Religion Test Chapter 10-11

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Saw Jesus as a threat who could lead the common people to rebel against their teaching.

Who is Mary of Magdala?

She was the first person to Jesus' tomb after he resurrected. She was a disciple of Jesus.


Refers to the events of Jesus' persecution and torture before his death.

Without the _________ the Gospels would never have been written, and the Catholic Church would have never existed.


In the early Church, experiencing the ________ was considered a key qualification for being accepted as one of the Apostles.

Risen Christ.


The "going up into" Heaven of the Risen Christ 40 days after his Resurrection.

After our death, we will still be the same person, but will have a resurrected ____ in an utterly new kind of existence.


The appearances of the Risen Jesus caused a profound change in his __________.


If the Resurrection reveals the truth of Jesus' divinity, then it also confirms the truth of all his other ________.


Because of the ______, all humanity now has the possibility of spending eternity with God in Heaven, and Christ is more present to us now than he was during his earthly life.


What does Jesus' death mean for all Christians? What does his death mean to you?

Jesus' death is the ultimate sign of God's love. Jesus sacrificed his life for us and gave us another chance.

What does Jesus' death mean for Christians today?

Jesus' death shows us how much God loves us and it frees us from sin.


Jewish government officials and scholars of the Law of Moses.

Chief priests

Jewish priests descended from the tribe of Levi who were responsible for proclaiming God's laws, and worshiping ritual sacrifices in the synagogues.

Christ had to suffer and die to save us from sin and death and to raise us with him to new and glorious life. This is called the _______.

Paschal Mystery.

Who was the Roman governor that put Jesus to death?

Pontius Pilate.

Pontius Pilate

Roman leader who gave permission to have Jesus executed.

Why did he agree to crucify Jesus and what crime was he charged with?

He agreed to crucify Jesus because he was afraid the crowd was going to start a rebellion. Jesus was charged with blasphemy.

Stations of the Cross

A religious devotion that helps us meditate on Jesus' Passion.


The official crime Jesus was charged with.

The people who go to the tomb find out from ______ that Jesus is no longer dead.



A Jewish sect known for their strict adherence to the Old Law.

salvation of all

God's purpose in the death of Christ.


Jesus cast out the moneychangers from this.

Why did the Jewish leaders want Jesus dead?

Jesus challenged their authority to such an extent that they believed Jesus would lead the common people to rebel against the leaders' teaching.

Belief in Jesus' Resurrection and belief in the ________ go hand in hand.


Why do Catholics display crucifixes in their homes and churches?

It is a sign that God lives us and sacrificed his son for humanity.

What does Jesus' Ascension mean for all humanity?

It means that all humanity now has the possibility of spending eternity with God in Heaven. It means that Jesus can be more present to us now than before his Ascension.

One of the woman who encounter the Risen Christ is ________

Mary Magdalene.

Suffering Servant

Metaphor from Isaiah that describes Jesus' suffering and death to save us from sin.

ransom for many

Metaphor from Roman society that describes how Jesus freed us from sin and death.

Paschal Lamb

Metaphor from the Book of Exodus that describes Jesus' sacrifice of himself to save us from sin and death.


The single most important event in all history. The passage of Christ from death to life on the third day after his crucifixion.


The suffering and death of Jesus.


The symbol of Christ's death, transformed int o the symbol of freedom and eternal life.

Paschal Mystery

The work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ through his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension.

Why is Christ's Resurrection the single most important event in all history?

Through the life, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ, all humanity has an opportunity to share in the eternal life God has planned for us from the beginning of time.

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