Seedless plants ch.30

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choose the two major groups that comprise the green algae

-Charophytes -cholorophytes

Seeds are very resistant structures that can ______ and nourish the young ____.

-Protect -plant

in mosses, male gametangia are called--- while female gametangia are called

-antheridia -archegonia

all vascular plant sporophytes have a waxy -----and pores called ----to help prevent water loss.

-cuticle -stomata

select all true statments about lycophytes

-despite resembling true mosses, lycophytes have vascular tissues. -in lycophytes, the sporophyte generation is dominant

in plants, the gametophyte produces--- and the sporophyte produce---

-gametes -spores

In plants, the haploid generation is called the ----and the dioplod generation is the ---

-gametophyte -sporophyte

choose all features that confined the green algal ancestors of plants to water

-less water availibility in terrestrial environment -higer levels of UV light on land

in liverworts, the well-known flattened species are lobed and resemble ----,whereas the -----form is much more common

-liver -leafy

Select ALL of the following that are members of the informal group called bryohytes

-liverworts -hornworts -mosses

In plant life cycle--- is occuring at the position labeled A, and --- is occurring at B.

-meiosis -fertillization

in humans, gametes such as sperm and eggs are formed by cellular process of --- wheras land plants produce gametes by the process of---

-meiosis -mitosis

choose the two type of vascular tissue.

-phloem -xylem

choose all features of the alga ancestor of land plants.

-photosynthetic -live in freshwater

scientists thin that early in their evolutionary history, whisk ferns had stems, roots and leaves select all organs that were subsequently lost

-roots -leaves

chosse all that are carried in vascular tissue.

-sucrose -hormones -water -minerals

which of the following are characteristics of all(with a few exceptions such as parastic plants )land plants?

-the ablility to photosynthesize -multicellular haploid and diploid generations -diploid embryos

select all the true statements about bryophytes

-the gametophyte generation is more conspicuous than the sporophyte -they undergo meiosus to produce spores

select all features common to bryophytes

-the gametophyte is photosynthetic -the gametophye is more conspicous than the sporophyte

select all ture statements about hornworts.

-their gametophytes are photosynthetic -of all bryophytes their sporophytes are most similar to those of vascular plants. -their sporophytes have stomata

select all features of whisk fern gametophytes

-they are colorless -they associate with fungi for nutrient uptake

whisk ferm sporophytes

-they are phtotosynthetic (green) -they lack true leaves

approximantely how long ago did green algae and the land plants share a common ancestor?

1 billion yrs ago

3 clades of vascular plants

1.pterophytes 2.lycophytes 3.seed plants

place the following groups of plants in order according to the size of their gametophytes, with the group having the smallest gametopyte at the top.

1.seed plants 2.ferns 3. mosses

examples of vascular plants

1.seed plants 2.pteridophytes 3.lycophytes

True or false: five hundred million yrs ago prior to colonization of lanf by plants, the terrestrial environment was a barren landscape.


a major adaptation to a terrestial lifestyle in land plants is

a cuticle on exprosed surfaces

conspicuous, photosyntheric gametophytes, and the lack of tracheids are features of


the closest living descendants of the first land plants are the


the plant group with the little cell speciallization is the


what extant organisms are the closest known relatives to the lanf plants



conspicuous, photosynthetic gametophyes, and the lack of tracheids

in this plant life cycle the ---- generatiion is represented by position A while the --- generation is at possition B

gametophyte sporophyte

ove the course of plant evolution from bryopytes to seed plants, the general trend has been toward a signigicant decrease in the size or the ---- stage in the life cycle


land plants evolved from

green algae

a typical land plantg has a(n) --- life cycle whic includes multicellular haploid and diploid stages


land plants are protected against mutations due to higer UV exposure by..

having to dominant diploid generation.

over the course of plant evolution, the general trend has been toward

more embryo protection and a smaller gametophyte

mosses differ from other bryophytes because their gametophytes

produce structures that look like leaves and not stems

why were fungi important in the colonization of land by plants?

they enhanced nutient uptake from the soil.

because water avaliability was a limiting factor for the growth of early terrestrial plant life, such plants likely had the ability to

tolerate desiccation

bryophtes are often found in moist areas in tropical and temerate regions because they rely on the presesnce of


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