Sir Gawain and the Green Knight- Review

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What does the Green knight set out to test?

Gawain's virtue

In his conflict with the Green Knight, which of the following is least useful to Gawain?

His physical strength

What is the greatest interest or excitement in the poem?

How will Gawain defeat the Green Knight?

If Gawain had kept his bargain with the lord , the Green Knight most probably would have....

Left him unharmed

How would Arthur most probably describe Gawain's speech regarding the reasons he, rather than Arthur, should challenge the Green Knight?


The lady who gives Gawain the green scarf is shown to be?


The Green Knight gives the green scarf to Gawain to?

Reward him

When Sir Gawain compares himself to the other knights of King Arthur's court, how does he describe himself?

Sir Gawain describes himself as the weakest knight, not as worthy or strong as the others.

Describe what happens at King Arthur's court that shows the Green Knight's superhuman qualities

The Green Knight allows Gawain to cut off his head, Showing his superman qualities when he picks his own head up and puts it back on his body.

Why does the Green Knight forgive Sir Gawain in the end?

The Green Knight forgives Sir Gawain because he apologies and repents. The Green Knight see's that he did it to save his own life.

What results from Gawain keeping the green scarf a secret from the lord?

The Green Knight's third blow nicks Gawain's neck

How does Gawain break his bargain with the lord?

Accepting the green scarf from the lord's wife

At the end of the poem, Gawain is shown to be....


How does Sir Gawain get the green sash? What is special about it?

The wife of the lord gave him the green sash and it makes him invisible.

What is the real reason that the lady offers Gawain the green scarf?

To tempt him

To Gawain, the green scarf does not represent his....


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