion to the distance
The san Andreas fault is a ____
Is a continental transform fault
High- energy environments are most likely to deposit which one of the following? A.) cosmogenous sediments b.) silt-sized particles c.) clay-sized particles D.) large particles such as gravel E.) manganese nodules
Large particles such as gravel
High-energy environments are most likely to deposit which one of the following? A.) cosmogenous sediments b.) silt-sized particles c.)clay-sized particles D.) large particles such as gravel E.) manganese nodules
Large particles such as gravel
Tectonic plates are pieces of the ________ that float on the more fluid ________ below. lithosphere;mesosphere lithosphere;asthenosphere crust; lithosphere asthenosphere;lithosphere mantle; crust
cosomogenous sediment consists of two main types of sediment:
Microscopic schedules and macroscopic meteor debris
The water in Earth's oceans came __________. A.) from the melting of polar icecaps that formed when protoplanet Earth first cooled B.) mostly from volcanic outgassing and partly from comets c.) completely from volcanic outgassing D.) completely from comets colliding with Earth E.) from condensation of water vapor in Earth's initial atmosphere
Mostly from volcanic outlasting and partly from comets
The Hawaiian Islands are located where the Pacific plate is:
Moving over a hot spot or mantle plume
Stanley Miller's famous experiment demonstrated that __________. A.) living organisms can be produced by lightning strikes b.) Earth's early atmosphere was rich in CO2, ammonia, and hydrogen c.) the earliest organisms lived in volcanoes D.) all the required factors have been identified for the production of living organisms E.) organic molecules could be produced from the mixture of gases comprising Earth's early atmosphere
Organic molecules could be produced from the mixture of gases comprising Earth's early atmosphere
The instrument that emits a high-frequency sound beam to measure the depth of the ocean developed in the 1950s is the:
Precision-depth recorder (PDR)
Depression along a ridge axis A.) rift valley B.) pangaea c.) panthalassa D.) subduction zone E.) paleomagnetism
Rift valley
Sediment samples from deep beneath the ocean floor are recovered by _____
Rotary drilling
Measurement of ocean floor bathymetry from satellites relies on ___________. Select only one answer. A.) density differences of ocean waters b.) sea surface elevation, which varies depending on the shape of the underlying sea floor c.) calculations of how much water versus rock there is at any ocean location D.) water temperature, which is higher in areas of shallow ocean waters and can easily be detected by satellites E.) water flows off the high areas and into the low areas, making the ocean surface topography the exact inverse of the shape of the sea floor
Sea surface elevation, which varies depending on the shape of the underlying sea floor
Island arc subduction zone Or Spreading center
Subduction zone
Deep ocean trenches are associated with
Subduction zones
All the following are TRUE concerning the deepest part of the ocean except : A.) this trench is called the Mariana Trench. B.) the deepest part of the ocean is located in a trench off the coast of Japan. c.) the depth of this trench is estimated at 11,022 meters (~36,161 feet). D.) the bottom of this trench was visited by Piccard and Walsh in the Trieste in 1960. E.) the depth of this trench exceeds the height of Mount Everest.
The deepest part of the ocean is located in a trench off the coast of Japan
Discuss advances in oceanographic navigation occurring over the course of human history (make sure to put who is they and the name of the pytheas' method)
The first advance in Oceanographic navigation occurred when boat technology was developed 40,000 years ago. Some of the first navigators were the Polynesians. Tools that they used to navigate the ocean included: the sun, the moon, the nighttime stars, the behavior of marine organisms, various ocean properties, and an ingenious device called a stick chart. Stick charts are like a map that accurately depicts the dominant pattern of ocean waves. The Phoenicians were the first Mediterranean people known to have developed the art of navigation. They made the first circumnavigation of Africa in 590 B.C., they sailed as far north as the British Isles. Pytheas, a Greek astronomer-geographer, had a method for navigation that involved measuring the angle between an observer's line of sight to the North Star and the line of sight to the northern horizon. His method might have determined latitude but it was still impossible to accurately determine longitude. Knowing your latitude and longitude is another key component in being able to navigate the ocean. John Harrison invented the chronometer, a device that worked well enough at sea to determine longitude. His chronometer worked so well it only lost five seconds of time. Today ocean navigation relies on the Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS allows ships to determine its exact latitude and longitude to within a few meters using satellites.
loihi is ____
The newest Hawaiian volcano
Why does the sea floor have a striped pattern of magnetic anomalies that is symmetric with respect to the mid-ocean ridge? A.) The ocean floor is spreading apart, and new sea floor is forming. B.) The polarity of Earth's magnetic field experiences reversals. c.) The igneous rock of the ocean floor preserves Earth's existing magnetic field as the rock cools. D.) The reversals occur as existing ocean crust is remagnetized during reversals. E.) Marine organisms that live on the sea floor have caused this pattern.
The ocean floor is spreading apart, and new sea Floor is forming The polarity of earths magnetic field experiences reversals The igneous rock of the ocean floor preserves Earth's existing magnetic field as the rock cools
The largest geographic feature on the surface of Planet Earth is __________. A.) the Atlantic Ocean b.) the Pacific Ocean c.) Africa D.) Eurasia E.) the Antarctic ice cap
The pacific ocean
The flat top of a guyot or tablemount in deep water is evidence that ______
The seamount was once at the surface of the ocean, but is now submerged due to plate movement and erosion when it was near sea level
How are convergent and divergent plate boundaries related to constructive and destructive plate margins?
The terms convergent and divergent refer to the direction of plate movements relative to each other. Convergent plates are moving toward one another whereas divergent plate boundaries are moving away from each other.. Constructive and destructive plate margins refer to the fate of the rock at the plate boundary. At constructive plate margins, new crust is being formed, while at destructive plate boundaries crust is being destroyed (usually by melting). Convergent plate boundaries are destructive plate boundaries because when two plates collide, one plate is forced below the other (subduction) and the subducted plate crust melts. Similarly, when two plates diverge, magma rises to the surface at rift valleys (in mid-ocean ridges) forming new crust.
Distinguish between a transform fault and a fracture zone
Transform faults are associated with mid-ocean ridges, form perpendicular to the plate margin, and are formed because of stresses applied to the plate margin. The plates on either side of the transform faults are moving in opposite directions and earthquakes are common. In contrast, fracture zones occur within a single plate with crust on either side of the fracture moving in the same direction. Unlike transform faults, fracture zones typically do not have significant earthquake activity.
Which of the following is characteristic of continental-continental convergent plate boundaries A.) mid-ocean ridges b.) volcanic island arcs c.) hot spots D.) uplifted mountain ranges
Uplifted mountain ranges
Warm water (from 30C to 350C) hydrothermal vents form:
White smokers
Which of the following is characteristic of oceanic-continental convergent plate boundaries? A.) volcanic island arcs B.) hot spots c.) andesitic volcanoes D.) mid-ocean ridges E.) fracture zones
andesitic volcanoes
Determine the relationship that exists between the majority of the following words. Please identify the word and/or phrase that does NOT fit the pattern. A.) atmosphere b.) core c.) mesosphere D.) lithosphere E.) asthenosphere
Oceanic crust is primarily: A.) siltstone. B.) granite. c.) basalt. D.) clay minerals. E.) carbonate sedimentary rocks.
Which of the following conditions allow for calcareous ooze to be found beneath the CCD? Select only one answer. A.) Conditions of high salinity are present. b.) The deposit undergoes slow burial. c.) The ooze accumulates above the CCD and then is covered before being transported to deeper depths by sea floor spreading. D.) The deposit is mixed with hydrogenous sediment. E.) The calcareous ooze accumulates faster than it dissolves.
c.) the ooze accumulates above the CCD and then is covered before being transported to deeper depths by sea floor spreading
You take a sediment sample from the ocean floor at a depth of 5500 m. the area has low biological productivity and the CCD is at 4500 m depth. Your sample will probably consist of _______
Ocean sediments provide all of the following mineral resources except: A.) methane hydrates. b.) manganese nodules. c.) petroleum. D.) sand and gravel. E.) coal.
Satellites are used to map the ocean floor because A.) they are unaffected by surface weather. B.) they can "see" large areas of the seafloor at one time. c.) the shape of the ocean surface itself reflects large features on the seafloor below. D.) they can cover areas where ships have not produced surveys. E.) All the above statements are correct.
e.) all the statements above are correct
Match the term or person with the appropriate phrase. Wentworth Scale A.) depth at which calcium carbonate begins to dissolve B.) associated with glacial deposits c.) associated with submarine canyons and deep-sea alluvial fans D.) depth at which all calcium carbonate is in solution (i.e. dissolved) E.) particle size classification
e.) particle size classification
Match the term or person with the appropriate phrase. Vikings A.) first determination of Earth's circumference B.) established impermanent settlement in North America and the first Europeans to explore Iceland and Greenland c.) led voyage that first circumnavigated the globe D.)mapped world with Roman knowledge showing latitude and longitude E.) first European explorer to see the Pacific Ocean
established impermanent settlement in North America and the first Europeans to explore Iceland and Greenland
A glacial deposit is well sorted
Anaerobic organisms require oxygen to survive True or false
Calcareous ooze is found in cooler waters at depth around the world True or false
Due to the very harsh environmental conditions, very few types of organisms are found in association with hydrothermal vents True or false
Free oxygen was abundant in Earth's primordial atmosphere True false
Heterotrophic organisms can make their own food from inorganic carbon sources. True False
Mid-ocean ridges are rises that occupy a small portion (around 10%) of the deep ocean basins True or false
New crust is formed at trenches and older crust is subducted at oceanic ridges. True or false
The majority of the worlds hotspots are associated with plate boundaries True or false
The oldest rocks are located at mid-ocean ridges True or false
The salinity of the oceans has been steadily increasing True or false
The three major provinces of the ocean floor are continental margins, deep-ocean basins, and submarine canyons True or false
The three stages in the geologic development of coral reefs are fringing, barrier, and patch. True or false
Water depth decreases as you move away from the mid-ocean ridge True or false
paleomagnetism confirms that at particular times in the geologic past Earth has had more than one magnetic north pole True or false
the book The History of Ocean Basins, which contained the idea of seafloor spreading, was written by geologist
harry hess
salt beds of the U.S. Gulf Coast are ______
hydrogenous sediments
Sediments produced because of chemical reactions in seawater are called:
Climate distribution on earth is primarily controlled by
Match the term or person with the appropriate phrase. Abysmal Clay A.) biogenous sediment b.) hydrogenous sediment c.) cosmogenous sediment D.) lithogenous (terrigenous) sediment
lithogenous (terrigenous) sediment
Earthquakes can occur only in the __________.
The Sun and the rest of the solar system formed about 5 billion years ago from a huge cloud of dust and gas called a: A.) solar system. b.) supernova. c.) protoplanet. D.) quasar. E.) nebula.
The type of marine sediment that forms the thickest deposits worldwide is
neritic, lithogenous sediment deposits
Marine sediment with more than 30% biogenous material is called______
The most abundant mineral in lithogenous sediments is _______
of the following sediments, which one(s) is/are considered biogenous? A.) coatings of metal sulfides near black smokers b.) black volcanic beach sand c.) radiolarian ooze D.) manganese nodules E.) tests of foraminifers f.) abyssal clay
radiolarian ooze Tests of foraminifers
Large volcanoes on the sea floor that are cone-shaped on top because they never reached sea level are called:
The particles found in some sediment that suggests that an extraterrestrial impact event are:
A sediment-laden current that flows off the continental shelf is called a turbidity current True or false
At divergent plate boundaries, usually only shallow depth earthquakes can be found True or false
Fast moving spreading zones tend to be more gently sloping than slow-moving ridges True or false
Iceland is geologically active because it is located along the mid-Atlantic ridge True or false
In general, the salinity content of ocean water has remained constant throughout the majority of Earth's history. True False
Radiolarian oozes typically form near the equator True or false
The Earth formed around 4.6 billion years ago. True False
The organisms that contribute to biogenous sediment are chiefly algae and protozoans True or false
Of the following techniques, which one(s) can be used to map the sea floor? A.) using satellites to measure the sea surface b.) measuring sea water clarity c.) recording many depths using a long cable D.) sending sound through water (sonar) E.) direct visitation of the sea floor
using satellites to measure the sea surface recording many depths using a long cable sending sound through water (sonar) direct visitation of the sea floor
The four main types of marine sediment include all of the following except: A.) biogenous sediment. b.) hydrogenous sediment. c.) cosmogenous sediment. d.) lithogenous (terrigenous) sediment. E.) zoogenous sediment.
zoogenous sediment