smartbook 11

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using the periodic table, place the sublevels in the correct order for placing electrons. start with the first sublevel to be filled at the bottom of the list 4p, 3p, 4s, 3s, 3d

1.) 4p 2.) 3d 3.) 4s 4.) 3p 5.) 3s

list the following elements in order of decreasing atomic size, starting with the largest at the top He, B, Li, N

1.) Li 2.) B 3.) N 4.) He

list the following species in order of increasing radius, with the species with the smallest radius at the top of the list S2-, Cl-, Cl, Li+, P3-

1.) Li+ 2.) Cl 3.) Cl- 4.) S2- 5.) P3+

rank the following elements in order of increasing metallic character (from least metallic at the top of the list to most metallic at the bottom) Al, Cs, P, Zn

1.) P 2.) Al 3.) Zn 4.) Cs

arrange the following elements in order of increasing ionization energies (IE) based on periodic trends, starting with the elements that has the lowest IE at the top of the list K, Ca, Rb, Br

1.) Rb 2.) K 3.) Ca 4.) Br

rank the sublevels for a particular principal energy level in order of decreasing energy for a many electron atom. place the lowest energy sublevel at the bottom of the list. d, p, s, f

1.) f 2.) d 3.) p 4.) s

which of the following options is an acceptable electron configuration for hydrogen?


a diamagnetic species has ......

no unpaired electrons

transition metals tend to ........

lose ns electrons before losing (n-1)d electrons

when drawing an orbital diagram, orbitals of _______ energy are filled first. by convention, the _____ electron in a given orbital is designated as *up arrow* and the direction of the arrow indicates the electron ____

lower ; first ; spin

for which elements are outer electrons and valence electrons the same?

main group elements

which of the following electron configurations are associated with increased stability?

-a filled sublevel -a full valence shell or level -a half filled sublevel

which of the following statements correctly describe general trends in electron configurations?

-among main group elements the outer electron configuration within a group are identical -for any principal energy level n, the total number of orbitals possible for that level is equal to n^2 -the period number of an element corresponds to the n value of the highest energy level containing electrons

which of the following statements correctly describe atomic radii?

-atomic radii generally increase as n increases -atomic size does not change consistently within a period for transition metals -the atomic radius of main group elements decreases across a period

which of the following options correctly describe metallic behavior?

-high electrical and thermal conductivity -a tendency to lose electrons and form cations

which of the following statements correctly describe the shielding effects in a many electron system?

-inner electrons are more effective at shielding outer electrons than electrons in the same level -shielding reduces the nuclear charge a given electron experiences -the shielding effect increases with an increasing number of electrons in a given sublevel

which of the following statements correctly describe how to place electrons in orbitals of the same sublevel?

-one electron must be placed in each orbital of equal energy before electrons are paired up -all unpaired electrons in a sublevel should have parallel spins

which of the following options correctly describe the order in which sublevels (designated by nl) are most commonly filled with electrons?

-the 1s sublevel must be filled before electrons are placed in the 2s orbitals -the 3d orbitals are generally filled after the 4s orbital

which of the following statements correctly describe ground state electron configuration?

-the ground state electron configuration has the lowest energy distribution of the electrons -the ground state electron configurations are the basis for the reoccurring pattern of chemical behavior

what does it mean if two species are isoelectronic?

-they have the same electron configuration -they have the same number of electrons

an atom of Sn (Z=50) has ______ inner (core) electrons, _______ outer core electrons, and ______ valence electrons

46 ; 4 ; 4

which orbitals are the last orbitals being filled in the actinide series?


which of the following atoms has the lowest 1s sublevel energy? C, H, Be, He


which of the following elements is expected to have the highest first ionization energy, based on periodic trends? Cl, Ca, Ne, P


according to the quantum mechanical model, which element will have similar chemical properties to an element with z=7?


which of the following species has a pseudo noble gas configuration? Sn4+, Pb2+, Br-, Zn2+, Al3+

Sn4+, Zn2+

which of the following species are isoelectronic with each other? Ar, Cd2+, Sr2+, Mg2+, Br-

Sr2+ and Br-

which of the following is the correct condensed electron configuration for titanium (z=22)

[Ar] 4s2 3d2

which of the following options gives the correct electron configuration for Sn4+?

[Kr] 4d10

what is the correct ground state electron configuration for Mo (z=42)?

[Kr] 5s1 4d5

which of the following is the correct condensed electron configuration for the element S (Z=16)?

[Ne] 3s2 3p4

nonmetal oxides are _____


oxides of metalloids are _____-


metal oxides are _____


group 8A(18) tend to......

be nonreactive

The electron ______ of an element shows the distribution of electrons within the electronic energy levels of the atom.


a species that is slightly repelled by a magnetic field is ......


the nuclear charge an electron actually experiences is called the _______ nuclear charge (Z(eff)). this chargeis always _____ than the actual nuclear charge since a many electron system the electrons _____ each other from the nuclear

effective ; less ; shield

outer electrons

electrons in the highest energy level that contains electrons

core electrons

electrons in the previous noble gas and any filled d or f sublevels

valence electrons

electrons involved in bonding

the Pauli _______ principle guarantees that no two electrons in the same atom have the same quantum number description. this means that the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated by any orbital is _____

exclusion ; two

ionization energy generally decreases down a group as one moves down a group, the outermost electron moves ______ the nucleus and it takes ______ energy to remove it

farther away from ; less

group 7A(17) tend to ........

form acidic oxides

main group nonmetals tend to ......

gain electrons to fill the np sublevel

high ionization energy :

good oxidizing agent, tends to be reduced, tends to form anions

low ionization energy :

good reducing agent, is easily oxidized, forms cations readily

the lowest energy distribution of electrons in the sublevels for an atom of a particular element is called the ______ state electron configuration for that element. this is a close relationship between this distribution and position of the element on the ________ table, since electron configuration determines both the chemical and physical ______ of an element

ground ; periodic ; properties

elements that are in the same _____ of the periodic table will have the same ____ electron configuration and will have very similar chemical ____

group ; outer ; properties

second ionization energies are always _______ than first ionization because the remaining electrons are attracted ______ strongly as the positive charge on the ion increases. a large jump in ionization energies is always observed after the ______ electrons have been removed

higher ; more ; valence

the energy required for the complete removal of 1 mol of electrons from 1 mol of gaseous atoms or ions is called ________ energy. for a neutral element this energy is a measure of how easily the element forms an ions with a ______ charge

ionization ; positive

Mg2+, Na+, and F- all have the same electron configuration as Ne, and are described as being _____ with Ne and with each other.


main group s block metals tend to .......

lose all electrons from ns sublevel

group 1A(1) elements tend to.....

lose electrons

main group p block metals tend to ......

lose first the np electrons, then the ns electrons

a paramagnetic species has .......

one or more unpaired electrons

the first three quantum numbers describe the _____ a particular electrons is in whereas the fourth quantum number describes the _____ of an electron

orbital ; spin

a species that is attracted to a magnetic field is .......


An electron not only moves around the nucleus but also _____ on its own axis, thus generating a tiny _____ field. The direction of this field is described by the ______ quantum number m(s), which is not related to any specific orbital but is a property of the electron itself.

rotates ; magnetic ; spin

each electron is a many electron system ____ other electrons from the nucleus because electron electron _______ to some extent counteract the nuclear attraction and _____ the energy of an orbital

shields ; repulsion ; increases

for many electron systems each principal energy level is split into _______ of differing energies. the energy of an orbital in such a system is affected by the ______ charge, by repulsions between ______, and by orbital shape

sublevels ; nuclear ; electrons

which of the following accounts for the observation that Li, Na, K and Cs have similar properties?

they have the same outer electron configuration

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