Shays's Rebellion

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When did Shays's Rebellion occur?


Before the Rebellion:

Angry, unpaid soldiers threatened to take over the government

Who wrote "A Proclamation of Shaysite Grievances" document?

Daniel Gray

Who was the leader of the rebellion?

Daniel Shays

Who wrote "About Shays's Rebellion" document?

George Washington

What caused the rebellion?

Shortage of money, debt causing people to lose their farms, the Articles of Confederation

After the Rebellion:

They got rid of the Articles of Confederation and created the separation of powers to allow equal distrubution​ of powers

Why was "About Shays's Rebellion" written?

To persuade people to go to the constitutional convention in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation

Why was "A Proclamation of Shaysite Grievances" written?

To state the issues created by the Articles of Confederation and assured the rebels were not a threat

Where did Shays's Rebellion occur?

Western Massachusetts

Shays's Rebellion

a rebellion created by unpaid debtors and farmers who wanted to see a change to the Articles of Confederation


disagreed with having a strong central government, supported the Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights

first ten amendments on the Constitution that insured personal freedom and rights; clear limits to government's power

Separation of powers

the executive, judicial and legislative branches represented with an equal amount of power for each

Articles of Confederation

the loos​e alliance of thirteen independent and ungovernable states


the sharing of power among national, state and local governments

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