radiobiology ch. 4

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1 rad = _____ cGy


1 Gy = _____ rad


1 Sv = _____ rem


In therapeutic radiology, which of the following units is replacing the rad for recording of absorbed dose? A. cGy B. milligray (mGy) C. mSv D. Sv


The EfD is based on which of the following? A. The energy deposited in biologic tissue by ionizing radiation B. The electrical charge produced in a kilogram of dry air by ionizing radiation C. The dose of ionizing radiation required to cause diffuse redness over an area of skin D. The number of electron-ion pairs in a specific volume of air


The concept of tissue weighting factor (Wt) is used to do which of the following? A. Account for the risk to the entire organism brought on by the irradiation of individual tissue and organs. B. Eliminate the need for determining effective dose C. Measure absorbed dose from all different types of ionizing radiations D. Modify the radiation weighting factor for different types of ionizing radiation


The radiation weighting factor for alpha particles is 20, and the tissue weighting factor for the lungs is 0.12. If the lungs received an absorbed dose of 0.2 Gyt from exposure to alpha particles, what is the effective dose in Sieverts? A. 0.48 Sv B. 4.8 Sv C. 48.0 Sv D. 480.0 Sv


Which fo the following have similar numeric values? 1. Quality factor (Q) 2. Wr 3. Wt A. 1 and 2 only B. 1 and 3 only C. 2 and 3 only D. 1, 2, and 3


Which of the following is the SI unit of radiation exposure that is used for x-ray equipment calibration? A. C/kg B. DAP C. R D. Sv


Which of the following types of radiation has a Wr of 20? A. Alpha particles B. Gamma radiation C. Neutrons, energy<10 keV D. x-radiation


What term means kinetic energy released in a unit mass (kilogram) of air?

Air Kerma

A radiation weighting factor (Wr) has been established for each of the following ionizing radiations: X-rays (Wr=1), fast neutrons (Wr=20), and alpha particles (Wr=20). What is the total equivalent dose (EqD) in Sieverts for a person who has received the following exposures: 0.2 Gyt of x-rays, 0.07 Gyt of fast neutrons, and 0.3 Gyt of alpha particles? A. 9.4 Sv B. 7.6 Sv C. 4.3 Sv D. 1.9 Sv


If 100 people received an average effective dose of 0.35 Sv, what is the collective effective dose? A. 17.5 person-sieverts B. 35 person-sieverts C. 70 person-sieverts D. 285 person-sieverts


If a patient undergoing x-ray therapy receives a total dose of 3000 rad, the dose may be recorded as when the SI system is used. Therefore, the dose will be: A. 6000 Gy B. 3000 centigray (cGy) C. 300 rad D. 30 R


The ampere is the SI unit of: A. Electric Charge B. Electric current C. Electric resistance D. x-ray ionization in air


Which of the following radiation quantities can be used to compare the average amount of radiation received by the entire body from a specific radiologic examination with the amount received from natural background radiation? A. D B. EfD C. EqD D. Exposure


Which of the following was used as the first measure of exposure for ionizing radiation? A. Air kerma B. Skin erythema C. Sievert D. Roentgen


A Wr has been established for the following ionizing radiations: x-rays (Wr = 1); fast neutrons (Wr = 20); and alpha particles (Wr = 20). What is the total EqD (in Sievert) for a person who has received the following exposures: x-rays = 4 Gyt; fast neutrons = 6 Gyt; and alpha particles = 3 Gyt? A. 1.84 B. 18.4 C. 184 D. 1840


Fluoroscopic entrance dose rates can now be measured in: A. keV/mm B. mGy-cm² C. mGya/min D. Person-sievert


In radiation protection systems no longer in use, a radiation dose to which occupationally exposed persons could be continuously subjected without any apparent harmful acute effects, such as erythema of the skin, was known as a(n): A. Air Kerma B. Effective dose C. Tolerance dose D. Weighted dose


The total amount of radiant energy transferred by ionizing radiation to the body during radiation exposure defines: A. Dose area product B. Effective dose C. Surface integral dose D. Total effective dose equivalent


What does the SI radiation unit coulomb per kilogram measure? A. Equivalent dose B. Absorbed dose in biologic tissue C. Radiation exposure in air only D. Speed at which x-ray photons travel


What is the SI unit for surface integral dose? A. Coulomb B. Erg C. Gy-m2 D. Sievert


Which of the following factors must be multipled to determine the EfD from an x-radiation exposure of an organ or body part? A. EqD x Wr x D B. Wt x Wr x ColEfD C. D x Wr x Wt D. D x C/kg


Which of the following is the unit of collective effective dose (ColEfD)? A. Coulombs per kilogram-sievert B. Gray-Sievert C. Person-sievert D. Rad-sievert


What is the radiation unit for Exposure?

Coulombs per kilogram C/kg

A dimensionless factor, or multiplier, that places risks associated with biologic effects on a common scale is known as the: A. D B. Background time factor C. EqD D. Wr


Early deterministic somatic effects of radiation include: 1. Nausea and fatique 2. Blood and intestinal disorders 3. Diffuse redness of the skin and shedding of its outer layer A. 1 and 2 only B. 1 and 3 only C. 2 and 3 only D. 1, 2, and 3


In radiation protection, which of the following is a measure of the probabilistic health effect on an individual as a result of an intake of radioactive material into the body? A. TEDE B. Gyt C. Gya D. CEDE


In the traditional system of quantities and units, 1 rad is equivalent to an energy transfer of: A. 500 erg per gram of irradiated object B. 300 erg per gram of irradiated object C. 200 erg per gram of irradiated object D. 100 erg per gram of irradiated object


Ten Sieverts equal ______ millisieverts. A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 D. 10,000


The expression 10⁻⁶ may be symbolically expressed as which of the following? A. P B. W C. S D. m


To convert the number of grays into milligrays, the number of grays must be: A. Divided by 100 B. Divided by 1000 C. Multiplied by 100 D. Multiplied by 1000


What term means the amount of energy per unit mass absorbed by an irradiated object?


Which of the following is (are) equivalent to 1 rem? 1. 1/100 Sv 2. 1 centisievert (cSv) 3. 10 millisievert (mSv) A. 1 only B. 2 only C. 3 only D. 1, 2, and 3


Which of the following is the SI unit for surface integral dose? A. C/kg B. Gya C. Gyt D. Gy-m²


Which of the following radiation quantities accounts for some biologic tissues being more sensitive to radiation damage than other tissues? A. Absorbed dose B. Exposure C. Equivalent dose D. Effective dose


Which of the following radiation quantities is used to describe exposure of a population or group from low doses of different sources of ionizing radiation? A. D B. EqD C. CEDE D. ColEfD


Which of the following terms describes the amount of energy per unit mass transferred from an x-ray beam to an object in its path such as the human body? A. SI B. Exposure C. Equivalent dose D. Absorbed dose


X-rays, beta particles (high-speed electrons), and gamma rays have been given a numeric adjustment value of 1 because they produce: A. No biologic effect in body tissue for equal absorbed doses B. Varying degrees of biologic effect in body tissue for equal absorbed doses C. High-dose biologic effects in all body tissues for even the smallest dose D. Virtually the same biologic effect in body tissue for equal absorbed doses


what term Is the sum total of air kerma over the exposed area of the patient's surface or, a measure of the amount of radiant energy that has been thrust into a portion of the patients body surface?

DAP (Dose Area Product)

What term means a measure of the amount of radiant energy that has been thrust into a portion of the patient's body surface?

Dose Area product (DAP)

What term means the product of D x Wr x Wt?


What term means a composite, or weighted average, of the atomic numbers of the many chemical elements comprising the tissue?

Effective atomic number (Zeff)

What term means the product of D x Wr?


What term is the total electrical charge of one sign, either all pluses or all minuses, per unit mass that x-ray and gamma ray photons with energies up to 3 million electron volts?


What term means The amount of ionizing radiation that may strike an object such as the human body when in the vicinity of a radiation source?


What is the radiation unit for Absorbed dose (D)?


What is the radiation unit for Air kerma?

Gray (Gya and Gyt)

What term means the SI unit to express D?


What is the equivalent SI unit for SID (Surface integral dose)?


What term means a concept that helps explain the need for a quality, or modifying, factor?

Linear energy transfer (LET)

What term means radiation exposure received by radiation workers in the course of exercising their professional responsibilities?

Occupation exposure

What term means the SI unit for radiation quantity ColEfD?


What term means the photon (either x-ray or gamma ray) exposure that under standard conditions of pressure and temperature produces a total positive or negative ion charge of 2.58 x 10⁻⁴ C/kg of dry air?


What is tolerance dose measured in?

Roentgen (R)

What term allows units to be used interchangeable among all branches of science throughout the world?


What term means a unit used from 1900 to 1930 to measure radiation exposure?

Skin erythema dose

What term means biologic damage to the body caused by exposure to ionizing radiation?

Somatic damage

What term means the SI unit for EqD?


What term means a radiation quantity that is a particularly useful dose monitor for occupational exposed personnel such as nuclear medicine technologists and interventional radiologists, who are likely to receive possibly significant radiation exposure during the course of a year?


What term means the kinetic energy released in a unit mass of tissue?

Tissue Kerma

T/F The coulomb is the basic unit of electrical charge and is used for exposure in the air only.


What term means a dimensionless factor (a multiplier) that was chosen for radiation protection purposes to account for differences in biologic impact among various types of ionizing radiation?


DAP (Dose Area Product) is usually measured in what?


EfD is measured in ______.


EfD and EqD are both measured in ______ or ______.

rem; Sv

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