Slavery Full Quizlet

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Demand for cotton in Northern and European markets High demand for cotton kept prices high and profits large Planters were encouraged to invest in slaves and land to grow more cotton by the high prices and large profits. The factors above provide the best explanation for which statement below?

The factors above provide evidence to best explain why plantation owners continued to plant cotton during the antebellum period

How did the large investment in slaves by plantation owners effect the development of the south?

The large plantation owners (America's wealthiest citizens) had so much invested in slaves they had little incentive (motivation) to invest in permanent community improvements.

Why did the South's industrial growth lag behind that of the North?

The promise of wealth from cash crops like cotton and tobacco encouraged Southerners to invest in land and slaves rather than machines and factories.

The difference between the social class structure of the North, and the South was that:

The social class structure of the North was based on wealth, the social class structure off the South was based on class.

Slavery was only profitable for the largest slave owners (Large Planters). 80% of the adult population of the south were free laborers and did not own slaves. Only a small percentage (<1%) profited from slavery. 99.9% of the region failed to economically benefit from the practice of slavery. All of the information above best support which statement below:

The south was less prosperous overall because of the use of slave labor.

What was the reason that many white northerners did not support equality for African Americans

They feared that freed slaves would move North and take jobs away from white workers.

How did the Federal government stand in the way of the Abolitionist Movement between 1836 and 1844?

They passed a "Gag Rule" in the House that said it was illegal to discuss any of the thousands of Anti-Slavery petitions that it had recieved from citizens. It said that no member of the House could speak about the issue of abolishing slavery under penalty of law.

What did Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, and Nat Turner all have in common?

They were all leaders of slave rebellions who were captured, and executed.

A spiritual is a religious song with its' musical origin in the West African "call and response" style. Spirituals were important to the slave community. They sang them at church, home and work. They spoke of faith in God and belief in freedom. Some spirituals, such as "Follow the Drinking Gourd", and "Wade in the Water" were used for what purpose?

They were used to deliver a message to those who were trying to escape on the Underground Railroad.

Which of the following books was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, portraying the less romantic life of a slave and inspiring a stronger opposition to slavery in the North?

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Which of the following best defines the term "Abolition"?

a movement to end slavery

These two sisters grew up the daughters of slaveholders in South Carolina. They did not support the practice of slavery, and when they grew up they moved to Philadelphia and became members of the Abolitionist Movement. They became two of the most powerful speakers against slavery due to their first hand experience with the evils of slavery while growing up. Who were these sisters?

angelina and sarah grimke

For each event or thing that happens there is a cause. In turn, each cause leads to a result, or effect. Then, that result can cause another effect resulting in a chain reaction of relationships. (Domino effect) The information above explains what historians refer to as:

cause and effect

People who served as guides to fugitive slaves as they traveled to the north were called:


What was the most important food crop grown in the South?


What is the term for the practice illustrated in the chart?

crop rotation

Abolitionists demanded immediate freedom for all slaves. What is the term associated with the immediate freeing of all slaves?


What was the titile given to the men who managed the cotton trade in the South?


This social class owned fewer than 20 slaves, and mad eup about 20% of southern whites. Most of them owned 5 or fewer slaves. They made up the small middle class around towns and cities in the south.

farmers with slaves

He was a former slave who escaped with the help of his wife to freedom. He was an eloquent and powerful speaker, and became one of the most important leaders of the Abolitionist Movement. He also published an abolitionist newspaper called "The North Star". Who was this man described above?

fredrick douglas

This African American opposed colonization. He wrote, "The greatest riches in all America have arisen from our blood and tears: And they (whites) will drive us from our property and homes, which we have earned with our blood" HIs work was titled, " An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World". What was the name of this author who oppose

fredrick douglas

This social class included farmers, day laborers, artisans, or tenant farmers; they were concentrated in the Upper South. A few owned slaves, and small plantations, or large farms. They could not move in the same social circles as their counterparts.

free blacks

Who were the South's most valuable trading partners?

great britain and the northern states

This former slave's account of her life in slavery "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl" is one of the few published first hand accounts of slavery told from a woman's perspective. What is the name of this author?

harriet jacobs

The fibers of these two plants were used to make ropes for securing bales of cotton:

hemp and flax

Who was the scientist/businessman who introduced a method for processing granulated sugar from Sugarcane in 1795?

jean etienne bore

Members of this social class were primarily located in owns and cities. It included cotton brokers, merchants, teachers, doctors, ministers, newspaper publishers, and lawyers. They made up 1-2% of the population of southern cities.

merchants and "people of letters"

The most important port city for the transportation of cotton was:

new orleans

Complete the statement below with the most appropriate response. Most free blacks were farmers, day laborers, artisans or tenant farmers. However, a few free blacks...

owned slaves themnselves and small plantations or large farms.

This social class were the poorest farmers. They might be squatters, day laborers, or those who wandered from place to place seeking jobs, food, and clothes. They seldom worked and depended on others for their survival.

poor whites

"The slaves worked long hours in flooded, swampy fields and were bent over most of the time. Each was expected to produce four or five barrels a season. (A barrel weighed about 500 pounds.) It took two acres of land to produce the four or five barrels." What type of crop is being harvested in this passage?


What did southerners use as a primary way to get their cotton to markets?


What is the term for using scientifc methods to improve farming?

scientific agriculture

"When not working in the fields, they spent time spinning, sewing, weaving, preparing food, and minding children." Whose work is described in this passage?

slave woman

This social class accounted for about 4 million of the total black population in the United States in 1860. They had no rights. Many worked as field hands, or house servants on Southern planatations.


This Southern social class made up about 3% of southern society. They owned between 20 and fourty-nine slaves, and between one hundred and one-thousand acres of land. They controlled most of the wealth, and produced most of the political leaders in the South.

small planter class

She was a former slave born Isabella Baumfree who became a fiery and dramatic speaker on the issue of abolition. She lived in New York as a slave until 1827 when she escaped to her freedom with her daughter Sophia. Her famous quote, " I did not run off, for I thought that to be wicked, but I walked off, believing that to be right." Made a powerful statement about the natural rights of people being held as slaves. She later changed her name to two words that described her journey to spread the news about what slavery was really like. Who is the woman being described?

sojourner truth

This group believed that the best option for emancipated slaves was to send them back to the continent of Africa to build a homeland of their own. They founded the Colony of Liberia in 1822 with a group of emancipated slaves. What was the name of this group?

the american colonization sciety

Many abolitionistsreminded people that a nation founded on the principals of liberty and equality could not deny members of their society those same basic human rights. What document from American history did they use to support their position?

the declaration of independence

One of the first groups to call for the aboltion of slavery was this religious group that believed in equality for all. Ben Franklin was a memebr of this group, and one of the first abolitionists in the history of The United States. What is the name oif this group?

the quakers

What religious movement inspired Americans who were against slavery to take action in the 1830's?

the seond great awakening

The main method of transporting southern cotton to market was:

the steam boat

This was a network of people arranged to transport and hide escaped slaves in their attempt to reach freedom in the North. It was composed of a number of homes, called safe houses, or "Stations" where fugitive slaves could be hidden from slave catchers. What is the name of the organization being described

the underground railroad

Because of the rise in demand for cotton (from both American and British textile industries),

then the demand/price of slaves would keep climbing.

Why were most Southern factories built?

to process crops

This social class were the largest group of white southerners, making up about 75% of the white population. They were independent farmers who lived from growing season to growing season. Few owned any slaves at all.


Which of the following best describes the characteristics of a Yeoman?

- Subsistence farmers who lived off the land with little cash money - Often traded for goods they needed - Made up about 75% of the southern white population - could be hired to manage slaves on plantations

Southern society was divided into 6 distinct classes. These clases were based on which of the following criteria? 1. Race 2. Their last name 3. Wealth 4. Which state they live in

1 & 3

Use the following to accurately describe the poor white southern social class. 1- Poorest of the yeoman farmers/ hunted, fished, had small gardens and raised a few animals 2 - wandered from place to place seeking jobs, food and clothes 3 - Were self sufficient and never had to rely on others for survival 4 - Made up less than 10% of the white southern population

1, 2 & 4

Which of the following examples best describe the Southern Planter Class? 1. Lived on very large plantations 2. Utilized slave labor 3. They made up the largest % of the south's population. 4. Many served as political leaders 5. They used their wealth and influence to control the southern economy

1, 2, 4 & 5

Which of the following Southern Social Ladders is the most accurate depiction of Southern Society?

1. Planters 2. Farmers with Slaves 3. Merchants - People of Letters 4. Yeoman 5. Free Blacks 6. Slaves

Which of the following descriptions best describes the social class, farmers with slaves? 1. Owned more than 20 slaves 2. Made up the small southern middle class 3. owned on average 100 acres or less 4. Often worked alongside their slaves 5. Aspired to one day become a member of the Planter class 6. Provided better care for their slaves than Planters

2, 3, 4, 5, & 6

How much of U.S. cotton did the area east of the Mississippi River produce by 1860?

2/3 of all of U.S. cotton

In the 1860's, how many slaves in total lived in the Untited States?

4 million

How many sections was the nation divided into during the Antebellum period?

4- The North, the South, The West, and the Border States.

There were about 4 million slaves in the south by 1860 By 1860 almost 60% of the Deep South's agricultural wealth was invested in slaves. The Data provided in the graph, and the information above best support which statement below:

As the demand for slave labor increased, the prices for slaves increased.

Which of the following was NOT a contribution of members of the Abolitionist movement?

Catching runaway slaves and returning them to the South

What were the two major agricultural products that the south focused thier production on?

Cotton and Corn

What was meant by many Southerners when they said, "Cotton is King"?

Cotton had made the South a global economic power, without cotton the world economy would fail.

The primary issue that divided the nation between the North and the South is expressed by which question below:

Did one person have the right to own another?

Which of the following accurately describes the attitude of Southern planters before the Civil War?

Farmers acted as caretakers for the Earth, making this a noble profession. The success of the U.S. as a nation depends on the work of its farmers.

Former Slave, best known Abolitionist, renowned speaker, created a newspaper called "The North Star" These characteristics best describe which of the following individuals?

Frederick Douglass

free laborers (people who work for wages) are more highly motivated to work than slaves. Slaves were only working to do enough each day to survive. Free labor is working each day to improve themselves, their lives, and their communities. They are working to become economically and socially upwardly mobile. Slaves had no means, and therefore no incentive to do that. The passage above best supports which statement below:

Free laborers would have been a more productive choice for a labor source for the South during the antebellum period.

What literary contribution was created by William Lloyd Garrison regarding the Abolitionist Movement?

He published the first issue of his anti-slavery newspaper called "The Liberator"

What was Dr. Rush Nutt's contribution to the Cotton Boom?

He worked on developing healthier cotton (more drought resistant and/or stronger vs. certain insects)

Each slave had to meet his/her quota. What would happen to a slave that did not meet his or her quota?

He/she would be punished by the overseer or perhaps the slave driver.

How did southern planters attempt to guarantee the wealth and power would stay in control of a few wealthy and educated families?

How did southern planters attempt to guarantee the wealth and power would stay in control of a few wealthy and educated families?

Starting in the east to and moving west, what was the geographic extent of the cotton belt?

It stretched from South Carolina to Texas

What was the primary function of Eli Whitney's cotton gin?

It was built to remove the sticky seeds from the fluffy cotton used for making thread.

What are the advantages of cotton as a cash crop?

It was easy to store and cost little to market It had a long shelf life so it wouldn't rot as fast as other crops It could be stored for long amounts of time. It was lighter, so shipping costs would be reduced.

I was a white abolitionist who believed that I was called by God to end slavery. In 1859, I attempted to lead a slave rebellion in Harpers Ferry, Virginia to kill all slave owners and end slavery. I attacked the Federal Arsenal in Harpers Ferry to get guns and ammunition for my rebellion. I captured the Arsenal, but no slaves arrived to get the guns. My sons and I were captured within 24 hrs. by Colonel Robert E Lee of the US Army. Virginia tried me for Treason I was executed by hanging for my crime by the Federal government. Southerners saw me as a murderer; they were afraid others would follow my example and try to lead a slave rebellion. Northerners opposed my tactics, but saw me as a hero. The information provided above best describes which abolitionist leader?

John Brown

Being concerned with raising crops and supervising slave laborers is the greatest concern for which of the following people?

Male Planters

Like factory owners in the North, Southern plantation owners tried to keep their overall costs down. How did plantation owners try to accomplish this?

Many plantation owners did not invest heavily to meet the basic needs of their slaves

Members of this class were primarily located in town or cities and had jobs such as cotton brokers, merchants, teachers, doctors, ministers, newspaper publishers and lawyers. They also made up 1-2% of the population of a city.

Merchants and People of Letters

what makes a planter different than a "regular" farmer in the South?

Planters had more land, more slaves, and more gins to produce more cotton.

Breaking Farm equipment Pulling down fences Damaging boats Ruining clothing Setting fires to barns or stables All of the above actions were examples of ways that slaves:

Rebelled against slavery

The price of cash crops such as indigo and tobacco were falling. What would a smart farmer do next?

Sell your slaves and switch to a crop that doesn't require as much labor such as wheat.

What is the only correct statement?

Short-staple cotton was hard to clean, and it could be grown in most of the South.

When did agriculture start to decline in the U.S?

Shortly after the American Revolution

Slaves could not testify in a court of law against whites. Slaves could not show disrespect to a white person Slaves could not make any type of contact, or hit a white person Slaves could not carry a weapon All of the laws above restricted the rights of slaves. They were know as:

Slave Codes

By law, which of the following was an Illegal action in the South in the 1800's prior to 1865?

Slaves being taught how to read and write

Why was education, particularly the ability to read and write almost non-existent for slaves?

Some slaveholders feared that slaves who could read and write would use their skills to stir up trouble and lead rebellions.

The Abolitionist Movement was divided over the issue of what to do with the former slaves once they were set free. Which statement below accurately describes the differences of opinion on what to do once the slaves were freed?

Some thought that they should be granted full citizenship and treated the same as white Americans. Many others were against full social and political equality for African Americans.

The greatest issue that separated the nation was over the belief that the state's interests should take precedence over the interests of the national government. This belief is called:

State's rights

What was the only factory in the south that made goods out of iron? (Cannons, Cannon Balls, Railroad Tracks, bridges)

The Birmingham Iron Works

The smallest of the South's social classes also owned 50 or more slaves, and over one thousand acres of land. They were the wealthiest people in the United States in 1860.

The Larger planter class

The nation was sectionally divided on issues such as politics, the economy, social, and cultural differences. The two regions which were the most divided on these issues were:

The North and the South

Manufacturing based economy New mechanical inventions System of interchangeable parts Free labor system The cycle of earning and buying The factors above best explain the reasons why:

The North experienced a period of economic growth during the 1800's.

The Antebellum Period is defined by historians as:

The Period of history before the Civil War from 1838 to 1860

Which of the statements about the development of the South's infrastructure is true?

The South used the profits from the sale of cotton to buy more land and slaves to prodice more cotton. They ignored the need for improved roads and bridges, railroads and canals chosing instead to use the regions many rivers to transport their cotton to markets.

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