Safe Driving Practices, OSHA

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According to Federal law, anyone what age or younger is prohibited from driving on public roads as part of their job?

16 and younger.

Make sure you take breaks from driving every _____ hours to stay alert and set realistic goals for the number of miles you can drive safely each day.


The risk of a fatal crash is ____ times greater at night.


It is illegal in all __ states to drive under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, opioids, methamphetamine, or any potentially impairing drug prescribed or over the counter.


Motor Vehicle Record Checks:

A clear history for all drivers and vehicles is imperative.

Driver Agreements:

A clear understanding of the employer and employee's responsibilities should be in place.

Vehicle Selection, Inspection, & Maintenance:

All vehicles should be properly selected, inspected, and maintained.

Where should you be alert while driving?

Anywhere you drive.

What is the most dangerous time to drive?

At night.

What are five ways you can do something to reduce those risks?

Avoid driving at night, avoid extra passengers, avoid alcohol and drugs, wear seatbelts, and never using your phone while driving.

Impaired Driving:

Avoid driving while impaired and avoid distracted driving. This includes using navigation systems and other on-board distractions.

All Roadways:

Be especially alert in parking lots. Make sure the parking lot is well-lit and properly maintained.

________ in the United States result in high costs both monetarily and in human lives. Many of these accidents occur as a result of distracted driving with cell phone usage being a leading cause of distraction.

Car Crashes

Daydreaming while driving is an example of which type of distraction?


Regulatory Compliance:

Compliance with safety and operational regulations is required, but will also lead to fewer accidents.

Crash Reporting & Investigation:

Crash reporting and investigations should be complete and up to date.

What is the leading cause of vehicle accidents?

Distracted driving.

Eileen was responding to a text message on her way home from work when a deer ran out in front of her car. Which of the four main causes of accidents is involved in this situation?


What are the two most common types of impairment?

Driving under the influence and driving drowsy.


Ensure that the vehicle is properly maintained and safe to operate. If you suspect there is an issue with the vehicle, notify your employer prior to driving it.

Secure your Load:

Ensure your loads and materials are properly secured for transport.

How frequently should you take breaks when driving long distances?

Every 2 hours.

What are three ways to cultivate driving habits that keep you and others safe?

Good decision making, good response times, and staying alert to your surroundings with an eye out for possible hazards.

What can an inexperienced driver lack?

Good decisions, response time, and road hazards.


In order to best protect yourself should an accident occur, make sure to buckle up your seat belt on every car trip.


Make sure you are qualified and licensed to drive the vehicle you are being asked to drive.


Make sure you know the vehicle well enough to operate it.

What are the 10 items to minimize crashes that are recommended for employers from The Network of Employers for Traffic Safety (NETS)?

Management Commitment & Employee Involvement, Written Policies & Procedures, Driver Agreements, Motor Vehicle Record Checks, Crash Reporting & Investigation, Vehicle Selection & Inspection & Maintenance, Disciplinary Action System, Reward/Incentive Program, Driver Training, and Regulatory Compliance.


Maximize your field of vision by adjusting all mirrors prior to operating the vehicle and clearing any window obstructions. Make sure you can safely see ahead, behind, and to the sides of the vehicle. Know that you will still have "blind zones" so be aware of them.

Reward/Incentive Program:

Rewards and incentives for safe driving can cultivate a culture of safe driving.

Crumbling asphalt on a busy city thoroughfare has led to potholes deep enough to snap a wheel off an axle. Which of the four main causes of accidents is involved in this situation?

Road condition.

Management Commitment & Employee Involvement:

Safety should be an ongoing concern and conversation between all levels of the organization.

How do you drive safe?

Secure your loads, avoid impaired driving, be alert of all of your surroundings, and be careful when reversing.

What raises the chances of an accident?

Speeding or going too fast for the driving conditions (roadway, weather, traffic).

Who are the least likely to wear seat belts?


What are the 4 most common reasons for car accidents?

The driver, the vehicle, the road, the weather.

How can the road cause an accident?

The state of the road, be its design, slickness from weather conditions, or debris that may be on it.

How can a vehicle cause an accident?

Vehicle failure

After coming down a long winding mountain road, Michael's brakes overheat and give out. Which of the four main causes of accidents is involved in this situation?


What are the four different types of distractions?

Visual, Auditory, Biomechanical (or Manual), Cognitive.

After a night of heavy rain, a thick coating of morning fog has all but stopped traffic through the east side of town. Which of the four main causes of accidents is involved in this situation?

Weather condition.

Written Policies & Procedures:

Within your company there should be materials in place detailing ways to stay safe while on the road.

________ contributes to more crashes and highway deaths than cocaine, heroin, and every other illegal drug combined.


What does "Non-Traffic" refer to?

anything that happens off public roads or highways, generally in parking lots or driveways.

Looking away from the roadway to get something out of the glove box is an example of which kind of distraction?


How can the weather cause an accident?

fog, rain, and snow all contribute to accidents.

About _______ of U.S. adult drivers admit to consistently getting behind the wheel while drowsy.


How can a driver cause an accident?

if a driver is driving too fast, has distractions, or is drowsy.

The employee's responsibility is to be:

licensed for the vehicle you're going to drive, belted, be tailored, know how to operate the vehicle, is safe to operate.

You should ________ drive while impaired.


Do something, learn something, and say ____________.


How long do you have to react to a hazard?

3 seconds.

Disciplinary Action System:

A meaningful disciplinary action system should be in place and followed.


Be very careful when backing up and avoid doing so when possible.

What is the number one cause of death for teens in the U.S.?

Car Crashes

Driver Training:

Drivers' training should be thorough, ongoing, and up to date.

Which of the following are things you should do to minimize driving risks?

No cellphones while driving, no speeding, no alcohol or drugs, no driving or riding without a seat belt, minimize distractions, no driving at night, don't wear headphones or earplugs while driving.

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