Regular Howard Russian Revolution!

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upper employing class described in the communist manifesto


working class and people Lenin believed were getting exploited by the rich

Tsar Nicholas II

Being the last Tsar of Russia, he was known as a weak ruler and could easily be persuaded by others. He also made very bad decisions and felt he was not ready to be Tsar.


Being the wife of Nicholas II, she was a German princess. Known as being meek and seclusive, she cared heavily about her children. While Tsar Nicholas II left for the war she was in charge with Rasputin. (SHE WAS INFLUENCED BY RASPUTIN)

Joseph Stalin

Bolshevik revolutionary, head of the Soviet Communists after 1924, and was the "muscle" of the communist party.

St. Petersburg

Built by Peter the Great of Russia, it served as the capital of Russia and was where Bloody Sunday and many protests against the Tsar took place. (MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THAT ST PETERSBURG = PETROGRAD = LENINGRAD)

1905 Russian Revolution

Due to the Russo-Japanese loss, political upheaval at home, and Bloody Sunday, massive crowds made up of workers protested. Result: Tzar Nicholas II signs October Manifesto

Russo-Japanese War

FIRST MILITARY FRUSTRATION. War between Russia and Japan in order to take parts of Manchuria (china) Result: Japanese victory and humiliating loss for Russia

World War I and Russia

MAJOR SOURCE OF MILITARY FRUSTRATION. In 1914, Russia joined the war and a great wave of patriotism for the Tsar pursued. However, due to being completely unprepared, making terrible war plans, and not having many materials, the war turned sour for the Russians. Rations decreased, and people quickly became angry at the Tsar. The war puts plenty of strain on the economy and Russia. SOON LED TO ANOTHER REVOLUTION....

October Revolution (Bolshevik Revolution)

The second part of the Russian Revolution led by Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party. In October 1917, the provisional government was failing, workers strike, soldiers refused to fight, and peasants were taking land. The Provisional government was very disliked. With Lenin back in Russia, he led thousands of supporters and overthrew the provisional government. (LENIN AND BOLSHEVIKS TAKE OVER!!)

Lenin/Bolshevik catch phrase

"Peace, land, and bread"

Communist Party

-Believed everyone should be equal -Everyone shares land and means of production -Believed workers were abused by capitalist and the rich (Rich get richer, poor get poorer) -Government essentially controls everything! -Ultimately a flawed system as it makes people want to work less. LENIN BELIEVED CAPITALISM WILL ULTIMATELY FAIL AS THE WORKING CLASS WILL OVERTHROW THE RICH TO CREATE A COMMUNIST UTOPIA IN WHICH EVERYONE WAS EQUAL

Legacy of communism in Russia and formation of the USSR

-Ended Romanov (Nicholas II family lineage) dynasty -establishment of first communist state and dictatorship -Ultimately failed -Less freedoms and rights than before -Government controls basically everything now -Leads to Stalin and the Cold War...

February/ March Revolution 1917

-Food prices increased with less food -Soldiers came home and told how badly they were losing -People protested in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) Result: Tsar Nicholas II abdicates, provisional government led by Alexander Kerensky forms

Who caused the Russian Revolution? Why? Give 2-3 historical pieces of evidence to defend your response.

-Tsar Nicholas II -Vladimir Lenin -Peasants/working class Tsar Nicholas II was a weak and unexperienced leader. Due to this, he was not loved by the people, was unable to stand up to rebellion, and fix major problems. Instead, he had to rely on his ministers and advisors to fix his problems. The Peasants and working class continued to drive tension and anger as they were the largest class of people in Russia. They were able to create rebellion, strikes, and in a way, held Tsar Nicholas II's fate in their hand. The soldiers and death could not intimidate them all. Lastly, Vladimir Lenin offered communism, a seemingly good alternative to the monarchy and the weak Tsar. In conclusion, the peasants revolted against the tsar, the tsar didn't know how to stand up to them so instead abdicated, and Vladimir Lenin came in to introduce communism and created the USSR.

Rule of Lenin (1920-1924)

-War Communism (Government taking over businesses) -Creates NEP which are economic reforms (moderate mix of capitalism and socialism) -Creates Communist Party -Russia becomes the USSR (UNITED. SOVIET. SOCIALIST. REPUBLICS.)

Russian Civil War

1918-1920: conflict in which the Red Army against people opposed to Bolshevik Rule, (white army) which were made up of government officials, soldiers, generals, and others (RED ARMY VS. WHITE ARMY) Result: Red army victory and full Bolshevik control

Provisional Government

A temporary government created by the Duma after the abdication of the czar; it made the decision to remain in World War One, costing it the support of the soviets and the people.

October Manifesto

Granted full civil rights and a popular parliament- Duma.

Karl Marx

He was 19th century philosopher and is recognized as the father of communism. Analysis of history led to his belief that communism would replace capitalism as it replaced feudalism. Believed in a classless society.


He was a self-proclaimed holy man who claimed to heal the sick and have prophecy. He had much influence over Tsarina Alexandra and she often went to him for advise on political issues. He was also an advisor.


He was the son of Nicholas II and Alexandra and had hemophilia, a sometimes fatal blood condition in which your blood can't clot as well. Rasputin was called to help him

What did Tsar Nicholas II do to try to help his struggling armies during WWI?

He went to the front, leaving his GERMAN princess and Rasputin to be in charge


It was an elected parliament. While establishing it seemed like the Tzar was giving his people power, in reality he could easily get rid of it (DUMA HAD VERY LIMITED POLITICAL POWER)

Father Gapon

Leader of the factory workers who assembled before the Tzar's palace to petition him on January 1905 (Bloody Sunday).

Alexander Kerensky

Leader of the provisional government


Led by Vladimir Lenin it was the Russian communist party that took over the Russian goverment during WWI

Bloody Sunday

Led by father Gapon, it was a peaceful march by Russians asking for some reforms by Tzar Nicholas II. However, it turned deadly when the Tzar's winter palace guards fired on the crowd, killing hundreds.

Vladimir Lenin

Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR -Bolshevik that negotiated with Germans to have peace

Leon Trotsky

Russian revolutionary and Communist theorist who helped Lenin and built up the red army

White Army

Russians who opposed Lenin and the Bolsheviks.

The order of Russian Revolution events:

Russo Japanese war-Bloody Sunday- 1905 revolution- October manifesto- WWI- Feb/ March revolution- Bolshevik/October revolution- Treaty of Brest Litovsk- Russian Civil War

Winter Palace

The former home of the Tzar and the place where the Bolsheviks seized control (located in St. Petersburg)

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