Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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Why does Gawain refuse the lady's advances?

1) Because the chivalric code requires him to remain chaste 2) Because he aspires to the values represented by the pentangle 3) Because she is married

Which event opens and closes the action of the poem?

A Christmas feast

Exactly one year and one day

A Danish axe

Which of the following does the Green Knight hold in his hand when he enters Arthur's court? A bough of holly. A scepter. An olive branch. A golden bough.

A bough of holly

Which of the following is Gawain not compared to in the poem and by whom? The spring by the poet; A lion by Bertilak; Refined gold by the poet; An ogre by The Green Knight

A lion by Bertilak

What love token does the lady first offer Gawain?

A ring - Line 1817-1820: "She offered a red gold ring, richly worked, set with a dazzling stone that shone like the sun - a gift suitable for the ransoming of kings. But Gawain refused it...."

According to the terms of the agreement, how long must Gawain wait before he receives his exchange stroke from the Green Knight?

A twelvemonth and a day (or a year and a day)

What four men does Gawain compare himself to in Part 4?

Adam, Solomon, Samson, and David

Who wrote Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?

An anonymous writer known as the Gawain-poet

How much time does Gawain have to locate the Green Knight?

Exactly one year and one day

Who does the narrator praise as the founder of Britain?

Felix Brutus

How many points does the star on Gawain's shield have?


Which is not one of the five ways in which Gawain was thought to be faultless, according to the emblem on his shield? Five Senses, Five Wounds, Five Fingers, Five Visions

Five Visions - Lines 640-643: "His five senses were free of sin; his five fingers never failed him; and all his earthly hope was in Christ's five wounds on the cross, as our creed tells us"

What happens to the Green Knight's first axe?

Gawain and Arthur mount it on the wall as a souvenir

Which of the following is a not reason Gawain provides to convince Arthur to relinquish the Green Knight's challenge to him? 1. The challenge is so foolish. 2. Gawain's life would be least missed. 3. Arthur should not accept such a challenge when there are so many other barons present. 4. Gawain is eager to prove himself to the rest of the court.

Gawain is eager to prove himself to the rest of the court.

What is the name of Gawain's horse?


What is Gawain's relationship to King Arthur?

He is Arthur's nephew

Which of the following is not a reason Gawain uses when rejecting the advances of the lady of the castle? He does not want to be forceful. He is promised to a lady at home. He is unworthy of her praise and admiration. She is already married to a superior man.

He is promised to a lady at home.

Which of the following did Gawain not fight during his journey? Dragons. Wood-Satyrs. Sorcerers. Wolves.

Sorcerers - Lines 719-723: "- dragons attacked him, and sometimes wolves, and satyrs, and forest trolls, running out of rocks, and bulls, and bears, and ivory-tusked boars, and giant ogres leaping from crags."

Where is Gawain supposed to find the Green Knight?

The Green Chapel

Who "had no helmet nor hauberk either"?

The Green Knight

Who does not end up with a portion of the hunted deer?

The Lord of the Castle (Bertilak)

Which of the following is not on Gawain's shield? The endless knot. The pentangle. The image of the Virgin Mary. The cross.

The cross

During what century was Sir Gawain and the Green Knight composed?

The fourteenth century

Which of the following statements does the servant not use to describe the Green Knight? The green knight cannot be killed. The green knight kills for pure joy. The green knight is bigger than four men put together. The green knight has no mercy.

The green knight cannot be killed.

Which of the following does the narrator not provide a detailed description of in the poem? Armor and weaponry. The architecture of a castle. The process of making wine. The cutting of a deer's body.

The process of making wine

What do Gawain and the lord of the castle agree to do for three days?

They will exchange their winnings at the end of each day

What classical city is mentioned at the beginning and end of the poem?


Which of the following is not one of the five virtues represented by the symbol on Gawain's shield? Charity, Franchise, Coutrtesy and Valor


What sound does Gawain hear when he enters the Green Chapel?

a blade being sharpened

To what is he referring? "I accept it gratefully, not for its wonderful gold"

a girdle

What does the lady give Gawain on the third day?

a silk girdle

What is a lover's token?

belt (girdle or sash) - Line 1827-1828: "If my ring is really too rich a gift, then be less in my debt, but take my belt, ...."

Sir Bertilak proves his valor by fighting a:


One of the most wild, natural places in the poem is the:


What is being described? "Then he goes to the mound and walks around it"


Why does Lady Bertilak give Sir Gawain a token?

for remembrance - Line 1798-1800: "Here at this parting grant me this, give me something, your glove, some gift of your own, to remember you with,...."

The opening passages frame the tale as a:

marvelous event

A five-pointed star is a:


How long does Gawain stay at Bertilak's castle?

six nights

Why does the Green Knight finally scrape Gawain's neck on the third attempt?

to punish Gawain for not upholding an agreement

How many kisses does Gawain receive from the lady on the second day?


The five-pointed star represents the five points of:


Which animal is not hunted by Sir Bertilak in the three days preceding the New Year? Boar, Bear, Fox, Deer


Why does Gawain take the lady's green girdle?

Because he doesn't want to die

What is the Green Knight's real name?

Bertilak de Hautdesert

What animal does the host hunt on the second day?


What is the name of the court where Gawain first meets the Green Knight?


Which is the chief of the five virtues?


What animal does the host hunt on the first day?


During whose reign does the poem take place?

King Arthur

The Green Knight has heard of whose reputation?

Knights of the Round Table

Which of the following knights is not listed as present at the first Christmas feast? Lancelot, Agravain, Gawain, Ywain


What is the name of Arthur's realm through which Gawain journeys?

Logres (England)

At which holiday does Gawain bid farewell to Camelot?


Greenness represents connection to:


What does Bertilak's castle appear to be made of when Gawain first sees it?

Paper -Lines 797-802: "And high on those towers, he saw a host of chalk-white chimneys, gleaming bright in the sun - and everywhere the stone painted and cut, bowmen's notches and watchmen's places scattered across the castle, so it seemed scissored out of paper."

Next to whom does Gawain sit at the New Year's feast?

Queen Guinevere

What color is Gawain's surcoat?


What is Bertilak's wife's true name?

She remains nameless

Who said, "I am the weakest [of your knight], I know, and the dullest-minded"?

Sir Gawain

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