RDOHC Unit 5 Vocabulary & Jobs

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- help patients who have difficulties with hearing or balance; studies and specializes in hearing. - master's degree in this field (6 years).

speech language pathologist

- help people who have speech or language disorders. - their clients include people who stutter, children with developmental disabilities that compromise their speech, people who have suffered strokes or other trauma, people with cerebral palsy or other diseases that impair their ability to speak, & people will swallowing disorders. - will evaluate patients, make a diagnosis, & develop & implement a treatment plan.

health service administrator

- helps to keep departments, facilities, and systems running smoothly. - master's degree (6 years).

biomedical technician

- install, calibrate, maintain, repair and overhaul medical equipment. - associate's degree in biomedical technology (2 years) or bachelor's degree (4 years).

physical therapist assistant (PTA)

- may implement the PT's patient treatment plan. - work one-on-one with patients to rehabilitate them under the direction/supervision of the PT. - may massage injured tissues, apply heat or ice, or administer other therapies.

molecular biologist

- will identify the various microorganisms that cause disease by using samples of blood, urine, stool, sputum, and other specimens to grow and test microorganisms.

immunohematology technologist

- will perform a variety of simple and highly specialized tests to see if the immune system is functioning properly. - they will screen for many diseases and conditions that involve the immune system. Exs: AIDS, measles, allergies, & pregnancy.


- will straighten teeth with braces and retainers. - will evaluate teeth, put on and take off braces, may insert palate expanders or other medical advancements to help a patient have straight and aligned teeth.


a set of therapies that tend to use similar movements or strokes to reach a similar goal. (treatment tools like hot or cold packs, whirlpools, nerve stimulation, ultrasound, & traction.)

medication administration record (MAR)

a sheet used for documentation listing medications prescribed and times to be given.


study of viruses.


incidence of death in a population.


understanding how drugs act in the body.


a test in which a patient breathes into a machine, the spirometer, to test lung function.


a test that uses a continuous beam of x-rays to observe movement in the body.

social worker

- a mental health professional who counsels patients and provides a link between the patient and the treatment center; help people with special problems and challenges. - bachelor's degree (4 years).


- a physician who specializes in interpreting medical images through x-rays & other imaging techniques and treating injuries and diseases with medical imaging techniques. - bachelor's degree (4 years), medical school (4 years), residency (4 to 5 years).

nuclear medicine technologist

- a radiologic technologist who specializes in nuclear medicine, the use of radioactive materials to create diagnostic images. - associate's or bachelor's degree (2 to 4 years).

PET technologist

- a radiologic technologist who specializes in positron emission tomography. - associate's or bachelors degree (2 to 4 years).


- study microorganisms (how they behave, their dangers and benefits, and how they interact with people). - bachelor's degree in biology (entry level); PhD or MD.

medical librarian

- specialized to provide information about new medical treatments, clinical trials, and standard procedures to physicians and researchers. - master's degree in library science (6 years).


- apply the principles of nutrition to food choice and meal preparation. - they educate people about eating well and work with individuals to manage illnesses. - may also manage food services for schools or other large institutions; here they would be in charge of budgeting, purchasing, & hiring to planning meals and overseeing their preparation.


- are authorized by law to dispense prescription medicines. - will receive prescriptions and fill them. - monitor the work of the technicians who assist them. - may counsel patients about the drugs they have been prescribed.

surgical technologist

- assists in operations under the supervision of surgeons or registered nurses; perform tasks in preparation for an operation to ensure it remains germ-free. - nine to two year month program.


- design, make, & custom fit orthopedic devices artificial limbs. - use computers & a wide array of traditional tools. - will work with the patient to choose the parts that will make up the prosthesis.

biomedical engineer

- develop devices using engineering skills that help in the diagnosis and treatment of disease (metals, artificial organs, computer systems, etc). - bachelor's or master's degree in engineering (4-6 years).


- examine patients, diagnose medical problems, and treat illnesses and injuries - Bachelor's degree (4 years), Medical school (4 years), Intern or residency (3 to 8 years).


- examine people's teeth and gums to determine whether they are healthy. - may use x-rays to identify and treat cavities, gum disease, or other dental issues. - fill cavities, repair fractures, and extract teeth. - can do dental surgeries and put on sealants. - will record notes of their examinations in patient records.

industrial hygienist

- examine workplaces to ensure that they present no dangers to employees or the surrounding community. - exs: may check for poor indoor air quality, lead or asbestos, unsafe noise and radiation levels, and hazardous waste. - will take samples of the potentially hazardous materials, analyze them, & make recommendations to remove or control the materials. - will investigate incidents and do audits to make sure that companies and employees are following health & safety laws and procedures. - may also educate employees & the public about potential risks to safety & health.

pathologist assistant

- examine, dissect and process tissue specimens. - bachelors degree (4 years).

athletic trainer

- help athletes condition themselves to participate in sports or other physical activities; will prevent & treat athletic injuries & provide rehabilitative services to athletes. - bachelor's degree (4 years)

physician assistant

- perform similar tasks as physicians, provide primary care where physicians are in short supply and assume responsibilities for routine tasks - Bachelor's degree (4 years) PA Program (2 years).

clinical lab technologist

- perform tests and analyze results on tissues, body fluids, & cells. - will prepare specimens, perform tests on them, and interpret the results. - they look for bacteria, viruses, microorganisms and also check for changes and abnormal cells. - also type and crossmatch blood for transfusions.

cardiovascular technologist/sonographer

- performs diagnostic tests involving the heart and blood vessels and help treat patients with cardiac and vascular (blood vessel) diseases. They will work under a physician's supervision. - will perform ultrasound procedures, monitor patients' heart rates, review physicians' interpretations and patient riles, & compare findings for an individual patient against normal findings to identify problems. - will schedule appointments, explain test procedures, and care for testing equipment. - other tasks depend on speciality (invasive procedures, noninvasive cardiology, & non-invasive peripheral vascular studies).

diagnostic medical sonographer

- performs ultrasounds, used to diagnose and treat certain medical conditions. - bachelor's degree (4 years).


- physicians who specialize in vision and eye care; unlike optometrists, they can perform surgeries and prescribe medication. - bachelor's degree (4 years), Medical School (4 years)+, this speciality's residency (3 years).


- primary eye car providers that will measure vision; NOT medical doctors. - bachelor's degree+ doctorate of this speciality.


- provide emergency medical treatment for people in their homes, at the scenes of accidents, & in other locations where immediate care is required. They will continue this care on the way to the hospital. - will respond by ambulance to emergency calls. They should have knowledge of the area and road conditions that could affect their choice of route.

respiratory therapist

- provide respiratory care for patients with heart and lung disorders (cardiopulmonary). - will perform diagnostic tests & evaluate the results to help with a patient's plan of care. - will also administer oxygen, aerosol medications, and other treatments. ⋆ They will work with the patient's overall respiratory care; exs include running tests for lung capacity, stress tests, and sleep studies; also administer oxygen, give aerosol medications, & monitor patients.


- radioactive form of an element that gives off energy in the form of radiation; radioisotope - (radioisotopes) unstable atoms of an element that give off radiation; are used in treating diseases, mainly killing cancer cells.


- replacement of broken parts of teeth or missing teeth with crowns, bridges, dentures, or other fixtures.

research/medical scientist

- research human diseases with the goal of improving people's health. - those working in biotechnology will study viruses & bacteria to help develop vaccines, drugs, & other treatments. - many will work with human genes and determine their functions to how they're linked to diseases. - others may produce drugs based off of substances in the body like insulin.


- specialist in the study of disease; responsible for examining corpse and determining the cause of death. - bachelor's degree (4 years), medical school (4 years), residency (4 years).

research assistant

- support the efforts of microbiologists, medical scientists, research scientists (set up, run and care for instruments, monitor experiments, and interpret results). - associate's degree or bachelor's degree.

physical therapist

- will begin with a review of the patient's medical history, which will allow them to select the appropriate physical tests to use to evaluate the patient's abilities and condition. - will measure factors relating to overall strength, aerobic capacity and endurance, range of motion, gait, locomotion, stability when walking, balance and coordination, posture, muscle strength, endurance, tone, and reflexives. - their main goals are to help patients restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, & prevent/limit permanent physical disabilities.


- will deal with human behavior and how it is affected by brain function and the environment; studies the mind and counsels patients. - bachelor's degree (4 years)+ doctorate degree (4 years).


- will examine cells microscopically, looking for changes or abnormal cells that indicate viral or bacterial infections, cancer, or precancerous conditions. - will work in many laboratory settings like hospitals, private, & university laboratories.

medical assistant

- will handle both administrative and clinical tasks, carrying out office procedures. - may examine patients & help treat them. - might do office work with filing, scheduling appointments, greeting patients, answering the phones, managing schedules, performing billing & collection procedures, managing supplies & equipment, etc. - clinical tasks include measuring & recording patient's height, weight, & blood pressure, obtaining medical histories, assisting with physical examinations, drawing blood samples, sterilizing instruments, assist with minor surgeries, remove sutures, dispose of biohazardous waste, etc.

occupational therapist

- will help people regain, develop, or master everyday skills so they can function better at work and in life. - will start with screening the patient to see if they need OT by testing motor skills and perceptual abilities. - after data analysis, they will develop an intervention plan and work with the patient. - areas of practice include mental health, productive aging, children & youth, health & wellness, work & industry, and rehabilitation, disability, & participation.

medical sonographer

- will put gel on a patient's skin and will then move a transducer over the area to be scanned. - will look at the images during the scan for abnormalities. - will analyze the results of the scan and summarize the preliminary findings for the physician orally or through writing. - will also keep patient records and adjust and maintain equipment. - specialities: Obstetrics/gynecology, abdomen, neurosonography, or breast.

medical transcriptionist

- will transcribe recordings dictated by physicians & other health care professionals into medical reports and other documents. - they will use special transcribing equipment and word processing softwares. - they must be fast and accurate typists.

pharmacy technician

- will work in a pharmacy under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist. - perform many routine tasks to help pharmacists fill prescriptions. - will also do administrative tasks to help the pharmacy run smoothly. - states govern the rules that they can perform, so other tasks may vary by state.

occupational therapist assistant (OTA)

- work directly under the OT to provide OT services. - will carry out the intervention plan, work directly with clients, administer tests, contribute to treatment plan, & participate in stages of therapy.


- work with people suffering from pain (pain in the back, neck, writs, headaches or pain). - four years of undergraduate education.

advanced practice nurse

RN's that have more extensive education & training and a broader set of work responsibilities, which may include providing basic primary care.

healthcare career clusters

Therapeutic services, Diagnostic services, Health Informatics, Support Services, and Biotechnology.

sterile field

a germ-free area around the patient where an operation is preformed.

balloon angioplasty

a balloon attached to the end of the catheter is used to clear blockages in blood vessels.


a dentist specializing in diseases of the dental pulp and nerve; treatment of the interior of the tooth, such as the root canal and the replacements of them.

career ladder

a hierarchy of careers; a person will need more education/training to move from a lower career on the ladder to a higher one.


a medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness.


a person who is a doctor of animal science.

quality assurance (QA )

a plan for ensuring high quality performance in all areas of a laboratory's technical support functions and quality improvement.

holter monitor

a portable EKG device worn by a patient.


a procedure that does not involve entering the body or breaking the skin.


a procedure that is required to enter the body by using a tube, needle, or other device.

quality control (QO)

a program that will monitor each phase of the laboratory process in a laboratory.

sharps container

a puncture resistant, leakproof disposable container for sharp items, such as needles and scalpels.

cardiac catheterization

a tube/catheter is inserted into a vein & guided toward the heart to reveal blood vessel blockages.


active treatment processes such as exercises to improve muscle extension, communication, behavior & conduct, data collection, & other areas.

clinical tasks

activities that involve examining patients and helping treat them; includes measuring & recording a patient's weight, height, and blood pressure, obtaining medical histories, drawing blood samples, assist in minor office surgeries, change dressings, removing sutures, etc.


appliances to replace missing teeth.

health informatics

application of computer and information science in all basic and applied biomedical sciences to facilitate the acquisition, processing, interpretation, optimal use, and communication of health-related data.

emergency medical technicians (EMTs)

are qualified to provide more comprehensive basic life support care at the scene of an emergency, in addition to performing the duties of an EMR.


artificial teeth or crowns attached to ajoining teeth.


assures the worker meets a certain competency level set forth by the certifying organization.


cap for broken or weak teeth.

direct patient care

care that involves hands-on contact with patients to assist them in the best way possible.


caring for people who are ill, injured, or unable to care for themselves in some way.


changes in the body due to disease.


dental specialist for diseases of the gums and bones.

diagnostic services

determine the presence, absence, or extent of a disease and provide data on the effectiveness of treatment.


drawing blood from a vein.


focus on the whole person and integrate mind, body, social, emotional, & spiritual aspects.


graduated from an accredited school and have passed a standardized national exam administered by a nongovernmental agency.


granting of authority by a state to work in a given profession.

registered nurse (RN)

have the most education and the widest scope of practice of the three nursing occupations.

electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

invaluable tools in diagnosing and evaluating heart attacks; arrhythmias (irregulars in heart rhythm); and other cardiac problems.

administrative tasks

involve carrying out office procedures; includes greeting patients, answering phones, making appointments, arranging schedules, organizing files, manage office expenses & payroll, etc.

oral hygiene

keeping one's mouth clean.

therapeutic services

provide treatments to patients and/or animals; they also can include counseling, use of medications, surgery, radiation, physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychiatric treatment, or combinations of these.


materials used to close wounds.

in-service education

may teach employees a specific nursing skill, such as how to use new equipment or how to provide care for specific diseases.

stress test

measures the response of the heart muscle to increased demands for oxygen.


of or relating to blood vessels.

dental hygienist

provide a wide range of services focused on preventing and treating tooth and gum disease and promoting good oral hygiene & health. will work under the supervision of a dentist.

support services

provide care for patients directly or indirectly as well as creates a therapeutic environment for patients.


radionuclides are bound to a stable molecule or compound to make drugs. Targeted to accumulate temporarily in specific tissues or organs.


recognition by outside agency as having standards that qualify graduates for professional practice.


relating to drugs developed for medical use.


relating to the gums and bones.


relating to the mouth.

manual dexterity

skill at working with one's hands.

nursing practice acts

state laws that regulate the practice of nursing.


the incidence of disease in a population, includes all diseases, not just those that are fatal.


study of parasitic protozoa and worms.


the diagnosis of sleep disorders, which often involve respiratory conditions.


the manipulation of genetic material in living organisms to make products and services.

root canal

the pulp-filled cavity in the root of a tooth, including replacement of infected or inflamed pulp in a root canal with artificial material.


the restoration, after a disease or injury, of the ability to function in a normal or near-normal manner.


the science of the causes and effects of disease.


the study of bacteria.


the study of fungi and yeasts.


the study of the electrical activity in the body.


the study of the microscopic structure of tissue.


the study of the structure of cells.

respiratory therapy

the treatment of patients with breathing and other cardiopulmonary disorders.


the use of high-frequency sound waves to produce images of organs and other structures in the body.

nuclear medicine

the use of radioactive materials inside the body to create diagnostic images or to treat cancer and other diseases.


the use of ultrasound to examine the heart and blood vessels.

dental assistant

will perform a wide variety of tasks to keep a dental practice running smoothly. some may do administrative & clinical tasks and can work within a dental laboratory. they will always be working under a dentist's supervision.

licensed practical nurse (LPN)

will perform many of the routine tasks of nursing under the direction of a physician or RN.

certified nursing assistant (CNA)

will perform simple, basic nursing functions and care for patient's personal needs under the direction of an LPN/RN.

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