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which principle defines the relationship between velocity and pressure?


Which testicular carcinoma is the most aggressive and presents as a focal or diffuse hypoechoic mass with distinct or indistinct boundaries? Teratocarcinoma Choriocarcinoma Seminoma Embryonal cell

Embryonal cell

What developmental cyst occurs because of a congenital modification in the cervical lymphatic system? Branchial cleft cyst Cystic hygroma Thyroglossal duct cysts Cleft fistula

Cystic hygroma

All _______________ neoplasms are considered _____________ until proven otherwise.


Into which vein does the right testicular vein drain? renal vein common iliac vein IVC IMA


which vein does the right testicular vein drain into renal vein common iliac vein IVC IMV


Most undescended testis occurs in which region? Lymphatics Inguinal canal Retroperitoneum Retrovesicular pouch

Inguinal canal

Most undescended testis occurs in which region? Retroperitoneum Lymphatics Inguinal canal Retrovesicular pouch

Inguinal canal

Where is the dartos muscle located? Epididymis Scrotum Spermatic cord Urinary bladder


what is the term for a neurologic event that results in symptoms lasting no more than 24 hours?

TIA (transient ischemic attack)

Which abnormality is associated with cystic hygroma? Addison syndrome Morrison syndome Trisomy 26 Trisomy 21

Trisomy 21

cystic hygroma can be associated with which anomaly Trisomy 27 morrison disease Trisomy 21 wilm's tumor

Trisomy 21

what is the most common etiology of graves disease autoimmune disorder diffuse hyperthyroidism multiple cysts vitamin K deficiency

autoimmune disorder

graves disease is autoimmune hyperthyroidism autoimmune hypothyroidism secondary hyperthyroidism normal thyroid function

autoimmune hyperthyroidism

Which artery becomes the brachial artery? radial artery subclavian artery axillary artery cephalic artery

axillary artery

what artery is formed by the junction of the vertebral arteries?


which vein in the upper arm courses medially and does not travel with an artery ?

basilic vein

What is the most common extratesticular neoplasm? teratoma seminoma lipoma benign adenomatoid tumor

benign adenomatoid tumor

what is the most common extratesticular tumor lipoma teratoma leiomyoma benign adenomatoid tumor

benign adenomatoid tumor

what lab values are elevated in embryonal cell carcinoma beta-hCG AFP beta-hCG and AFP none of these

beta-hCG and AFP

What cells are the major target for parathyroid hormone? liver and heart liver and kidney bone and spleen bone and kidney

bone and kidney

what are the major target cells of PTH bone and kidney liver and kidney bone and liver bone and spleen

bone and kidney

Which of the following are sonographic characteristics of thyroid carcinoma? central hypervascularity hyperechoic taller than wide eggshell calcifications microcalcifications

central hypervascularity taller than wide microcalcifications

which testicular tumor will always show an elevated beta-hCG and has the worst prognosis?


Which malignant testicular tumor has the worst prognosis and will show elevated beta-hCG levels? seminoma teratoma embryonal cell carcinoma choricocarcinoma


Which testicular malignancy will always show an elevated beta-hCG? choriocarcinoma granuloma embryonal cell carcinoma seminoma


which malignant neoplasm has the worst prognosis choriocarcinoma teratoma seminoma embryonal cell carcinoma


Which thyroid pathology is demonstrated in this image? adenoma papillary carcinoma colloid cyst hashimoto's

colloid cyst

What artifact can be identified distal to the transverse image showing a small echogenic structure within the colloid cyst? reverberation shadowing comet tail side lobe

comet tail

what type of artifact can be associated with a complex thyroid cyst posterior enhancement comet- tail shadowing none of these

comet tail

which vein is the first to be assessed when beginning a lower extremity venous doppler exam ?

common femoral vein (CFV)

What developmental cyst occurs because of a congenital modification in the cervical lymphatic system? cleft fistula thyroglossal duct cyst cystic hygroma branchial cleft cyst

cystic hygroma

an increase in blood viscosity results in a(n) ___________ in velocity


the radius of a vessel is _______ proportional to the volume flow


What part of the waveform does letter "A" represent? early systole late systole early diastole late diastole

early systole

Which is the most aggressive scrotal malignancy? seminoma embryonal cell carcinoma choriocarcinoma teratocarcinoma

embryonal cell carcinoma

Which pathology distribution is associated with geographic areas where the soil, water, and food supply contain low levels of iodine? random sporadic hereditary endemic


Which type of goiter occurs in areas where there are low levels of iodine? endemic sporadic


which type of goiter occurs in areas where the soil and water is iodine deficient?


Which benign intratesticular neoplasm has a right-sided prevalence and a "bulls-eye" or "onion ring" appearance? epidermoid cysts Leydig cell tumor sertoli cell tumor lipoma

epidermoid cysts

True or False adenomas are malignant neoplastic growth


true or false Simple intratesticular cysts are symptomatic.


true or false The right common carotid artery is the second branch of the aortic arch.


true or false The tibioperoneal trunk divides into the anterior tibial and peroneal arteries.


true or false leiomyomas have irregular borders and hypervascularity


true or false low resistance vessels demonstrate reversal of flow


true or false simple intratesticular cysts are symptomatic


true or false Thyroid inferno refers to the hypovascular state seen in hyperthyroidism.


true or false Follicular carcinoma is the most common thyroid cancer


true or false Follicular carcinoma is the most common thyroid cancer.


true or false The testicular artery is a high resistance vessel.


true or false The tibioperoneal trunk divides into the anterior tibial and peroneal arteries.


true or false Thyroid inferno refers to the hypovascular state seen in hyperthyroidism.


true or false Undescended testicles have a low risk of becoming malignant


true or false cystic hygroma is a malignant growth on the neck


true or false papillary carcinoma is highly aggressive


true or false the longus colli muscle sits anterior to the thyroid


true or false The testicular artery has a high-resistance waveform.


true or false thyroid inferno refers to decrease thyroid vascularity


true or false a pyramidal lobe extends downward from the isthmus


true or false the testicular artery is a high resistance vessel


Hurthle cell carcinoma is a form of which thyroid cancer? papillary anaplastic follicular medullary


which cells process iodine to secrete T3 and T4 follicular cells parafollicular cells

follicular cells

what is name of the structure where the vertebral arteries enter the skull?

foramen magnum

what is the name of the pathology in this image? it represents a complication of untreated epididymo-orchitis

fournier gangrene

A patient comes in for a testicular ultrasound has a history of TB and complains of a painful, swollen scrotum. The epididymis is enlarged and hypervascular and there is scrotal wall thickening. What is the likely diagnosis for this patient? epididymitis seminoma granulomatous disease pyocele

granulomatous disease

which vein is the longest in the body?

greater saphenous vein (GSV)

Which structure connects the fetal testis to the scrotum and eventually becomes the scrotal ligament? tunica dartos cremaster ligament gubernaculum testis testis vaginalis

gubernaculum testis

what is the most common inflammatory disease of the thyroid graves disease hashimoto thyroiditis goiter thyroid inferno

hashimoto thyroiditis

which is the most common route for thyroid metastasis hematogenous lymphatic


the superficial femoral artery becomes the popliteal artery after passing through___________

hunter's canal

What is the third branch off the aortic arch? left common carotid artery left subclavian artery innominate artery right common carotid artery

left subclavian artery

what is the third branch off of the aortic arch innominate artery left common carotid artery right common carotid artery left subclavian artery

left subclavian artery

Where are idiopathic varicoceles most common? right sided left-sided bilateral retroperitoneal


What is the most prevalent type of thyroid carcinoma? anaplastic medullary papillary follicular


What is the most prevalent type of thyroid carcinoma? medullary papillary follicular anaplastic


what is the most prevalent type of thyroid carcinoma anaplastic medullary follicular papillary


which thyroid cancer is most prevalent papillary medullary follicular hurthle cell


what is the most common malignancy tumor of the thyroid?

papillary carcinoma

which type of laminar flow demonstrates velocity that is highest in the center of the lumen?


Which pathology is responsible for the majority of primary hyperparathyroid cases? hyperplasia parathyroid adenoma papillary carcinoma parathyroid cysts

parathyroid adenoma

Which pathology is responsible for the majority of primary hyperparathyroid cases? papillary carcinoma parathyroid adenoma parathyroid cysts hyperplasia

parathyroid adenoma

which pathology is responsible for the majority of primary hyperparathyroid cases parathyroid adenoma hyperplasia parathyroid cysts papillary carcinoma

parathyroid adenoma

which hormone regulates the calcium and phosphorous concentration in the body?

parathyroid hormone (PTH)

what is the most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism vitamin D deficiency parathyroids adenoma renal failure carcinoma

parathyroids adenoma

what is the name for the part of the wave form represented by the letter B?

peak systole

What structure secretes thyrotropin? pituitary gland hypothalamus parathyroid gland thyroid gland

pituitary gland

A congenital hydrocele is due to the patency of which structure: hunters canal tunica dartos processus vaginalis tunica vaginalis

processus vaginalis

A congenital hydrocele is due to the patency of which structure: processus vaginalis tunica vaginalis

processus vaginalis

Which blood vessel courses along the lateral forearm? ulnar brachial radial basilic


Which of the following is a low-resistance vessel? external carotid artery common iliac artery aorta renal artery

renal artery

What is the most common malignancy affecting the spermatic cord and epididymis? leiomyoma rhabdomyosarcoma lipoma Leydig cell tumor


what is the most common malignancy involving the epididymis and spermatic cord choriocarcinoma rhabdomyosarcoma leiomyosarcoma seminoma


After coming off the aortic arch, what arteries does the innominate artery branch into?

right sub. and right CCA

Identify the type of aneurysm that is demonstrated in the middle image. saccular fusiform berry dissecting


An 8 year old patient is sent to the ultrasound department for a testicular ultrasound. The patient complains of an intermittent palpable mass within the scrotum and blood in the stool. As you are scanning, this is one of the images you see. No vascularity is noted on the mass. What is the most likely diagnosis? teratoma epididymitis scrotal hernia leiomyoma

scrotal hernia

What is the most common germ cell tumor? benign adenomatoid tumor granuloma seminoma rhabdomyosarcoma


Which of the following is the most common germ cell tumor? granuloma teratoma seminoma yolk sac tumor


Which of the following is the most common germ cell tumor? teratoma granuloma seminoma yolk sac tumor


You have a 36 year old male that presents with a palpable testicular lump x 1 month. You find this well-circumscribed mass that demonstrates hypervascularity and is the most common germ cell tumor. What is the likely diagnosis? seminoma teratoma embryonal cell carcinoma rhabdomyosarcoma


what is the most common pure germ cell tumor of the testicle?


which is the most common germ cell tumor seminoma embryonal cell carcinoma choriocarcinoma teratoma


Hydrocele is an abnormal collection of serous fluid pus blood air

serous fluid

what structure should be assessed during normal respiration and valsalva testis median raphe epididymal artery spermatic cord

spermatic cord

"falling snow" is seen in what benign testicular pathology hydrocele pyocele hematocele spermatocele


Which benign mass may demonstrate "falling snow" and posterior enhancement? hematocele spermatocele pyocele varicocele


Which benign mass may demonstrate "falling snow" and posterior enhancement? pyocele varicocele hematocele spermatocele


which upper extremity vein will demonstrate pulsatility due to its proximity to the heart?

subclavian vein

Choose the sonographic characteristics of a thyroid carcinoma. taller than wide ill-defined margins microcalcifications peripheral vascularity cystic elements

taller than wide ill-defined margins microcalcifications

which of the following is aggressive and the largest of all testicular tumors teratoma yolk sac tumor choriocarcinoma teratocarcinoma


in a patient with testicular pain, you see this structure in the inguinal canal. what does it represent?

testicular torsion

The visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis covers which part of the scrotum: inner lining of scrotal wall testis and epididymis

testis and epididymis

The common carotid artery bifurcates into the internal and external carotid arteries. Which of those two vessels will show an altered waveform if you perform a temporal tap?

the ECA

A varicocele is diagnosed when the pampiniform plexus measures: 1 mm none of these 2mm 6 mm

2 mm

dilatation of the pampiniform plexus is anything over 2mm 4mm 3mm 5mm


When imaging the thyroid, which transducer should the sonographer use to obtain the widest field of view and the best resolution to detect small lesions? 7.5 to 15 MHz, linear array 5 to 7.5 MHz, sector array 5 to 7.5 MHz, linear array 7.5 to 15 MHz, sector array

7.5 to 15 MHz, linear array

Which sonographic technique is used to document a varicocele? Expiration Valsalva maneuver Inspiration Quiet respiration

Valsalva maneuver

Which sonographic technique is used to document a varicocele? Expiration Valsalva maneuver Inspiration Quiet respiration

Valsalva maneuver

What is the most common etiology of Graves disease? multiple cysts diffuse hyperthyroidism vitamin K deficiency autoimmune disorder

autoimmune disorder

What is the most common primary tumor to metastasize to the testis? Kidney Colon Prostate Lung


If a 53-year-old woman presents with the most common solid thyroid mass sonographically identified as well circumscribed, an oval contour, and a halo effect, what is the most likely diagnosis? Hemorrhage Goiter Carcinoma Adenoma


What is the most common etiology of Graves disease? Autoimmune disorder Multiple cysts Vitamin K deficiency Diffuse hyperthyroidism

Autoimmune disorder

which blood vessel forms a lateral border to the thyroid CCA superior thyroid artery cephalic artery vertebral artery


which vessel will demonstrate a change in the waveform with a temporal tap?


Although in most cases the sonographic appearance of the testes remains unchanged after vasectomy, what changes can occur in approximately 40% of postvasectomy patients? Infarction of one or both testis Atrophy of the scrotal sac Enlargement of the epididymis Hyperemia to one or both testis

Enlargement of the epididymis

What structure can also be referred to as the globus major? Epididymal tail Epididymal head Testes Seminal vesicles

Epididymal head

true or false endemic goiter occurs in areas of sufficient iodine intake


Your patient comes in with a history of untreated epididymo-orchitis and a painful, swollen scrotum. Which pathology does this image represent? Fournier gangrene hematocele none of the these scrotal absces

Fournier gangrene

What pathologic alteration is usually secondary to the spread of tuberculosis from the kidneys, prostate, or seminal vesicles? Pyocele Benign neoplasm Granulomatous disease Epididymal cyst

Granulomatous disease

Compared to the normal testicular parenchyma, what is the predominant sonographic appearance of malignant testicular tumors? Anechoic Hypoechoic Isogenic Hyperechoic


What is the most common inflammatory disease of the thyroid? Hashimoto thyroiditis Goiter Thyroid inferno Graves disease

Hashimoto thyroiditis

What is the most common inflammatory disease of the thyroid? Thyroid inferno Graves disease Goiter Hashimoto thyroiditis

Hashimoto thyroiditis

You are scanning a patient with low TSH, hair loss, and weight gain. The thyroid appears as seen in the image below, with hypervascularity. What is the likely diagnosis? papillary carcinoma Hashimotos Graves disease multinodular goiter


Where does the SFA become the popliteal artery? Femoral canal Hunter's Canal Inguinal canal Profunda canal

Hunter's Canal

Where does the SFA become the popliteal artery? Inguinal canal Hunter's Canal Femoral canal Profunda canal

Hunter's Canal

What is the most common scrotal fluid collection? Hydrocele Pyocele Varicocele Spermatocele


What is the most common scrotal fluid collection? Hydrocele Spermatocele Pyocele Varicocele


The left testicular vein drains into the: IVC Right renal vein SMV Left renal vein

Left renal vein

The left testicular vein drains into the: SMV Left renal vein Right renal vein IVC

Left renal vein

What structure is located posterior to the bilateral lobes of the thyroid gland? Longus colli muscle Trachea Esophagus Isthmus

Longus colli muscle

which hormone is the most important for phosphorus and calcium regulation TSH TRH PTH T3 and T4


In the parathyroid hormone feedback loop, what happens when serum calcium levels are low? PTH secretion increases PTH secretion decreases

PTH secretion increases

What anatomy is included in the spermatic cord? Epididymis Ductus deferens Testicular artery and vein Ejaculatory duct

Testicular artery and vein

What is the best diagnosis if the sonographic features include an irregular, solid, uneven, neovascular, hypoechoic mass with internal echoes within the walls of a normal-sized thyroid gland? Goiter Thyroid carcinoma Thyroid adenoma Multinodular activity

Thyroid carcinoma

Bilaterally, which structure is positioned adjacent to the trachea? Longus colli muscles Esophagus Thyroid gland Common carotid artery

Thyroid gland

which hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland T3 calcitonin thyrotropin T4


What dilatation of the seminiferous tubules is usually seen bilaterally and is associated with epididymal cysts and spermatoceles? Epidermoid cysts Tubular ectasia of the rete testis Chronic hematocele Embryonal cell mass

Tubular ectasia of the rete testis

What is the most common etiology of Graves disease? multiple cysts diffuse hyperthyroidism vitamin K deficiency autoimmune disorder

autoimmune disorder

which scrotal pathology is associated with fournier gangrene hydrocele hematocele teratoma abscess


A cold nodule indicates the thyroid was unable to complete the function with the radiopharmaceutical? absorb process differentiate expel


If a 53-year-old woman presents with the most common solid thyroid mass sonographically identified as well-circumscribed, an oval contour, and a halo effect, what is the most likely diagnosis? carcinoma hemorrhage adenoma goiter


What is the most common extratesticular neoplasm? leiomyoma granuloma adenomatoid tumor lipoma

adenomatoid tumor

What is the most common extratesticular neoplasm? lipoma granuloma adenomatoid tumor leiomyoma

adenomatoid tumor

what is the most common extratesticular neoplasm adenomatoid tumor lipoma granuloma leiomyoma

adenomatoid tumor

What structure is demonstrated by the arrow in this image? scrotal pearl epididymis head appendix epididymis appendix testis

appendix testis

What is the most critical thyroid anomaly? athyrosis ectopic thyroid thyroglossal cyst pyramidal lobe


What is the most critical thyroid anomaly? thyroglossal cyst pyramidal lobe athyrosis ectopic thyroid


what is the most critical thyroid anomaly pyramidal lobe athyrosis thyroglossal duct cyst ectopic thyroid


what is the most common scrotal fluid collection hydrocele pyocele hematoclele varicocele


Which condition is suggestive of parathyroid pathology? hypercalcemia increased T4 decreased T3 hyperglycemia


Which condition is suggestive of parathyroid pathology? increased T4 hyperglycemia hypercalcemia decreased T3


hyperparathyroidism results in hypercalcemia hypocalcemia hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism


Grave's disease is an autoimmune condition that causes parahypothyroidism hyperthyroidism hypothyroidism parahyperthyroidism


Grave's disease is an autoimmune condition that causes: hypothyroidism parahypothyroidism hyperthyroidism parahyperthyroidism


What can be excluded when the patient presents with a normal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level? hypothyroidism acute thyroiditis parathyroid adenoma thyroid cyst


What can be excluded when the patient presents with a normal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level? parathyroid adenoma thyroid cyst acute thyroiditis hypothyroidism


what is the most common occurring thyroid function disorder?


Which is a common finding of malignant invasive testicular tumors? decreased testis size smooth contour increased vascularity hyperechoic

increased vascularity

Which is a common finding of malignant invasive testicular tumors? increased vascularity decreased testicular size hyperechoic echogenicity smooth testicular contour

increased vascularity

Which is a common finding of malignant invasive testicular tumors? smooth testicular contour decreased testicular size hyperechoic echogenicity increased vascularity

increased vascularity

which is a common finding of malignant invasive testicular tumor increased vascularity hyperechoic decreased testes size smooth contour

increased vascularity

which type of scrotal hernia is more common in children direct indirect


in which location are undescended testicles usually found ?

inguinal canal

most undescended testes occur on which region inguinal canal retroperitoneum lymphatic system retrovesicular pouch

inguinal canal

what is the first branch off the aortic arch?

innominate(brachiocephalic) artery

Which type of torsion is more common? extravaginal intravaginal


which type of torsion is more common intravaginal extravaginal


How are viscosity and velocity related? directly inversely


Velocity is _____________ proportional to vessel diameter. directly inversely


What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism? pituitary adenoma autoimmune reaction tumors impinging on the hypothalamus iodine deficiency

iodine deficiency

What is the most common cause of hypothyroidism? tumors impinging on the hypothalamus autoimmune reaction pituitary adenoma iodine deficiency

iodine deficiency

What is the most common cause of primary hypothyroidism? pituitary adenoma irradiation pregnancy iodine deficiency

iodine deficiency

the most common cause of hypothyroidism is excess calcium increased T3 increased iodine intake iodine deficiency

iodine deficiency

what is the most common cause of primary hypothyroidism pituitary adenoma iodine deficiency medications irradiation

iodine deficiency

When evaluating the testicles, what is the rule of thumb when you find an intratesticular mass?

its always going to be consider malignant until proven other wise

Which muscle is found posterior to the thyroid omohyoid longus colli sternocledidomastoiud sternothyroid

longus colli

What structure is located posterior to the bilateral lobes of the thyroid gland? isthmus esophagus longus colli muscle trachea

longus colli muscle

What structure is located posterior to the bilateral lobes of the thyroid gland? longus colli muscle trachea isthmus esophagus

longus colli muscle

what muscle lies posterior to the thyroid ?

longus colli muscle

is continuous (steady) flow throughout systole and diastole considered to be high or low resistance?


The waveform demonstrated in this image is considered: high resistance triphasic biphasic low resistance

low resistance

What type of waveform is being demonstrated in this image? high resistance triphasic biphasic low resistance

low resistance

which waveform is characteristic of testicular artery high resistance RI of 0.80 low flow pattern low resistance

low resistance

which cancer is the most common bilateral testicular tumor yolk sac tumor teratoma lymphoma lipoma


What structure appears as a linear, echogenic band, in the sagittal plane, coursing through the testicular tissue? rete testis mediastinum testis tunica albuginea tunica vaginalis

mediastinum testis

What is the most common origin of metastasis to the thyroid? melanoma lung renal cell carcinoma breast


the most common origin of metastasis to the thyroid is lung cancer melanoma breast cancer renal cell carcinoma


What do the thyroid gland hormones regulate? metabolism and growth serve as beta and calcium channel blockers synthesize and develop protein regulates insulin production

metabolism and growth

Which of the following are characteristics of thyroid carcinoma? Select all that apply. microcalcifications short and wide increased vascularity smooth borders irregular borders taller than wide

microcalcifications increased vascularity irregular borders taller than wide

what is the first major branch of the ICA after it enters the skull?

ophthalmic artery

The following image represents which of the following: malignancy torsion abscess orchitis


You have a patient come in for a scrotal ultrasound with a history of left-sided testicle pain and swelling. Based on this image, what is the most likely diagnosis? abscess orchitis torsion hematocele


what is the definition of claudication?

pain with exercise that subsides at rest

What is the best diagnosis if the sonographic features include an irregular, solid, uneven, neovascular, hypoechoic mass with internal echoes within the walls of a normal-sized thyroid gland? thyroid carcinoma multinodular activity thyroid adenoma goiter

thyroid carcinoma

In which pathology is the "whirlpool" pattern common within the spermatic cord? torsion epididymitis varicocele hernia


You have a patient that presents with acute testicular pain for the last 3 hours. You scan the testicles and then see the following structure in the inguinal canal. What finding would this correlate with? undescended testis torsion carcinoma spermatocele


the "whirlpools" pattern is associated with which of the following teratoma torsion hematocele hernia


which pathology is the "whirlpool" pattern in the spermatic cord associated with epididymitis torsion varicocele hernia


which type of waveform can be described as having forward flow, reversed flow, and then forward flow again before the next upstroke?


true or false Decreased viscosity = increased velocity.


true or false In parabolic flow, the velocity is the highest at the center of the lumen.


true or false choriocarcinoma have the worst prognosis of all testicular cancer


true or false epididymal abscess will have peripheral hyperemia


true or false hashitmoto's apperas hypervascular and heterogeneous on ultrasound


true or false hurthle cell carcinoma is a highly aggressive form of follicular carcinoma


true or false lymphoma is the most common bilateral testicular tumor


true or false microlithasis is associated with testicular neoplasms


true or false teratocarcinoma is highly aggressive


true or false the thyroid is the largest endocrine gland


true or false undescended testes are at an increased risk for torsion


true or false Arterioles are resistance vessels that control blood flow through contraction and relaxation.


true or false Bernoulli principle explains the relationship between velocity and pressure


true or false Complete testicular torsion is a critical finding and should be reported to a radiologist immediately.


true or false In parabolic flow, the velocity is the highest at the center of the lumen.


true or false Ophthalmopathy is a symptom of Graves disease.


true or false Papillary carcinoma presents as a painless, palpable nodule.


true or false The external carotid artery is a high resistance vessel.


true or false Thyroid inferno refers to increased vascularity seen in hyperthyroidism.


true or false a thyroglossal duct cyst is a true cyst of the thyroid


true or false endemic goiters occur in areas with low iodine levels


true or false patient with choriocarcinoma will have elevated beta-hCG


true or false seminoma is the most common germ cell tumor


true or false During puberty the testes increase in echogenicity due to the growth of the seminiferous tubules.


true or false Lymphoma is the most common bilateral testicular tumor.


true or false Papillary carcinoma presents as a painless, palpable nodule.


true or false The major target cells of parathyroid hormone are the bone and kidney cells.


What scrotal pathology is demonstrated in this image (the arrows)? epididymal cysts tubular ectasia varicocele granuloma

tubular ectasia

a dilatation of the efferent ductules in the testis results in the pathology seen in this image. what is the name for it?

tubular ectasia

Which structure are the arrows pointing to in this image? tunica albuginea tunica dartos tunica vaginalis mediastinum testis

tunica albuginea

Which artery courses along the medial aspect of the forearm? cephalic ulnar radial brachial


which artery courses along the medial forearm brachial ulnar radial cephalic


Which blood vessel is the predominant source of blood flow to the hand? cephalic artery ulnar artery radial artery brachial artery

ulnar artery

scrotal abscess is the most common complication of untreated epididymo-ortchitis untreated testicular torsion untreated spermatocele untreated testicular carcinoma

untreated epididymo-ortchitis

A patient comes in for ultrasound after doctors found a 6 cm abdominal mass in his left lower quadrant. They order a testicular ultrasound. Pressure exerted on blood vessels in the pelvis from the abdominal mass could cause which of the following? epididymal cyst hydrocele pyocele varicocele


Valsalva should be used to assist in the diagnosis of which scrotal pathology? hydrocele hematocele pyocele varicocele


Which benign pathology is a dilatation of the pampiniform plexus? pyocele spermatocele hydrocele varicocele


Bernoulli Principle explains the relationship between: velocity and pressure velocity and viscosity velocity and vessel diameter

velocity and pressure

Bernoulli Principle explains the relationship between: velocity and vessel diameter velocity and pressure velocity and viscosity

velocity and pressure

Poiseulle's Law explains the relationship between: velocity and viscosity velocity and pressure velocity and vessel diameter

velocity and vessel diameter

what structure in the vein (sometimes seen as a linear echogenic flap) prevents retrograde blood flow?

venous valve

which layer of peritoneal sac covers the testes parietal mesentery visceral none of these


What symptoms may be seen in a patient with hyperthyroidism (select all that apply)? weight loss weight gain increased heart rate amenorrhea hair loss cold intolerance

weight loss increased heart rate amenorrhea

which of the following is common of adenomas irregular borders anechoic multiple well circumscribed

well circumscribed

Which malignant tumor comprises approximately 80% of all childhood testicular tumors? seminoma embryonal cell carcinoma teratocarcinoma yolk sac tumor

yolk sac tumor

Which malignant tumor comprises approximately 80% of all childhood testicular tumors? teratocarcinoma yolk sac tumor embryonal cell carcinoma seminoma

yolk sac tumor

which carcinoma makes up 80% of childhood testicular tumor teratoma choriocarcinoma teratocarcinoma yolk sac tumor

yolk sac tumor

Which tumors account for 80% of all childhood testicular tumors? mixed neoplasms yolk sac tumors embryonal cell carcinomas choriocarcinoma

yolk sac tumors

which tumor accounts for 80% of all childhood testicular tumor mixed neoplasms embryonal cell carcinomas yolk sac tumors choriocarcinoma

yolk sac tumors

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