RIP Van Winkle

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What was Rip's first thought when he awoke from his long sleep?

"What excuse will I make to Dame Winkle?"

In the mountains, a stander approach Rip. The stranger carried on his shoulder

A stout keg

The patriarch of the village and landlord of the inn was

Derrick Van Bummel

The village Rip lived near was founded by the


Rip and Dame Winkle has no children.


Whose picture had replaced King George's on the sign?

George Washington

What had happen to Nicholas Vedder?

He had died

This is because...

He had got his neck out of the yoke of matrimony/ He had arrived at that happy age when a man can be idle with impunity

Which of the following does not describe Rip?


According to legend, who had Rip encountered on the mountain?

Henry Hudson

What is the sound that Rip hears coming from clef in the mountain?

Hudson's men at ninepins

How long had Rip's sleep seemed to him?

One night

Who confirms Rip's story?

Peter Vanderdonk

Who took Rip home to live with them?

Rip's daughter

Rip's favorite sport was

Squirrel shooting

The Catskill Mountain are a beach of what mountain family?

The Appalachians

Rip is happy about the at things turned out.


Rip was favorite among all the good wives of the village.


Washington Irving is considered one of the forefather of American Literature.


How long had Rip "slept"

Twenty years

Rip's dog's name was


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