Scribe Training
when do you log off?
Any time you are finished documenting on that particular workstation
When do you sign in to the department to show you are there and ready to work?
At the beginning of the shift
what ohrase (dotphrase) is necessary to add in addition to the provider signature?
You will have the ability to document all of the following except:
Clinical impression
In the History section, the correct way to document a pertinent negative is to use a note.
When documenting a note using Notewriter, as the scribe you should:
Share the note
What does the Legend button on the Track Board do? (Select all that apply)
Shows what each of the patient status colors mean
Which SmartTool pulls in or links patient information already in the system in to Notewriter (such as patient name, history, allergies, date, etc.j?
On the Track Board, under the Rad Status column you see a green checkmark in front of the following numbers: [2/2]. This means:
The imaging study has been completed and read by the radiologist. The interpretation will pull into the note when it is refreshed.
A SmartList (drop down list) with a blue/green background indicates:
The list is multi-selection
As the scribe, if you review allergies and/or history, you should still not click 'Mark as Reviewed.
By highlighting the patient's name on the Track Board, you are able to review patient information without opening the patient's chart by looking at the available Reports in the Lower Portion of the Track Board in the Report Pane.
The chart will be "locked" if another user is entering orders.
To see a list of patients for which you and your provider are assigned to:
Use a view that only shows your patients on the ED Track Board
The Navigators used by the providers include:
•ED Visit •Disposition
You assign yourself/the provider to a patient's treatment team by (Select all that apply):
•Right-clicking on a patient's name and choosing Assign Me •Highlighting the patient name, clicking the Tx Team button and adding the provider's name
What are the two things needed to log in to Hyperspace?
•username •Password